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absolute, acc, accrued, acquiree, addition, additional, admin, administrative, agent, aggregate, aggressively, aging, agreed, agreement, analyzed, ancillary, appointed, apportionment, approach, approximately, arrangement, Asia, Asian, Assembly, attract, attributable, attribute, audit, audited, Australia, authoritative, automatic, average, bank, bear, beneficiary, Binh, borrowing, broad, Broadly, brokerage, Bui, build, building, bulk, Bulletin, calculated, capacity, cargo, cautionary, cement, chairman, charged, charter, chartered, Chi, China, CIT, coal, Codification, collectibility, collection, collective, combination, combine, combined, committed, competition, compliant, comprehensive, comprised, comprising, computation, concept, concurrent, concurrently, condensed, conformity, connection, constituted, construction, contemplated, contract, contracted, contractual, cost, crew, currency, customer, daily, dead, deadweight, decision, decline, delivery, demand, denominated, depot, depreciation, derecognition, derecognizing, design, detected, direct, directly, director, display, disposal, distance, District, Doan, Dong, doubt, doubtful, Duong, DWT, earliest, earned, economic, eliminated, elimination, employee, employment, enacted, enactment, enjoy, entered, Enterprise, entirety, entitled, environment, equal, equipment, equivalent, escrow, escrowed, Europe, evidence, examination, exclusive, exempted, exemption, exercise, exhausted, exit, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expended, Expenditure, expiring, export, expose, exposed, exposure, expressly, external, face, fairly, federal, fee, fertilizer, FIN, fixed, fleet, flow, foregoing, foreign, fraud, free, Freight, fringe, fuel, fulfillment, fully, functional, gain, geographic, geographical, governmental, grain, greater, growth, Hai, half, hand, hat, hereinafter, history, Ho, hold, holiday, house, hr, hypothetical, identical, impairment, income, indirectly, individual, industry, influence, inherent, injection, insignificant, instruction, insurance, integrate, interpretation, invoiced, iron, joint, jurisdiction, Khai, Khanh, Khuong, Lac, land, launching, Law, lease, leased, literature, llow, load, local, located, long, maintenance, maturity, met, method, million, Minh, minimum, misleading, mix, Monetary, month, monthly, National, nautical, net, Nguyen, Nhuyen, nonauthoritative, nongovernmental, nongrandfathered, North, note, observable, ocean, oceangoing, ofFIN, omitted, open, oral, organization, ounting, outsourcing, party, payable, payment, persuasive, Phu, pilotage, plant, pledged, political, port, portion, preferential, prepayment, prevailing, primary, principal, prior, provision, qualified, qualifying, Quoc, rate, ready, real, recapitalization, receipt, receivable, receive, received, recent, recently, recognition, reconciliation, recovered, recovery, reduction, region, regular, relationship, remaining, remote, rent, rental, repaid, repayable, repayment, replacement, represent, representative, represented, representing, Republic, requisite, residential, retain, return, reviewed, Road, sea, Secretary, securitization, security, segment, sell, selling, served, service, ship, shipment, shipping, short, social, Socialist, South, Southeast, southern, specific, statutory, stockholder, strategy, Street, structure, subsidiary, supersede, supplier, sustained, system, Tan, tax, taxable, taxation, technical, temporary, term, terminate, terminated, terminology, Thien, threshold, tonnage, towage, Town, Trai, transfer, transferred, translated, translation, transparency, transport, transportation, transporting, Trung, Tu, twelve, twenty, ultilization, unaffiliated, uncertainty, underlying, undiscounted, unknown, unobservable, unrecognized, unsecured, valuation, variable, VAT, vessel, VIE, Viet, Vietnam, Vietnamese, VN, VND, Voyage, Ward, warehousing, Water, weight, welfare, written, zone
achieve, adequacy, assessment, assist, assumed, attempting, attestation, begin, case, cease, CEO, CFO, client, close, commence, commenced, Commencing, compensate, compensating, compensation, conduct, consideration, context, contingent, convert, cover, critical, debt, decided, deficit, dependence, dependent, determine, devoting, disclose, discussed, economy, establish, establishing, evaluate, exceed, Executive, existence, extent, final, foreseeable, formal, fund, funding, goal, guarantee, Harbor, heading, hope, host, inception, insufficient, intend, intensive, involved, larger, Liquidity, maintained, maintaining, marketing, medium, modest, noncash, obligation, obtained, ongoing, opportunity, organizational, part, participate, periodically, person, planning, portfolio, presence, present, presentation, private, producing, production, profitability, profitable, proposal, prospectively, proximity, proxy, public, publicly, put, quantitative, refer, Reform, relate, rely, require, responsibility, retroactive, Safe, satisfy, Schneer, seasonal, section, seek, sensitive, separately, settle, settling, shareholder, similar, Similarly, sized, small, sought, split, stage, strategic, successful, typically, unable, understanding, update, urged, venture, viable, withdrew, working
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