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AAS, abandoned, Aberdeen, ability, Abitibi, Abitibiwinni, abreast, abroad, ABS, absenteeism, absorption, abstracted, abundance, Abundancia, abundant, Academy, acanthite, accelerate, accelerated, accelerating, acceptable, accepted, accessed, accessibility, accessible, accessing, accessory, accidental, accommodate, accompanied, accreditation, accredited, accretion, accuracy, acid, acidic, Acme, acquire, acquired, acquisition, active, actively, activism, activist, activity, ad, adaptation, adapted, Adaption, add, added, adding, addressed, adequacy, adequate, adequately, adherence, adhering, adjacent, adjoining, adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, Adosado, adsorption, adularia, advance, advanced, advancement, advancing, advantage, adverse, adversely, advice, advisor, advisory, advocate, advocating, affiliate, affiliated, affixed, aforementioned, Africa, ag, age, agency, AGF, agglomeration, aggregate, aggregated, aggressive, agitated, agitation, Agnico, ago, agreed, agreement, agricultural, Agua, AIF, aimed, air, airborne, AISC, AK, al, Alacer, Alberta, albite, Alex, Alexander, algorithm, Alhu, aliquot, allocated, allocation, alongside, ALS, alteration, altered, alternating, alternative, Alternatively, Alto, Alumbrera, Alumni, amalgamation, ambient, ambition, amenable, America, American, amid, amortization, Amphi, amphibole, analysed, Analyst, analytical, analyze, analyzed, analyzing, ancillary, andesite, andesitic, Anglo, Angosta, Anishinabeg, announced, anomalously, anomaly, Anonima, answered, Antofagasta, appeal, applied, apply, applying, appraise, approach, Approaching, approximate, approximately, April, aqua, aquatic, arc, Archean, ARD, area, Arequipa, Argentina, argentite, arise, arising, arm, Arntfield, arrangement, articulated, artisanal, ascending, ASI, Asia, Asiento, aspirational, assay, assayed, assaying, assigned, assimilating, assumption, Astudillo, Atacama, Atlantic, atmospheric, atomic, attack, attend, attendance, attention, attitude, attract, attractive, attributable, attributed, Au, audio, auditor, August, Augusta, Australia, automated, automatic, automatically, aux, auxiliary, AUY, Avidian, Avion, award, awarded, aware, Axb, axial, AZ, azimuth, ba, Bachelor, back, backfill, backfilled, backfilling, background, backlog, bag, bagged, Bahia, Bajo, balance, ball, banded, banker, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bar, barcode, bargaining, Barnat, barrel, Barrick, Basal, basaltic, baseline, basement, basic, batch, battery, Bay, bead, bearing, Beauchastel, began, begin, beginning, behave, Belo, belong, belonging, belt, bench, benching, benchmark, beneficial, beneficially, Berger, Bergevin, Bermuda, bid, biggest, bilateral, billion, bimodal, binding, biodiversity, biotite, black, Blackwell, Blake, Blanco, blank, blast, blasted, blasting, bleed, blended, blending, blind, block, BM, BMs, body, bolt, bond, booster, border, borrow, borrowing, Boston, bottom, boundary, bounded, box, BQ, Branca, Brazil, breach, breadth, break, Breakwater, breccia, brecciated, Brett, bribing, brigade, bring, bringing, British, brittle, broad, broadcasting, broader, broadly, Brock, broken, brought, BSc, Buckshot, buffer, build, Builder, building, built, bulk, bullion, buoyed, burden, Bureau, button, buyer, cable, Cadillac, Cahill, calcite, calculate, calculated, calculation, Caleb, calendar, call, called, CAM, Cambior, camera, Camflo, camp, campaign, Campamento, Campbell, Campo, cancel, cancellation, cancelled, Cancer, capable, capacity, capped, capping, capture, captured, carbon, carbonate, care, career, careful, CareRx, Carla, Carleton, Carlita, Caro, Carpathian, Carr, case, cashflow, casing, cast, cataclastic, Catamarca, catastrophic, catchment, categorized, Caterpillar, cautionary, CCD, CDN, cease, ceased, ceasing, cell, cemented, cent, center, centerline, central, centre, centrifugal, century, Cerro, certainty, certified, chain, chair, chaired, chairman, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, challenge, challenged, challenging, Chamber, channel, Chapada, character, characterise, characteristic, charge, chart, charter, Chartered, Chemex, chemical, Chicama, Chile, Chilena, chip, CHL, chlorite, choice, choose, chosen, Chubut, CIP, circuit, circular, circulation, Citigroup, civil, claim, clarified, clarifier, clarify, clarifying, classified, clastic, clay, clean, cleaned, cleaner, cleaning, clear, cleared, client, closer, closest, closure, CLP, cm, coagulant, coal, coarse, coarser, Coast, Coastal, coated, coeval, cole, collaboration, collar, collared, Collaring, collected, collecting, collection, collective, collectively, College, collision, Colorada, Colorado, Columbia, column, combination, combined, combining, Comercial, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, Commerce, commercial, commercialization, commercially, comminution, commitment, committed, commodity, commonly, Commonwealth, compacted, compatible, compensate, compensation, competent, competing, competition, competitive, complaint, complement, complex, complexity, compliant, component, composite, composited, compositing, composition, comprehensive, compressed, compromise, computed, computer, computerized, Computershare, Comstock, CONAF, concentrado, conceptual, conceptually, concession, concrete, concurrent, concurrently, conference, confidence, confidential, configuration, confined, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, confirming, conflict, conform, conformable, conformance, conformity, conglomerate, conjunction, consecutive, consensual, conservation, conservative, conserve, considerable, considerably, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consistently, consisting, consortium, constant, constrained, consultancy, consultant, consultation, consulting, consumed, consumer, consuming, consumption, consumptive, contamination, contemplated, content, context, continental, contingency, contingent, contract, contracted, contractor, contrary, contravention, controversial, controversy, convened, convention, conventional, conversion, conveying, conveyor, conviction, cooled, cooperative, Copco, Copiapo, Coqueiro, Cordillera, Cordon, core, Corina, Cormark, corner, cornerstone, correct, corrected, corrective, correctly, correlative, corridor, corroborate, Corrupt, corruption, costly, counsel, counteract, countercurrent, counterparty, country, coupled, court, covellite, Craig, create, created, creating, crew, crime, criminal, critical, CRM, crosscut, crosscutting, crown, CRSP, crush, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, crustiform, Cruz, crystalline, CSIRO, cube, Cubed, Cucaracha, culmination, cultural, culture, cumulative, cupel, curtail, curtailed, Cuscuz, custom, customary, customer, cut, CVSA, cyanide, cyber, cybersecurity, cycle, cyclical, cyclone, da, dacite, dacitic, Dakota, dam, damage, Damasceno, das, database, Datamine, dataset, Davidson, DCP, DDA, deadline, deaerated, deaeration, deal, dealing, death, Deborah, debottlenecking, decant, decantation, decide, decision, decisive, declaration, declared, decline, declining, decommissioned, decrease, decreased, decreasing, decree, dedicated, deep, deeper, deeply, default, Defense, deferred, deflation, deformation, Degraded, del, delay, delegate, delegated, delimited, delineated, delineating, delineation, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, denied, denominated, density, department, depend, dependent, depending, depleted, depletion, deposit, deposited, depositional, depreciation, Depression, depressive, depth, derivative, derived, descending, Deseado, desert, Desierto, desirable, desire, desired, destabilization, destroy, destruction, detached, detail, detailed, detoxification, detoxified, Dev, deviate, deviation, dewatering, DGA, DIA, diagnostic, dialogue, diameter, diamond, dictated, diesel, differential, difficult, difficulty, digested, digestion, digital, diligence, diligent, diluted, diluting, dilution, Dino, diorite, dioritic, dip, dipping, direct, directed, direction, directional, directly, director, Directorate, Directorship, disagreement, Discard, discharge, discharged, discharging, discontinue, discount, discounted, discover, discovered, discovery, discretion, disease, disobedience, dispatch, displaced, displacement, display, disposal, dispose, disposed, dispute, disputed, disrupt, disruption, disseminated, dissolution, dissolve, dissolved, distance, distancing, distinct, Distinction, distinguish, distinguished, distribution, district, diverse, diversity, divert, divide, divided, dividend, DL, DMC, dome, Domeyko, Dominador, Don, Donaldson, donate, Donating, dor, Dorada, dose, double, Dow, downhole, downstream, downturn, draft, drafting, drainage, draping, drawdown, Drax, dried, driest, drift, drill, drilled, drilling, driven, drop, dry, drying, DSU, du, Dufresne, dump, duration, Durazno, dust, duty, Eagle, earlier, earn, earned, earth, easily, east, eastern, ecological, economy, edge, education, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effluent, effort, EIA, EIBP, EIS, El, electric, electrical, electricity, electrification, electrowinning, electrum, element, elevation, eliminate, ellipse, Elsztain, elution, emailed, embankment, embodied, emission, emplaced, emplacement, employ, employed, employee, employing, Empowering, enable, enabler, enclose, enclosed, encompassing, encountered, encouraging, endangered, endowment, energy, engineer, engineered, engineering, English, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, enhancing, enjoyed, enriched, enrichment, enter, entered, entering, enterprise, entirety, entity, entry, envelope, environment, envisaged, Eocene, epidemic, episode, epithermal, epizonal, equal, Equinox, equity, equivalent, eroded, erosion, escalating, escalation, Escondida, escrow, ESG, ESIA, Esmeralda, Esperanza, Esquel, essential, essentially, Estado, estate, Este, Estelar, ESTMA, ethical, ETP, Euro, Europe, evenly, event, eventual, eventually, Evercore, evidence, evolution, evolve, evolving, exact, examiner, excavated, exceed, Exceeding, excellence, excellent, exclude, excluded, excluding, exclusion, exclusive, exclusively, Exempt, exemption, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exercising, Exeter, exit, expand, expanded, expanding, expansionary, expend, expenditure, expense, expensed, experience, experienced, Experimental, expertise, expiration, expire, expired, explain, exploit, exploitation, exploratory, exponential, exponentially, export, exporting, expose, exposed, exposing, exposure, expressed, expression, extension, extensional, extensive, extinguished, extra, extract, extracted, extraction, extractive, extraordinary, extreme, FA, fabrication, face, facilitate, facilitating, facility, factor, Faculty, fail, fair, fairly, faith, fall, familiar, fan, Fantasma, fashion, faster, fatal, fault, faulting, fauna, favorable, favour, favourable, fed, federal, fee, feed, feedback, feeding, Fellow, felsic, Fernandez, Ferrando, fiduciary, field, figure, fill, filled, filling, filter, filtered, filtration, Financeira, fine, finely, fire, fired, fit, flagged, flagging, flash, flat, flatter, fleet, flexibility, float, flocculant, flooding, floor, Flor, flora, Florida, flotation, flown, flowsheet, fluent, fluid, focused, focusing, focussed, fold, folded, foliation, Fomento, Fomicruz, footage, footprint, footwall, force, forced, Ford, forecast, forecasted, forecasting, foregoing, Forestry, formal, formalized, formally, format, formation, Formoso, forthcoming, Fortuna, Fortune, Forum, forward, fossilized, fostering, foundation, founder, Fourax, fourth, fraction, fragility, Franco, Francoeur, free, French, frequency, frequently, fresh, freshwater, Fria, front, Fugro, fulfil, fulfilling, full, fully, function, functional, functioning, fund, fundamental, funded, funding, furnace, Gabriela, gain, gained, Galane, galena, gallery, gangue, Gardener, gas, gathered, GDS, gentle, gently, Geoassay, geochemical, geochemistry, Geocontrole, GeoData, geographic, Geography, Geologia, geologic, geological, geologically, geologist, geology, geomechanical, geometallurgical, geometrical, geometry, geophysical, geopolitical, Geoscientist, Geoserv, Geosol, Geossay, geostatistical, geotechnical, GEOVIA, Gerardo, Getty, GHG, Gilbert, Glencore, Globex, GMP, goal, Goldcorp, GoldSpot, Gonzalez, good, Goodman, goodwill, Gouldie, Governor, GP, GPS, grab, gradual, gradually, graduated, granitic, granitoid, granodioritic, granulometric, gravel, gravimetric, gravimetry, gravity, greenhouse, greenschist, greenstone, Grenville, greywacke, grid, Griffon, grind, grinding, ground, groundwater, group, grouped, grow, growing, grown, Gualcamayo, guarantee, guaranteed, guarantor, guarded, guardhouse, Guerrero, guidance, guideline, Gyro, gyroscope, hacking, half, hammer, hand, handled, handling, hangingwall, hard, hardware, harm, haul, haulage, hauled, hauling, head, headframe, heading, health, heap, heavy, hectare, height, heightened, heliborne, hematite, hereinafter, hereof, high, highest, highlight, highly, highway, Hill, hilly, hiring, Hishikari, history, hold, holder, holding, hole, Homestake, homogenized, honesty, Hong, horizontal, horizontally, host, hostage, hosted, hosting, hour, HPGR, HQ, HR, HSEC, HSSD, human, HyB, hydraulic, hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, hydrogen, hydrological, hydropower, hydrothermal, hygiene, hypogene, IAMGOLD, IASB, ice, identical, IEC, IIA, iii, illegal, illustrate, imagery, IMDEX, immaterial, immersed, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, imply, Importantly, imposition, impossible, impractical, impressive, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inaccurate, inactive, incentivized, inception, incident, incidental, inclement, inclination, inclusion, inclusive, income, inconsistent, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incumbent, incur, incurred, incurring, indefinite, indelible, indenture, index, indirect, indirectly, induction, inductively, infected, infill, infiltration, influenced, infrastructure, infrequent, initial, initially, initiate, initiated, initiative, injunction, injury, Inmet, INN, inorganic, input, inquire, inquiry, insert, inserted, inserting, insertion, inside, insight, insolvency, inspected, instability, install, installation, installed, Instituto, instruct, insufficient, intense, intensely, intensity, intensive, intent, intention, interbedded, intercalated, intercept, intercepted, intercompany, interface, interference, Intergovernmental, interim, internationally, Interpolate, interpolated, Interpolation, interpretation, interpreted, interrogation, interrupt, interruption, intersected, intersecting, intersection, Intertek, interval, intervene, introduce, introduced, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, inundation, invasion, inventory, inverse, invest, invested, investigate, investigated, investigation, investing, investment, investor, iron, IRR, irregular, irrevocable, ISO, isolation, issuance, Itapicur, ITRB, iv, ix, Jacobina, Jantzi, January, Japan, jaw, Jenrette, Jeronimo, Jimmy, JMC, Joao, job, joined, joining, jointly, Juan, judgement, judicial, July, June, junior, Jurassic, justified, jute, kaolinite, Keating, Kentucky, Kewagama, key, kg, kilogram, kilometre, Kimberly, King, Kingdom, Kitcisakik, km, Knight, knowledge, Knudsen, Kong, kriging, ktpa, kV, kW, La, Lab, label, labelled, laboratory, labour, Labrador, Lac, lack, Lagartixa, Laguna, Lake, land, landscape, lane, language, Larder, large, largely, larger, largest, LaRonde, Las, Lastly, Latin, Laura, Laurier, Laval, Lavra, lawsuit, layout, leach, leachable, leached, leaching, lead, leader, leadership, leading, leak, LeapFrog, learning, lease, led, left, legacy, length, Leopoldo, lessening, lesser, letter, level, leverage, liberate, liberation, licence, license, lift, lifted, light, Likewise, Lima, Limitada, Limpo, line, lineament, linear, liner, link, listening, litharge, lithic, lithological, lithology, lithostratigraphic, live, LLC, LLCFZ, loaded, loading, loan, lobby, locate, located, location, locked, locking, Lode, logged, logging, logistical, LOM, Loma, London, longer, longhole, longitudinal, loop, loose, lose, Lottery, Louisville, Louvicourt, low, lower, lowermost, lowest, LSE, lt, Ltda, LU, Lufkin, Lundin, lutte, LVL, LVLPC, Ma, Machay, machine, Machinery, mafic, Magazine, magmatic, magnetic, Magnetotelluric, main, maintenance, Mairi, Mala, Malartic, mallet, mandate, mandatory, manifest, Manitoba, manner, manufacturing, mapped, mapping, Maptek, Maqui, MARA, margin, marginal, marine, marker, market, marketable, marketing, Marrone, Martha, Martina, masl, Massif, massive, master, matching, matrix, mature, maturity, Maverix, maximize, maximizing, maximum, MBA, McGill, meant, mechanical, mechanized, Medal, media, medical, medium, meet, meeting, Mega, MegaDome, Meio, melting, membership, membrane, Memorial, Mendoza, mentoring, mercury, merged, merger, Meridian, merit, MERN, mesh, Mesozoic, mesozonal, metallurgical, metamorphosed, metasedimentary, meter, meterage, method, methodology, metre, Metropolitan, Metzke, Mexico, MH, MHA, mica, Michelle, micron, midway, Miguel, Mila, milestone, military, mill, milled, millimeter, millimetre, milling, million, Mincorp, Minera, mineralogy, minimal, minimize, minimized, minimizing, minimum, Ministry, minute, misplaced, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mitigation, mixed, mm, mobile, model, modeling, modelled, modelling, moderated, moderately, modern, modest, modification, modified, modify, Modifying, molten, molybdenum, Monarch, monetary, monitor, monitored, monitoring, month, monthly, Monument, monzodiorite, Moreno, Moro, Morrison, Morro, Mosquito, mountain, mounted, Mourier, move, moved, movement, moving, Moz, MPC, MQV, MSC, MSO, Mt, Mtpa, MU, mucked, multiple, Mundo, Municipality, Murphy, mutually, MW, NACD, Nacional, Nado, narrow, native, Naty, NCIB, nearby, nearest, necessarily, negative, negatively, negligence, negotiate, Neighbor, neighbourhood, neighbouring, net, neutral, Nevada, Newfoundland, newly, Newmont, Nexa, Nini, nitric, NL, noise, Nomad, nomenclature, nominal, nominate, nominating, Nordik, Normalizacion, Norte, north, northeast, northeastern, northern, Northland, northwest, Norwegian, notably, note, noted, notice, November, Novo, NOx, NPV, NQ, Nr, NSR, nuclear, NuLegacy, nullification, numerator, object, objective, objectivity, oblique, observation, observed, occasionally, occupation, occupational, occupied, occurrence, October, Odyssey, offer, offering, official, offset, offsetting, offshore, offtake, OGR, oil, older, oldest, Omicron, ongoing, online, Ontario, Opatica, open, opened, opening, opportunity, oppose, opposition, optimal, Optimiser, optimization, optimize, optimized, Optimizer, optimizing, option, order, orderly, ordinary, orebody, organizational, orientation, oriented, origin, original, originally, Orito, orogenic, OSC, Osisko, ounce, outbreak, outcrop, Outcropping, outline, outlined, outlook, output, outreach, outright, outsourced, oven, overbreak, overburden, overcoming, overdue, overflow, overlain, overland, overlap, overlying, overpressure, oversaw, oversee, overseen, oversight, Overview, owing, owner, ownership, oxidation, oxide, oxidize, oxidized, oxygen, Pacific, package, packed, pad, padlock, paid, paint, Paleocene, Paleogene, paleoplacer, Paleoproterozoic, Paleozoic, Palestina, Paloma, Pampa, pandemic, panel, Pangea, Panza, paper, Paradero, parallel, parameter, parent, partially, partly, partner, partnership, party, passed, passing, passive, Patagonia, Patagua, pattern, paucity, paved, pay, payable, payback, paying, payment, pebble, Pedro, peer, PEGNL, pela, penalty, Pennsylvania, percent, percentage, perception, perchloric, Perito, permanent, Permian, permissible, peroxide, perpendicular, personnel, perspective, pertain, pertaining, Peru, pervasive, Pesquisa, Peter, Peumo, pharmacy, phase, phased, phenomena, philanthropic, photographed, photographic, photographing, physical, Pich, Pico, pierce, Piesold, pile, pillar, pilot, pipeline, pit, placer, plane, planta, plasma, plastic, plate, plateau, platform, played, Plaza, plc, plunge, plunging, point, pole, policy, polishing, pollution, polyethylene, polymetallic, Polytechnique, pond, Pontiac, poor, poorly, population, porphyritic, porphyry, port, portal, portfolio, portion, Portuguese, posed, position, positive, possessing, postpone, postponement, potable, potassic, pound, poured, ppm, practical, practice, practicing, practised, precipitant, precipitate, precipitated, precipitation, precision, preclude, predicated, predict, predicted, predictive, predominantly, preference, preferentially, preferred, pregnant, preliminary, Premier, premium, prepaid, Prepayment, prescribed, prescriptive, presence, preserve, preserved, pressure, prevailing, previously, primarily, Primero, principle, prior, prioritizing, priority, pro, problem, procedure, proceed, proceeding, procurement, produce, produced, producer, producing, professional, proficiency, proficient, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, profitably, progressed, progressive, progressively, prohibit, prohibited, prolific, prolonged, prominent, prominently, promising, promote, promoter, proper, properly, property, proportion, proportionate, prosecution, prospect, prospecting, prospective, Prospector, protect, protecting, protection, protective, Proterozoic, protocol, Providencia, provincial, provision, proximity, proxy, PTR, Pty, publicly, published, Puerto, pulp, pulse, pulverization, pulverized, pulverizing, pumped, pumping, punishment, pursue, pursuing, put, PVC, PVS, pyrite, pyroclastic, Qualification, qualified, qualify, quality, quantification, quantified, quantitatively, quantity, quarantine, quarter, quarterly, quartz, quartzite, Quaternary, Quebec, Quebrada, Quemazon, questionable, quick, quickly, quorum, radio, rail, rainfall, ramp, ramped, ramping, Rand, range, ranging, ranking, rapid, rapidly, rata, ratio, RATP, raw, RC, RDM, reach, reached, reaching, reactivation, ready, reagent, realizable, realization, realize, realized, realizing, reanalysed, reanalyzed, reassemble, reassessment, receipt, receivable, receive, received, receiver, receiving, recent, recently, reception, recertification, recessive, recirculated, reclaim, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recognizing, recommend, recommendation, recommended, reconciliation, reconfiguration, recover, recoverable, recovered, recruit, recruiting, rectangle, recurrent, recyclability, recycled, red, redemption, redesigning, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, reef, referenced, referendum, refinery, reflex, refractory, regia, regime, region, regional, registrar, regrind, regrinding, regular, regularity, regularize, regularly, regulatory, reinforcement, reinforcing, reinterpret, reinvestment, relationship, release, relevant, relict, remain, remaining, remarkable, remedial, remediate, remediation, remedy, remedying, remittance, remobilization, remote, remotely, removal, remove, removed, removing, remuneration, render, renegotiation, renew, renewable, repatriation, repay, replace, replaced, replacement, replacing, replenish, represent, representative, represented, representing, repression, reproduced, repurchased, reputation, reputational, resampling, research, reservoir, residence, Residue, resign, resigned, resilient, resold, resolution, rest, restarted, restated, restrict, restricted, restriction, restructure, result, resultant, resulted, resulting, resume, resumed, retail, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retired, retirement, retiring, retreat, retroactive, retrospectively, return, returned, returning, reuse, revenue, reversal, reverse, reversed, revoked, revolving, reworked, rheology, rheomorphic, rhodonite, rhyolite, rhyolitic, Riacho, Rica, rich, riffle, rig, ring, Rio, River, road, Roble, robust, rock, rockfill, Roland, role, rolling, ROM, room, rotary, rotating, rotation, rougher, roughly, rounding, route, routine, routinely, Royal, royalty, RQD, run, runoff, Russia, Russian, sa, sabotage, safe, safeguarding, safely, safer, safety, SAG, sale, saleable, salient, Salvador, Samco, sample, sampled, sampling, San, sanctioning, sand, Sandstorm, sanitizer, Santa, Santiago, sat, Satelite, satellite, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfy, Saul, save, scalable, scale, scaling, scapolite, scarcity, scavenger, scenario, schedule, scheduled, scheme, schist, Scholarship, School, science, scientific, scope, score, Scotia, scout, screen, screened, screening, scrutiny, SE, sea, sealant, sealed, secondary, sector, sectoral, secure, secured, security, sedar, sedimentary, sedimentation, seek, seeking, segment, segregated, segregation, seismic, select, selected, selection, selective, selectively, sell, selling, sensing, sensitive, sensitivity, September, sequence, sequencing, SEREMI, serial, SERNAGEOMIN, Serra, Servicio, settle, settlement, settling, SGS, shack, shaft, shallow, shape, share, shared, shareholder, sharing, shear, sheared, shell, Shield, shift, ship, shipped, shipping, shop, short, shovel, show, showing, shown, side, sieve, signal, signatory, significantly, silica, similarly, Simon, simplified, simultaneously, single, sinking, site, situated, situation, size, sizeable, sized, sizing, skilled, Sladen, slag, slashed, slight, slightly, slippage, SLO, slope, slowdown, SLR, SLS, sludge, slurry, small, smaller, smelted, smelter, smelting, smoothed, SMU, social, socially, Sociedad, societal, society, socioeconomic, sodium, Sofia, softer, software, soil, solid, solidify, Solo, solution, Sondagem, Soquimich, Sorpresa, sorted, sound, source, south, southeast, southeastern, southern, southwest, sovereign, SOX, space, spaced, spacing, span, Spanish, spanning, spatially, speaker, spectrometry, spectroscopy, speculative, Spektra, spending, sphalerite, split, splitter, splitting, spot, spray, spread, spreading, spring, square, Sr, St, stability, stabilize, stable, stack, stacked, stacker, stacking, stage, staged, stake, stakeholder, standalone, standpoint, stapled, station, statistical, statutory, steady, steeply, step, sterile, Stewart, Stifel, stockpile, stockpiled, stockpiling, stockwork, stope, stoping, stoppage, storage, store, stored, straight, strain, strapping, Strata, strategic, Stratified, stratigraphic, stratigraphy, stream, streamline, Street, strict, strictly, strike, striking, stringent, strip, stripped, stripping, strong, strongly, structural, structure, structuring, STUDIO, Stull, style, subaerial, subdivided, Sublevel, submerged, submission, submittal, subparallel, Subprovince, subrounded, subsample, subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substantive, substation, substitute, subvolcanic, successful, successfully, succession, Sucker, sudden, suffer, suffering, sufficiency, sufficient, suggest, suggested, suggesting, suitable, suite, Sul, sulphate, sulphide, sulphosalt, summer, Summit, Suncor, sunk, supergene, Superior, supervisor, supervisory, supplement, supplemental, supplementary, supplied, supplier, supply, support, supported, supporting, supportive, supracrustal, Sur, surface, Suruca, survey, surveyed, surveying, susceptibility, suspend, suspended, suspension, sustain, sustainability, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, Sutton, Suyai, SVP, symbol, synclinal, Syncline, systematic, systematically, table, tabular, tabulation, tailing, takeover, Taltal, tank, Tarkwa, task, taxable, TD, team, technical, technician, Technilab, technique, technology, tectonic, Tellier, telluride, temporary, tender, tenure, terminate, terminated, Termination, terrain, Terraspec, terrorism, Tertiary, testimony, testwork, tetrahedrite, Texeira, text, theft, thereof, thereunder, therewith, thick, thickener, thickening, thicker, thin, thinner, thirteenth, threat, threshold, throughput, thrust, ticker, tight, timeframe, timeline, Titaro, tonalitic, tone, tonne, tool, top, topographic, topography, Toronto, touch, tourmaline, tower, town, township, toxic, tpd, tpm, tpy, trace, traced, tracing, tracking, traditional, traffic, trained, training, trajectory, transaction, transfer, transferred, transferring, transform, translating, translation, transmission, transmitted, transparency, transport, transportation, transported, transverse, tratamiento, travel, travelling, Treasurer, treasury, treat, treated, treating, treatment, treaty, trenching, trend, trending, Triassic, Tribuna, triple, TRIR, trondhjemitic, truck, true, truncated, Trust, trustee, TSF, TSM, TSX, tube, Tucuman, tuff, tunnel, turn, turning, turnoff, TV, twelve, twenty, Twin, Tyler, type, typical, typically, UK, Ukraine, ultimate, ultimately, ultrafiltration, ultramafic, ultrasonic, umpire, unable, unassayed, unaudited, unauthorized, unavailability, unavailable, uncertain, unchanged, unconditionally, unconstrained, undercutting, underflow, undergone, undergraduate, underground, underlain, underlie, underlying, underpin, Underpinning, underscoring, undertaken, undertook, underway, undetected, uneconomic, unexplored, unfolding, unforeseen, unidentified, Unificado, unified, uniform, uniformity, uninterrupted, Union, unique, unitary, University, unlimited, unlock, unmineralized, unpaid, unparalleled, unprofitable, unrealized, unrecognized, unrecorded, unregistered, unrelated, unrest, unsampled, unsecured, unusual, upcoming, upfront, uphole, upper, upside, upstream, uranium, USA, usable, usage, Utility, utilize, utilized, utilizing, vaccinated, vaccination, Valencia, valid, validate, validated, validation, Valle, valley, valorem, valuable, valuation, vandalism, Vanguardia, variability, variable, variably, variant, Variogram, variography, vary, varying, VCN, vector, vehicle, vein, veining, Velha, vendor, ventilation, Vento, verification, verified, verify, verifying, Veronica, vertical, Vespasiano, vested, vi, viability, viable, vicinity, video, view, vii, viii, violation, violent, Virtual, virtue, visibility, visible, vision, visit, visiting, Vitoria, Viuva, vocal, void, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volcaniclastic, volume, voluntary, volunteer, vote, voting, VSO, Vulcan, waived, wall, war, warehouse, warrant, Wasa, Wasamac, wash, washed, washing, waste, wastewater, water, Waterhouse, waterproofing, wealth, wedge, weighed, weighing, weight, weighted, welded, wellbeing, west, western, wet, WFS, WGC, Wharton, whilst, whistleblower, white, Whittle, wide, widely, Widening, wider, widespread, width, Wildcat, Wilfrid, wind, winding, window, Windsor, Winnipeg, winter, wireframe, withdrawal, withdrawn, withdrew, withholding, Witwatersrand, Wolfe, Women, wooden, work, worked, worker, workflow, workforce, working, workplace, world, worldwide, worsened, write, xi, xii, YASSA, yield, yielded, Yohann, younger, YRI, Zadra, Zang, Zealand, Zinifex, Zn, Zoe, zone
abide, attestation, behalf, BTR, chapter, circumvented, collusion, complying, conceived, Consent, contacting, controller, deteriorate, disclose, electronically, faulty, fiscal, furnish, inadequate, Interactive, labor, Manual, mark, mistake, override, paragraph, posting, promptly, registrant, Registration, send, Sponsoring, succeed, telephone, Treadway, unconsolidated, undersigned, waiver, Washington
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
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In connection with the Annual Report on Form 40-F of Yamana Gold Inc. (“Yamana”) for the year ended December 31, 2021 (the “Form 40-F”), I, Luis Vasquez, M.Sc., P.Eng., hereby consent to the use of my name in connection with the references to the report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Jacobina Gold Mine, Bahia State, Brazil” dated May 29, 2020 (the “Report”) and to the inclusion of the written disclosure of the Report and of extracts from or a summary thereof (the “Incorporated Information”) in the Annual Information Form filed as an exhibit to the Form 40-F.
I do also hereby consent to the use of my name and the incorporation by reference of the Incorporated Information in Yamana's Registration Statements on Form S-8 (Commission File No. 333-159047, File No. 333-148048 and File No. 333-145300), Form F-3D (Commission File No. 333-217016) and on Form F-10 (Commission File No. 333-237728).
By: /s/ "Luis Vasquez"
Name: Luis Vasquez, M.Sc., P.Eng.
March 28, 2022