Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Pa
- Consolidated Statements of Oper
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Equi
- Consolidated Statements of Eq_2
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Consolidated Statements of Ca_2
- Insider Trading Arrangements
- Note 1 - General
- Note 2 - Summary of Significant
- Note 3 - Business Combinations
- Note 4 - Discontinued Operation
- Note 5 - Inventories
- Note 6 - Property, Plant and Eq
- Note 7 - Investment in Unconsol
- Note 8 - Variable Interest Enti
- Note 9 - Leases
- Note 10 - Intangible Assets
- Note 11 - Accrued Liabilities
- Note 12 - Restructuring, Impair
- Note 13 - Other Noncurrent Liab
- Note 14 - Debt
- Note 15 - Derivative Instrument
- Note 16 - Fair Value
- Note 17 - Revenue Recognition
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit Plan
- Note 19 - Income Taxes
- Note 20 - Commitments and Conti
- Note 21 - Environmental, Health
- Note 22 - Huntsman Corporation
- Note 23 - Stock-based Compensat
- Note 24 - Accumulated Other Com
- Note 25 - Related Party Transac
- Note 26 - Operating Segment Inf
- Schedule I - Condensed Financia
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa_2
- Note 3 - Business Combination_2
- Note 4 - Discontinued Operati_2
- Note 5 - Inventories (Tables)
- Note 6 - Property, Plant and _2
- Note 7 - Investment in Uncons_2
- Note 8 - Variable Interest En_2
- Note 9 - Leases (Tables)
- Note 10 - Intangible Assets (Ta
- Note 11 - Accrued Liabilities (
- Note 12 - Restructuring, Impa_2
- Note 13 - Other Noncurrent Li_2
- Note 14 - Debt (Tables)
- Note 16 - Fair Value (Tables)
- Note 17 - Revenue Recognition (
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit Pl_2
- Note 19 - Income Taxes (Tables)
- Note 20 - Commitments and Con_2
- Note 22 - Huntsman Corporatio_2
- Note 23 - Stock-based Compens_2
- Note 24 - Accumulated Other C_2
- Note 25 - Related Party Trans_2
- Note 26 - Operating Segment I_2
- Schedule I - Condensed Financ_2
- Note 1 - General (Details Textu
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa_3
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa_4
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa_5
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa_6
- Note 3 - Business Combination_3
- Note 3 - Business Combination_4
- Note 3 - Business Combination_5
- Note 4 - Discontinued Operati_3
- Note 4 - Discontinued Operati_4
- Note 5 - Inventories (Details T
- Note 5 - Inventories - Inventor
- Note 6 - Property, Plant and _3
- Note 6 - Property, Plant and _4
- Note 7 - Investment in Uncons_3
- Note 7 - Investment in Uncons_4
- Note 7 - Investment in Uncons_5
- Note 8 - Variable Interest En_3
- Note 8 - Variable Interest En_4
- Note 9 - Leases (Details Textua
- Note 9 - Leases - Components of
- Note 9 - Leases - Lease Term an
- Note 9 - Leases - Undiscounted
- Note 10 - Intangible Assets (De
- Note 10 - Intangible Assets - G
- Note 10 - Intangible Assets - E
- Note 11 - Accrued Liabilities -
- Note 12 - Restructuring, Impa_3
- Note 12 - Restructuring, Impa_4
- Note 12 - Restructuring, Impa_5
- Note 12 - Restructuring, Impa_6
- Note 13 - Other Noncurrent Li_3
- Note 14 - Debt (Details Textual
- Note 14 - Debt - Outstanding De
- Note 14 - Debt - Revolving Cred
- Note 14 - Debt - Accounts Recei
- Note 14 - Debt - Notes Outstand
- Note 14 - Debt - Notes Outsta_2
- Note 14 - Debt - Scheduled Matu
- Note 15 - Derivative Instrume_2
- Note 16 - Fair Value (Details T
- Note 16 - Fair Value - Fair Val
- Note 17 - Revenue Recognition -
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit Pl_3
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit Pl_4
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit Pl_5
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit Pl_6
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit Pl_7
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit Pl_8
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit Pl_9
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit P_10
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit P_11
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit P_12
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit P_13
- Note 18 - Employee Benefit P_14
- Note 19 - Income Taxes (Details
- Note 19 - Income Taxes - Compon
- Note 19 - Income Taxes - Income
- Note 19 - Income Taxes - Inco_2
- Note 19 - Income Taxes - Comp_2
- Note 19 - Income Taxes - Deferr
- Note 19 - Income Taxes - Summar
- Note 19 - Income Taxes - Reconc
- Note 19 - Income Taxes - Intere
- Note 19 - Income Taxes - Tax Ye
- Note 20 - Commitments and Con_3
- Note 20 - Commitments and Con_4
- Note 21 - Environmental, Heal_2
- Note 22 - Huntsman Corporatio_3
- Note 22 - Huntsman Corporatio_4
- Note 23 - Stock-based Compens_3
- Note 23 - Stock-based Compens_4
- Note 23 - Stock-based Compens_5
- Note 23 - Stock-based Compens_6
- Note 23 - Stock-based Compens_7
- Note 24 - Accumulated Other C_3
- Note 24 - Accumulated Other C_4
- Note 24 - Accumulated Other C_5
- Note 25 - Related Party Trans_3
- Note 26 - Operating Segment I_3
- Note 26 - Operating Segment I_4
- Note 26 - Operating Segment I_5
- Schedule I - Condensed Financ_3
- Schedule I - Condensed Financ_4
- Schedule I - Condensed Financ_5
- Schedule I - Condensed Financ_6
- Schedule I - Condensed Financ_7
- Schedule I - Condensed Financ_8