9 INTERNAL GROWTH: UNDERSTANDING OUR CUSTOMER Our Customers have a spectrum of needs. And it’s not always an easy time for them when they come to us. Our goal is to understand what’s meaningful to each and every person, provide an attractive offer, and exceed their expectations with industry-leading customer service. jokes never stop. much additional move, we were tired. woman, safety is big enough for a home for 34 years, and home, we were in a passed, I could barely with building an crazy to marry a have definitely workshop, my wife’s looking for a good wanted was to have her, let alone finding don’t want to feels like it’s in girls, when I have hoops to get our extra for my things. But, I hallways by myself. office. We need a everything in between. CubeSmart was a moment. But, at least But, we’re doing Lucky for us, we got CubeSmart made open areas, and access our supplies without a basement better, people really things are clean and make it one big happy record time at and were very kind to feel safe.” stressful. We needed to make things as easy means making some spot at CubeSmart. before we knew it, we CubeSmart to help us whole process.” storage unit while our puzzle.” relaxing.” Single Sonia Enterprising Erik Downsizing Dave Foreclosure Fred Moving Mary Senior Sam Remarried Ryan Renovating Rita “As a single“Our business isn’t“We lived in our family“After losing our“At the end of our“When my wife“The Brady Bunch“I didn’t realize how critical to me. Iwarehouse, but weso did my fulltough spot andThe last thing weimagine life withoutPeople thought I wasstress would come navigate long, darkoutgrown the homelamp collection, anddeal. What we got atto jump througha storage unit to carewoman with threeaddition. My house I need bright lights,place where we canMoving to a housegreat deal and, eventhings in storage.was grateful thatthree boys already.shambles at the above all, I need towithout a hassle.”was incrediblywent out of their waysquared away inthings easy for meeverything we can toI know the important the experts atas possible for us.”CubeSmart, andme throughout thefamily. Part of thatsafe, and in a secure solve our spacewere back homedetours to the households merge. I like that they have a family feel, too. They greet all of us by name, which is impressive, since there are a lot of us!”