Article 17 - The duties of the Board of Directors are to: a) elect the Chief Executive Officer and the Vice President Officers of the Company, setting the monthly individual remuneration, with due regard to the global amount established by the Shareholders’ Meeting, and approve the election of the members of the Board of Directors and Board of Executive Officers in the direct or indirect subsidiaries and/or associates of the Company; b) set the general business guidelines of the Company and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, previously approving the respective strategic plans, expansion projects, investment programs, business policies, annual budgets and five-year business plan, as well as their annual reviews; c) supervise the management of the Officers, examining at any time the minutes, books and documents of the Company, requesting through the Chief Executive Officer, information about executed contracts, or contracts to be executed, and any other acts by the Company and its direct or indirect subsidiaries; d) call the Shareholders’ Meeting, whenever it deems convenient, or in the cases the call is determined by law or by these Bylaws; e) express its opinion on the Management’s Report, the accounts of the Board of Executive Officers and the financial statements, define the dividend policy and recommend to the Shareholders’ Meeting the allocation of the net profit of each fiscal year; f) decide on the capital increase within the authorized capital limit through (i) the issue of shares, convertible debentures and subscription warrants; or (ii) the granting of stock options to managers and employees of the Company or its subsidiaries, or natural persons providing services thereto, without preemptive right to current shareholders, in accordance with the plan approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting, pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 5 herein; g) decide on the conditions to issue promissory notes for public distribution, pursuant to the applicable law; h) decide on the appointment and/or dismissal of the independent auditors of the Company and its direct and indirect subsidiaries; i) decide on obtaining loans or debt assumption in an amount above forty-seven million, five hundred and seven thousand reais (R$ 47,507,000.00) by the Company and its direct and indirect subsidiaries; j) define a triple nomination list of institutions or firms specialized in economic valuation of companies to prepare the report on the valuation of the Company's shares, in the cases of tender offers for the delisting of the Company or for withdrawal of the Company from the Novo Mercado, as provided in the Chapters VIII and IX of these Bylaws; k) decide on the acquisition of any fixed asset in an amount equal to or higher than forty-seven million, five hundred and seven thousand reais (R$ 47,507,000.00), and on the disposal or lien of any fixed asset in an amount equal to or higher than three million, five hundred and thirty-five thousand reais (R$3,535,000.00) by the Company and its direct and indirect subsidiaries; l) authorize the acquisition of shares issued by the Company for cancellation purposes or to be kept as treasury shares, in accordance with the provisions in Paragraph 6, Article 5; m) authorize the prior and express execution of agreements by the Company or its direct and indirect subsidiaries with shareholders or persons controlled by them or affiliated or associated companies, directly or indirectly, in an amount higher than eleven million, nine hundred and thirteen thousand reais (R$11,913,000.00); n) previously and expressly authorize the execution of contracts of any nature in a global amount higher than forty-seven million, five hundred and seven thousand reais (R$ 47,507,000.00) by the Company and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, even if concerning expenses provided in the annual budget or in the five-year business plan; o) express its opinion on the matters that the Board of Executive Officers submits to its resolution or to be submitted to the Shareholders’ Meeting; p) decide on the incorporation and winding up of subsidiaries, direct or indirect participation in consortia and on the acquisition or disposal of interest in other companies, whether by the Company or by its direct or indirect subsidiaries; q) decide on any change in the human resources policy that may have a substantial impact on the costs of the Company and/or its direct or indirect subsidiaries; r) call for examination, at any time, any matter in connection with the business of the Company and/or its direct or indirect subsidiaries;, even if not comprised in this Article, and hand down a decision for mandatory performance by the Board of Executive Officers; s) decide on constituting any type of guarantee not involving fixed assets in an amount equal to or higher than forty-seven million, five hundred and seven thousand reais (R$47,507,000.00) in business concerning interests and activities of the Company and/or companies directly or indirectly controlled by the Company, and establishing any type of guarantee involving fixed assets in an amount equal to or higher than three million, five hundred and thirty-five thousand reais (R$3,535,000.00) in business concerning interests and activities of the Company and/or companies directly or indirectly controlled by the Company; t) previously and expressly authorize the offering of guarantee or assumption of debt, by the Company and/or its direct or indirect subsidiaries, to the benefit or on favor of third parties; u) declare dividends to the profit account as calculated in the semi-annual balances or balances prepared for shorter periods, to the account of accrued profits or of profit reserves pursuant to the legislation in force, as well as declare interest on equity, observing the provisions in Articles 28 and 29 herein; v) decide on the establishment and composition of Committees and Commissions to advise it on the decision of specific matters within the scope of its duties; w) approve the its own internal regulations and those of Advisory Committees and Commissions to the Board of Directors; x) approve and submit to the Shareholders’ Meeting proposal of plan for the granting of share purchase options to managers and employees of the Company and companies directly or indirectly controlled by the Company, pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 5 herein; y) previously authorize the execution of Shareholders’ or Partners’ Agreements and any amendment to Concession Agreements executed by the Company or any directly or indirectly controlled company, or associated companies; z) approve the Company’s Annual Corporate Events Calendar, which shall contain at least the information provided for in the Novo Mercado Regulation provided by BM&FBOVESPA; aa) express its opinion, whether favorable or against it, regarding any tender offer for acquisition of shares issued by the Company, by previous substantiated opinion, disclosed within fifteen (15) days of the disclosure of the tender offer notice of the tender offer for acquisition of shares, which shall advise, at least (i) the timing and convenience of the tender offer of acquisition of shares regarding the interests of the shareholders and the liquidity of their securities; (ii) the impact of the tender offer for the acquisition of shares on the business interests of the Company; (iii) the offer’s announced strategic plans for the Company; and (iv) any other point of consideration the Board of Directors may deem relevant, as well as the information required under the applicable rules determined by CVM; ab) determine the method of liquidation and appoint the liquidator, in the cases of dissolution of the Company provided by Law, pursuant to Article 43 herein; ac) deliberate on the quarterly results of the Company; ad) previously approve the nominations by the Chief Executive Officer, for the boards of directors of companies directly or indirectly controlled and/or associated companies; ae) consider and vote on any matter proposed by the Chief Executive Officer that is not the exclusive responsibility of the Shareholders’ Meeting; af) exercise the other powers granted upon it by the law or by these Bylaws, and ag) resolve any silent cases in these Bylaws and perform other duties that the law, or these Bylaws do not assign to another body of the Company. Paragraph 1 - The Board of Directors shall hold at least twelve (12) ordinary meetings per year, in accordance with calendar to be released in the first month of each fiscal year, but may however hold extraordinary meetings if its Chairman so requests, by his/her own initiative or at the request of any of its member. The resolutions of the Board of Directors shall be taken by majority vote of members then present (with the mandatory presence among them of the Chairman or Vice Chairman). Paragraph 2 - The meetings of Board of Directors shall be called at least nine (9) days in advance by call sent by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, indicating the agenda and accompanied by the supporting documents that may be necessary. Paragraph 3 - In the event of evident urgency, the meetings of the Board of Directors may be called with notice shorter than as provided in Paragraph 2 above. Paragraph 4 - The meetings of the Board of Directors may be held irrespective of call with the presence of all its members. Paragraph 5 - In the event there is no quorum on first call, the Chairman shall call a new meeting of the Board of Directors, which may be installed on second call – to be made at least seven (7) days in advance –, with the presence of any number of members. The matter that is not included in the agenda of the original meeting may not be discussed on the second call, except with the unanimous presence of the members of the Directors and with their express agreement with the new agenda. Paragraph 6 - In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and, in his/her absence, the Vice Chairman shall have, in addition to the regular vote, the casting vote. Paragraph 7 – At the meetings of the Board of Directors, Directors may participate via conference call or video conference call, as well as vote, by means of delegation in favor of any of the Board members, anticipated vote in writing, and by facsimile or electronic data transmission, or any other means of communication, and those who vote through any of these means shall be computed as present at the Board Meeting. |