FINAL TRANSCRIPT ARP — Q4 2004 American Reprographics Company Earnings Conference Call Bradley Safalo- J.P. Morgan — AnalystFrom the acquisition landscape, sounds like you think that over the next couple of years, you will be seeing increased activity. I’m just curious if you see any sort of changes from— I know you’re several times the size of your nearest competitors, but those that are out there, is there any sense that they’re potentially trying to be more aggressive on the acquisition front as we get into a stronger environment to kind of match you guys or somehow catch up?Mohan Chandramohan- American Reprographics Company — CEONo, there aren’t any big players out there, big acquisitions. There are smaller regional firms doing acquisitions in their marketplace that are smaller, but there are not any firms out there that are out there trying to match us. And the largest firms that try to do this, the likes of Ikon, Lason (ph) and —Suri, do you care to (indiscernible) other large firms?Suri Suriyakumar- American Reprographics Company - - Pres., COOPeople like Service Point, they’ve already been interested in doing acquisitions (indiscernible) the reprographics company (indiscernible), but they’re not (indiscernible). A very interesting aspect is there aren’t too many large reprographic companies available in the marketplace, as you know. We have seen in a way most of the low-hanging fruit so to speak during the last year (indiscernible). So the few companies who have been around who offer larger size, significant size I mean, are people who did not want to sell or were planning to stay on their own. But there are not too many companies, but there are a large number of small companies floating around, and that’s what — most of the companies which can be acquired by other reprographic companies whenever an opportunity arises on original basis, and that’s what we do right now. So we don’t see significant competition for any large company or significant size reprographics companies from another (indiscernible). So that’s for some reason not on the horizon.Mohan Chandramohan- American Reprographics Company — CEOTo finish my statement also Brad, the Ikon and the Lasons tried this in the late ‘90s, mid to late ‘90s, and they have since withdrawn and completely got out of the reprographics business.Bradley Safalo- J.P. Morgan — AnalystFrom a valuation perspective, the kind of historical multiple that you been able to (indiscernible) smaller players, you expect that to remain the same, given the landscape you’ve seen in front of you from a competitive perspective?Mohan Chandramohan- American Reprographics Company — CEOYes. Historically, if you take the ‘90s, it was north of 5 multiples, and we think that’s where it will be going forward.Suri Suriyakumar- American Reprographics Company — Pres., COOAnd I also think that the companies who have non (indiscernible) that are not interested in selling, it’s in these, the larger companies, 10 million output, if indeed they were this, they probably, they have a better sense of their value. Definitely the smaller companies might be at the low market multiples, but the larger ones might be looking for better multiples if indeed they were to kind of exit.Bradley Safalo- J.P. Morgan — AnalystSure. My last question has to do with the branch expansion strategy. I know tat some of that has to do with at the local level, whether that particular manager feels that he has a need for a new branch or expand his businesses such. So maybe it’s not as easy to predict fro m a seasonal perspective. But off the 18 from last year, how should we think about how that flows through in terms of new location of things throughout the year?Mohan Chandramohan- American Reprographics Company — CEOWe would average at least one a month with some thrusters (ph) in the middle, I would say. So one a month, and then towards the middle of the year, we would expect 3 one month and 3 another, so just to the 15. 617.603.7900 www.streetevents.com11© 2005 Thomson Financial. Republished with permission. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Thomson Financial. |