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AACE, aboriginal, abrasion, abrasive, absence, abstain, accelerate, accessed, Accessibility, accessible, accommodate, accommodation, accompanying, accuracy, acid, acre, add, added, Additionally, addressing, Adelante, adjacent, adjusted, adjustment, advance, advanced, advancing, advisor, affiliate, affiliated, Ag, age, aged, agenda, AgEq, agreed, agreement, agricultural, Ai, aid, Aida, air, Alcribil, algorithm, allocated, ALS, alteration, Alto, Ambiente, American, analysed, analysing, analytical, analyze, analyzed, analyzing, ancillary, andesite, announced, annum, anticlinal, antimony, appeal, applied, apply, applying, approach, approached, approximate, approximately, April, argentite, arise, arising, Arizona, Armadillo, arrangement, arrival, arsenic, ascended, aspect, assay, assayed, assaying, asset, assign, assignment, assumption, Asuncion, ATM, Atrevida, attack, attain, attend, attention, attributable, attributed, Au, August, Augustin, Ausenco, Australia, Australian, AutoCAD, aver, Avg, avoid, awarding, aware, Axb, Bachelor, back, backfill, bagged, balance, ball, banded, banker, bankrupt, bankruptcy, barite, baseline, BCSC, bearing, bedding, began, begin, Belen, belt, beneficial, beneficially, beneficiation, Bernabe, BHP, binding, blast, Blasting, blended, blending, block, BMO, body, boiling, bonanza, Bond, borehole, bottom, boundary, Brazil, Brazilian, breadth, breakeven, breasting, breccia, brecciated, British, brittle, broken, brought, budget, Budgetary, budgeted, Buena, building, built, bulk, BWi, cadmium, cake, calcite, caldera, Calicanto, call, Calvo, camp, capable, capacity, capex, captive, carbon, career, Carina, Cascada, cattle, Cautionary, Cayetano, Cdn, cease, ceased, ceasing, Cebada, Cecilia, cell, Cement, cemented, central, Cerro, certainty, CET, Chairman, challenged, channel, characterisation, characterise, characterised, characterized, charitable, Chihuahua, Chile, Chilean, chip, chosen, chromium, CIBC, circuit, Circular, circulation, civil, classic, classified, classify, clay, cleaner, cleaning, clear, climate, clipped, closure, cluster, coarse, coastal, coffee, coincided, collaboration, collect, collected, collection, colonial, Colorada, combination, combined, Cometa, commence, commenced, commencement, commercial, commercially, comminution, commodity, compacted, Compania, Companion, comparison, compete, competency, competent, competing, complex, complexity, component, computer, Computershare, concentrate, concentrated, conceptual, concession, concrete, condition, confidence, confidential, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, conflict, conform, conglomerate, connect, connected, connection, consecutive, Consejo, constant, constrained, constraining, construct, constructed, constructing, construction, consumption, contact, contamination, contemplated, content, context, contingency, contingent, contracting, contractor, contributor, conventional, conversion, conveying, convicted, coordination, copper, copy, core, corn, Corrupt, corruption, costly, Cotete, counsel, couple, court, coverage, created, credit, creek, criminal, critical, Crowe, Crusher, crushing, Cruz, CTO, Cu, Cuatro, Cueva, culminating, cultural, Curso, cut, cutoff, CV, CWi, cyanide, cyber, cycle, daily, Dale, dam, damage, dark, database, Datamine, dataset, deadline, Death, debt, decision, declaration, declared, decline, Declining, decrease, decreed, deductible, deed, deep, deeper, default, deferred, del, delay, delayed, delegated, delineate, delineated, delisted, Democrata, demonstrate, demonstrated, denial, denied, denominated, density, departure, depend, dependent, depending, depleted, depreciation, depth, derivative, derived, destabilization, destruction, detract, deviation, diagram, diamond, diesel, difficult, digital, diligence, diluted, dilution, dip, dipping, direct, directed, directly, Disability, discharging, discovery, discretion, disease, displacement, dispute, disputed, disrupt, disruption, dissipate, dissolution, distance, distanced, distributed, distribution, district, diversion, divert, Dome, dominant, doubt, downstream, downturn, draft, drainage, dramatically, drift, drill, drilled, drillhole, drilling, driven, drug, dry, drystack, due, dumped, Durango, duration, duty, dynamic, earlier, east, eastern, EBITDA, economy, EDR, educate, educational, efficiency, effort, EIA, Eighteen, elapse, electrical, electricity, electrum, element, elevation, emission, empirical, employ, employed, employee, enabled, enabling, encouraging, Endeavor, energy, enforcement, enhance, enhancement, enhancing, ENR, ensure, ensuring, enter, entered, entirety, entity, envisioned, EPCM, epiclastic, epithermal, Eq, equal, equally, equipment, equivalency, equivalent, Ermita, escalation, Escondida, escrowed, Escurana, Esperanza, essential, ESTMA, event, eventually, evidence, evolve, evolving, exact, examine, examined, exceed, exceeding, excellent, exclusive, EXK, expand, expanded, expansion, expend, expense, expensed, experience, experienced, explained, exploratory, export, exporting, exposed, exposure, expropriation, extract, extracted, extraction, extractive, extrajudicial, extraordinary, extreme, Exxon, facilitate, facility, factor, fail, failed, failing, failure, faith, farther, fashion, fault, faulting, faulty, favorable, favour, favourable, Fe, feed, feet, fewer, field, fieldwork, Figure, fill, filter, filtered, filtration, Finalise, fit, flash, floatation, floating, flotation, flowability, flowsheet, fluctuate, fluctuating, focused, foot, footprint, footwall, forecast, foreseeable, foreseen, forested, format, formation, formula, Fortuna, found, foundation, founded, fracture, fragmentation, Fraile, fraud, free, frequency, freshwater, Frisco, front, fuel, fulfill, fullest, fully, galena, gang, Garibaldi, gatehouse, gathered, geochemical, geochemistry, geographic, geologic, geological, geologist, geology, geomechanical, geometric, geophysical, geotechnical, global, globally, goal, God, good, Gorda, gpt, gradually, Graduate, gram, graphically, gravel, Gravity, greatest, grid, grind, grinding, ground, group, grouped, Grupo, Guadalajara, Guadalupe, Guanacev, Guanajuato, guarantee, guidance, hacking, half, halt, halted, hand, handling, hanging, harm, haul, haulage, hauled, Hazen, Head, healthy, heavily, hectare, hedge, heightened, Hermosa, Herradura, Hidalgo, highest, highlighted, highly, highway, hire, history, holder, hole, honestly, horizon, horizontal, horizontally, horst, host, hostage, hosted, HRC, HSBC, human, humid, HW, hydrogeological, hydrothermal, ICP, ID, identical, idled, illegal, immaterial, IMMSA, impact, impacted, impaired, impairment, impede, impediment, Imperial, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, imposed, imposition, impractical, improper, improve, improved, improving, impugned, inaccessibility, inactive, inadvertently, incidental, inclement, inclination, inclusive, incur, incurred, incurring, index, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, ineligible, infill, inflation, inflationary, infrequent, initial, initiated, injury, insolvency, installation, installed, INT, intended, intense, intention, interest, interference, interim, intermediate, intermittent, interpolate, interpolation, interpretation, interpreted, interruption, intersect, intersected, intersecting, introduce, introduced, inventory, Inverse, invested, investigate, investigation, investment, investor, invite, Iron, IRR, issuance, IVA, Izote, Jabali, jackleg, Jalisco, January, JDS, Jeff, JK, job, joint, judgement, judgment, July, June, Kalanchey, key, kilometre, km, kms, knowledge, KordaMentha, koz, KP, Kriging, la, laboratory, lack, laid, large, larger, largest, Las, latitude, laying, layout, LCT, leaching, Leapfrog, Lease, leased, left, legislation, lesser, letter, level, Levelland, Levy, liability, liable, lien, life, line, linear, liquid, liquidating, liquidation, liquidity, Literacy, lithological, live, LLC, LNG, load, loaded, loading, local, localize, locally, locked, logging, LOM, long, longer, longhole, longitude, Longitudinal, los, low, lower, lowering, lowest, Lucero, Lupillo, Lupycal, Luz, machinery, Madre, magmatism, Mah, main, mandated, Mandatory, Manifest, manipulation, manner, mapping, Maria, marketplace, Marquez, Master, maximize, maximum, MC, McGill, meant, mechanical, mechanized, Medio, medium, Melladito, member, mercury, Merrill, Mesa, mesh, metallurgical, metamorphic, method, methodology, metre, metric, MIA, Michael, middle, Miguel, Mike, Milache, mile, military, mill, Milled, milling, Mina, Minera, mineralisation, mineralised, minimize, minimum, Mirabela, Misie, missing, mitigate, mitigated, mix, MMSA, model, modeled, modeling, modelling, modified, modify, moisture, Moly, monetary, monitor, monitoring, monthly, Moose, motor, Mountain, moved, moving, MSCG, MSO, muck, mucked, multiple, multiplied, Muro, MW, MXN, native, Navidad, nearby, nearest, neighbouring, nested, net, newly, Nickel, Nil, Noche, Norte, north, northeast, northern, northwest, notice, November, NPV, NSR, nullification, Nullity, numerical, NW, objective, Ocampo, Occidental, Occupation, occupied, October, Oeste, offered, offering, offsetting, offsite, oil, ongoing, onset, onsite, Ontario, open, opened, opportunity, opposition, opt, optimal, optimised, Optimization, optimize, optimized, optimizer, option, Orconcito, order, ordinary, orebody, orientated, orientation, original, Orito, Oro, orthogonal, OTC, ounce, outbreak, outcropping, outlet, outlined, outweigh, overcome, overlain, overlying, oversight, owe, owed, owing, owner, ownership, Oxtotipan, oz, Pablo, package, packer, Padre, paid, Palmilla, Paloma, Pamilla, pandemic, par, parallel, Parral, particle, partly, party, passing, patio, Patricio, paved, pay, payability, payable, payback, paying, payment, Pb, PEA, peak, pending, penetration, people, percentage, perception, perimeter, peripheral, permanent, persist, personnel, Peru, petition, Petrina, PFS, phase, phenomena, phyllic, physical, physiographic, Physiography, piezometer, pine, pinion, Pink, Placer, plane, plant, Plata, Plomosa, Pocock, policy, pollution, polygonal, polymetallic, pond, population, portal, portion, Porvenir, potable, potential, powder, power, ppm, PQ, precise, precisely, precision, preconcentration, predicated, predict, predicted, predominantly, preferred, preliminary, premier, Presence, pressure, prevail, prevailing, previously, primarily, priority, proceeded, proceeding, procurement, profile, program, project, projected, projecting, projection, prolific, prolonged, promising, promissory, promoter, properly, Prospecting, prospective, Providencia, provincial, provisional, proximity, PSA, publicly, publishing, Puerto, pulse, pumping, punishment, pursue, pursuing, pursuit, pyrite, pyroclastic, QP, quality, quantification, quantity, quarantine, quarry, quarter, quarterly, quartz, quickly, Quiteria, quotation, Ramon, ramp, ramping, range, ranging, rank, rapid, ratio, reaction, read, readily, Real, realize, rebellion, recapitalization, receipt, recent, recently, reclaim, recognize, recognized, reconciled, reconciliation, Reconnaissance, recover, recovered, recovery, recruiting, redefine, redefining, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, Refinadora, refine, refined, refining, refunded, refurbishment, regime, region, regional, registrar, regrind, rejected, relationship, relevant, relied, rely, remain, remaining, remediate, remnant, removal, remove, removed, removing, remuneration, renegotiation, renew, renewing, reorganization, repatriation, repression, reputation, requisite, research, researching, residence, residing, Resignation, resistance, Resolve, Resoyadero, respiratory, restated, restructure, restructuring, resue, retention, retirement, retreat, return, returned, reusing, revenue, reverse, revoked, revolution, rhyolite, Rio, RM, road, Robin, robust, rod, ROM, roster, rougher, roughly, rounded, rounding, route, royalty, ruby, run, runoff, RWi, SA, sabotage, safeguarded, sale, Salto, Salvage, sample, sampled, sampling, San, Santa, Santana, Santiago, satisfaction, saved, scale, scan, schedule, scheduled, School, Science, scientific, scope, scrutiny, SCSE, SE, sea, season, seasonal, Sebastian, secondarily, secondary, Secretaria, sector, sedar, sedimentary, sedimentation, seismically, sell, seller, SEMARNAT, senior, sensitive, sensitivity, September, Sequence, sericite, serve, settlement, SGM, shale, shape, share, shelf, shift, shipped, short, shortfall, show, showing, shown, side, Sierra, Siglo, sigmoidal, signaled, significantly, silicic, silicification, sill, Similarly, simple, simultaneously, single, situated, skill, skilled, skin, slashed, slashing, SLS, small, SMC, smelter, smelting, society, sociopolitical, SOFOM, software, soil, solar, solid, sorting, sought, source, south, southeast, southeastern, southern, southwest, SOX, Spain, Spanish, spanning, spatial, speculative, spent, sphalerite, splay, split, spot, spread, spreading, spring, stability, stack, stage, staging, station, stay, steel, steeply, stewardship, stockpile, stockpiled, stockpiling, stope, stoping, storage, store, stored, strategic, strategy, strict, stricter, strictly, strike, striking, stringent, strong, structural, structure, structuring, Studio, style, subcontracting, subdivided, subjacent, submission, subsection, subsequent, substantial, succeeded, successful, successor, sudden, suffer, sulfidation, sulphidation, sulphide, sulphur, summarise, summary, Superior, superseded, supplement, supplemented, supplied, supplier, supply, support, supported, supporting, Sur, surface, survey, surveyed, surveying, suspended, suspension, sustainability, sustaining, symbol, syndicate, tabulated, tagged, Tajo, tank, Tapada, target, Targeted, targeting, taxable, taxation, TD, team, Tech, technology, temperature, temporarily, Temporary, tendered, tenor, tenure, Terronera, terrorism, Tertiary, test, tested, testing, testwork, theft, thep, thereof, thick, thickened, thickener, throughput, TMF, toll, ton, tonne, tool, top, topographic, Topographical, topography, Toro, town, toxic, tpd, TR, Trace, traced, tracing, track, tradeoff, traditional, trailer, trailing, trained, training, transfer, transferred, transferring, transformed, transmission, Transparency, transport, transportation, transported, transporting, travel, treasury, treated, treatment, trench, trenching, trend, trending, triangulation, trip, troy, truck, trucked, trucking, truckshop, true, trustee, TSF, TSX, TSXV, Tucson, turn, twelve, type, typical, typically, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unaware, uncertain, uncover, underground, understand, undertaken, undiscounted, uneconomic, unexpected, unforeseen, unidentified, University, unlimited, unpredictable, unprofitable, unrealized, unrecorded, unrelated, unrest, unrestricted, unsecured, Unsuccessful, unusual, uphill, upper, utility, utilized, utilizing, vacated, vaccine, Valenciana, validate, validated, Vallarta, Vancouver, vandalism, VanGold, variability, variable, vegetation, vein, Venezuela, Verde, verification, verified, verify, vertical, vertically, Veta, viability, viable, vibrating, Vice, viewed, violating, violation, violent, Virgen, visited, Vista, VIT, Viterra, VLP, volatile, volcanic, volume, voluntary, Vulcan, Wainwright, war, warehouse, warm, waste, water, waterbody, weather, week, weighted, west, western, wettest, whilst, Whistleblower, wholly, wide, widely, widespread, width, wildlife, winter, wire, wireframe, withhold, work, worked, working, workshop, world, worsen, worsened, write, written, XX, yard, yearly, Yesquilla, yield, York, younger, Zavala, zinc, Zn, zone
affecting, alternatively, amend, amendment, anticipate, appoint, arm, bankable, Barry, behalf, Ben, billed, blackout, Brenkert, BTR, Certificate, coal, communicated, composed, composition, Comprehensive, conceived, concluded, Consent, Consumer, COSO, Deepak, delivery, designate, designated, detection, deteriorate, disposing, disposition, duly, electronically, Embree, emerging, Employer, Eng, expect, expert, foregoing, Foster, furnish, GAAP, Godfrey, governance, grammatical, granting, great, Guide, hereto, Identification, implicitly, inquire, Instance, Instruction, Integrated, Interactive, issuable, Jarita, Jason, Label, lieu, Linkbase, Malhotra, mark, Memorandum, met, MSHA, Nominating, nomination, nominee, overseeing, Peacock, Pearson, pertain, Peter, Piesold, placement, Presentation, prevention, print, prohibited, qualification, question, quorum, reassessing, referencing, registrant, relief, representative, requested, respond, retainer, Schema, separately, shorter, Smith, solicitation, solicited, stating, Street, submit, substantively, sufficiently, tasked, Taxonomy, telephone, thereon, Treadway, unconsolidated, undersigned, voted, waive, waiver, Walton, Washington, XBRL, zip
Filing tables
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- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 99.1 Exhibit 99.1
- 99.2 Exhibit 99.2
- 99.3 Exhibit 99.3
- 99.4 Exhibit 99.4
- 99.5 Exhibit 99.5
- 99.6 Exhibit 99.6
- 99.7 Exhibit 99.7
- 99.8 Exhibit 99.8
- 99.9 Exhibit 99.9
- 99.10 Exhibit 99.10
- 99.11 Exhibit 99.11
- 99.12 Exhibit 99.12
- 99.13 Exhibit 99.13
- 99.14 Exhibit 99.14
- 99.15 Exhibit 99.15
- 99.16 Exhibit 99.16
- 99.17 Exhibit 99.17
- 99.18 Exhibit 99.18
- 99.19 Exhibit 99.19
- 99.20 Exhibit 99.20
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