Financial risk management (Tables) | 12 Months Ended |
Dec. 31, 2017 |
Disclosure of financial risk management [Abstract] | |
Maximum exposure to credit risk | The Group’s maximum exposure to credit risk without taking account of any collateral held or other credit enhancements as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 2017 Due from banks and loans (*1)(*3): Banks W 13,922,969 13,373,140 Retail 115,972,280 124,868,554 Government 11,776,346 14,442,747 Corporations 116,001,132 123,637,882 Card receivable 18,704,516 20,119,514 276,377,243 296,441,837 Trading assets 22,638,409 23,829,943 Financial assets designated at FVTPL (*5) 2,228,186 2,344,701 AFS financial assets (*6) 32,822,071 37,186,552 HTM financial assets (*7) 19,805,084 24,990,680 Derivative assets 3,002,859 3,400,178 Other financial assets (*1)(*2) 13,975,889 12,041,304 Financial guarantee contracts 3,424,022 3,267,707 Loan commitments and other credit liabilities 76,055,306 75,518,079 W 450,329,069 479,020,981 (*1) The maximum exposure amounts for due from banks, loans and other financial assets are measured as net of allowances. (*2) The credit quality of other financial assets are not included in the details of the Group’s main credit quality disclosures as other financial assets mainly comprise brokerage, securities and spot transaction related receivables, accrued interest receivables, secured key money deposits and domestic exchange settlement debit settled in a day. (*3) Due from banks and loans were classified as similar credit risk group when calculating the BIS ratio under new Basel Capital Accord (Basel III). (*4) As of December 31, 2016 and 2017, the maximum exposure to credit risk caused by unused credit commitments amounted to W W (*5) FVTPL: fair value through profit or loss (*6) AFS : available-for-sale (*7) HTM : held-to-maturity |
Due from banks and loans by past due or impairment | • Due from banks and loans as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Banks Retail Government Corporations Card Total Neither past due nor impaired W 13,946,898 115,668,247 11,778,472 115,911,309 18,590,689 275,895,615 Past due but not impaired — 392,002 270 264,354 397,417 1,054,043 Impaired — 285,929 — 1,098,081 420,079 1,804,089 13,946,898 116,346,178 11,778,742 117,273,744 19,408,185 278,753,747 Less : allowance (23,929 ) (373,898 ) (2,396 ) (1,272,612 ) (703,669 ) (2,376,504 ) W 13,922,969 115,972,280 11,776,346 116,001,132 18,704,516 276,377,243 2017 Banks Retail Government Corporations Card Total Neither past due nor impaired W 13,390,271 124,361,480 14,447,016 123,667,242 19,788,015 295,654,024 Past due but not impaired — 581,977 — 194,132 543,303 1,319,412 Impaired — 362,707 — 1,010,036 420,316 1,793,059 13,390,271 125,306,164 14,447,016 124,871,410 20,751,634 298,766,495 Less : allowance (17,131 ) (437,610 ) (4,269 ) (1,233,528 ) (632,120 ) (2,324,658 ) W 13,373,140 124,868,554 14,442,747 123,637,882 20,119,514 296,441,837 |
Credit quality of due from banks and loans that are neither past due nor impaired | • Credit quality of due from banks and loans that are neither past due nor impaired as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Banks Retail Government Corporations Card Total Grade 1 (*1) W 13,946,898 108,798,683 11,778,472 78,556,918 15,156,750 228,237,721 Grade 2 (*1) — 6,869,564 — 37,354,391 3,433,939 47,657,894 13,946,898 115,668,247 11,778,472 115,911,309 18,590,689 275,895,615 Less : allowance (23,929 ) (205,135 ) (2,395 ) (740,349 ) (374,708 ) (1,346,516 ) W 13,922,969 115,463,112 11,776,077 115,170,960 18,215,981 274,549,099 Mitigation of credit risk due to collateral (*2) W 35,581 76,943,059 — 59,271,190 6,200 136,256,030 2017 Banks Retail Government Corporations Card Total Grade 1 (*1) W 13,382,414 116,304,917 14,447,016 86,831,895 16,314,189 247,280,431 Grade 2 (*1) 7,857 8,056,563 — 36,835,347 3,473,826 48,373,593 13,390,271 124,361,480 14,447,016 123,667,242 19,788,015 295,654,024 Less : allowance (17,131 ) (212,502 ) (4,269 ) (647,694 ) (288,362 ) (1,169,958 ) W 13,373,140 124,148,978 14,442,747 123,019,548 19,499,653 294,484,066 Mitigation of credit risk due to collateral (*2) W 96,835 80,354,889 — 64,018,607 6,358 144,476,689 (*1) Credit quality of due from banks and loans was classified based on the internal credit rating as follows: Type of Borrower Grade 1 Grade 2 Banks and governments (*) OECD sovereign credit rating of 6 or above (as applied to the nationality of the banks and governments) OECD sovereign credit rating of below 6 (as applied to the nationality of the banks and governments) Retail Pool of retail loans with probability of default of less than 2.25% Pool of retail loans with probability of default of 2.25% or more Corporations Internal credit rating of BBB+ or above Internal credit rating of below BBB+ (Probability of default for loans with internal credit rating of BBB is 2.25%) Credit cards For individual card holders, score of 7 or higher in Shinhan Card’s internal behavior scoring system For corporate cardholders, same as corporate loans For individual card holders, score of below 7 in Shinhan Card’s internal behavior scoring system For corporate cardholders, same as corporate loans (*) In the case of loans to banks and governments that are neither past due nor impaired, Shinhan Bank classified loans with a sovereign rating of 6 or above as Grade 1 and those with a sovereign rating of below 6 as Grade 2. Under the guidelines set forth by the Financial Supervisory Commission of Korea, all major commercial banks in Korea, including Shinhan Bank, follow the standardized approach under Basel III for purposes of computing Bank of International Settlement (BIS) ratios for risk classifications of loans to banks and governments. Under this standardized approach under Basel III, risk classification for loans to banks and governments are determined on the basis of sovereign credit ratings, and not internal credit ratings assigned by the lending bank that are specific to the individual banks and governments. More specifically, this approach involves classifying loans to banks and governments in a given jurisdiction as either Grade 1 or Grade 2 based on the sovereign credit ratings for the government of such jurisdiction as determined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation (*2) The Group holds collateral against due from banks and loans to customers in the form of mortgage interests over property, other registered securities over assets, and guarantees. Estimates of quantification of the extent to which collateral mitigate credit risk are based on the fair value of collateral. |
Aging analyses of due from banks and loans that are past due but not impaired | • Aging analyses of due from banks and loans that are past due but not impaired as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Banks Retail Government Corporations Card Total Less than 30 days W — 297,889 270 190,133 321,913 810,205 30 days ~ less than 60 days — 49,582 — 50,881 53,379 153,842 60 days ~ less than 90 days — 31,072 — 20,305 21,899 73,276 90 days or more — 13,459 — 3,035 226 16,720 — 392,002 270 264,354 397,417 1,054,043 Less : allowance (collective) — (35,627 ) (1 ) (12,377 ) (66,413 ) (114,418 ) W — 356,375 269 251,977 331,004 939,625 Mitigation of credit risk due to collateral (*) W — 249,309 — 101,334 112 350,755 2017 Banks Retail Government Corporations Card Total Less than 30 days W — 458,968 — 131,624 446,658 1,037,250 30 days ~ less than 60 days — 65,152 — 33,749 58,283 157,184 60 days ~ less than 90 days — 42,427 — 16,972 37,972 97,371 90 days or more — 15,430 — 11,787 390 27,607 — 581,977 — 194,132 543,303 1,319,412 Less : allowance (collective) — (56,774 ) — (8,898 ) (81,990 ) (147,662 ) W — 525,203 — 185,234 461,313 1,171,750 Mitigation of credit risk due to collateral (*) W — 325,631 — 94,388 90 420,109 |
Due from banks and loans that are impaired | • Due from banks and loans that are impaired as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Banks Retail Government Corporations Card Total Impaired W — 285,929 — 1,098,081 420,079 1,804,089 Less : allowance — (133,136 ) — (519,886 ) (262,548 ) (915,570 ) W — 152,793 — 578,195 157,531 888,519 Mitigation of credit risk due to collateral (*) W — 101,730 — 437,891 3 539,624 2017 Banks Retail Government Corporations Card Total Impaired W — 362,707 — 1,010,036 420,316 1,793,059 Less : allowance — (168,334 ) — (576,936 ) (261,768 ) (1,007,038 ) W — 194,373 — 433,100 158,548 786,021 Mitigation of credit risk due to collateral (*) W — 128,906 — 384,815 12 513,733 (*) The Group holds collateral against due from banks and loans to customers in the form of mortgage interests over property, other registered securities over assets, and guarantees. Estimates of quantification of the extent to which collateral mitigate credit risk are based on the fair value of collateral. |
Credit ratings of debt securities | • Credit ratings of debt securities as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Trading assets Financial assets Available–for- Held-to-maturity Total AAA W 9,777,845 535,684 19,781,580 16,188,459 46,283,568 AA- 4,075,181 402,946 5,561,165 2,584,304 12,623,596 A- 5,310,796 1,097,395 4,257,161 535,889 11,201,241 BBB- 1,441,783 192,161 1,348,073 137,240 3,119,257 Lower than BBB- 144,612 — 469,615 148,894 763,121 Unrated 1,640,347 — 1,404,477 210,298 3,255,122 W 22,390,564 2,228,186 32,822,071 19,805,084 77,245,905 2017 Trading assets Financial assets Available–for- Held-to-maturity Total AAA W 8,837,093 630,247 23,949,843 20,057,480 53,474,663 AA- 5,193,659 589,193 5,582,125 3,956,290 15,321,267 A- 5,442,892 792,715 4,300,764 444,711 10,981,082 BBB- 1,614,012 252,258 1,508,224 166,906 3,541,400 Lower than BBB- 275,200 — 435,651 177,840 888,691 Unrated 2,277,790 80,288 1,409,945 187,453 3,955,476 W 23,640,646 2,344,701 37,186,552 24,990,680 88,162,579 |
Credit ratings by external rating agencies | • The credit quality of securities (debt securities) according to the credit ratings by external rating agencies is as follows: Internal credit ratings KIS (*1) KR (*2) S&P Fitch Moody’s AAA — — AAA AAA Aaa AA- AAA AAA AA- AA- Aa3 to Aa1 A- AA- AA- A- A- A3 to A1 BBB- BBB- BBB- BBB- BBB- Baa3 to Baa1 Lower than BBB- Lower than BBB- Lower than BBB- Lower than BBB- Lower than BBB- Lower than Baa3 Unrated Unrated Unrated Unrated Unrated Unrated (*1) KIS : Korea Investors Service (*2) KR : Korea Ratings |
Credit status of debt securities | • Credit status of debt securities as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 2017 Neither past due nor impaired W 77,244,537 88,160,626 Impaired 1,368 1,953 W 77,245,905 88,162,579 |
Credit quality of derivative assets | • Credit quality of derivative assets as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 2017 Grade 1 (*1)(*2) W 2,944,814 3,290,638 Grade 2 (*1)(*2) 58,045 109,540 W 3,002,859 3,400,178 (*1) Credit qualities of derivative assets were classified based on the internal credit ratings of counterparties. (*2) Grade 1: Internal credit rating of BBB+ or above, Grade 2: Internal credit rating of below BBB+ |
Concentration by geographic location | An analysis of concentration by geographic location for financial instrument, net of allowance, as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Korea USA Japan Vietnam China Other Total Due from banks and loans: Banks W 5,681,266 1,675,781 328,700 465,998 3,982,074 1,789,150 13,922,969 Retail 112,391,835 337,751 2,270,133 294,777 277,447 400,337 115,972,280 Government 9,799,087 321,516 717,922 109,943 696,051 131,827 11,776,346 Corporations 103,409,204 2,254,649 2,083,445 1,630,829 2,272,447 4,350,558 116,001,132 Card 18,660,696 7,116 2,114 13,213 10,684 10,693 18,704,516 249,942,088 4,596,813 5,402,314 2,514,760 7,238,703 6,682,565 276,377,243 Trading assets 22,220,290 130,576 1,072 5,417 32,490 248,564 22,638,409 Financial assets designated at FVTPL(*1) 2,144,830 — — — 60,201 23,155 2,228,186 AFS financial assets(*2) 29,739,647 1,363,047 112,381 484,002 588,334 534,660 32,822,071 HTM financial assets(*3) 17,871,709 1,410,721 56,196 155,916 166,560 143,982 19,805,084 W 321,918,564 7,501,157 5,571,963 3,160,095 8,086,288 7,632,926 353,870,993 2017 Korea USA Japan Vietnam China Other Total Due from banks and loans: Banks W 6,315,655 1,186,576 268,533 583,094 3,420,223 1,599,059 13,373,140 Retail 119,993,323 346,746 2,695,890 745,725 615,079 471,791 124,868,554 Government 12,887,534 130,553 388,142 35,786 664,030 336,702 14,442,747 Corporations 110,025,699 2,371,400 2,169,445 1,613,022 2,530,507 4,927,809 123,637,882 Card 20,002,457 7,434 2,208 76,608 16,806 14,001 20,119,514 269,224,668 4,042,709 5,524,218 3,054,235 7,246,645 7,349,362 296,441,837 Trading assets 23,294,062 235,474 985 5,074 60,037 234,311 23,829,943 Financial assets designated at FVTPL(*1) 2,262,222 82,479 — — — — 2,344,701 AFS financial assets(*2) 34,323,438 1,242,570 163,652 474,134 510,678 472,080 37,186,552 HTM financial assets(*3) 22,458,896 1,466,037 34,487 237,641 37,096 756,523 24,990,680 W 351,563,286 7,069,269 5,723,342 3,771,084 7,854,456 8,812,276 384,793,713 (*1) FVTPL : fair value through profit or loss (*2) AFS : available-for-sale (*3) HTM : held-to-maturity |
Concentration by industry sector | An analysis of concentration by industry sector of financial instrument, as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Finance and Manu- Retail and Real estate Other Retail Total Due from banks and loans: Banks W 10,875,077 68 — 110,443 2,937,381 — 13,922,969 Retail — — — — — 115,972,280 115,972,280 Government 10,906,097 3,991 — 3,315 862,943 — 11,776,346 Corporations 5,094,455 40,544,250 15,560,280 20,460,662 34,341,485 — 116,001,132 Card 38,574 194,630 131,956 37,495 371,497 17,930,364 18,704,516 26,914,203 40,742,939 15,692,236 20,611,915 38,513,306 133,902,644 276,377,243 Trading assets 14,783,780 1,262,042 1,079,631 307,115 5,205,841 — 22,638,409 Financial assets designated at FVTPL(*1) 1,450,512 144,019 26,385 20,000 587,270 — 2,228,186 AFS financial assets(*2) 22,615,359 1,009,045 129,261 613,265 8,455,141 — 32,822,071 HTM financial assets(*3) 5,261,874 44,915 — 786,345 13,711,950 — 19,805,084 W 71,025,728 43,202,960 16,927,513 22,338,640 66,473,508 133,902,644 353,870,993 2017 Finance and Manu- Retail and Real estate Other Retail Total Due from banks and loans: Banks W 11,094,855 1,592 — 56,744 2,219,949 — 13,373,140 Retail — — — — — 124,868,554 124,868,554 Government 13,381,461 1,314 — — 1,059,972 — 14,442,747 Corporations 5,474,353 40,364,768 16,563,849 23,005,675 38,229,237 — 123,637,882 Card 41,825 295,290 140,117 37,801 445,982 19,158,499 20,119,514 29,992,494 40,662,964 16,703,966 23,100,220 41,955,140 144,027,053 296,441,837 Trading assets 17,183,669 1,139,609 1,206,133 176,273 4,124,259 — 23,829,943 Financial assets designated at FVTPL(*1) 1,201,464 202,906 36,112 45,178 859,041 — 2,344,701 AFS financial assets(*2) 23,384,608 1,409,017 227,289 632,410 11,533,228 — 37,186,552 HTM financial assets(*3) 5,975,448 48,981 — 785,859 18,180,392 — 24,990,680 W 77,737,683 43,463,477 18,173,500 24,739,940 76,652,060 144,027,053 384,793,713 (*1) FVTPL : fair value through profit or loss (*2) AFS : available-for-sale (*3) HTM : held-to-maturity |
Market risk management from trading positions | An analysis of the Group’s requisite capital in light of the market risk for trading positions as of and for the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 based on the standard guidelines for risk management promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Service, was as follows: 2016 Average Maximum Minimum December 31 Interest rate W 376,486 422,592 348,686 422,592 Stock price 159,555 191,957 134,595 134,595 Foreign exchange 132,802 139,694 124,046 132,225 Option volatility 6,078 9,214 2,707 9,215 W 674,921 763,457 610,034 698,627 2017 Average Maximum Minimum December 31 Interest rate W 431,065 463,340 414,689 415,139 Stock price 186,652 225,553 157,730 199,041 Foreign exchange 113,208 121,041 105,823 121,041 Option volatility 10,405 12,599 7,809 12,599 W 741,330 822,533 686,051 747,820 Shinhan Life Insurance was excluded when the Group estimated the market risk, because insurance company was not included in the Group’s subsidiaries for the consolidated BIS capital ratio. An analysis of market risk for trading positions of the major subsidiaries as of and for the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: i-1) The analyses of the ten-day 2016 Average Maximum Minimum December 31 Interest rate W 33,246 48,851 18,764 44,447 Stock price 5,161 5,787 4,815 5,484 Foreign exchange(*) 56,089 61,389 53,678 60,088 Option volatility 149 256 101 221 Commodity 13 35 — 21 Portfolio diversification (49,278 ) W 55,981 61,648 53,086 60,983 2017 Average Maximum Minimum December 31 Interest rate W 38,370 50,206 22,226 25,071 Stock price 4,051 5,622 3,040 4,675 Foreign exchange(*) 43,827 46,108 41,562 41,947 Option volatility 70 124 43 66 Commodity 22 46 — 14 Portfolio diversification (26,367 ) W 49,943 56,103 42,031 45,406 (*) Both trading and non-trading i-2) Shinhan Card The analyses of Shinhan Card’s requisite capital in light of the market risk for trading positions as of and for the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2017, based on the standard guidelines for risk management promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Service, are as follows: 2016 Average Maximum Minimum December 31 Interest rate W 875 1,700 550 1,700 2017 Average Maximum Minimum December 31 Interest rate W 1,809 2,550 1,050 1,800 Shinhan Card fully hedges all the cash flows from foreign currency liabilities by swap transactions and is narrowly exposed to foreign exchange risk relating to foreign currency equity securities held for non-trading i-3) Shinhan Investment The analyses of the ten-day 2016 Average Maximum Minimum December 31 Interest rate W 9,040 18,149 5,380 15,491 Stock price 13,339 24,276 6,413 7,403 Foreign exchange 6,849 19,976 1,017 7,001 Option volatility 6,564 18,680 1,477 7,799 Portfolio diversification (14,569 ) W 24,393 34,546 16,679 23,125 2017 Average Maximum Minimum December 31 Interest rate W 9,939 18,090 7,329 11,232 Stock price 12,015 22,496 7,068 10,830 Foreign exchange 7,140 12,604 2,760 5,506 Option volatility 3,404 4,536 2,710 3,216 Portfolio diversification (9,583 ) W 22,221 34,564 12,980 21,201 i-4) Shinhan Life Insurance The analyses of the ten-day 2016 Average Maximum Minimum December 31 Interest rate W 483 1,114 213 800 Stock price 231 1,585 — 130 Foreign exchange 1,278 2,238 54 1,221 Option volatility 1,115 3,044 71 3,044 W 3,107 7,981 338 5,195 2017 Average Maximum Minimum December 31 Interest rate W 3,838 16,598 85 3,848 Stock price 1,195 3,368 — 3,178 Foreign exchange 1,213 3,569 3 1,924 Option volatility 5,083 7,423 2,777 3,809 W 11,329 30,958 2,865 12,759 |
Interest rate risk management from non-trading positions | Non-trading ii-1) 2016 2017 VaR (*1) W 231,133 293,355 EaR (*2) 58,091 131,135 ii-2) 2016 2017 VaR (*1) W 89,348 147,932 EaR (*2) 11,905 32,081 ii-3) 2016 2017 VaR (*1) W 27,822 44,505 EaR (*2) 104,423 108,866 ii-4) 2016 2017 VaR (*1) W 287,912 319,689 EaR (*2) 58,062 70,434 (*1) The interest rate VaR represents the maximum anticipated loss in a net asset value in one year under confidence level of 99.9% and is measured by the internal model with one year look-back period. (*2) The interest rate EaR was calculated by the Financial Supervisory Service regulations based on the “middle of time band of interest rate changes” and standard interest rate shocks by 200 basis points for each time bucket as recommended under the Basel Accord. |
Foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities | Foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 USD JPY EUR CNY Other Total Assets: Cash and due from banks W 2,880,095 1,160,173 255,718 2,705,235 1,174,199 8,175,420 Trading assets 666,578 1,072 49,476 182 364,033 1,081,341 Financial assets designated at FVTPL (*1) 802,596 — — — 29 802,625 Derivative assets 212,583 515 47 4,088 400 217,633 Loans 15,640,280 5,524,003 1,270,320 2,566,910 4,101,549 29,103,062 AFS financial assets (*2) 2,713,442 68,920 4,178 427,871 669,899 3,884,310 HTM financial assets (*3) 1,403,860 187,039 — 166,560 306,729 2,064,188 Other financial assets 1,756,890 396,927 117,139 376,208 164,631 2,811,795 W 26,076,324 7,338,649 1,696,878 6,247,054 6,781,469 48,140,374 Liabilities: Deposits W 11,019,450 6,002,935 619,086 4,427,939 4,023,859 26,093,269 Trading liabilities 1,155 — — — 485,995 487,150 Financial liabilities designated at FVTPL (*1) 669,064 2,631 — — — 671,695 Derivative liabilities 110,863 3,171 100 2,061 295 116,490 Borrowings 5,196,005 527,120 318,600 812,980 228,969 7,083,674 Debt securities issued 6,207,756 103,681 152,112 207,912 34,438 6,705,899 Other financial liabilities 2,020,655 493,288 181,810 558,932 209,265 3,463,950 W 25,224,948 7,132,826 1,271,708 6,009,824 4,982,821 44,622,127 Net assets W 851,376 205,823 425,170 237,230 1,798,648 3,518,247 Off-balance 359,812 (44,696 ) (351,267 ) 64,432 (775,111 ) (746,830 ) Net position W 1,211,188 161,127 73,903 301,662 1,023,537 2,771,417 (*1) FVTPL : fair value through profit or loss (*2) AFS : available-for-sale (*3) HTM : held-to-maturity 2017 USD JPY EUR CNY Other Total Assets: Cash and due from banks W 3,589,642 983,260 324,246 1,940,542 1,652,631 8,490,321 Trading assets 1,911,537 6,314 181,023 — 233,924 2,332,798 Financial assets designated at FVTPL (*1) 884,946 — — — 197 885,143 Derivative assets 74,083 4 766 203 1,455 76,511 Loans 14,967,502 5,741,854 1,196,346 2,774,264 5,059,707 29,739,673 AFS financial assets (*2) 2,725,039 113,239 52,583 395,150 666,486 3,952,497 HTM financial assets (*3) 1,513,025 137,100 — 37,096 1,000,064 2,687,285 Other financial assets 1,646,688 288,243 154,853 458,166 289,715 2,837,665 W 27,312,462 7,270,014 1,909,817 5,605,421 8,904,179 51,001,893 Liabilities: Deposits W 12,367,273 6,307,142 759,380 4,289,224 4,930,479 28,653,498 Trading liabilities 2,602 — — — 434,586 437,188 Financial liabilities designated at FVTPL (*1) 983,382 — — — — 983,382 Derivative liabilities 105,141 195 631 4,734 713 111,414 Borrowings 5,385,706 294,000 231,539 407,678 68,988 6,387,911 Debt securities issued 4,913,896 249,616 31,981 196,380 1,018,628 6,410,501 Other financial liabilities 2,612,191 208,516 208,665 472,207 278,181 3,779,760 W 26,370,191 7,059,469 1,232,196 5,370,223 6,731,575 46,763,654 Net assets W 942,271 210,545 677,621 235,198 2,172,604 4,238,239 Off-balance 130,976 6,094 (586,904 ) 80,183 (623,648 ) (993,299 ) Net position W 1,073,247 216,639 90,717 315,381 1,548,956 3,244,940 (*1) FVTPL : fair value through profit or loss (*2) AFS : available-for-sale (*3) HTM : held-to-maturity |
Contractual maturities for financial instruments including cash flows of principal and interest and off balance | Contractual maturities for financial instruments including cash flows of principal and interest and off balance as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Less than 1~3 3~6 6 months 1~5 More than Total Non-derivative Assets: Cash and due from banks W 15,619,847 1,282,950 1,065,296 1,219,959 37,590 38,481 19,264,123 Trading assets (*2) 26,496,604 30,052 42,351 70,706 36,226 20,014 26,695,953 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 2,481,122 1,029 21,342 — 606,257 306,534 3,416,284 Loans 30,017,816 32,259,593 40,491,876 57,580,253 72,248,194 53,783,871 286,381,603 Available-for-sale 31,847,430 1,286,987 — 1,515,705 68,025 2,956,893 37,675,040 Held-to-maturity 185,988 260,512 180,403 1,513,782 10,755,027 12,824,191 25,719,903 Other financial assets 12,434,933 15,915 17,036 359,283 1,159,021 92,494 14,078,682 W 119,083,740 35,137,038 41,818,304 62,259,688 84,910,340 70,022,478 413,231,588 Liabilities: Deposits (*3) W 121,707,981 22,583,391 29,620,700 49,624,644 14,144,690 3,032,191 240,713,597 Trading liabilities 1,976,760 — — — — — 1,976,760 Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss 429,578 452,306 475,221 1,380,011 5,412,373 1,084,419 9,233,908 Borrowings 13,697,990 1,914,573 1,293,030 2,715,323 4,191,730 1,692,283 25,504,929 Debt securities issued 1,394,163 2,435,353 4,597,809 7,371,729 26,138,646 5,492,930 47,430,630 Other financial liabilities 15,926,502 42,045 307,056 126,355 367,888 59,365 16,829,211 W 155,132,974 27,427,668 36,293,816 61,218,062 50,255,327 11,361,188 341,689,035 Off balance (*4): Finance guarantee contracts W 3,424,022 — — — — — 3,424,022 Loan commitments and other 76,173,506 — — — — — 76,173,506 W 79,597,528 — — — — — 79,597,528 Derivatives (*5): Cash inflows W 2,952,185 514,990 819,654 1,979,609 1,361,541 117,374 7,745,353 Cash outflows (3,161,870 ) (513,356 ) (798,321 ) (1,884,914 ) (1,128,730 ) (26,054 ) (7,513,245 ) W (209,685 ) 1,634 21,333 94,695 232,811 91,320 232,108 2017 Less than 1~3 3~6 6 months 1~5 More than Total Non-derivative Assets: Cash and due from banks W 19,576,010 868,907 945,027 1,290,451 8,320 49,767 22,738,482 Trading assets (*2) 27,327,076 627,936 247,905 54,631 183,577 31,862 28,472,987 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 2,819,112 35,001 91,487 20,097 364,898 248,609 3,579,204 Loans 29,831,671 34,176,546 43,120,328 63,496,597 76,247,244 59,983,675 306,856,061 Available-for-sale 37,273,740 352,098 20,013 2,472,184 408,106 1,598,529 42,124,670 Held-to-maturity 153,833 178,514 309,115 1,672,095 15,018,937 14,954,247 32,286,741 Other financial assets 10,457,000 13,915 22,999 401,431 1,151,508 104,097 12,150,950 W 127,438,442 36,252,917 44,756,874 69,407,486 93,382,590 76,970,786 448,209,095 Liabilities: Deposits (*3) W 130,916,019 21,725,284 31,482,983 52,440,287 16,137,734 1,940,194 254,642,501 Trading liabilities 1,848,490 — — — — — 1,848,490 Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss 303,065 324,807 548,868 916,388 5,106,209 1,098,518 8,297,855 Borrowings 15,286,424 2,543,847 1,655,662 2,823,721 3,658,670 1,844,417 27,812,741 Debt securities issued 2,261,028 3,717,185 3,651,503 10,565,098 30,391,156 4,224,471 54,810,441 Other financial liabilities 19,387,718 42,948 137,810 335,104 363,245 59,188 20,326,013 W 170,002,744 28,354,071 37,476,826 67,080,598 55,657,014 9,166,788 367,738,041 Off balance (*4): Finance guarantee contracts W 3,267,707 — — — — — 3,267,707 Loan commitments and other 76,929,515 — — — — — 76,929,515 W 80,197,222 — — — — — 80,197,222 Derivatives (*5): Cash inflows W 3,735,274 790,313 829,659 1,411,010 2,684,189 143,032 9,593,477 Cash outflows (3,324,459 ) (498,396 ) (727,887 ) (1,321,939 ) (2,594,372 ) (60,717 ) (8,527,770 ) W 410,815 291,917 101,772 89,071 89,817 82,315 1,065,707 (*1) These amounts include cash flows of principal and interest on financial assets and financial liabilities. (*2) Available-for-sale available-for-sale (*3) Demand deposits amounting to W W (*4) Financial guarantees such as financial guarantee contracts and loan commitments and others provided by the Group are classified based on the earliest date at which the Group should fulfill the obligation under the guarantee when the counterparty requests payment. (*5) Derivatives held for trading are presented as less than one month because contractual maturities are not essential for an understanding of the timing of the cash flows. Derivatives entered into for the purpose of hedging are presented by maturity. (*6) As of December 31, 2016 and 2017, unused credit commitments that the Group should fulfill the obligation immediately when the credit card members request payments amounted to W W |
The fair value hierarchy of financial instruments presented at their fair values in the statements of financial position | • The fair value hierarchy of financial assets presented at their fair values in the statements of financial position as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Financial assets Trading assets: Debt securities W 8,633,933 13,721,703 34,928 22,390,564 Equity securities 1,375,463 2,634,532 47,549 4,057,544 Gold deposits 247,845 — — 247,845 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss: Debt securities and others 393,749 1,541,608 292,829 2,228,186 Equity securities 3,868 862,838 321,210 1,187,916 Derivative assets: Trading 17,316 2,704,643 104,683 2,826,642 Hedging — 168,551 7,666 176,217 Available-for-sale Debt securities 8,127,404 24,365,862 328,805 32,822,071 Equity securities 897,536 388,448 3,554,636 4,840,620 W 19,697,114 46,388,185 4,692,306 70,777,605 Financial liabilities: Trading liabilities: Securities sold W 1,490,765 — — 1,490,765 Gold deposits 485,995 — — 485,995 Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss: Deposits — 4,277 2,005 6,282 Securities sold 10,134 — — 10,134 Derivatives-combined securities — 1,644,904 7,572,322 9,217,226 Derivative liabilities: Trading 14,130 2,715,327 345,357 3,074,814 Hedging — 194,302 259,128 453,430 W 2,001,024 4,558,810 8,178,812 14,738,646 2017 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Financial assets Trading assets: Debt securities W 5,897,898 17,479,033 263,715 23,640,646 Equity securities 1,350,888 2,872,437 411,028 4,634,353 Gold deposits 189,297 — — 189,297 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss: Debt securities and others 569,259 1,509,023 266,419 2,344,701 Equity securities 3,475 948,705 282,176 1,234,356 Derivative assets: Trading 31,858 2,955,377 293,540 3,280,775 Hedging — 117,603 1,800 119,403 Available-for-sale Debt securities 10,493,483 26,286,175 406,894 37,186,552 Equity securities 427,227 613,616 3,889,542 4,930,385 W 18,963,385 52,781,969 5,815,114 77,560,468 Financial liabilities: Trading liabilities: Securities sold W 1,413,904 — — 1,413,904 Gold deposits 434,586 — — 434,586 Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss: Securities sold 36,973 — — 36,973 Derivatives-combined securities — 986,882 7,273,754 8,260,636 Derivative liabilities: Trading 20,738 2,706,249 77,847 2,804,834 Hedging — 257,665 425,162 682,827 W 1,906,201 3,950,796 7,776,763 13,633,760 |
Changes in carrying values of financial instruments classified as Level 3 | • Changes in carrying values of financial instruments classified as Level 3 for the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Trading Financial assets Available-for- Derivative Financial Beginning balance W 201,603 451,124 2,979,058 (703,841 ) (6,444,621 ) Recognized in total comprehensive income for the year: Recognized in profit (loss) for the year (*1) 5,026 6,020 28,645 141,080 (508,916 ) Recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) for the year — — (81,812 ) — — 5,026 6,020 (53,167 ) 141,080 (508,916 ) Purchase 76,810 337,012 1,308,840 10,226 — Issue — — — — (5,402,714 ) Settlement (200,962 ) (180,117 ) (359,694 ) 40,710 4,781,924 Transfer in (*2) — — 20,382 19,689 — Transfer out (*2) — — (11,978 ) — — Ending balance W 82,477 614,039 3,883,441 (492,136 ) (7,574,327 ) 2017 Trading Financial assets Available-for- Derivative Financial Beginning balance W 82,477 614,039 3,883,441 (492,136 ) (7,574,327 ) Recognized in total comprehensive income for the year: Recognized in profit (loss) for the year (*1) 41,127 (9,202 ) (200,701 ) 634,438 (913,760 ) Recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) for the year — — (3,149 ) — — 41,127 (9,202 ) (203,850 ) 634,438 (913,760 ) Purchase 589,144 210,856 1,150,904 29,333 — Issue — — — 4,541 (8,710,656 ) Settlement (139,562 ) (267,098 ) (565,146 ) (383,873 ) 9,924,989 Transfer in (*2) 101,557 — 31,087 28 — Transfer out (*2) — — — — — Ending balance W 674,743 548,595 4,296,436 (207,669 ) (7,273,754 ) (*1) Recognized profit or loss of the changes in carrying value of financial instruments classified as Level 3 for the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2017, are included in the accounts of the statements of comprehensive income, of which the amounts and the related accounts are as follows: 2016 2017 Amounts Recognized Amounts Recognized Trading income W 332,400 37,466 843,657 121,643 Gain (loss) on financial instruments designated at FVTPL (502,896 ) (169,424 ) (922,962 ) (129,654 ) Gain (loss) on disposal of available-for-sale 25,546 354 17,193 977 Impairment losses on financial assets (6,685 ) (5,964 ) (180,206 ) (180,206 ) Other operating income (expenses) (176,510 ) (176,359 ) (205,780 ) (216,135 ) W (328,145 ) (313,927 ) (448,098 ) (403,375 ) (*2) Changes in levels for the financial instruments occurred due to the change in the availability of observable market data. The Group reviews the levels of financial instruments as of the end of the reporting period considering the related events and circumstances in the reporting period. |
Valuation techniques and inputs used in measuring the fair value of financial instruments | • Valuation techniques and inputs used in measuring the fair value of financial instruments classified as level 2 as of December 31, 2017 are as follows: Type of financial instrument Valuation Carrying Significant inputs Assets Trading assets: Debt securities DCF (*1) W 17,479,033 Discount rate Equity securities NAV (*2) 2,872,437 Discount rate, Price of underlying assets 20,351,470 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss: Debt securities DCF (*1) 1,509,023 Discount rate Equity securities NAV (*2) 948,705 Discount rate, Price of underlying assets 2,457,728 Derivative assets: Trading Option model, DCF (*1) 2,955,377 Discount rate, foreign exchange rate, volatility, stock price, commodity index, etc. Hedging 117,603 3,072,980 Available-for-sale Debt securities DCF (*1) 26,286,175 Discount rate, growth rate, Price of underlying assets Equity securities NAV (*2) 613,616 26,899,791 W 52,781,969 Liabilities Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss: Others DCF (*1) W 986,882 Discount rate Derivative liabilities: Trading Option model, DCF (*1) 2,706,249 Discount rate, foreign exchange rate, volatility, stock price, commodity index, etc. Hedging 257,665 2,963,914 W 3,950,796 (*1) DCF : Discounted cash flow (*2) NAV : Net asset value • Valuation techniques and significant inputs, but not observable, used in measuring the fair value of financial instruments classified as level 3 as of December 31, 2017 are as follows: Type of financial instrument Valuation Carrying Significant unobservable inputs Range Financial assets Trading assets: Debt securities DCF Option W 263,715 The volatility of the underlying asset 3.16%~7.51% Equity securities NAV 411,028 674,743 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss: Debt securities and other securities DCF 548,595 The volatility of the underlying asset Correlations 0.66%~44.4% 0.00%~89.54% Derivative assets: Equity and foreign exchange related Option 203,028 The volatility of the underlying asset Correlations 1.32%~44.40% 0.00%~81.99% Interest rates related Option 35,795 The volatility of the underlying asset Regression coefficient Correlations 0.42%~62.19% 0.42%~1.65% 0.00%~90.9% Credit and commodity related Option 56,517 The volatility of the underlying asset Correlations 35.8%~35.92% 0.00%~92.91% 295,340 Available-for-sale Debt securities DCF 406,894 Discount rate Growth rate 1.98%~20.51% 0.00%~3.00% Equity securities NAV 3,889,542 4,296,436 W 5,815,114 (*1) Option model that the Group uses in derivative valuation includes Black-Scholes model, Hull-White model, Monte Carlo simulation, etc. (*2) Valuation techniques and inputs are not disclosed when the carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value. Type of financial instrument Valuation Carrying Significant unobservable inputs Range Financial liabilities Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss: Equity related Option W The volatility of the underlying asset Correlations 0.00%~95.69% 21.14%~100.0% Derivative liabilities: Equity and foreign exchange related Option 23,482 The volatility of the underlying asset Correlations 1.32%~44.40% 0.00%~81.92% Interest rates related Option 451,034 The volatility of the underlying asset Regression coefficient Correlations 0.50%~0.85% 1.65%~2.77% 31.53%~90.99% Credit and commodity related Option 28,493 The volatility of the underlying asset Correlations 9.65%~35.92% 21.14%~100% 503,009 W (*1) Option model that the Group uses in derivative valuation includes Black-Scholes model, Hull-White model, Monte Carlo simulation, etc. (*2) Valuation techniques and inputs are not disclosed when the carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value. |
Sensitivity analysis for fair value measurements in Level 3 | • Sensitivity analysis for fair value measurements in Level 3 Although the Group believes that its estimates of fair value are appropriate, the use of different methodologies or assumptions could lead to different measurements of fair value. For level 3 fair value measurement, changing one or more of the unobservable inputs used to reasonably possible alternative assumptions would have the following effects on profit or loss, or other comprehensive income as of December 31, 2016 and 2017. 2016 Favorable Unfavorable Financial assets: Effects on profit or loss for the period (*1): Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss W 2,737 (3,260 ) Derivative assets 38,746 (17,927 ) 41,483 (21,187 ) Effects on other comprehensive income for the period: Available-for-sale 59,782 (34,830 ) W 101,265 (56,017 ) Financial liabilities: Effects on profit or loss for the period (*1): Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss W 80,057 (108,955 ) Derivative liabilities 80,589 (49,740 ) W 160,646 (158,695 ) 2017 Favorable Unfavorable Financial assets: Effects on profit or loss for the period (*1): Trading assets W 2,792 (2,742 ) Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 1,843 (1,941 ) Derivative assets 29,059 (28,077 ) 33,694 (32,760 ) Effects on other comprehensive income for the period: Available-for-sale 39,460 (25,505 ) W 73,154 (58,265 ) Financial liabilities: Effects on profit or loss for the period (*1): Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss W 72,063 (56,754 ) Derivative liabilities 32,770 (33,343 ) W 104,833 (90,097 ) (*1) Fair value changes are calculated by increasing or decreasing the volatility of the underlying asset (-10~10%) (-10~10%). (*2) Fair value changes are calculated by increasing or decreasing discount rate (-1~1%) |
The method of measuring the fair value of financial instruments measured at amortized cost | • The method of measuring the fair value of financial instruments measured at amortized cost is as follows: Type Measurement methods of fair value Cash and due from banks The carrying amount and the fair value for cash are identical and most of deposits are floating interest rate deposits or next day deposits of a short-term instrument. For this reason, the carrying value approximates fair value. Loans The fair value of the loans is measured by discounting the expected cash flow at the market interest rate and credit risk. Held-to-maturity The fair value of held-to-maturity Deposits and borrowings The carrying amount and the fair value for demand deposits, cash management account deposits, call money as short-term instrument are identical. The fair value of others is measured by discounting the contractual cash flow at the market interest rate that takes into account the residual risk. Debt securities issued Where available, the fair value of deposits and borrowings is based on the published price quotations in an active market. In case there is no data for an active market price, it is measured by discounting the contractual cash flow at the market interest rate that takes into account the residual risk. |
The carrying value and the fair value of financial instruments measured at amortized cost | • The carrying value and the fair value of financial instruments measured at amortized cost as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 2017 Carrying value Fair value Carrying Fair value Assets: Loans W 259,010,575 260,900,185 275,565,766 275,988,557 Held-to-maturity 19,805,084 20,732,400 24,990,680 25,390,335 Other financial assets 13,975,889 13,994,180 12,041,304 12,038,310 W 292,791,548 295,626,765 312,597,750 313,417,202 Liabilities: Deposits W 235,137,958 235,175,778 249,419,224 249,333,154 Borrowings 25,294,241 25,340,042 27,586,610 27,596,841 Debt securities issued 44,326,785 44,651,811 51,340,821 51,277,693 Other financial liabilities 16,848,941 16,813,145 20,205,312 20,179,542 W 321,607,925 321,980,776 348,551,967 348,387,230 |
The fair value hierarchy of financial instruments which are not measured at their fair values in the statements of financial position | • The fair value hierarchy of financial assets and liabilities which are not measured at their fair values in the statements of financial position but disclosed with their fair value as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Assets: Loans W 11,236 2,019,178 258,869,771 260,900,185 Held-to-maturity 7,658,696 13,073,704 — 20,732,400 Other financial assets 32,952 9,882,610 4,078,618 13,994,180 W 7,702,884 24,975,492 262,948,389 295,626,765 Liabilities: Deposits W 2,584,682 95,123,504 137,467,592 235,175,778 Borrowings 6,116,774 812,184 18,411,084 25,340,042 Debt securities issued in won — 28,927,528 15,724,283 44,651,811 Other financial liabilities 37,061 4,741,882 12,034,202 16,813,145 W 8,738,517 129,605,098 183,637,161 321,980,776 2017 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Assets: Loans W 3,065 845,567 275,139,925 275,988,557 Held-to-maturity 7,851,134 17,539,201 — 25,390,335 Other financial assets 79,889 6,832,567 5,125,854 12,038,310 W 7,934,088 25,217,335 280,265,779 313,417,202 Liabilities: Deposits W 2,922,841 105,939,876 140,470,437 249,333,154 Borrowings 5,958,846 566,718 21,071,277 27,596,841 Debt securities issued in won — 33,622,407 17,655,286 51,277,693 Other financial liabilities 84,665 5,642,143 14,452,734 20,179,542 W 8,966,352 145,771,144 193,649,734 348,387,230 |
Financial instruments not measured at fair value but for which the fair value is disclosed, information on valuation technique and inputs used in measuring fair value of financial instruments classified as level 2 or level 3 | • For financial instruments not measured at fair value in the statement of financial position but for which the fair value is disclosed, information on valuation technique and inputs used in measuring fair value of financial instruments classified as level 2 or level 3 at December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Fair value (*2) Valuation Inputs Financial instruments classified as level 2 : Assets Loans W 2,019,178 DCF (*1) Discount rate, credit spread, prepayment rate Held-to-maturity 13,073,704 DCF (*1) Discount rate Other financial assets 9,882,609 DCF (*1) Discount rate 24,975,491 Liabilities Deposits 95,123,504 DCF (*1) Discount rate Borrowings 812,184 DCF (*1) Discount rate Debt securities issued 27,838,862 DCF (*1) Discount rate Other financial liabilities 4,741,881 DCF (*1) Discount rate W 128,516,431 Financial instruments classified as level 3 : Assets Loans W 258,869,771 DCF (*1) Discount rate, credit spread, prepayment rate Other financial assets 4,078,168 DCF (*1) Discount rate 262,947,939 Liabilities Deposits 137,467,592 DCF (*1) Discount rate Borrowings 18,351,084 DCF (*1) Discount rate Debt securities issued 15,724,283 DCF (*1) Discount rate, regression coefficient, correlation coefficient Other financial liabilities 12,033,429 DCF (*1) Discount rate W 183,576,388 2017 Fair value (*2) Valuation Inputs Financial instruments classified as level 2 : Assets Loans W 845,567 DCF (*1) Discount rate, credit spread, prepayment rate Held-to-maturity 17,539,201 DCF (*1) Discount rate Other financial assets 6,832,567 DCF (*1) Discount rate 25,217,335 Liabilities Deposits 105,939,876 DCF (*1) Discount rate Borrowings 566,718 DCF (*1) Discount rate Debt securities issued 33,622,407 DCF (*1) Discount rate Other financial liabilities 5,642,143 DCF (*1) Discount rate W 145,771,144 Financial instruments classified as level 3 : Assets Loans W 275,139,925 DCF (*1) Discount rate, credit spread, prepayment rate Other financial assets 5,125,854 DCF (*1) Discount rate 280,265,779 Liabilities Deposits 140,470,437 DCF (*1) Discount rate Borrowings 21,071,277 DCF (*1) Discount rate Debt securities issued 17,655,286 DCF (*1) Discount rate, regression coefficient, correlation coefficient Other financial liabilities 14,452,734 DCF (*1) Discount rate W 193,649,734 (*1) DCF : discounted cash flow (*2) Valuation techniques and inputs are not disclosed when the carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value |
Changes in the difference between the fair value at initial recognition and the value using models with unobservable inputs | iii) Changes in the difference between the fair value at initial recognition (the transaction price) and the value using models with unobservable inputs for the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 2016 2017 Beginning balance W (102,016 ) (89,695 ) Deferral on new transactions (70,948 ) (108,832 ) Recognized in profit for the year 83,269 66,063 Ending balance W (89,695 ) (132,464 ) |
Classification by categories of financial instruments | The carrying amounts of each category of financial assets and financial liabilities as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Trading FVTPL AFS HTM Loans and Derivatives Total Assets: Cash and due from banks W — — — — 19,181,165 — 19,181,165 Trading assets 26,695,953 — — — — — 26,695,953 Financial assets designated at FVTPL — 3,416,102 — — — — 3,416,102 Derivatives 2,826,642 — — — — 176,217 3,002,859 Loans — — — — 259,010,575 — 259,010,575 AFS financial assets — — 37,662,691 — — — 37,662,691 HTM financial assets — — — 19,805,084 — — 19,805,084 Other — — — — 13,975,889 — 13,975,889 W 29,522,595 3,416,102 37,662,691 19,805,084 292,167,629 176,217 382,750,318 2016 Trading liabilities FVTPL Financial Derivatives Total Liabilities: Deposits W — — 235,137,958 — 235,137,958 Trading liabilities 1,976,760 — — — 1,976,760 Financial liabilities designated at FVTPL — 9,233,642 — — 9,233,642 Derivatives 3,074,814 — — 453,430 3,528,244 Borrowings — — 25,294,241 — 25,294,241 Debt securities issued — — 44,326,785 — 44,326,785 Other — — 16,848,941 — 16,848,941 W 5,051,574 9,233,642 321,607,925 453,430 336,346,571 2017 Trading assets FVTPL AFS HTM Loans and Derivatives Total Assets: Cash and due from banks W — — — — 22,668,598 — 22,668,598 Trading assets 28,464,296 — — — — — 28,464,296 Financial assets designated at FVTPL — 3,579,057 — — — — 3,579,057 Derivatives 3,280,775 — — — — 119,403 3,400,178 Loans — — — — 275,565,766 — 275,565,766 AFS financial assets — — 42,116,937 — — — 42,116,937 HTM financial assets — — — 24,990,680 — — 24,990,680 Other — — — — 12,041,304 — 12,041,304 W 31,745,071 3,579,057 42,116,937 24,990,680 310,275,668 119,403 412,826,816 2017 Trading liabilities FVTPL Financial Derivatives Total Liabilities: Deposits W — — 249,419,224 — 249,419,224 Trading liabilities 1,848,490 — — — 1,848,490 Financial liabilities designated at FVTPL — 8,297,609 — — 8,297,609 Derivatives 2,804,834 — — 682,827 3,487,661 Borrowings — — 27,586,610 — 27,586,610 Debt securities issued — — 51,340,821 — 51,340,821 Other — — 20,205,312 — 20,205,312 W 4,653,324 8,297,609 348,551,967 682,827 362,185,727 |
Bonds sold under repurchase agreements | • Bonds sold under repurchase agreements as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 2017 Transferred asset: Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss W 7,011,684 7,688,025 Available-for-sale 1,104,923 1,240,063 Held-to-maturity 489,204 615,352 Loans 200 51,900 W 8,606,011 9,595,340 Associated liabilities: Bonds sold under repurchase agreements W 8,082,626 9,057,138 |
Securities loaned | • Securities loaned as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 2017 Borrowers Government bonds W 414,745 530,607 Korea Securities Finance Corp., Korea Securities Depository Financial institutions bonds 260,014 319,581 Korea Securities Finance Corp., Korea Securities Depository Equity securities 10,333 — JP MORGAN SECURITIES W 685,092 850,188 |
Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities | Financial assets and liabilities subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements and similar agreements as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 Gross amounts of Gross amounts of Net amounts of Related amounts not set off in the Net amount Financial Cash collateral Assets: Derivatives (*1) W 2,980,805 — 2,980,805 5,049,847 296,155 1,922,783 Other financial instruments (*1) 4,904,754 616,774 4,287,980 Bonds purchased under repurchase agreements (*2) 12,005,767 — 12,005,767 11,491,811 — 513,956 Securities loaned (*2) 685,091 — 685,091 338,947 — 346,144 Domestic exchange settlement debit (*3) 30,589,675 24,486,360 6,103,315 27,156 — 6,076,159 Receivables from disposal of securities (*4) 1,891 495 1,396 — — 1,396 Insurance receivables 4,069 — 4,069 2,450 — 1,619 51,172,052 25,103,629 26,068,423 16,910,211 296,155 8,862,057 Liabilities: Derivatives (*1) 4,438,363 — 4,438,363 5,058,660 467,195 2,661,326 Other financial instruments (*1) 4,365,592 616,774 3,748,818 Bonds purchased under repurchase agreements (*2) 8,082,626 — 8,082,626 8,082,626 — — Securities borrowed (*2) 1,490,765 — 1,490,765 1,490,765 — — Domestic exchange settlement pending (*3) 25,448,312 24,486,360 961,952 957,406 — 4,546 Payable from purchase of securities (*4) 500 495 5 5 — — Insurance payables 2,450 — 2,450 2,450 — — W 43,828,608 25,103,629 18,724,979 15,591,912 467,195 2,665,872 2017 Gross amounts of Gross amounts of Net amounts of Related amounts not set off in the Net amount Financial Cash collateral Assets: Derivatives (*1) W 3,219,982 — 3,219,982 5,626,795 318,813 1,650,337 Other financial instruments (*1) 5,911,577 1,535,614 4,375,963 Bonds purchased under repurchase agreements (*2) 12,861,514 — 12,861,514 12,312,131 — 549,383 Securities loaned (*2) 850,188 — 850,188 633,407 — 216,781 Domestic exchange settlement debit (*3) 33,367,006 30,367,425 2,999,581 79,882 — 2,919,699 Receivables from disposal of securities (*4) 15,568 1,152 14,416 — — 14,416 Insurance receivables 6,807 — 6,807 3,376 — 3,431 56,232,642 31,904,191 24,328,451 18,655,591 318,813 5,354,047 Liabilities: Derivatives (*1) 12,625,941 — 12,625,941 6,378,052 — 9,907,535 Other financial instruments (*1) 5,195,260 1,535,614 3,659,646 Bonds purchased under repurchase agreements (*2) 9,057,138 — 9,057,138 9,057,138 — — Securities borrowed (*2) 1,450,877 — 1,450,877 1,450,877 — — Domestic exchange settlement pending (*3) 32,202,236 30,367,425 1,834,811 1,763,331 — 71,480 Payable from purchase of securities (*4) 1,519 1,152 367 326 — 41 Insurance payables 3,376 — 3,376 3,376 — — W 60,536,347 31,904,191 28,632,156 18,653,100 — 9,979,056 (*1) The Group has certain derivative transactions subject to the ISDA (International Derivatives Swaps and Dealers Association) agreement. According to the ISDA agreement, when credit events (e.g. default) of counterparties occur, all derivative agreements are terminated and set off. (*2) Resale and repurchase agreement, securities borrowing and lending agreement are also similar to ISDA agreement with respect to enforceable netting agreements. (*3) The Group has legally enforceable right to set off and settles financial assets and liabilities on a net basis under normal business terms. Therefore, domestic exchanges settlement receivables (payables) are recorded on a net basis in the consolidated statements of financial position. (*4) Receivables and payables related to settlement of purchase and disposition of enlisted securities are offset and the net amount is presented in the consolidated statement of financial position because the Group currently has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognized amounts and intends to settle on a net basis. |
The capital adequacy ratio of the Group | The capital adequacy ratio of the Group as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 are as follows: 2016 2017 Capital : Tier I common equity capital W 25,325,054 26,756,509 Additional tier 1 capital 885,366 916,383 Tier I capital 26,210,420 27,672,892 Tier II capital 3,576,095 3,040,572 Total capital (A) W 29,786,515 30,713,464 Total risk-weighted assets (B) W 198,642,643 207,768,636 Capital adequacy ratio (A/B) 15.00 % 14.78 % Tier I capital adequacy ratio 13.19 % 13.32 % Common equity capital adequacy ratio 12.75 % 12.88 % |