Business Segments (Tables) - USD ($) $ in Millions | 3 Months Ended | |
Mar. 31, 2023 | Mar. 31, 2022 | Dec. 31, 2022 |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items] | | | |
Net Sales | $ 3,604.3 | $ 3,922.3 | |
Gross margin | 670.4 | 1,439.1 | |
Canadian resource taxes | 120.8 | 157.2 | |
Gross margin (excluding canadian resource taxes) | 791.2 | 1,596.3 | |
Operating earnings (loss) | 544.6 | 1,255.8 | |
Capital expenditures | 321.5 | 290.5 | |
Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense | 220 | 226.7 | |
Assets | $ 22,857.5 | | $ 23,386 |
Schedule of Segment Reporting Information | Segment information for the three months ended March 31, 2023 and 2022 was as follows: Phosphate Potash Mosaic Fertilizantes Corporate, Eliminations and Other (a) Total Three months ended March 31, 2023 Net sales to external customers $ 1,088.9 $ 900.4 $ 1,343.3 $ 271.7 $ 3,604.3 Intersegment net sales 293.2 6.2 — (299.4) — Net sales 1,382.1 906.6 1,343.3 (27.7) 3,604.3 Gross margin 259.3 413.3 (1.1) (1.1) 670.4 Canadian resource taxes — 120.8 — — 120.8 Gross margin (excluding Canadian resource taxes) 259.3 534.1 (1.1) (1.1) 791.2 Operating earnings (loss) 266.2 401.5 (32.1) (91.0) 544.6 Capital expenditures 141.7 92.8 86.7 0.3 321.5 Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense 116.6 69.6 31.6 2.2 220.0 Three months ended March 31, 2022 Net sales to external customers $ 1,152.8 $ 1,035.7 $ 1,488.6 $ 245.2 $ 3,922.3 Intersegment net sales 343.2 24.1 — (367.3) — Net sales 1,496.0 1,059.8 1,488.6 (122.1) 3,922.3 Gross margin 527.7 578.9 219.3 113.2 1,439.1 Canadian resource taxes — 157.2 — — 157.2 Gross margin (excluding Canadian resource taxes) 527.7 736.1 219.3 113.2 1,596.3 Operating earnings (loss) 492.5 563.3 186.7 13.3 1,255.8 Capital expenditures 147.7 65.1 75.1 2.6 290.5 Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense 120.5 77.0 25.2 4.0 226.7 Total Assets As of March 31, 2023 $ 9,562.7 $ 9,224.5 $ 5,177.8 $ (1,107.5) $ 22,857.5 As of December 31, 2022 9,570.5 9,582.2 5,562.7 (1,329.4) 23,386.0 ______________________________ (a) The “Corporate, Eliminations and Other” category includes the results of our ancillary distribution operations in India and China. For the three months ended March 31, 2023, distribution operations in India and China collectively had revenue of $266.8 million, and gross margin of $(10.8) million. For the three months ended March 31, 2022, distribution operations in India and China collectively had revenue of $220.9 million, and gross margin of $87.0 million. | | |
Revenue from External Customers by Geographic Areas [Table Text Block] | Financial information relating to our operations by geographic area is as follows: Three Months Ended (in millions) 2023 2022 Net sales (a) : Brazil $ 1,300.6 $ 1,448.5 Canpotex (b) 431.3 492.5 China 145.4 220.8 India 121.4 — Canada 81.1 230.5 Mexico 77.7 67.9 Paraguay 45.6 35.0 Colombia 39.0 32.2 Japan 38.5 26.5 Australia 20.3 24.9 Argentina 18.9 53.6 Honduras 8.0 3.4 Peru 6.7 — Other 21.1 24.7 Total international countries 2,355.6 2,660.5 United States 1,248.7 1,261.8 Consolidated $ 3,604.3 $ 3,922.3 ______________________________ (a) Revenues are attributed to countries based on location of customer. (b) Canpotex is the export association of two Saskatchewan potash producers. The net sales of potash from Mosaic to Canpotex included in our consolidated financial statements in the Net Sales line represent Mosaic’s sales of potash to Canpotex, and are recognized upon delivery to the unrelated third-party customer. Canpotex annual sales to the ultimate third-party customers are approximately: 30% to customers based in Brazil, 14% to customers based in Indonesia, 11% to customers based in China, 6% to customers based in India, and 39% to customers based in the rest of the world. | | |
Sales by Product Type | Net sales by product type are as follows: Three Months Ended (in millions) 2023 2022 Sales by product type: Phosphate Crop Nutrients $ 896.5 $ 958.8 Potash Crop Nutrients 1,015.3 1,194.8 Crop Nutrient Blends 653.4 553.0 Performance Products (a) 540.5 616.4 Phosphate Rock 40.8 27.1 Other (b) 457.8 572.2 $ 3,604.3 $ 3,922.3 ____________________________________________ (a) Includes sales of MicroEssentials ® , K-Mag, Aspire and Sus-Terra. (b) Includes sales of industrial potash, feed products, nitrogen and other products. | | |
Phosphates segment | | | |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items] | | | |
Gross margin | $ 259.3 | 527.7 | |
Canadian resource taxes | 0 | 0 | |
Gross margin (excluding canadian resource taxes) | 259.3 | 527.7 | |
Operating earnings (loss) | 266.2 | 492.5 | |
Capital expenditures | 141.7 | 147.7 | |
Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense | 116.6 | 120.5 | |
Assets | 9,562.7 | | 9,570.5 |
Potash segment | | | |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items] | | | |
Gross margin | 413.3 | 578.9 | |
Canadian resource taxes | 120.8 | 157.2 | |
Gross margin (excluding canadian resource taxes) | 534.1 | 736.1 | |
Operating earnings (loss) | 401.5 | 563.3 | |
Capital expenditures | 92.8 | 65.1 | |
Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense | 69.6 | 77 | |
Assets | 9,224.5 | | 9,582.2 |
Mosaic Fertilizantes segment | | | |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items] | | | |
Gross margin | (1.1) | 219.3 | |
Canadian resource taxes | 0 | 0 | |
Gross margin (excluding canadian resource taxes) | 1.1 | 219.3 | |
Operating earnings (loss) | (32.1) | 186.7 | |
Capital expenditures | 86.7 | 75.1 | |
Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense | 31.6 | 25.2 | |
Assets | 5,177.8 | | 5,562.7 |
Corporate, other and intersegment eliminations | | | |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items] | | | |
Gross margin | (1.1) | 113.2 | |
Canadian resource taxes | 0 | 0 | |
Gross margin (excluding canadian resource taxes) | (1.1) | 113.2 | |
Operating earnings (loss) | (91) | 13.3 | |
Capital expenditures | 0.3 | 2.6 | |
Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense | 2.2 | 4 | |
Assets | (1,107.5) | | $ (1,329.4) |
Product | | | |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items] | | | |
Net Sales | 3,604.3 | 3,922.3 | |
Intersegment Sales | 0 | 0 | |
Revenues | 3,604.3 | 3,922.3 | |
Product | Phosphates segment | | | |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items] | | | |
Net Sales | 1,088.9 | 1,152.8 | |
Intersegment Sales | 293.2 | 343.2 | |
Revenues | 1,382.1 | 1,496 | |
Product | Potash segment | | | |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items] | | | |
Net Sales | 900.4 | 1,035.7 | |
Intersegment Sales | 6.2 | 24.1 | |
Revenues | 906.6 | 1,059.8 | |
Product | Mosaic Fertilizantes segment | | | |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items] | | | |
Net Sales | 1,343.3 | 1,488.6 | |
Intersegment Sales | 0 | 0 | |
Revenues | 1,343.3 | 1,488.6 | |
Product | Corporate, other and intersegment eliminations | | | |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items] | | | |
Net Sales | 271.7 | 245.2 | |
Intersegment Sales | (299.4) | (367.3) | |
Revenues | (27.7) | (122.1) | |
Product | Corporate, other and intersegment eliminations | China and India distribution operations | | | |
Segment Reporting Information [Line Items] | | | |
Revenues | 266.8 | 220.9 | |
Gross margin | $ (10.8) | $ 87 | |