General standards for all new participants. New participants must have either (a) a net worth of at least $250,000 or (b) an annual gross income of $70,000 and a minimum net worth of $70,000.
Certain states establish suitability requirements in addition to the requirements stated above. Shares will be sold pursuant to the Program to investors in those states only if they meet the additional suitability standards set forth below:
Alabama. In addition to the general suitability standards listed above, Alabama investors must represent that they have a liquid net worth of at least 10 times the amount in the program and its affiliates.
California. Investors must have either (i) a net worth of at least $250,000, or (ii) a gross annual income of at least $75,000 and a net worth of at least $75,000. In addition, the investment must not exceed 10% of the net worth of the investor.
Idaho. An investor must have either (i) an annual income of $85,000 and a net worth of $85,000 or (ii) a liquid net worth of $300,000. In addition, an investor’s total investment in shares of our common stock must not exceed 10% of that investor’s liquid net worth. For these purposes, liquid net worth is defined as that portion of an investor’s net worth that is cash, cash equivalents, and readily marketable securities.
Iowa. In addition to the general suitability standards listed above, an Iowa investor must have either (a) a minimum net worth of $300,000 (exclusive of home, auto and furnishings) or (b) a minimum annual income of $70,000 and a net worth of $100,000 (exclusive of home, auto and furnishings). In addition, Iowa recommends that an investor’s total investment in this Offering or any of its affiliates and any other non-exchange traded REIT, not exceed 10% of the Iowa resident’s liquid net worth. “Liquid net worth” for purposes of this investment shall consist of cash, cash equivalents and readily marketable securities.
Kansas. It is recommended by the office of the securities commissioner of Kansas that investors limit their aggregate investment in our securities and the securities of other non-traded real estate investment trusts to not more than 10% of their liquid net worth. For these purposes, liquid net worth shall be defined as that portion of total net worth (total assets minus liabilities) that is comprised of cash, cash equivalents, and readily marketable securities, as determined in conformity with Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles.
Kentucky. In addition to the general suitability standards listed above, no Kentucky resident can invest, in aggregate, more than 10% of their liquid net worth (cash, cash equivalents and readily marketable securities) in us or our affiliates’ non-publicly traded real estate investment trusts.
Maine. It is recommended by the Maine Office of Securities that an investor’s aggregate investment in this Offering and similar direct participation investments not exceed 10% of the investor’s liquid net worth. For this purpose, “liquid net worth” is defined as that portion of net worth that consists of cash, cash-equivalents, and readily marketable securities.
Massachusetts. In addition to the general suitability standards listed above, Massachusetts investors may not invest more than 10% of their liquid net worth in us or in other illiquid direct participation programs.
Missouri. In addition to the general suitability requirements listed above, no more than ten percent (10%) of any investor’s liquid net worth shall be invested in the securities registered by the Issuer for this Offering with the Securities Division.
Nebraska. In addition to the general suitability standards listed above, Nebraska investors must limit their aggregate investment in us and in the securities of other non-publicly traded real estate investment trusts to 10% of such investor’s net worth. Accredited investors in Nebraska, as defined in 17 C.F.R. §230.501, are not subject to this limitation.
New Jersey. New Jersey investors must have either (a) a minimum liquid net worth of at least $100,000 and a minimum annual gross income of not less than $85,000, or (b) a minimum liquid net worth of at least $350,000. For these purposes, “liquid net worth” is defined as that portion of net worth (total assets exclusive of home, home furnishings, and automobiles, minus total liabilities) that consists of cash, cash equivalents and readily marketable securities. In addition, a New Jersey investor’s investment in us,