Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balance4
- Condensed Consolidated Stateme5
- Condensed Consolidated Stateme6
- Description of Business
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Segment and Geographic Reportin
- Property, Plant and Equipment a
- Debt and Debt Issuance Costs
- Share Capital
- Asset Retirement Obligation
- Taxes
- Contingencies
- Financial Instruments and Fair
- Supplemental Cash Flow Informat
- Significant Accounting Polici18
- Segment and Geographic Report19
- Property, Plant and Equipment20
- Debt and Debt Issuance Costs (T
- Share Capital (Tables)
- Asset Retirement Obligation (Ta
- Financial Instruments and Fai24
- Supplemental Cash Flow Inform25
- Description of Business (Detail
- Significant Accounting Polici27
- Segment and Geographic Report28
- Segment and Geographic Report29
- Property, Plant and Equipment30
- Property, Plant and Equipment31
- Property, Plant and Equipment32
- Debt and Debt Issuance Costs -
- Debt and Debt Issuance Costs 34
- Share Capital - Additional Info
- Share Capital - Schedule of Com
- Share Capital - Schedule of PSU
- Share Capital - Equity Compensa
- Share Capital - Weighted Averag
- Share Capital - Weighted Aver40
- Asset Retirement Obligation - S
- Asset Retirement Obligation - N
- Taxes (Details)
- Contingencies (Details)
- Financial Instruments and Fai45
- Financial Instruments and Fai46
- Financial Instruments and Fai47
- Financial Instruments and Fai48
- Financial Instruments and Fai49
- Supplemental Cash Flow Inform50
- Supplemental Cash Flow Inform51
- Supplemental Cash Flow Inform52