FORM 51-102F3
Item 1 Name and Address of Company
3rd Floor, 157 Alexander Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 1B8
Item 2 Date of Material Change
October 18, 2004
Item 3 News Release
The news release dated October 18, 2004 was issued in Vancouver, BC and disseminated through CCN Matthews.
Item 4 Summary of Material Change
The Company reports initial results for the 2004 diamond drill program on the West Raglan Project. A total of 7,241 metres of BQ and BTW diamond drilling in 60 holes were drilled during the 2004 program, with results from the first 15 holes reported below. Drilling near last year’s discoveries in the Frontier area, combined with prospecting, has expanded the area of known mineralization, in what is now referred to as the Greater Frontier area, to 3 kilometres by 1 kilometre.
Regional prospecting during 2004 has also resulted in the discovery of sulphide mineralization in ultramafic rocks on surface, in locally derived boulders, and in some cases in drill holes, at sites as far as 20 kilometres west of the Greater Frontier area and 27 kilometres east of the Greater Frontier area.
The Company and its partner, Anglo American Exploration (Canada) Ltd, are planning a 2005 exploration program with an anticipated budget of approximately $5,000,000. Based on the 2005 budget, the $9,000,000 expenditures to the end of 2004 and the $11,800,000 expenditure requirement, the Company will earn its 49% interest in the West Raglan Project during the 2005 field season, after which the balance of the 2005 program will be funded jointly by the Company and Anglo American.
Item 5 Full Description of Material Change
The Company reports initial results for the 2004 diamond drill program on the West Raglan Project. A total of 7,241 metres of BQ and BTW diamond drilling in 60 holes were drilled during the 2004 program, with results from the first 15 holes reported below. Drilling near last year’s discoveries in the Frontier area, combined with prospecting, has expanded the area of known mineralization, in what is now referred to as the Greater Frontier area, to 3 kilometres by 1 kilometre.
Regional prospecting during 2004 has also resulted in the discovery of sulphide mineralization in ultramafic rocks on surface, in locally derived boulders, and in some cases in drill holes, at sites as far as 20 kilometres west of the Greater Frontier area and 27 kilometres east of the Greater Frontier area.
The new areas are referred to as Red Zone, Target 36, Seahawk and East Frontier South in the Greater Frontier area, as Nanuk and Terrace west of the Greater Frontier area, and as Zone 111, CDC, Boomerang and Beverly east of the Greater Frontier area.
All of the ultramafics explored in 2004 occur at the base of the Chukotat Group, interpreted to be the Raglan Formation, other than the ultramafic at Boomerang which is located in a transition zone near the top of the Povungnituk Group. Importantly, these new discoveries have confirmed the prospectivity of the Chukotat Group along the length of the West Raglan Property as well as the potential for footwall mineralization within the Povungnituk Group.
The Company and its partner, Anglo American Exploration (Canada) Ltd, are planning a 2005 exploration program with an anticipated budget of approximately $5,000,000. Based on the 2005 budget, the $9,000,000 expenditures to the end of 2004 and the $11,800,000 expenditure requirement, the Company will earn its 49% interest in the West Raglan Project during the 2005 field season, after which the balance of the 2005 program will be funded jointly by the Company and Anglo American.
Attached to this material change report is an assay table (Table I) with details of the first 15 holes drilled in 2004, the only holes for which results are currently available. Assays from the 2003 program are repeated in order to provide context to the information provided in this release. Also provided is the percentage of sulphur and a calculation of nickel in 100% sulphide, commonly referred to as nickel tenor. 100% sulphide is equivalent to approximately 38% sulphur. High nickel tenors are important indications of the potential for economic mineralization without the necessity for high sulphide content. Results for the remaining 45 holes will be reported in batches as assay results become available. Surface sample assays received to date are reported in attached Table II. Additional surface sample assays will be released in batches as they become availab le.
Greater Frontier Area
In 2003, 16 holes were drilled in the Frontier area to follow up mineralized boulders on surface which resulted in discoveries in drill core at Frontier Central, Frontier South and Frontier East.
This summer, numerous boulders with sulphide mineralization in ultramafic have been discovered in the Greater Frontier Area, augmenting and expanding on the areal extent of mineralized boulders discovered in 2003. Many of the boulders, based on abundance, size and angularity, are interpreted to be locally derived and others are interpreted to be transported.
Frontier Central
In 2004, ten holes were drilled in Frontier Central and results from six are reported in Table I. Assays are pending for the remaining four holes.
WR-04-19 was drilled 60 metres down-dip, and off section to the east of WR-03-16. WR-04-19 intersected two weakly mineralized intersections in ultramafic (2-3% sulphides) (0.32% nickel and 0.88% sulphur over 2.10 metres; 0.35% nickel and 1.00% sulphur over 5.70 metres) with nickel tenors of 14% and 13% respectively. The tenors are similar to the nickel tenor in the massive sulphides intersected last year in WR-03-16 (11.83% nickel and 33.7% sulphur over 0.67 metres) which has a nickel tenor of 13%.
WR-04-20 was drilled 81 metres west of WR-03-16 and WR-04-19. WR-04-20 also intersected a weakly mineralized zone in ultramafic (3% sulphides) (0.48% nickel and 1.20% sulphur over 1.80 metres) with a nickel tenor of 15%.
WR-04-22 was drilled 48 metres west of WR-04-20 and 129 metres west of WR-04-19. There are no significant results in WR-04-22.
WR-04-25 was drilled on the same section as WR-04-22 and intersected a weakly mineralized zone in ultramafic (4% sulphides) (0.36% nickel and 1.23% sulphur over 3.50 metres) with a nickel tenor of 11%.
WR-04-21 was drilled 121 metres east of WR-03-14 and 15 and 214 metres east of WR-03-16 and WR-04-19. There are no significant results in WR-04-21.
WR-04-27 was drilled 325 metres east of WR-04-19 and 111 metres east of WR-04-21. There are no significant results in WR-04-27.
It can be concluded from the drill results reported to date at Frontier Central that weakly mineralized intersections with high nickel tenors are related to known sulphide lenses with a greater sulphide content and consequently higher grade such as in WR-03-16. Individual sulphide lenses can be small and geometrically complex and detailed drilling is required to outline them.
Results of ten ultramafic boulder samples from Frontier Central are listed in Table II. Nickel grades range from 0.21% to 3.93% and nickel tenors range from 4% to 16%. The variability in nickel tenors is similar to variable nickel tenors in drill core. However, field evidence suggests that some of the boulders are in place or locally derived and others have been transported from an unknown source.
Frontier South
In 2004, thirteen holes were drilled in Frontier South and results from one hole are reported in Table I. Assays are pending for the remaining twelve holes.
WR-04-24 was drilled on the same section as WR-03-08 and 09. WR-04-24 intersected a weakly mineralized zone (3% sulphide) (0.39% nickel and 0.95% sulphur over 2.90 metres) with a nickel tenor of 16%. It is interpreted that the weakly mineralized zone is related to intersections in WR-03-08 and 09 from last year even though nickel tenors are considerably higher in WR-04-24.
Frontier East
In 2004, three holes were drilled in Frontier East and results from all holes are reported in Table I.
WR-04-23, drilled 62 metres west of WR-03-17 and 18 intersected a zone of sulphidic sediments with anomalous nickel and copper (0.38% nickel and 0.49% copper over 3.5 metres, including 0.67% nickel and 1.48% copper over 0.80 metres). Both nickel and copper appear to be remobilized into the sulphidic sediments from the overlying ultramafic. The hole also intersected a mineralized zone in ultramafic (20% sulphides) (0.95% nickel and 7.40% sulphur over 5.60 metres, including 1.62% nickel and 12.24% sulphur over 1.85 metres and 2.45% nickel and 19.45% sulphur over 0.30 metres) with a nickel tenor of 5%. Both platinum and palladium in the 0.30 metre intersection is unusually high for the area.
WR-04-29, drilled 87 metres west of WR-04-23, intersected a weakly mineralized zone in ultramafic (5% sulphides) (0.41% nickel and 1.74% sulphur over 3.0 metres) with a nickel tenor of 9%.
WR-04-26, drilled 45 metres east of WR-03-12 and 13, has no significant results.
The variability of the nickel tenors from 2004 drilling is similar to the variability in the 2003 drilling.
Results of one ultramafic boulder from Frontier East are listed in Table II. The nickel grade of 1.26% and nickel tenor of 5% are consistent with nickel grades and tenors in drill core.
Frontier West
In 2004, one hole was drilled at Frontier West, but did not intersect ultramafic. Results are reported in Table I.
Results of ten ultramafic boulders from Frontier West are listed in Table II. Nickel grades range form 1.42% to 2.50% and nickel tenors range from 4% to 16%. Field evidence suggests that some of the boulders are locally derived while others may be transported from an unknown source. No nickel sulphides were intersected in the one hole drilled into ultramafics at Frontier West in 2003 (WR-03-03). The one hole drilled in 2004 (WR-04-32) did not intersect ultramafics. Further drilling will be required to locate the source of the boulders.
Red Zone
Red Zone is located approximately 1 kilometre east of Frontier East. Numerous new boulders with disseminated to semi-massive sulphide mineralization in ultramafic have been discovered at Red Zone. Many of the boulders are interpreted to be locally derived. In 2004, nine holes were drilled at Red Zone and the results of two holes are reported in Table I. Assays are pending for the remaining seven holes.
WR-04-31, drilled 680 metres east of WR-03-12 and 13 at Frontier East, intersected a weakly mineralized zone in ultramafic (5% sulphides) (0.23% nickel, 0.59% copper and 1.91% sulphur over 3.00 metres) with a nickel tenor of 5%, including 0.38% nickel, 4.27% copper and 6.15% sulphur over 0.30 metres with a nickel tenor of 2%. Copper appears to be remobilized in the 0.30 metre intersection.
WR-04-33, drilled 21 metres west of WR-04-31, intersected narrow massive sulphides in ultramafic (92% sulphides) (5.75% nickel, 1.35% copper and 34.90% sulphur) with a nickel tenor of 6%.
Results of nine ultramafic boulders from Red Zone are listed in Table II. Nickel grades range from 0.08% to 0.43% and nickel tenors range from 1% to 5%. Assays from one boulder described in the field as sulphidic sediment has a nickel grade of 0.23% and a nickel tenor of 5%, suggesting that the boulder may be ultramafic. The boulder results
together with the drill results discussed above demonstrate the high variability of nickel tenors at Red Zone, similar to other zones in the Greater Frontier area.
Target 36
Target 36 is located approximately 1.5 kilometres east of Frontier Central and 1.2 kilometres north of Red Zone. Two holes have been drilled in Target 36 and results are reported in Table I. No sulphides were intersected in the ultramafics and geophysical anomalies remain unexplained.
Seahawk is located approximately 500 metres east of Frontier South. Mineralized ultramafic outcrops have been discovered at Seahawk and assays are pending. In 2004, seven holes were drilled at Seahawk and assays are pending.
East Frontier South
East Frontier South is located approximately 200 metres east of Frontier South and 300 metres west of Seahawk. In 2004, four holes were drilled in East Frontier South and assays are pending.
Zone 111 Area
Zone 111 area is located approximately 4 kilometres east of Red Zone. In 2004, two holes were drilled at Zone 111 and assays are pending.
Results from two ultramafic outcrops, one ultramafic boulder and one gabbro boulder from Zone 111 are listed in Table II. Nickel grades range from 0.15% to 0.84% and nickel tenors range from 2% to 3%.
Rainday Area
The Rainday area, where a single hole was drilled in 2003, is located approximately 2 kilometres east of Zone 111. In 2004, two holes were drilled at Rainday and assays are pending.
CDC Area
The CDC area is located approximately 14 kilometres east of Frontier. Some assays from surface showings with low sulphide content have been received but values are low. Four holes on two sections have been drilled into the CDC area and assays are pending.
Boomerang Area
The Boomerang area is located approximately 27 kilometres east of Frontier, and 14 kilometres east of CDC. This zone was identified in 2003 where subcrop mineralization returned 0.77% nickel from sulphur-rich sediments with injections of magmatic sulphides. Magmatic sulphides have been discovered on surface in 2004 and assays are pending. Mineralization at Boomerang is interpreted to occur in a transition zone near the top of the Povungnituk Group, stratigraphically below the Raglan Formation at the base of the Chukotat Group.
The Boomerang discovery opens up the potential of a coherent package of ultramafic and mafic intrusions and deformed sedimentary and lesser mafic volcanic host rocks in the uppermost part of the Povungnituk Group which extends for over 70 kilometres along strike on the West Raglan Property. This prospective stratigraphy has a variable width ranging from 1 to 5 kilometres that reflects the effects of well-developed polyphase folding. In 2004, three holes were drilled in the Boomerang area and assays are pending.
The Beverly area is located 2 kilometres north of Boomerang in ultramafic interpreted to be the Raglan Formation at the base of the Chukotat Group. Assays from one boulder sample are available (Table II). The nickel grade is only 0.42% but the sulphur content is low (1.56%) and the nickel tenor is 9%. The Beverly area has not been drill tested.
Terrace Area
The Terrace area is located approximately 12 kilometres west of Frontier. Sulphide bearing ultramafic outcrops have been discovered in the area. In 2003, a mineralized ultramafic boulder was found in a low-lying area and returned 1.22% nickel. Additional mineralized ultramafic boulders were identified in 2004 from the same area. Results of three ultramafic boulders from Terrace are listed in Table II. Nickel grades range from 0.12% to 0.28% and nickel tenors range from 2% to 7%. The Terrace area has not been drill tested.
Nanuk Area
The Nanuk area is located approximately 20 kilometres west of Frontier, and 8 kilometres west of Terrace. Sulphide bearing ultramafic boulders, interpreted to be locally derived, have been discovered. Assays are pending except for one low grade (0.02% nickel), low nickel tenor (0.2%), sample. The Nanuk area has not been drill tested.
Supplementary Information
The 2004 field program was carried out by West Raglan Project operator Anglo American Exploration (Canada) Limited (AAEC).
Pursuant to an Option and Joint Venture Agreement dated March 26, 2003, the Company has the right to earn a 49% interest in the West Raglan Project from AAEC.
Readers of this material change report are cautioned that the attachment includes a description of core length and not of true widths, which are unknown at this time.
AAEC is the operator of the West Raglan Project and is responsible for the sampling and submittal of samples for assay. Assaying of 2004 samples reported in this material change report is being carried out and certified by ACME Labs (Pb-FA for platinum, palladium and gold) and ALS Chemex (nickel, copper, cobalt and sulphur, (Total) by sodium peroxide fusion followed by ICP-AES), both of Vancouver, BC. Sample preparation is being done by Bourlamaque Assay Lab. of Val d’Or, Quebec.
Item 6 Reliance on subsection 7.1(2) or (3) of National Instrument 51-102
Confidentiality is not requested.
Item 7 Omitted Information
No information has been omitted in respect of the material change.
Item 8 Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer Telephone: (604) 684-6535
Item 9 Date of Report
October 18, 2004.
“David Patterson”
David Patterson,
Chief Executive Officer