Acquisitions | Acquisitions 2015 Acquisitions Indatus In June 2015, we acquired certain assets from ICIM Corporation, including the Answer Automation, Call Tracker and Zip Digital products marketed under the name Indatus. The Indatus offerings are software-as-a-service products that provide automated answering services, marketing spend analysis tools and other features which enhance the ability of managers of multifamily properties to communicate with their residents. We plan to integrate the Indatus assets with our existing contact center and maintenance products, increasing the features of these existing products. This transaction was determined to constitute a business combination and was accounted for under FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 805, Business Combination s ("ASC 805"). We acquired the Indatus assets for a purchase price of $49.8 million , consisting of a cash payment of $43.9 million at closing, deferred cash payments of up to $5.0 million payable over nineteen months after the acquisition date and contingent cash payments of up to $2.0 million , in the aggregate, if certain revenue targets are met for the twelve month periods ended June 30, 2016 and 2017 . The initial fair value of the deferred cash payments and the contingent cash payments was $4.7 million and $1.2 million , respectively, as of the acquisition date. The fair value of the deferred cash payments was estimated based on the present value, as of the date of acquisition, of anticipated future payments. The deferred cash payments are subject to adjustments specified in the acquisition agreement related to the seller's indemnification obligations. The fair value of the contingent cash payments was based on management's estimate of the cash payments using a probability weighted discount model based on the achievement of the specified revenue targets and will be evaluated quarterly. Direct acquisition costs were $0.3 million and expensed as incurred. This acquisition was financed using proceeds from our revolving credit facility. Acquired intangibles were recorded at their estimated fair value based on the income approach using market-based estimates. The acquired developed product technologies have a useful life of three years and will be amortized on a straight-line basis. The trade name acquired will be amortized over a useful life of one year , based on our anticipated use of the asset, and will be recognized on a straight-line basis. Customer relationships acquired in the transaction will be amortized over a useful life of ten years , which are amortized proportionately to the expected discounted cash flows derived from the asset. Goodwill and identified intangible assets associated with the acquisition are deductible for tax purposes. Goodwill arising from the acquisition consists largely of anticipated synergies resulting from the integration of Indatus with our pre-existing products and from leveraging our existing customer base and sales staff. We included the results of operations of this acquisition in our condensed consolidated financial statements from the effective date of the acquisition. VRX In June 2015, we acquired certain assets from RJ Vacations, LLC and Switch Development Corporation, including the VRX product ("VRX"). VRX is a software-as-a-service application which allows vacation rental management companies to manage the cleaning and turning of units, accounting and document management. VRX will augment our existing line of solutions offered to the vacation rental industry and we plan to integrate it with our Kigo solution. This transaction was determined to constitute a business combination and was accounted for under ASC 805. We acquired the VRX assets for a purchase price of $2.0 million , consisting of a cash payment of $1.5 million at closing and a deferred cash payment of up to $0.5 million . Payment of the deferred cash obligation is contingent upon the achievement of certain subscription and booking activity targets and is subject to adjustments specified in the acquisition agreement related to the sellers' indemnification obligations. The deferred cash obligation had a fair value of $0.5 million , as of the acquisition date, and is due fifteen months after the date of acquisition. The purchase agreement also provides for the sellers to receive additional contingent cash payments of up to $3.0 million . Payment of the contingent cash payments is dependent upon the achievement of certain revenue targets during the twelve month periods ended December 31, 2016, 2017 and 2018, and the sellers providing certain services during a specified period following the acquisition date. Due to this post-acquisition service requirement, the Company concluded that the contingent cash payments represent post-acquisition compensation; therefore, these amounts were excluded from the acquisition consideration. This acquisition was financed using cash flows from operations. Acquired intangibles were recorded at their estimated fair value based on the income approach using market-based estimates. The acquired product technologies have an estimated useful life of three years and will be amortized on a straight-line basis. Goodwill arising from the acquisition consists largely of anticipated synergies resulting from the integration of VRX with Kigo. Goodwill and identified intangible assets associated with the acquisition are deductible for tax purposes. We included the results of operations of this acquisition in our condensed consolidated financial statements from the effective date of the acquisition. Direct acquisition costs were immaterial and expensed as incurred. We preliminarily allocated the purchase price of Indatus and VRX as follows: Indatus VRX (in thousands) Accounts receivable $ 646 $ — Intangible assets: Developed product technologies 13,400 752 Customer relationships 9,770 11 Trade names 83 — Goodwill 25,987 1,228 Net other liabilities (56 ) — Total purchase price $ 49,830 $ 1,991 The estimated fair values of assets acquired and liabilities assumed related to the above acquisitions are provisional and are based on the information that was available as of the acquisition date to estimate the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed. We believe that this information provides a reasonable basis for estimating the fair values of assets acquired and liabilities assumed, but we are waiting for additional information necessary to finalize those fair values. Therefore, the provisional measurements of fair value reflected are subject to change and such changes could be significant. We expect to finalize the valuation and complete the purchase price allocation as soon as practicable, but no later than one year from the acquisition date. 2014 Acquisitions InstaManager In January 2014, we acquired certain assets from Bookt LLC, including the InstaManager product (“InstaManager”). InstaManager is a software-as-a-service vacation rental booking engine used by professional managers of vacation rental properties which offers marketing websites, online pricing and availability, online booking, automated reservations, payment processing and insurance sales. The acquisition of InstaManager expanded our product offerings to include property management software for the vacation rental market. This transaction was determined to constitute a business combination and was accounted for under ASC 805. We acquired InstaManager for a purchase price of $9.2 million , consisting of a cash payment of $6.0 million at closing, a deferred cash payment of up to $1.0 million payable over two years after the acquisition date and contingent cash payments totaling up to $7.0 million if certain revenue targets are met for the twelve month periods ending March 31, 2015 and March 31, 2016 . The initial fair value of the deferred cash payment and the contingent cash payments was $0.8 million and $2.4 million , respectively. The fair value of the deferred cash payments was estimated based on the present value, as of the date of acquisition, of anticipated future payments. The fair value of the contingent cash payments was based on management’s estimate of the fair value of the cash payment using a probability weighted discount model based on the achievement of the specified revenue targets and is evaluated quarterly. Direct acquisition costs were less than $0.1 million and expensed as incurred. This acquisition was financed from cash flows from operations. Acquired intangibles were recorded at their estimated fair value based on the income approach using market-based estimates. The acquired developed product technologies have a useful life of three years and are amortized on a straight-line basis. Goodwill and identified intangible assets associated with this acquisition were deductible for tax purposes. Goodwill arising from the acquisition consists largely of the economies of scale expected from integrating InstaManager into our existing operating structure. We included the results of operations of this acquisition in our condensed consolidated financial statements from the effective date of the acquisition. We assigned an indefinite useful life to the trade name acquired, as we did not anticipate ceasing use of the trade name in the marketplace. In March 2015, we completed the integration of InstaManager with another vacation rental software product and ceased use of the trade name at that time. As a result of this event, we assessed the InstaManager trade name for impairment. See further discussion of this analysis and conclusion in Note 5. The contingent consideration revenue target for the twelve month period ending March 31, 2015 was achieved, resulting in a contingent cash obligation of $0.5 million . We anticipate that this obligation will be paid in the third quarter of 2015. If the underlying revenue targets are met for the twelve months ending March 31, 2016, the related contingent consideration payment is expected to be paid in the second quarter of 2016. The aggregate fair value of the contingent cash payment obligations was $3.3 million and $2.3 million at June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 , respectively. We recognized a net loss of $0.6 million and $0.2 million , and $1.0 million and $0.2 million during the three and six months ended June 30, 2015 and 2014 , respectively, related to the change in the estimated fair value of the contingent cash payments. In February 2015, we made the first deferred cash payment of $0.5 million . The remaining deferred cash payment of up to $0.5 million , net of any offsetting amounts permitted under the agreement, is expected to be paid in March 2016. At June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 , the total deferred cash obligation related to the acquisition of InstaManager, net of any adjustments permitted by the underlying agreement, was $0.5 million and $1.0 million , respectively. The deferred cash obligation was carried net of a discount of less than $0.1 million at June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 , in the accompanying Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Virtual Maintenance Manager In March 2014, we acquired certain assets from Virtual Maintenance Manager LLC, including the Virtual Maintenance Manager product (“VMM”). VMM is a software-as-a-service application that facilitates the management of the end-to-end maintenance life cycle for single family and multifamily rental properties and provides property managers with enhanced visibility into their maintenance costs, manages resources and provides enhanced business control for property managers. We integrated VMM into our existing Propertyware products. This transaction was determined to constitute a business combination and was accounted for under ASC 805. We acquired the VMM assets for a purchase price of $1.2 million , consisting of a cash payment of $1.0 million at closing, a deferred cash payment of up to $0.2 million payable over two years after the acquisition date and contingent cash payments of up to $2.0 million if certain revenue targets are met for the twelve months ending June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2016 . The initial fair value of the deferred cash payment and the contingent cash payments was $0.2 million and less than $0.1 million , respectively. The fair value of the deferred cash payments was estimated based on the present value, as of the date of acquisition, of anticipated future payments. The fair value of the contingent cash payments was based on management’s estimate of the fair value of the cash payments using a probability weighted discount model based on the achievement of the specified revenue targets and is evaluated quarterly. Direct acquisition costs were less than $0.1 million and expensed as incurred. This acquisition was financed from cash flows from operations. Acquired intangibles were recorded at their estimated fair value based on the income approach using market-based estimates. The acquired developed product technologies have a useful life of three years and are amortized on a straight-line basis. Acquired customer relationships have a useful life of ten years, which are amortized proportionately to the expected discounted cash flows derived from the asset. Goodwill and identified intangible assets associated with this acquisition are deductible for tax purposes. Goodwill arising from the acquisition consists largely of the economies of scale expected from integrating VMM into our existing operating structure and from anticipated synergies with our existing products. We included the results of operations of this acquisition in our condensed consolidated financial statements from the effective date of the acquisition. The aggregate fair value of the contingent cash payments was zero and less than $0.1 million at June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 , respectively. There was no change in the contingent consideration's fair value during the three months ended June 30, 2015 . During the six months ended June 30, 2015 , we recognized a gain of less than $0.1 million related to changes in the estimated fair value of the contingent cash payments. No gain or loss was recognized during the three months ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, nor during the six months ended June 30, 2014 . In May 2015, we made the first deferred cash payment of $0.1 million . The remaining deferred cash payment of up to $0.1 million , net of any offsetting amounts permitted under the agreement, is expected to be paid in the second quarter of 2016 . Total deferred cash obligations related to the acquisition of VMM, net of any adjustments permitted by the underlying agreement, was $0.1 million and $0.2 million at June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 , respectively. The deferred cash obligation was carried net of a discount of less than $0.1 million at June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 , in the accompanying Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Notivus In May 2014, we acquired certain assets from Notivus Multi-Family LLC, including the Notivus product ("Notivus"). Notivus is a software-as-a-service application that provides an outsourced vendor credentialing solution to assist multifamily owners and managers in the credentialing and ongoing monitoring of their current and prospective vendors, suppliers and independent contractors. We subsequently integrated Notivus into our existing Compliance Depot products. This transaction was determined to constitute a business combination and was accounted for under ASC 805. We acquired the Notivus assets for a purchase price of $4.4 million , consisting of a cash payment of $3.6 million at closing and a deferred cash payment of up to $0.8 million payable over two years after the acquisition date. The initial fair value of the deferred cash payment was approximately $0.8 million and was estimated based on the present value, as of the date of acquisition, of the anticipated future payments. Direct acquisition costs were less than $0.1 million and expensed as incurred. This acquisition was financed from cash flows from operations. Acquired intangible assets were recorded at their estimated fair value based on the income approach using market-based estimates. The acquired developed product technologies have a useful life of three years and are amortized on a straight-line basis. Goodwill and identified intangible assets associated with this acquisition are deductible for tax purposes and consist largely of the economies of scale expected from integrating Notivus into our existing operating structure and from anticipated synergies with our existing products. We included the results of operations of this acquisition in our condensed consolidated financial statements from the effective date of the acquisition. At June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 , the total deferred cash obligation related to the acquisition of Notivus, net of any adjustments permitted by the underlying agreement, was $0.8 million . The deferred cash obligation was carried net of a discount of less than $0.1 million at June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 in the accompanying Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Kigo, Inc. In June 2014, we acquired all of the issued and outstanding stock of Kigo, Inc. ("Kigo"). Kigo is a software-as-a-service vacation rental booking system based in the United States with operations in Spain. Kigo offers services for vacation rental property managers that include vacation rental calendars, scheduling, reservations, accounting, channel management, website design, payment processing and other tasks to aid the management of leads, revenue, resources and lodging calendars. We integrated our existing vacation rental products with Kigo and launched an enhanced version of the software in March 2015. This transaction was determined to constitute a business combination and was accounted for under ASC 805. We acquired Kigo for a purchase price of $36.2 million , consisting of a cash payment of $30.7 million and a deferred cash payment of up to $5.5 million , payable over two and a half years after the acquisition date. Interest is accrued on the deferred cash payments at a rate equal to the one-month London Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR"), plus a premium of 1.00% , and is payable on the date the underlying principal is due. This acquisition was financed from proceeds from our revolving line of credit and cash flows from operations. Direct acquisition costs were $0.5 million and were expensed as incurred. Acquired intangible assets were recorded at their estimated fair value based on the income approach using market-based estimates. The acquired developed product technologies have a useful life of three years and are amortized on a straight-line basis. Acquired customer relationships have a useful life of ten years , which are amortized proportionately to the expected discounted cash flows derived from the asset. The trade name acquired has an indefinite useful life as we do not plan to cease using the trade name in the marketplace. Goodwill and identified intangible assets associated with this acquisition are not deductible for tax purposes. Goodwill arising from the acquisition consists largely of the economies of scale expected from integrating Kigo into our existing operating structure and from anticipated synergies with our existing products. We included the results of operations of this acquisition in our condensed consolidated financial statements from the effective date of this acquisition. At June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 , the total deferred cash obligation related to the acquisition of Kigo, net of any adjustments permitted by the underlying agreement, was $5.4 million . We allocated the purchase price for InstaManager, VMM, Notivus and Kigo as follows: InstaManager VMM Notivus Kigo (in thousands) Intangible assets: Developed product technologies $ 4,490 $ 671 $ 1,840 $ 2,570 Customer relationships — 200 — 1,120 Trade names 527 — — 602 Goodwill 4,135 358 2,852 32,996 Deferred revenue (33 ) — (156 ) — Net deferred taxes — — — (495 ) Net other assets (liabilities) 55 — (141 ) (547 ) Total purchase price $ 9,174 $ 1,229 $ 4,395 $ 36,246 Acquisition Activity Prior to 2014 We completed acquisitions in the years prior to 2014 for which acquisition-related contingent consideration was included in the purchase price and recorded at fair value. The liability established for the acquisition-related contingent consideration will continue to be re-evaluated on a quarterly basis and measured at the estimated fair value based on the probabilities, as determined by management, of achieving the respective targets. This evaluation will be performed until all of the targets have been met or terms of the respective agreements expire. As of June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 , the aggregate fair value of contingent consideration obligations related to acquisitions completed prior to 2014 was $0.5 million and $1.8 million , respectively. We recognized a net gain $0.5 million and $0.4 million , and $0.6 million and $0.2 million during the three and six months ended June 30, 2015 and 2014 , respectively, related to the change in fair value of these acquisition-related contingent consideration obligations. Aggregate deferred cash obligations related to these acquisitions was $2.4 million at June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 , net of any adjustments permitted by the underlying agreements. These amounts were presented net of a discount of less than $0.1 million at June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014 . No payments of deferred or contingent cash obligations were made during the three months ended June 30, 2015 related to acquisitions completed prior to 2014 . We paid deferred and contingent cash obligations related to acquisitions completed in years prior to 2014 in the aggregate amount of $0.2 million during the three months ended June 30, 2014 , and $0.7 million and $1.0 million during six months ended June 30, 2015 and 2014 , respectively. Additionally, during the three months ended June 30, 2015 , we issued 36,250 unregistered shares of our common stock as part of deferred consideration obligations relating to acquisitions that occurred prior to 2014 . Pro Forma Results of Acquisitions The following table presents pro forma results of operations for the three and six months ended June 30, 2015 and 2014 , as if the aforementioned acquisitions had occurred at the beginning of each period presented. The pro forma information includes the business combination accounting effects resulting from these acquisitions, including interest expense, tax benefit and additional amortization resulting from the valuation of amortizable intangible assets. We prepared the pro forma financial information for the combined entities for comparative purposes only, and it is not indicative of what actual results would have been if the acquisitions had occurred at the beginning of the presented period, or of future periods. Pro forma results are presented in thousands, except per share amounts. Three Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30, 2015 Pro Forma 2014 Pro Forma 2015 Pro Forma 2014 Pro Forma Revenue: On demand $ 112,692 $ 94,972 $ 222,220 $ 195,542 On premise 726 826 1,467 1,691 Professional and other 3,396 2,556 6,665 5,246 Total revenue 116,814 98,354 230,352 202,479 Net loss $ (3,948 ) $ (7,058 ) $ (6,039 ) $ (8,888 ) Net loss per common share Basic $ (0.05 ) $ (0.09 ) $ (0.08 ) $ (0.12 ) Diluted $ (0.05 ) $ (0.09 ) $ (0.08 ) $ (0.12 ) |