Healthcare Affinity Relationships
• We are currently the 6th largest financial institution
in the Health Savings Account (HSA) space. (1)
• We service insurance carriers, third-party
administrators and large brokerage firms for
distribution of HSAs and related accounts.
• Dynamics of the healthcare insurance industry are
generating rapid growth in the HSA market:
§ Between January 2008 and January 2009,
there was a 46% increase in the number of
HSAs nationally. (2)
§ During that same period, HSA custodians and
administrators reported that assets grew by
62.6%. (2)
§ Since 2003, the number of Americans with
HSAs and High-Deductible Health Plans
(HDHPs) has grown to over 8 million, from a
base of 3 million. (3)
§ Growth trends are expected to continue,
reaching 11-13 million accounts and assets of
$35 to $45 billion. (3)
Prepaid Card Affinity Relationships
• Market leader in a rapidly growing market for open
loop prepaid debit cards:
§ 5th largest prepaid commercial debit card
issuer (4)
§ 21st overall commercial card issuer (4)
• The aggregate size of the market is forecasted to
grow at 35% annual rate.
§ Forecasted growth of open loop products to
$125 billion in 2011, compared to $39 billion
in 2007 (5)
• We are the industry’s largest Agent Bank gift card
• We serve clients such as Western Union, Intuit,
Deluxe Check Printers, Higher One, Digital, Incomm
and Univision.
Deposit-Generating Strategies: Growing Market Share in Expanding Markets
(1) According to the publication “Inside Consumer Directed Health Care,” March 2010
(2) Celent, “HSA Benchmarking Analysis: Market Trends and Economics 2009,” March 2009
(3) AHIP’s Center for Policy and Research, January 2009 census HSA/High-Deductible Health Plans
(4) Nilson Report, June 2009
(5) Mercator Advisory Group