Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Pa
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Com5
- Consolidated Statements of Stoc
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Consolidated Statements of Cas8
- Note 1 - Organization and Princ
- Note 2 - Summary of Significant
- Note 3 - Acquisitions
- Note 4 - Business Restructure
- Note 5 - Accounts Receivable
- Note 6 - Consideration Receivab
- Note 7 - Prepaid Expenses and O
- Note 8 - Loan Receivable
- Note 9 - Short-term Investments
- Note 10 - Fair Value Measuremen
- Note 11 - Cost Method Investmen
- Note 12 - Equity Method Investm
- Note 13 - Deconsolidation
- Note 14 - Property and Equipmen
- Note 15 - Acquired Intangible A
- Note 16 - Goodwill
- Note 17 - Accounts Payable
- Note 18 - Accrued Expenses and
- Note 19 - Stock Options and Non
- Note 20 - Income Taxes
- Note 21 - American Depositary S
- Note 22 - Net Income (Loss) Per
- Note 23 - Mainland China Contri
- Note 24 - Noncontrolling Intere
- Note 25 - Commitments and Conti
- Note 26 - Segment and Geographi
- Note 27 - Statutory Reserves an
- Note 28 - Subsequent Event
- Schedule I - Financial Informat
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Note 1 - Organization and Pri39
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa40
- Note 3 - Acquisitions (Tables)
- Note 5 - Accounts Receivable (T
- Note 7 - Prepaid Expenses and43
- Note 8 - Loan Receivable (Table
- Note 9 - Short-term Investmen45
- Note 10 - Fair Value Measurem46
- Note 11 - Cost Method Investm47
- Note 12 - Equity Method Inves48
- Note 14 - Property and Equipm49
- Note 15 - Acquired Intangible50
- Note 16 - Goodwill (Tables)
- Note 17 - Accounts Payable (Tab
- Note 18 - Accrued Expenses an53
- Note 19 - Stock Options and N54
- Note 20 - Income Taxes (Tables)
- Note 22 - Net Income (Loss) P56
- Note 24 - Noncontrolling Inte57
- Note 25 - Commitments and Con58
- Note 26 - Segment and Geograp59
- Schedule I - Financial Inform60
- Note 1 - Organization and Pri61
- Note 1 - Organization and Pri62
- Note 1 - Organization and Pri63
- Note 1 - Organization and Pri64
- Note 1 - Organization and Pri65
- Note 1 - Organization and Pri66
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa67
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa68
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa69
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa70
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa71
- Note 3 - Acquisitions (Details
- Note 3 - Acquisitions - Busines
- Note 3 - Acquisitions - Acquisi
- Note 3 - Acquisitions - Acqui75
- Note 4 - Business Restructure (
- Note 5 - Accounts Receivable -
- Note 6 - Consideration Receiv78
- Note 7 - Prepaid Expenses and79
- Note 8 - Loan Receivable (Detai
- Note 8 - Loan Receivable - Loan
- Note 8 - Loan Receivable - Chan
- Note 9 - Short-term Investmen83
- Note 9 - Short-term Investmen84
- Note 9 - Short-term Investmen85
- Note 10 - Fair Value Measurem86
- Note 10 - Fair Value Measurem87
- Note 10 - Fair Value Measurem88
- Note 11 - Cost Method Investm89
- Note 11 - Cost Method Investm90
- Note 12 - Equity Method Inves91
- Note 12 - Equity Method Inves92
- Note 13 - Deconsolidation (Deta
- Note 14 - Property and Equipm94
- Note 14 - Property and Equipm95
- Note 15 - Acquired Intangible96
- Note 15 - Acquired Intangible97
- Note 16 - Goodwill (Details Tex
- Note 16 - Goodwill - Changes in
- Note 17 - Accounts Payable - Ac
- Note 18 - Accrued Expenses a101
- Note 18 - Accrued Expenses a102
- Note 19 - Stock Options and 103
- Note 19 - Stock Options and 104
- Note 19 - Stock Options and 105
- Note 19 - Stock Options and 106
- Note 19 - Stock Options and 107
- Note 19 - Stock Options and 108
- Note 20 - Income Taxes (Details
- Note 20 - Income Taxes - Income
- Note 20 - Income Taxes - The Pr
- Note 20 - Income Taxes - Inc112
- Note 20 - Income Taxes - Inc113
- Note 21 - American Depositar114
- Note 22 - Net Income (Loss) 115
- Note 22 - Net Loss Per Share -
- Note 23 - Mainland China Con117
- Note 24 - Noncontrolling Int118
- Note 25 - Commitments and Co119
- Note 25 - Commitments and Co120
- Note 26 - Segment and Geogra121
- Note 26 - Segment and Geogra122
- Note 26 - Segment and Geogra123
- Note 27 - Statutory Reserves124
- Note 28 - Subsequent Event (Det
- Schedule I - Financial Infor126
- Schedule I - Financial Infor127
- Schedule I - Financial Infor128
- Schedule I - Financial Infor129
- Schedule I - Financial Infor130