Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- General information
- Application of new and revised
- Significant accounting policies
- Critical accounting judgments a
- Segment information
- Significant customers
- Other operating income, net
- Finance costs
- Other gains (losses), net
- Income taxes
- Profit for the year
- Directors' remuneration
- Five highest paid employees
- Earnings per share
- Dividend
- Property, plant and equipment
- Intangible assets
- Subsidiaries
- Investments in associates
- Investments in joint ventures
- Other financial assets
- Restricted cash
- Inventories
- Trade and other receivables
- Assets and liabilities classifi
- Shares and issued capital
- Reserves
- Retained earnings (accumulated
- Perpetual subordinated converti
- Borrowings
- Convertible bonds
- Bonds payable
- Medium-term notes
- Deferred government funding
- Trade and other payables
- Accrued liabilities
- Share-based payments
- Risk Management
- Cash flow information
- Related party transactions
- Commitments for expenditure
- Financial information of parent
- Subsequent Events
- Approval of Financial Statement
- Significant accounting polici_2
- Application of new and revise_2
- Significant accounting polici_3
- Segment information (Tables)
- Significant customers (Tables)
- Other operating income, net (Ta
- Finance costs (Tables)
- Other gains (losses), net (Tabl
- Income taxes (Tables)
- Profit for the year (Tables)
- Directors' remuneration (Tables
- Five highest paid employees (Ta
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Subsidiaries (Tables)
- Investments in associates (Tabl
- Investments in joint ventures (
- Other financial assets (Tables)
- Restricted cash (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Assets and liabilities classi_2
- Shares and issued capital (Tabl
- Reserves (Tables)
- Borrowings (Tables)
- Convertible bonds (Tables)
- Bonds payable (Tables)
- Medium-term notes (Tables)
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Share-based payments (Tables)
- Risk Management (Tables)
- Cash flow information (Tables)
- Related party transactions (Tab
- Commitments for expenditure (Ta
- Financial information of pare_2
- Application of new and revise_3
- Application of new and revise_4
- Application of new and revise_5
- Application of new and revise_6
- Significant accounting polici_4
- Significant accounting polici_5
- Significant accounting polici_6
- Segment information - Narrative
- Segment information - Revenue b
- Segment information - Revenue_2
- Segment information - Property,
- Significant customers (Details)
- Other operating income, net (De
- Finance costs (Details)
- Other gains (losses), net (Deta
- Income taxes - Income tax expen
- Income taxes - income tax exp_2
- Income taxes - Current tax liab
- Income taxes - Deferred tax bal
- Income taxes - Deferred tax rol
- Income taxes - Narrative (Detai
- Profit for the year (Details)
- Directors' remuneration (Detail
- Five highest paid employees (De
- Five highest paid employees - N
- Earnings per share (Details)
- Dividend (Details)
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Property, plant and equipment -
- Intangible assets (Details)
- Subsidiaries - Summary (Details
- Subsidiaries - subsidiaries wit
- Subsidiaries - SMNC (Details)
- Subsidiaries - SMSC (Details)
- Subsidiaries - SJ Semi (Details
- Investments in associates (Deta
- Investments in associates - Sum
- Investments in joint ventures_2
- Investments in joint ventures -
- Other financial assets (Details
- Other financial assets - Financ
- Other financial assets - Fair V
- Other financial assets - Fair_2
- Other financial assets - Fair_3
- Other financial assets - Fair_4
- Restricted cash (Details)
- Inventories (Details)
- Trade and other receivables (De
- Trade and other receivables - A
- Assets and liabilities classi_3
- Assets and liabilities classi_4
- Shares and issued capital - Ful
- Shares and issued capital - Sha
- Shares and issued capital - S_2
- Reserves (Details)
- Reserves - Movements in the net
- Reserves - Actuarial assumption
- Reserves - TFR (Details)
- Reserves - Sensitivity Analysis
- Reserves - Share of other compr
- Retained earnings (accumulate_2
- Perpetual subordinated conver_2
- Borrowings - Summary (Details)
- Borrowings - Repayment schedule
- Borrowings - Arrangements of sh
- Borrowings - Arrangements of lo
- Convertible bonds (Details)
- Bonds payable (Details)
- Medium-term notes (Details)
- Deferred government funding - G
- Trade and other payables (Detai
- Accrued liabilities (Details)
- Share-based payments - Stock in
- Share-based payments - Movement
- Share-based payments - Moveme_2
- Share-based payments - Moveme_3
- Risk Management - Gearing ratio
- Risk Management - Foreign curre
- Risk Management - Foreign cur_2
- Risk Management - Forward forei
- Risk Management - Cross currenc
- Risk Management - Cross curre_2
- Risk Management - Amounts recog
- Risk Management - Cross curre_3
- Risk Management - Interest rate
- Risk Management - Credit risk m
- Risk Management - Loss allowanc
- Risk Management - Movement in a
- Risk Management - Other financi
- Risk Management - Liquidity and
- Risk Management - Liquidity a_2
- Risk Management - Liquidity a_3
- Risk Management - Liquidity a_4
- Cash flow information (Details)
- Related party transactions - Tr
- Related party transactions - Ou
- Related party transactions - Na
- Related party transactions - Ke
- Commitments for expenditure - P
- Commitments for expenditure - N
- Financial information of pare_3
- Financial information of pare_4
- Financial information of pare_5
- Financial information of pare_6
- Financial information of pare_7
- Subsequent Events (Details)