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aa, aaa, abandoned, abandonment, ABCA, ability, Abu, acceptable, accepted, accepting, accessible, accommodate, accuracy, accurate, achieve, achieved, acquisition, acreage, active, actively, activist, activity, add, added, addition, additional, Additionally, addressing, adequate, adjourning, adjusted, administered, administration, administrative, advance, advanced, advantage, adverse, adversely, advice, advocacy, affiliate, aforementioned, age, agency, aggregate, aggregating, aggregation, agreed, agreement, air, Alberta, allocate, allocation, alternate, Alternately, alternative, amalgamated, America, American, amount, analogy, analyzed, announce, announced, announcement, anticipate, anticipated, Antitrust, appeal, Appendix, applied, appoint, appointed, appointment, approach, approval, approve, approved, approving, approximately, area, arise, arising, arithmetic, arrangement, Arthur, ascertaining, ascribed, Asian, assembling, Assembly, asset, assist, assumed, attached, attained, attend, attention, attractive, attributable, attributed, August, average, averaged, averaging, avoid, awaiting, award, awarding, aware, Azimuth, Bachelor, background, bad, balance, Banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, barrel, baseline, basin, BB, bbl, bear, beginning, benchmark, beneficial, beneficially, biennial, billed, bitumen, blend, Bluesky, Bly, body, boe, bond, booked, borrow, borrowing, bound, Bowzer, BP, breach, Brent, Brian, broad, broker, BTE, budget, budgeted, building, burden, burner, businessman, businesswoman, butane, Caa, calculate, calculated, calculation, Calgary, calling, Canada, Canadian, cancellation, Canton, capable, capacity, car, carbon, careful, carefully, carried, carrier, carry, carrying, case, cash, cast, casting, category, cautionary, cautioned, CCC, cease, ceased, ceasing, ceiling, Centennial, central, CEO, certainty, certified, CFO, Chad, chain, Chair, chairman, challenged, characterized, charge, Chartered, circular, circulated, circumstance, civil, clean, cleanup, clearer, climate, COGE, coincided, cold, collateral, collective, collectively, combination, combined, commencing, comment, commentary, commerce, commercial, commercially, commit, commitment, committing, commodity, comparability, comparable, comparative, compared, compensation, competing, competition, competitive, complex, composed, compound, comprehensive, comprised, compromise, Computershare, concentrated, concentration, concert, Concurrent, condensate, confident, confidential, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, conjunction, Conoco, consecutive, conservation, considerable, considerably, consideration, constructed, constructing, construction, consumer, consumption, contact, contaminated, contemplated, content, context, continuance, continue, continued, continuing, contract, contracted, Convention, conventional, Conversely, conversion, cooperate, Copenhagen, copy, core, correct, corrosion, cost, Counsel, count, counterparty, countervailing, country, court, CRA, create, created, credibility, credit, Crescent, criminal, criteria, crown, crude, CSS, cultural, cumulative, currency, curtailment, customary, cycle, cyclic, daily, damage, date, dated, David, deal, debt, decided, decision, declaration, declared, decline, decommissioning, decrease, decreased, decreasing, deducted, deduction, deem, deemed, default, defaulting, defending, defunct, degree, Delaware, delay, delayed, delegate, delegated, deliver, delivering, delivery, demand, denied, denominated, density, deny, Department, depend, dependent, depending, deplete, depleting, depletion, deposit, depth, Deputy, derailment, derivative, derived, desirable, detailing, deteriorate, deterioration, deterministic, detriment, develop, developed, developing, development, Dhabi, diagram, differential, difficult, diligent, diluent, dilutive, diploma, direct, directed, direction, directly, director, disagree, disallow, disallowed, discontinuance, discontinue, discount, discounted, discovery, discretion, dispersed, disposal, dispose, disproportionately, disrupt, disruption, dissolution, dissolved, distance, distinction, distributed, distribution, divided, dividend, dividing, Division, document, Dodsland, dollar, domestic, dominant, Don, doubled, doubt, downgrade, downgraded, drainage, drill, drilled, drilling, dropped, due, duration, Duvernay, Eagle, easily, East, economic, economically, economy, Ector, education, Edward, efficient, effort, electricity, elevated, eleven, eligibility, eliminated, embargoed, emission, emit, emitter, employed, employee, enacted, Enbridge, encountering, encourage, endeavoured, enforce, enforceability, enforcement, enforcing, Eng, engineering, enhance, enhanced, Enhancement, enter, entered, entitled, entity, environment, environmental, EPA, equal, equality, equally, equipment, equitable, equity, equivalency, equivalent, erosion, escalate, estate, Esther, estimate, estimated, estimating, estimation, ethane, ethical, European, event, Evidence, evolution, evolve, exceed, Excelsior, excused, exempt, exemption, exercise, exhausting, exhaustive, exist, existing, expenditure, expense, expensive, experienced, expertise, expire, exploitation, exploiting, exploration, exploratory, explore, exploring, export, exported, exporter, Exporting, exposed, exposure, expressly, expropriation, extension, extensive, extent, extraordinary, extreme, face, facilitate, facilitating, facility, factor, fail, failing, failure, fair, fault, favourable, Fax, featured, February, federal, fee, Fellow, FERC, field, fill, Finance, financed, financing, fish, fit, Fitch, fix, fixed, flooded, flooding, flow, fluctuate, fluctuation, force, Ford, forecast, forecasting, foregoing, forgo, formation, forthwith, forward, fossil, found, fourth, fracture, fracturing, Framework, free, freehold, French, frequently, fresh, fuel, fulfill, fulfilling, full, fully, fund, funding, gained, gathering, Gemini, geographical, geographically, geological, geophysical, GHG, global, goal, governmental, gravity, greater, greatly, green, Gregory, group, grouped, growing, guarantee, guidance, habitat, Hamm, Handbook, handling, harm, harmful, health, heavy, hedge, hedged, hedging, hereof, high, higher, highest, highly, hire, hiring, historical, historically, history, hold, holder, holding, horizon, horizontal, hot, house, Hrap, human, hydraulic, hydrocarbon, identified, identifying, iii, immaterial, impact, impacted, impacting, impair, impaired, impede, Imperial, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implying, import, importance, important, impose, imposed, imposing, imposition, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inactive, inadequate, incentive, incident, incidental, inclement, income, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, incur, incurred, incurring, indenture, index, indirect, indirectly, individual, induced, inferential, inflated, inflation, influence, influenced, infrastructure, inherent, initial, injected, injection, injury, inlet, Innovation, inquiry, insolvency, installed, Institute, instituted, Instrument, insufficient, insurable, insurance, insure, insured, intend, intended, intensity, intensive, Intercontinental, interest, interference, interim, intermediate, internationally, interpreted, interrupted, interruption, interstate, intrastate, introduced, invest, investigate, investment, investor, invite, involuntary, involve, involved, Ipanema, isolation, issuable, issuance, January, Jennifer, joining, joint, judgment, July, June, junior, jurisdiction, Kalmakoff, Kendall, key, knowledge, labour, lack, LaFehr, land, language, large, largely, larger, Latin, law, lead, leadership, leading, lease, legal, legally, legislation, Legislative, lessee, lessen, letter, liability, liable, license, licensee, life, light, likelihood, liquefied, list, listed, listing, literate, litigation, Lloydminster, loan, local, located, location, long, longer, Longhorn, lost, Lovett, low, lower, lowest, LP, Lundberg, lying, mainline, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, Maki, managerial, mandate, manner, manpower, manufacturing, Marathon, margin, market, marketed, marketing, Master, mathematically, mature, maturity, maximizing, maximum, mcdaniel, Mcf, meantime, measure, measured, mechanical, media, medium, meet, meeting, member, mentioned, Mercantile, merger, method, metric, Mexico, Middle, migration, million, mineral, minimal, minimum, misleading, misstatement, mitigate, mitigating, model, modification, modified, modifier, monitor, monitoring, month, Moody, MRO, multiple, multiplied, municipal, municipality, mutual, NAFTA, narrowing, national, natural, nature, NEB, necessarily, negative, negatively, negligence, negotiate, negotiated, negotiation, Neil, netback, newly, NGL, NGX, NI, noise, nominal, Nominating, North, northwest, notably, notice, notification, November, numerical, NYMEX, NYSE, objection, objective, objectivity, obligor, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occupation, occupational, occur, occurred, occurring, October, offered, offering, officio, offset, oilfield, ongoing, onshore, Ontario, OPEC, open, opinion, opportunity, optimize, option, optional, order, orderly, ordinary, organization, organized, original, OSHA, outbreak, outlet, outlined, outlook, overcome, overhaul, overhead, oversee, overseeing, owe, owed, owing, owner, ownership, paid, par, partially, partly, partner, partnership, party, passage, pay, payable, paying, payment, Peace, Pearce, people, percentage, perception, personnel, perspective, pertaining, Phone, physical, pipeline, placement, plan, planned, planning, plant, play, pledged, plug, point, policy, political, pollution, polymer, poor, portfolio, portion, position, positive, positively, postgraduate, potable, potential, potentially, power, practice, predict, predominant, predominantly, predominately, preference, preferential, preferred, preliminary, premature, preparation, prepare, prepared, prepaying, prescribed, present, presented, presently, pressure, prevailing, price, pricing, primarily, prior, priority, probabilistic, produce, produced, producer, producing, product, production, productive, productivity, profession, professional, profile, profit, profitability, program, prohibit, prohibited, project, prolonged, prominently, promulgated, propane, properly, property, proportion, proposal, proposed, proposing, proposition, protected, protection, prove, proved, province, provincial, proximity, Proxy, publicly, published, purpose, put, qualified, qualitative, quality, quantify, quantitative, quantity, quantum, quarterly, Queen, question, questionable, quickly, quorum, quoted, rail, Railroad, rainfall, range, ranking, rate, rateably, rated, ratification, rating, ratio, Raymond, reactivation, Reader, realizable, realize, realized, reassessed, reassessment, receipt, receive, received, receiver, receiving, recent, recently, reclaimed, reclamation, reclassification, recognized, recommend, recommendation, recommending, recouped, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recurring, recycled, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, redesign, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, refinance, refined, refinery, refining, reflect, reflected, Reform, refrain, region, regional, registrar, regulatory, relationship, release, released, reliability, reliant, rely, remain, remained, remaining, remedial, remediation, removed, remuneration, renamed, render, rendered, renegotiation, renew, renewable, renewed, repay, repayable, replace, replaced, replacement, reposition, represent, representation, reputable, reputation, reputational, requisite, reservation, reserve, reservoir, residence, resident, resigned, resolution, resource, response, responsibility, responsible, restated, restored, restrict, restricted, restriction, resumption, retain, retention, retrofit, return, revenue, review, reviewed, reviewing, revocation, revolving, risk, Riversdale, rock, role, Roszell, rounding, royalty, RRC, safe, safety, SAGD, sale, sanctioned, sand, Saskatchewan, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, scale, scheduled, scheduling, science, scope, seasonal, seasonality, SEC, Secretary, sector, secure, secured, security, sedar, Sedimentary, seismicity, seizure, Selected, selection, selective, sell, selling, senior, sensitive, September, set, setting, settlement, shale, shallow, share, shareholder, shelter, short, show, signatory, significant, significantly, simplified, size, skilled, slightly, small, snowfall, social, Society, solution, South, southeastern, southwest, spacing, speak, specific, specifically, speculative, spill, spot, spring, stability, stable, staffing, stakeholder, state, stated, statutory, steam, steaming, stewardship, stimulate, stimulation, storage, storing, strategic, stratigraphic, strict, stricter, strictly, stringent, strong, structure, study, subdivided, submission, Subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substituted, subtracting, succeeding, successful, successfully, successor, sue, sued, suffer, sufficient, Sugarloaf, suggesting, suitability, Suite, sum, summary, Supp, supply, surface, susceptible, suspension, Sustainability, symbol, syndicate, syndicated, table, target, tax, taxable, taxation, TCEQ, team, technical, technically, technological, technology, tenure, termination, terminology, terrorism, Tervita, test, text, theoretical, thereat, therefrom, thereof, thereunder, therewith, thermal, threatened, tidewater, TIER, tight, tip, Toronto, Tower, track, trade, traded, trading, transaction, transfer, transferred, translation, transmission, transport, transportation, transporting, treasury, treating, treatment, trucking, Trudy, trust, trustee, TSX, turn, type, typically, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unauthorized, unavailable, uncertain, uncertainty, uncontrollable, underlying, understanding, undertaken, underway, undeveloped, undiscounted, undue, uneconomic, unexpected, UNFCCC, unit, United, University, unknown, unlimited, Unpredictable, unproductive, unprofitable, unregulated, unresolved, unsecured, unsuccessful, unused, unusual, unutilized, unweighted, upgrading, upstream, upward, usage, USMCA, utility, utilize, utilized, utilizing, vacancy, Vale, Valiant, valuation, Valuator, vandalism, variable, variety, vary, varying, venture, version, vicinity, view, viewed, vigorously, Viking, visual, volatile, volatility, volume, volumetric, voluntary, vote, voting, vulnerability, vulnerable, warrant, warranted, waste, water, waterflood, waterflooding, WCS, weather, weighted, wellhead, western, widening, wildlife, withdraw, withdrawn, withholding, work, worked, worker, working, world, Worldwide, written, WTI, www
Attestation, biographical, Certification, check, concluded, Consent, controller, covered, design, duly, element, employer, enumerated, expert, Extractive, Firm, furnish, identification, implicit, Instruction, participation, past, performing, promptly, referencing, registrant, Registration, respond, Ryder, separately, serving, sheet, shorter, telephone, Title, titled, undersigned, waiver, Washington
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