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AANDC, aboriginal, absence, abstain, abstaining, abundant, Accessibility, accessible, accommodate, accompanied, accompanying, accredited, accreted, accrued, accuracy, acid, acidification, acquisition, acre, active, activity, adapt, add, Additionally, addressed, addressing, adjacent, adjective, adjust, adjusted, adjustment, administered, administering, advantage, advice, affiliate, affinity, aforementioned, Africa, Ag, age, agenda, aggregate, aggressively, ago, agree, agreed, agreement, aid, aim, aimed, air, aircraft, AirCreebec, airstrip, Alaska, Alaskan, Algom, allocated, alluvium, ALS, alter, alteration, altered, alternate, alternative, altitude, amenable, America, American, analytical, ancillary, angle, angled, angular, announced, announcement, annum, anomaly, answer, Anthony, anticlinal, anticline, Antiform, Anvil, anytime, appeal, appealed, appealing, appointed, appointment, approximately, aquatic, area, Arizona, arrangement, arrival, arsenic, Article, aspect, asphalt, assay, assaying, assembled, Assembly, assert, asserted, asserting, assigned, Atmospheric, attack, attend, Au, August, automatic, automation, avalanche, Avenue, average, avoid, AVR, awarding, aware, Bachelor, back, backdrop, backfilled, backfilling, Backlog, balance, ball, band, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Barren, Barrick, basal, basaltic, Baseline, basement, basic, Basin, battery, BC, BCMETC, BCSC, beach, bearing, bedding, began, begun, behaviour, Bell, belt, beneath, beneficially, Bennett, biggest, billion, BIRB, BJ, Blackrock, blank, blanket, blue, Bob, body, bonding, border, bought, boundary, box, braking, breach, breached, breadth, break, breakdown, breccia, Brent, bridge, Brinco, bring, bringing, broadened, broader, broadly, broken, Bronson, Bruce, Brucejack, Bt, budgetary, Buena, build, building, built, bulk, buried, Burrard, bus, buy, buyer, ca, Cabinet, cable, CAD, calcium, California, camp, campaign, cancellation, Cantor, Cap, capable, capacity, capped, captured, capturing, careful, carefully, Carlin, case, Cassiar, Castle, categorized, Cautionary, CBA, CCAA, CCAR, CDP, CEAA, cease, ceased, ceasing, CEE, cell, centered, centerline, Centerra, central, centre, certainty, chalcopyrite, challenge, challenged, challenging, characteristic, chargeability, chart, Chemex, chemical, chemistry, choose, Chopper, chosen, Christopher, CIL, circuit, Circular, circulate, circulation, circumventing, civil, CL, CLA, clarifying, clarity, clastic, Clawback, cleaner, cleaning, clear, cleared, clearing, CLGB, clipped, closure, CMR, CNR, coarse, coastal, coherent, coincided, Colorado, colored, colour, Columbian, combination, combined, Cominco, Commissioner, commonly, compacted, comparison, compete, competent, complex, complexity, compliant, component, composed, composition, compound, comprehensive, compressive, comprise, comprised, compromise, Computershare, concentrate, concentration, concept, conceptual, concurrently, conduit, cone, confidence, confidential, configuration, configured, confined, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, conflict, conglomerate, conjunction, connect, connected, connecting, connection, consecutive, conservatively, considerable, considerably, consideration, consist, consisted, consistency, consistent, consistently, consisting, constantly, constrain, constrained, constraining, consumption, contaminant, contemplated, content, context, continental, contour, contract, contracted, contracting, Contwoyto, conventionally, converging, convex, conveyed, cooling, cooperate, coordinate, coordinating, Cordillera, core, correctly, corridor, costly, Coulter, counsel, court, coverage, CPSF, crack, Cranberry, create, created, creating, creditor, Cree, Creeco, Creek, critical, crop, crosscutting, Crossing, Crown, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, crystal, crystalline, CSAMT, Cu, cubic, culture, cumulative, currency, curtail, customer, cut, cutoff, cutting, cyanide, cyber, cycle, cyclone, daily, dark, database, deadline, death, debate, debenture, debt, deceiving, decided, deciding, declined, decrease, dedicated, deduction, deem, deemed, deep, deeper, defend, defending, Deferral, deferred, deficit, deformation, deformed, DEI, Delaware, delineated, delineation, delisted, deliver, delivered, delivering, delivery, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstrating, Dene, denied, density, depart, Department, departure, deposit, deposited, depositing, deposition, depth, derive, derived, desired, destructed, destruction, detail, detailed, detailing, detect, detrimental, diagram, dialogue, diatreme, diesel, difficult, digital, dilation, dilute, diluted, diluting, dilution, dilutive, dimension, diorite, dioxide, dip, diploma, dipping, disadvantage, disagreement, discharge, discounted, discovered, discovery, discrete, discretion, dispersed, displaced, displacement, disposal, disposition, dispute, disrupt, disseminated, dissociable, dissolution, dissolved, distinct, distinguished, distribution, district, disturbance, divert, Dividend, dividing, Dodge, dolomite, domain, Dome, dominated, dor, doubt, download, downstream, downturn, Dr, Dragoon, drainage, dramatically, drawn, drier, drill, drilled, drilling, duration, duty, EA, earlier, earth, eastern, Eco, edge, edition, education, educational, Effluent, effort, EIS, Eldridge, electrification, electrified, element, elevated, elevation, eliminate, eliminating, elimination, Eliseo, embedded, embedding, employee, enable, enabled, enacted, encompassing, encourage, encouraging, encumbered, endanger, endangered, endangering, endangerment, endorsed, endowed, enforce, enforcement, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, enjoyed, envisioned, EPCM, epithermal, equation, equivalent, Ernst, eroded, erosion, erosional, eruption, eruptive, escalation, escaping, Eskay, Esso, event, eventual, evidence, evolve, evolved, evolving, excavated, excavation, exceeding, exclude, excluding, exercise, exercised, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expend, expended, expenditure, expense, expensive, expertise, expiry, explosive, exposed, exposing, exposure, expropriation, exterior, extra, extreme, extruded, Exxon, faced, facilitate, facing, factor, failing, failure, faith, Falconbridge, fall, farm, fashion, FAT, fault, favor, favorable, favour, favourable, favourably, FCA, FCMI, feature, FEC, fed, fee, feed, feedback, feet, feldspar, felsic, Fernandez, FF, field, Figure, fill, filled, final, finally, Finder, fine, fire, firmly, fish, fishery, Fitzgerald, fleet, floating, flooding, floor, flotation, flowsheet, fluctuated, fluctuation, fluid, flux, focused, fold, folded, folding, foot, footprint, Force, forced, foreseeable, formal, formally, forward, foundation, founder, fourth, fractional, fracture, fragmental, framework, free, freeboard, freight, frequent, frequently, freshet, fuel, fulfil, fulfill, full, fully, function, fund, funded, funding, Ga, Gabriel, gain, gained, gas, Gedex, gender, genetically, geochemical, geochemistry, geographic, Geohazard, geohydrological, geologic, geological, geologically, Geologist, geology, geophysical, geovia, Getchell, Ghana, Gitanyow, Gitxaala, Gitxsan, glacial, glacier, glassy, Glencore, Glossary, goal, Golden, Goldstorm, good, gram, Grand, Granduc, granodiorite, graph, graphically, Grassy, gravel, greatest, green, greenhouse, greenstone, grew, grey, Greywacke, GRI, grid, grinding, ground, groundwater, grouted, growing, guarantee, guaranteed, guidance, gyratory, habitat, halo, handle, handling, hanging, harder, hardware, Hatch, Hattrick, haul, haulage, hauled, HDS, healthcare, healthy, heat, heated, heavy, Hecla, hectare, hedging, height, heightened, helicopter, Hemlo, Hereditary, hidden, high, highest, Highland, highlight, highlighted, highly, Highway, hillside, hired, hit, Hodder, hold, holder, holding, hole, Holister, homocline, honestly, horizontal, horizontally, host, hosted, hot, Hotter, housing, Howard, HPGR, HR, human, Hutchison, Huwilp, hydro, hydrocarbon, hydroelectric, hydrogen, hydrogeology, hydrothermal, Hyland, Ian, ice, ideal, IGRB, ilmenite, image, IMB, impair, Imperial, impossible, impoundment, impracticality, imprecise, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inaccurate, inactive, inadequate, inaugural, incentive, incinerator, inclement, inclusion, inclusive, Inco, income, inconsistent, increasingly, incumbent, indefinite, indefinitely, indemnified, indemnify, Indiana, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, indurated, ineligible, inflation, influence, infrared, initial, initially, initiate, initiated, initiating, Initiative, injected, Innovation, inorganic, input, insensitive, insight, insolvency, inspection, insufficiency, intact, intelligence, intense, intensely, intensity, intensive, interbedded, intercalated, Intercompany, interconnect, interfere, interference, interfering, interim, intermediate, intermittent, Intermountain, internationally, internet, interpolation, interpretation, interpreted, intersected, intersecting, intersection, interval, introduced, introduction, intruded, intruder, intrusion, intrusive, invasion, invasive, investigate, investigation, involuntary, iron, IRR, Iskut, island, isolated, issuable, Jackson, Jay, JDS, Jean, jewelry, Johnny, joined, judgment, judicial, Julie, July, Junction, June, Juneau, Jurassic, Justice, justified, justify, Kaska, Kerr, kilometer, Kilowatt, km, knowledge, ksmco, kV, kWh, laboratory, labour, lack, Lake, land, Landform, landscape, landslide, lapsing, large, largely, larger, largest, Laurier, law, Lax, laydown, Layman, leach, leached, leaching, leadership, lean, leave, leaving, led, left, legacy, legislation, length, Leslie, letter, level, leverage, leveraging, LFN, LG, liable, Liard, licence, license, licensed, lie, life, lift, lifted, likelihood, limb, lime, limestone, line, linear, lined, lithocap, litigation, lived, living, LLC, load, loaded, loading, local, localized, locally, located, location, Lode, Lodge, LOM, long, longer, loop, loose, low, lowest, lump, lying, magnesium, magnetic, magnetotelluric, magnitude, main, maintenance, makeup, malware, man, manner, map, mapping, Marathon, margin, Marsh, marshalling, matrix, matter, maturity, maximize, maximizing, maximum, Mayfair, McTagg, MDT, meaningful, Megawatt, melting, Meridian, met, metal, metallic, metamorphic, metamorphism, metamorphosed, metasedimentary, metavolcanic, meter, metering, method, metric, Mexico, Mg, mica, Middle, mile, mill, milled, million, minable, mindful, MineSight, minimize, minimizing, minimum, Minister, Ministry, misuse, mitigate, mitigated, mitigation, Mlb, Mm, Mo, Mobilization, model, modeled, modeling, moderate, moderating, modification, modified, modify, modifying, molten, Moly, monetary, Montana, monzodiorite, Mother, move, moved, movement, moving, Moz, mt, MTDT, MTF, mucked, mud, mudstone, multidisciplinary, multigenerational, Municipality, Murentau, Murphy, Mutual, MW, MWh, narrow, narrowed, Native, Navigable, nearby, nearest, necessitate, network, neutral, neutralized, Nevada, Newhawk, newly, Newmont, Nickel, Noche, nominal, Nominating, noncontact, north, northeast, Northen, northern, northwest, northwestern, Norzinc, notice, Nov, November, NPV, NSR, NTL, nuggety, numerical, NWT, Obermeyer, object, objected, objection, objective, observation, obstruct, obstructing, obstruction, Obuasi, occupation, occupy, occurrence, Ocean, Oceana, October, offered, offering, OfferingSM, offset, offsetting, offsite, oil, older, oldest, Oliver, Olsen, omitted, online, onsite, onward, OPC, opportunity, oppose, opposed, opposite, opposition, optimization, optimize, optimizing, optionee, order, orderly, ordinary, origin, original, originally, originate, originating, Osisko, ounce, outcome, outlined, output, outreach, outright, overlap, overprint, oversee, oversight, owner, ownership, oxidized, oz, pace, Pacific, package, packaging, pad, paid, Paleozoic, pandemic, paper, par, parallel, paramount, Parent, partial, partially, partnership, passed, password, path, pathfinder, payable, payback, PCBC, PEA, peak, peaking, pending, penetration, Pension, people, percent, percentage, perimeter, permafrost, permeability, permissive, perpendicular, Persistent, perspective, pertaining, pertinent, pervasively, PFIC, PFS, phase, phased, Phenocryst, phrase, phyllite, physical, Physiography, picking, pierced, Pierre, pipe, placer, pleasure, pledge, plunge, point, pointed, policy, political, politically, pollution, Polyphase, pond, poor, poorly, porphyritic, porphyry, port, portal, portfolio, portion, position, positioned, positive, postponement, potassium, pound, powerline, ppm, practical, practice, precipitate, precipitating, precipitation, precise, predecessor, predict, predicted, predominant, predominantly, prefeasibility, preferentially, preferred, preliminary, Premier, premium, prescribed, presence, preservation, preserve, President, pressure, prestripping, Pretium, prevail, prevailing, prevent, preventing, primarily, Prince, prior, prioritize, priority, privacy, procedure, proceed, Professor, profile, program, progressed, progressively, prohibit, prohibited, prohibiting, prolonged, promising, promote, promoting, pronounced, proper, proponent, prospective, protocol, prove, proved, provincial, proximate, proxy, PTMA, publicly, published, pumped, pursue, pursued, pursuing, put, pyrite, pyritic, QEF, quality, quantity, quarter, quartz, Quebec, question, questionable, queue, quick, Quinn, Railroad, railway, rainfall, rainforest, ramp, ramped, ranking, ransom, rapidly, ratio, Rattue, RBC, RCF, reach, reached, reader, readily, ready, realize, realized, Realizing, receipt, recent, recently, reclaimed, reclamation, recognition, recommend, recommended, recourse, recover, recoverable, recovering, recycling, red, redeem, redeemed, redemption, reduction, redundancy, refinancing, refined, refining, refusal, regenerative, region, regional, registrar, regrinding, reground, regular, regularly, rehabilitation, rehandled, reissuance, reissued, reiterated, relationship, relaxing, release, released, reliability, reliable, relied, relocated, relocation, relogging, rely, remarkably, remedial, remediate, remediation, remote, removal, removed, removing, remuneration, renew, renewable, renewal, renewed, renewing, renumeration, renunciation, reorganization, repaid, repay, repeatable, representative, represented, representing, repurchase, reputation, Rescan, research, residence, residual, residue, resigned, resilience, resistivity, resolution, resolve, resolving, response, responsibility, responsible, responsibly, Restoration, restrict, restricted, restricting, restriction, restrictive, restructuring, resumption, retention, reuse, revamp, reverse, revocation, revoked, rich, richest, Ridge, Rift, Rio, risen, river, road, Robertson, robust, roll, Romarco, rose, rougher, roughly, round, rounded, rounding, route, routinely, Royal, royalty, rugged, runoff, Rupert, Russian, SA, Saddle, safe, salary, sale, saleable, saline, Salmita, sample, sampling, sanctioned, sand, sandstone, SART, SASB, satisfied, satisfy, satisfying, scattered, scavenger, Science, scope, Scott, screen, sea, Seabee, seaport, season, secondary, sector, sediment, sedimentary, sedimentation, seek, seeking, seepage, segment, segregate, select, selected, selenium, Selwyn, sense, sensitive, sensitivity, Sept, September, sequence, sequencing, sericite, settlement, Seventeen, shallow, shape, sheared, shell, shifted, shipping, shist, short, shovel, show, showed, showing, Sibanye, side, signature, silica, silt, Similarly, simple, simplified, single, SIS, situated, size, sized, skarn, Skeena, Skii, skilled, Skyline, slate, Slave, slope, slowdown, Sludge, small, smaller, Smart, smelter, smelting, Smith, smoothly, Snip, SnipGold, snow, snowfall, Snowstorm, SOC, societal, Society, sodium, software, soil, solid, solution, solvency, sort, sorted, sought, source, sourced, sourcing, south, southeast, southeastern, southern, southwest, spacing, span, spare, spatial, spatially, specialty, specific, specifically, speculative, spending, spent, Splitter, spot, Sprott, spur, sq, square, stability, stacked, stage, staged, staked, stakeholder, staking, stall, starter, station, statistical, statutory, steadily, steady, steal, steep, steeply, Stewart, Stikinia, Stillwater, stockpile, stop, store, stored, storm, strata, strategic, strategically, stratigraphic, stratigraphically, stratigraphy, stream, streaming, strength, strict, stricter, strike, striking, stringent, strip, strong, stronger, strongly, structural, structurally, structure, study, style, subangular, submission, subscribed, Subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subset, substance, substation, successful, successfully, succession, successive, suffer, suffering, sufficient, sufficiently, Sugar, sulfide, sulphide, sulphidization, sulphite, sum, summary, Supergroup, superheated, Superior, supplement, supplemented, supplier, Supreme, surficial, survey, surveyed, surveying, suspend, suspension, switching, symbol, Syndicate, systematically, tab, table, tabular, tabulation, Taft, Tahltan, tailing, tank, target, targeted, Tariff, Task, Taskforce, taxation, taxpayer, TCAR, TCFD, TCT, team, tectonic, Teigen, teleconference, temperate, temperature, template, tenure, Terminal, terminate, terminated, terminating, termination, terminology, Terrace, terrane, territorial, territory, Terry, tertiary, Teuton, text, texture, thermal, thermally, thick, thickening, thin, threat, throughput, thrust, Tibbitt, tied, Tier, till, tilted, timeline, Tina, Tlicho, TMF, TNFD, today, toe, tolerance, ton, tonne, top, topic, topographic, topography, Tournier, toxic, tpd, track, tracking, traditional, trailing, train, training, transfer, transferred, transformer, transmission, transparent, transport, transportation, transported, travel, treat, treated, tree, trench, trend, trending, Triangle, Triassic, tributary, trolley, troy, truck, Trust, trustee, Tsetsaut, TSKLH, TSX, Tudor, tuff, Tuksi, turnoff, Turquoise, twelve, twin, twinned, type, typical, typically, UK, Ukraine, ULC, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unattractive, unauthorized, undergone, underground, underlain, undertaken, undertook, underwater, underway, undetected, undeveloped, UNDRIP, unexpected, unexplored, unidentified, unimpeded, unjustifiably, unlimited, unoxidized, unpaid, unprofitable, unrecognized, unregistered, unrelated, unselective, unsuccessful, untested, Unuk, unusual, unusually, upcoming, upheld, uplifted, upper, upside, upward, USA, utilizing, Uzbekistan, valley, Vancouver, variability, varied, vary, varying, vector, vegetation, vein, veining, veinlet, vendor, venture, venturing, verified, verify, vertical, vertically, vesting, VI, viability, viable, Vice, vicinity, videoconference, vigorously, volatile, volatility, volatilization, volcanic, volume, voluntary, vote, voting, vulnerable, Walsh, warrant, warranted, waste, watershed, Watt, wave, weak, weather, weathering, web, weighting, west, westerly, westernmost, wet, wetland, Whistleblower, wholly, wide, widely, width, wildlife, Wilfred, wilp, window, wing, winter, women, wording, workforce, workplace, workshop, world, worthwhile, WSF, WTP, Wyoming, Xray, yard, yearly, Yellowhead, Yellowknife, Young, Yukon, Zeifman, zonation, zone
accumulated, attestation, attorney, Auditor, blackout, BTR, chapter, coal, Codification, communicated, complying, Consumer, duly, earned, Echo, electronically, Employer, exempt, filing, fiscal, furnish, GAAP, grant, hereto, IASB, implicit, Interactive, LaSalle, leader, Manual, phone, preceding, print, privately, promptly, provision, quorum, referencing, registrant, request, requested, respond, Richard, RMH, send, shorter, sound, supervision, undersigned, viewing, waiver, Washington, written, XBRL
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 23.1 Consent of KPMG LLP, Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
- 23.2 Consent of Tetra Tech, Under the Direction of Hassan Ghaffari P.eng. (Surface Infrastructure, Capital Estimate and Financial Analysis)
- 23.3 Consent of Tetra Tech, Under the Direction of John Huang P.eng. (Metallurgical Testing Review, Permanent Water Treatment, Mineral Process Design and Operating Cost Estimation for Process, General and Administrative
- 23.4 Consent of Wood Canada Limited, Under the Direction of Henry Kim P.geo. (Mineral Resources)
- 23.5 Consent of Moose Mountain Technical Services Under the Direction of Jim Gray P.eng. (Open Pit Mineral Reserves, Open Pit Mining Operations, Mine Capital and Mine Operating Costs, MTT and Rail Ore Conveyance Design, Tunnel Capital Costs)
- 23.6 Consent of W.N. Brazier Associates Inc. Under the Direction of W.N. Brazier P.eng. (Electrical Power Supply, Energy Recovery Plants)
- 23.7 Consent of Erm (Environmental Resources Management) Under the Direction of Rolf Schmitt P.geo. (Environment and Permitting)
- 23.8 Consent of Klohn Crippen Berger LTD. Under the Direction of David Willms P.eng. (Design of Surface Water Diversions, Diversion Tunnels, Tailings Management Facility, Water Storage Dam and RSF and Tunnel Geotechnical)
- 23.9 Consent of BGC Engineering Inc. Under the Direction of Derek Kinakin P.geo., P.l.eng., P.G. (Rock Mechanics, Geohazards and Mining Pit Slopes)
- 23.10 Consent of WSP Golder, Under the Direction of Ross Hammett P.eng. (Block Cave Mining)
- 31.1 Certification
- 31.2 Certification
- 32.1 Certification
- 32.2 Certification
- 97.1 Incentive Compensation Recovery Policy
- 99.1 Annual Information Form for the Year Ended December 31, 2023
- 99.2 Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2023
- 99.3 Management's Discussion and Analysis for the Year Ended December 31, 2023
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