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AA, AAS, abandoned, absence, absolute, absorption, accelerated, Accept, acceptability, acceptable, acceptance, accepted, accessed, accessible, accident, accommodate, accompanied, accompanying, accredited, accrued, accuracy, achieve, achieved, achievement, achieving, acid, Actin, Actwith, adaptable, add, added, adding, Additionally, adequacy, adjacent, adjusted, adjustment, admitted, ADR, adsorption, advance, advanced, advancement, advancing, adverse, adversely, advisory, AE, AEI, affiliate, affiliated, aforementioned, African, afternoon, Ag, age, agency, agenda, agglomerate, agglomerated, agglomeration, aging, ago, agreed, agreement, ahead, AIM, air, Airborne, airport, AISC, Alan, AlF, allocated, allocating, alluvial, ALS, alter, alteration, altered, alternate, alternative, Altman, Alto, Amax, Ambiente, amenable, America, ammonia, amortized, amparo, AMT, Analyst, analytical, analyze, analyzed, ancillary, angle, annealed, anniversary, announced, annum, anticipate, anticipated, antiform, antimony, APA, Apex, apparently, appeal, appealed, Appendix, applied, apply, applying, appoint, appointed, appointment, appraised, appraiser, approach, approximate, approximately, AQM, aqua, arbitrary, archaeological, Arequipa, arise, arising, Arizona, arranged, arrangement, arrival, arrive, Arroyo, arsenic, ASARCO, ash, assay, assayed, assaying, assemblage, assembled, asset, Atkinson, ATM, atomic, attempted, attend, attorney, attracting, attractive, attributable, attributed, attribution, Au, Audio, August, Auld, AuRico, auxiliary, avenue, avoid, await, aware, azimuth, back, backfill, backfilled, background, backslashed, backup, bag, bagged, baghouse, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bar, bargaining, Barksdale, Barren, Barrick, basal, basaltic, baseline, basement, basic, basin, Batholith, Bazooka, bearing, bed, began, begin, beginning, begun, behavior, belt, benchmark, beneath, beneficial, beneficially, billion, binder, biological, bit, Blackshire, blank, Blasutti, blend, blended, blind, block, blockade, blockaded, body, bond, bone, bored, bottle, bottom, boudinaged, boundary, boutique, bowl, box, boxed, Brad, brake, break, breccia, bring, British, broad, broken, brought, Bruin, Brunton, bucket, building, bulk, burden, Bureau, buyer, cage, Cajon, Caladay, calcium, calculated, calculating, calculation, Calgary, California, Callahan, called, Cambio, Cambo, camera, Cane, Canyon, capable, capacity, captured, carbon, carbonate, care, career, careful, carefully, Carl, Carver, Cassiday, catastrophic, categorized, caught, Cautionary, CBCA, cease, ceased, ceasing, cement, Cenozoic, center, centered, central, century, CERCLA, certainty, certified, Certifying, CESQG, cessation, cf, CFC, chain, chairman, chalcopyrite, challenge, challenged, channel, characterization, characterized, chart, charting, CHC, chemical, Chemtrade, Chicama, chiefly, Chihuahua, China, chip, chosen, circuit, circular, circulated, circulation, civic, civil, claim, Clark, classification, classified, clay, clean, cleaned, cleaner, climate, closure, CNNC, coal, coarse, Coeur, Coeurmill, collaboratively, collapse, collar, collared, collated, collateral, Collegiate, Columbia, column, combination, combine, combined, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, commercial, commercialization, commercially, commingled, commitment, committed, commodity, comparison, compatible, compensatory, competence, competent, competing, complimentary, component, composite, composition, compound, compounded, comprehensive, compressor, computed, computer, Computershare, concentrate, concentrated, concentration, concentrator, concert, concession, conclusion, concurrent, Concurrently, condition, Conditionally, cone, confidence, confidential, configuration, configured, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, confirming, conflict, conformed, confusion, conglomerate, consecutive, Conservation, conservative, considerable, consideration, constrain, constrained, construct, constructed, construction, constructively, consult, consultancy, consultant, consulted, consulting, consumptive, contact, contaminated, contaminating, contamination, contemplated, content, contested, context, contingent, continual, continuation, continue, continued, continuing, continuity, continuously, contract, contracted, contractor, convened, conventional, conversion, convey, conveyance, conveyed, conveyor, COO, cooled, copper, copy, core, cored, corner, correct, corrected, corrective, correlated, correlation, Corrupt, corruption, Cortez, Cosal, costly, counterparty, County, couple, coupled, court, coverage, CPA, CPG, crack, create, created, creation, credibility, credit, Crescent, crest, criminal, critical, crucible, crush, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, crystalline, CSAMT, Cu, cultural, cumulative, cupelled, currency, CUS, custody, customer, cut, CWA, cyanidation, cyanide, cyclical, dam, damage, Dan, Daniel, Daren, database, Datefor, deal, death, debenture, debt, decade, decanted, decide, decided, decision, declare, declared, decline, declining, Decommissioning, decrease, decreased, decreasing, deductibility, deductible, deduction, deemed, deeper, default, defective, Defence, Defensa, deferment, deferred, Defilippi, deformed, del, Delaware, delay, delayed, delegate, delegated, delegation, delineation, deliver, delivered, delivering, Dell, deltaic, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, denied, denominated, density, Denver, deny, Department, depletion, deposit, deposited, depreciation, depressed, depth, deputy, derivative, derived, designee, desirable, desorption, destruction, deter, developmental, deviated, dewatering, dextral, diameter, diamond, dictate, diesel, difficult, digestion, digital, digitally, dilute, diluted, diluting, dilution, dioritic, dip, dipole, dipping, directly, dirt, disagreement, disallowance, disallowed, disaster, discharge, discharging, discount, discounted, discounting, discourage, discover, discovered, discovery, discretion, disease, dismissed, displacement, display, disposal, dispute, disruption, disruptive, disseminated, dissemination, dissolution, distal, distance, distinct, distinctive, distinguish, distinguished, distributed, distribution, district, disturbance, divided, dividend, document, documentation, Dodge, Dome, dominant, dominantly, dominated, dor, Dore, dosage, doubt, downstream, downtime, drawn, drift, drifting, drill, drilled, drilling, driven, dry, drying, ductile, ducting, Dufresne, dump, Durango, duration, dust, duty, Duval, Dyer, earlier, earliest, earn, earth, easily, east, eastern, economy, ecosystem, edgar, edge, Edgewater, education, Edwin, effectuate, efficiency, efficiently, effort, ejido, El, electowinning, electric, electrical, electrowinning, elemental, elevation, eleven, eliminate, eliminated, eliminating, elimination, Elko, eluted, employ, employed, employee, emptied, enable, enabling, encounter, encountered, encouraging, energy, Enertech, enforce, enforceable, enforced, enforcement, Eng, engineer, engineering, enriched, entail, enter, entered, entity, envelope, environment, EPA, equal, equipment, equipped, equivalent, Eric, erosion, estimataed, Estrella, event, eventual, evidence, evolution, examination, examine, excavation, exceed, excellent, exclude, excluded, excluding, exclusion, exclusive, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exisitng, exit, expand, expanded, expanding, expanse, expansion, expedient, expend, expense, experienced, expertise, expiration, expired, exploitable, exploitation, exploited, export, exposed, exposure, expropriation, extension, extensional, extensive, extent, extra, extract, extracted, extraction, extremely, face, facility, facing, factor, factored, failure, fair, faith, Falconi, fall, fan, fashion, fault, faulting, favour, favourable, FD, Fe, February, fed, federalClean, fee, feed, feedstock, feet, feldspar, Felipeproperty, fenced, fencing, fewer, fiduciary, field, fifteen, filer, fill, filled, filling, filtering, finance, financed, financing, fine, fire, fired, Firstgold, fissure, flank, flat, fleet, flexibility, floatation, floating, flooding, Floor, flotation, flowsheet, fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuation, fluorite, flux, focused, focusing, folded, folding, foliated, footage, footprint, footwall, Forage, force, forced, foreseeable, forma, formal, formally, formation, formational, formula, Forum, fossilized, found, founded, founder, fractional, fracture, fractured, framing, fraud, Freeport, French, frequently, fresh, fringe, Frontera, fuel, full, fully, fund, fundamental, fundamentally, funding, furnace, FW, gabbro, gabbroic, GAC, gain, gaining, galena, gangue, gas, gated, Gathering, Geo, geochemical, geographic, geologic, geological, geologically, geologist, geology, geophysical, Geoscience, geotechnical, geotechnically, Glencore, global, globalization, globally, glossary, goal, golden, Golder, good, Gopher, Gotshal, gpm, GPS, graben, graduate, grain, gram, granitic, granodioritic, gravel, gravimetric, greenhouse, greenschist, Grid, grind, grinding, ground, group, grow, Grupo, Guerrero, Gulf, half, halt, halted, hammer, handle, handling, hangingwall, hard, hardware, haul, hauled, Haventree, HCl, head, health, heap, hearing, heavy, hectare, Hector, hedge, hedging, height, Hemisphere, Hemlo, hereinafter, Hermosillo, high, highest, highly, highway, Higuera, hire, hiring, history, Hochschild, hoist, hoisted, hoisting, holder, hole, Homestake, honesty, Hong, horizon, horizontal, host, hosted, hosting, hourly, housing, HQ, human, Humboldt, Hussey, hydraulic, hydraulically, hydroxide, ICP, ID, Idaho, idle, IETU, illegal, illegally, immaterial, impact, impacted, impacting, impede, Imperial, implementation, implemented, implementing, imposition, impossible, impoundment, imprecise, impressive, improper, improve, improved, improvement, Improving, impugned, inability, inactive, inadvertent, inAppendix, inappropriate, inch, incident, inclement, inclination, incline, inclined, inclusion, income, incomplete, inconsistent, increase, increased, increasing, incur, incurring, incursion, indefinite, India, indirect, indirectly, Indonesia, inDrilling, induced, inductively, infill, inflation, inflationary, influence, influenced, influential, infrastructure, infrequent, initial, initially, initiate, initiated, injury, innovation, inorganic, inquiry, inserted, insertion, inside, insider, insight, insolvency, inspection, Inspectorate, instability, installation, installed, installing, insufficient, insurance, insured, intake, intangible, integral, integrity, intend, intended, intense, intensity, intercept, interest, interested, interference, interim, intermediate, internationally, interpretation, interpreted, interrupt, interruption, intersected, Interstate, interval, intervene, introduced, intruded, intrusive, inventoried, inventory, invest, invested, investigation, investing, investment, involuntary, IPL, iron, isnot, ISO, Isolated, isolation, Israel, issuance, iv, Ivey, Izarra, January, Jasperoid, jaw, joined, joining, joint, jointly, Jorgensen, JSF, judgment, July, June, Jurassic, Justice, justified, justify, JV, key, kg, Killbuck, kind, King, knowledge, Koipato, Kong, la, lab, labor, laboratory, labour, Lac, Lacana, lack, lacked, land, landscape, Lang, Larga, large, largely, largest, LATAMFUV, Latin, latitude, Launched, lawsuit, lawyer, Layne, lbs, leach, leached, leaching, lead, leadership, lease, leased, leasehold, led, left, legacy, lend, lender, length, lesser, letter, levy, LHD, liable, LIBOR, licensed, lie, lien, life, lift, lifted, light, Lightbulb, limb, limestone, limey, line, lined, linen, liquid, liquidating, liquidation, liquidity, litharge, lithology, live, load, loaded, loadout, loan, lobe, locate, located, locating, location, locked, lode, log, logged, logging, logistical, LOM, LOMP, London, longer, longevity, longitude, Los, lose, lost, Lovelock, low, lower, lowering, lowest, lying, machine, Macquarie, Madre, mafic, magazine, magistrate, magma, magnesium, magnetic, main, majeure, malware, man, mandate, mandatory, manner, manual, manufacturer, mapped, mapping, marginal, marine, Martinez, massive, Master, match, matter, maturity, maximum, Maza, MBA, McClelland, McGill, MCO, McRae, MDA, mechanical, mechanism, mechanized, Medal, media, median, Medio, MEG, melt, mercury, merger, mesh, Mesozoic, met, Metagri, metal, Metalex, Metall, metallic, metallurgical, metallurgist, metamorphism, metamorphosed, method, Metric, Mexican, Mexico, MIA, mica, Middle, mile, mill, milled, milling, million, millsite, minable, Minera, minimal, minimize, minimized, minimum, minute, Miocene, misappropriation, mission, Missoula, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mixed, mixture, mm, mobile, mobility, model, modeled, modeling, modelling, modern, modernize, modification, modified, modify, Modifying, molten, monetary, monitor, monitoring, Montana, month, morning, move, moved, movement, Moz, MPRG, muck, mucked, multiple, multiply, municipal, municipality, MXP, Mylar, Nacional, narrow, Natchez, native, natural, Naturale, naturally, nature, nearby, necessarily, negotiate, negotiated, Neil, NEPA, net, Nevada, Newalta, Newgold, Newmont, NewWest, Niel, nitric, NNL, NNR, noise, Nomad, nominee, nonbinding, nonexistent, Noranda, Norock, Norte, north, northeast, northern, northwest, note, noted, notified, Notwithstanding, November, NQ, NSR, Nuestra, Nuetra, Nulegacy, numeric, observation, observed, occasion, occasional, occasionally, Occidental, occupation, occupational, occurrence, October, offered, offering, offset, offsetting, offshore, offtake, ofMarch, oil, oldest, ongoing, online, onMarch, onsite, Ontario, OPE, open, opened, opening, operate, operated, operating, operation, operational, operator, OPEX, opinion, oppose, opt, optimization, optimize, optimized, option, OPW, Oracle, Orca, order, ordered, orderly, ordinary, organizational, orientation, oriented, original, originally, originating, orNPV, Oro, orSan, Orvana, Osburn, OSC, Outcrop, outlined, outlining, oven, overand, overflow, overhand, overlain, overland, overlying, overnight, overprinted, oversight, owed, owing, owner, ownership, oxidized, Pacific, package, Packard, pad, paid, Paleozoic, Pangea, panhandle, paper, parachute, paragraph, parallel, parent, parking, partially, particle, partner, partnership, party, passing, passive, patented, path, Paul, paved, payable, payment, payroll, Pb, PbS, Peak, peer, pension, pensioner, people, Peralta, perception, permanent, permeability, perpendicular, personnel, perspective, Peru, peso, Peter, PFIC, PFS, PG, phase, phenomena, phishing, physical, physiographic, picked, pipe, pipeline, pit, placement, Placer, plane, plant, plasma, Platinum, Platte, Platter, played, player, PLC, pneumatic, policing, policy, political, Pollutant, pollution, polymetallic, pond, poor, population, porphyry, portal, Portfolio, portion, pose, position, positive, postponement, potable, pound, pour, Powell, power, Precambrian, precise, predate, predecessor, predetermined, predicated, predict, predicted, predictor, predominant, predominantly, predominately, preeminent, preferably, preference, preferred, pregnant, preliminary, Premier, Prenn, prep, prerequisite, presence, preserve, President, pressing, pressure, prevailing, PRG, primarily, priority, pro, proactive, problem, procedure, proceed, PROFEPA, profession, profile, profit, profitability, profitably, program, progressive, prolific, prolonged, promissory, promulgated, proof, properly, proponent, proportion, proportionate, prospecting, prospective, prospectivity, Prospector, protocol, province, provincial, provisional, proximal, proximity, pseudoflow, Pt, publicly, published, pulled, pulp, pulverized, pulverizer, pulverizing, pumped, pumping, purity, pursue, put, pyrite, pyrometallurgical, QEF, QEFElection, qualification, quality, Quantec, quantification, quantify, quantifying, quantitative, quantity, quarry, quarter, quartz, quartzite, quickly, Rafaelmine, rail, Rand, random, Randy, range, ranged, ranging, ranking, ransomware, rapid, ratified, Ratio, raw, RC, RCRA, reach, reached, reaching, reaction, reader, ready, reagent, real, Realty, reassessment, recapitalization, recapitalize, receive, received, receiver, receiving, recent, recently, receptive, recession, reclaim, reclamation, recognition, recognize, recognized, recommence, recommenced, reconcilable, reconciliation, reconfigured, reconstructed, recordkeeping, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovering, recovery, Recruiting, recruitment, recrystallized, redeveloped, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, refinance, refine, refined, refinery, refining, Reflex, refund, refurbishment, regeneration, regia, regimen, region, regional, registrar, regular, regularly, rehabilitate, rehabilitated, REIT, reject, rejected, relationship, release, released, relevant, relocation, rely, remain, remaining, remarkable, remedial, remediation, remedy, removal, remove, removed, removing, remuneration, render, rendered, renegotiate, renew, renewal, renewed, renewing, Reno, repair, repatriate, repatriated, Repatriation, repayable, repayment, repeal, repealing, repeated, replace, replaced, replacement, replicate, reportedly, repurchase, reputation, reside, residence, resident, resignation, resolution, resolve, restatement, restoring, restricted, restrictive, restructure, resume, resumed, resumption, retain, retaining, retention, retired, retirement, retort, Retrieval, retrofitted, reuse, revenue, reverse, reversed, revert, revoke, revoked, Revolution, revolving, rhyolitic, rice, Richard, Richmond, Ridge, riffle, rig, ring, rinse, Rio, riot, River, Rivera, RM, road, robust, rock, roll, ROM, roof, room, rotation, Roth, rougher, roughly, rounding, route, routinely, Royal, royalty, RQD, run, rural, RX, sabotage, safe, safeguarded, sale, saleable, sample, sampled, sampling, sand, sandstone, Sandstorm, sank, Santa, Santacruz, sat, satisfaction, satisfactorily, satisfactory, saved, scale, scanned, scattered, scheme, School, scientific, scope, scoria, Scorpio, screen, sea, sealed, seasonal, secondary, Secretaria, Secretariat, Secretary, sector, sedar, sedimentary, seismic, sell, selling, SEMARNAT, senior, sensitive, September, sequence, sequential, sericite, sericitic, serve, served, Servicio, serving, settled, settlement, setup, SGS, shaft, shallow, shape, Shawn, Shea, shell, shipment, shipped, shop, short, shortfall, Shoshone, showed, shown, shut, side, siderite, Sierra, significantly, silica, silicate, silicic, siliciclastic, simple, SIN, Sinaloa, single, situated, situation, size, sized, skarn, skilled, skipped, Skyline, sliding, slightly, slope, sludge, small, smaller, SME, smelted, smelter, smelting, Smith, social, socioeconomic, sodium, software, soil, solid, solution, Sonora, sought, sound, source, sourced, south, southeast, southern, southwest, southwestern, spaced, spacing, Spanish, spare, spatial, spatially, spectrometry, speculative, spending, spent, spill, split, splitter, splitting, SPM, Spokane, spot, spreadsheet, Spring, Sprott, square, stacked, stacking, staffing, stage, staged, stake, staked, standby, Star, state, stated, station, steal, steel, steeply, step, stockpile, stockpiled, stockpiling, Stonehouse, stope, stoping, stoppage, stopped, storage, store, stored, storing, storm, stpd, strata, strategic, stratum, stream, strength, stretched, strict, strike, stringent, stringer, strip, stripping, strong, strongly, structural, structurally, structure, Student, style, Sublease, subleased, submission, submittal, subpart, subsection, subsequent, subsequently, substance, substantial, substantially, substitute, subtracting, succeed, successfully, Suelo, suffer, sufficient, sufficiently, suggest, suggested, suit, suitable, Suite, sulfide, sulfosalt, sulphide, sum, summary, summer, Summit, summoned, Supergroup, Superior, supplement, supplemented, supplied, supply, support, supported, supporting, suppression, Supreme, surety, surface, surfaced, survey, surveyed, surveying, surveyor, suspect, suspend, suspended, suspension, Sutton, switched, symbol, Syne, systematically, tampering, tank, taxable, taxation, taxpayer, TCJA, team, Tech, technology, tectonic, tectonically, tectonostratigraphy, temperature, temporarily, temporary, tenure, terminate, terminated, termination, Termite, Terra, terrorist, Tertiary, Tervita, test, tested, testing, testwork, tetrahedrite, text, theBoard, theCanada, theClean, theComprehensive, theCorruption, theft, thepre, theResource, theTax, thick, thickened, thickest, thin, thirteen, thousand, threaten, throughput, thrusting, ticker, tied, Tietz, tilted, timber, Tinto, titration, today, tolerance, ton, tonne, tool, top, Topographic, topography, toRecent, Toronto, tour, town, toxic, tpd, trace, tracked, trade, traded, trader, trading, traditional, traffic, trained, training, trammed, transcribed, transfer, transformation, transport, transportation, transported, transporter, transporting, transposed, travel, treat, treated, treatment, treaty, trending, triangulation, Triassic, tribal, Trimble, trip, truck, trucking, trustee, TSF, TSX, tunnel, Twelfth, twenty, type, typical, typically, UCSL, ultimate, ultimately, umpire, unable, unadjusted, unanticipated, unattended, unavailability, unavailable, uncertain, unconsolidated, underground, underhand, undermining, underneath, undertaken, undertook, undetected, undeveloped, undeviating, undistributed, uneconomic, unexpected, unexplored, unforeseen, union, unique, University, unlimited, unparalleled, unpatented, unproductive, unprofitable, unreasonable, unregistered, unrest, unusable, unusual, upcoming, upper, upstream, urged, USA, Uso, utilize, utilized, utilizing, vacancy, Val, valid, validated, validity, Valley, valuable, Vancouver, Varga, variability, variable, variety, vast, VAT, vegetation, vein, ventilation, venture, venue, verification, verified, verify, vertical, vessel, vi, viability, viable, Vice, vicinity, view, viewed, Virginia, visited, visual, vocal, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volcanism, volume, voluntary, Vulcan, vulnerable, Wainwright, Wallace, war, warehouse, warranted, wash, washed, washing, waste, water, weak, weather, week, weighed, weight, weighted, Weil, Welsh, west, western, white, wholly, wide, widely, wider, width, wildlife, Wilson, winding, Winnemucca, winter, withholding, wooden, word, work, worked, workforce, working, world, worldwide, worn, worthwhile, wound, Yamana, yard, yield, yielded, York, zinc, Zn, zone
adjournment, Alex, amend, assessing, assumption, attainment, bankable, blackout, BTR, CCG, choice, communicated, concluded, consent, Consumer, criteria, designate, enjoying, establishment, fulfilling, grant, granting, great, home, implicitly, impose, incentive, input, Instruction, intention, Item, NI, nominating, objective, overseeing, payout, posted, print, rare, recommending, referencing, respond, reviewing, revise, Rule, seeking, solicitation, solicited, substantively, succession, terminology, thereunder, transact, undersigned, waive, waiver, Wall, zip
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- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
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