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AA, AAL, AAS, abandoned, abiding, ability, aboriginal, aboveground, absence, absorption, abstain, abstained, abundance, abutment, acanthite, accelerate, Accident, accidental, accompanied, accreditation, accredited, accrue, accrued, accuracy, acid, acknowledged, Aconchi, add, added, adequacy, adhere, adhered, adherence, adjacent, adjust, adjusted, adjustment, administered, Administracion, administration, administrative, admitted, advance, advanced, advancing, adverse, adversely, advice, advisor, advisory, aeromagnetic, affiliate, affirm, affirmative, Africa, ag, age, agency, aggregate, agility, agrarian, agree, agreed, agreement, agricultural, agriculture, aimed, air, airborne, aircraft, airplane, airport, airstrip, Albian, Alchem, Alejandra, alia, Alianza, AliaRSE, Alio, alleged, Alliance, allocated, allocation, alongside, ALS, alter, alteration, alternative, Ambiental, America, American, amicable, amortization, amparo, Ana, analysed, analytic, analytical, ancillary, Andesite, angle, angled, announced, announcement, annulment, annum, Anomaly, anticipate, anticipated, anticipation, anticlinal, anticlinorium, Antonio, APA, apparently, appeal, appealed, applied, apply, applying, approach, approval, approved, aqua, Arana, Arbitration, archived, argentite, argillization, arise, arm, armoured, arrangement, arrival, arrive, arsenian, arsenic, aspect, asphalt, assay, assayed, assaying, assembled, asserting, asset, assigned, assigning, assist, assistance, atomic, attempt, attitude, Attorney, attract, attracting, attributable, attribute, Au, audience, auditor, auger, August, Aurora, automated, auxiliary, Avoca, avoid, award, awarded, aware, Bachelor, backfill, Baffinland, bag, bagged, balance, ball, Banamichi, banded, banding, bank, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Bar, barcoded, bargaining, barred, Barrick, basalt, basic, Basin, batch, Baviacora, bay, BCBCA, bead, bear, bearing, Beca, bedding, bedrock, began, beginning, behaviour, belt, bench, benchmark, beneath, beneficial, beneficially, BHP, bidding, binding, biodiversity, bit, blade, bladed, blank, bleaching, bloc, block, BMO, body, Bolting, border, borrow, bought, bounded, box, brazing, breach, breached, breakdown, breccia, brecciation, Brecha, brine, bring, brittle, broad, broader, broken, broker, brokerage, brought, brownfield, budget, budgeted, budgeting, build, building, built, bulk, bullion, Bureau, Burrard, buttressing, buy, BV, BVL, ca, CAD, cafeteria, calcilutite, calcine, calcite, Calderon, calendar, Calgary, California, called, Camello, Camimex, camp, cancellation, capability, capacity, capped, Capping, captured, carbon, carbonate, carbonatization, care, careful, carefully, Carleton, Carlin, carried, carry, carrying, case, cast, catastrophic, Cautionary, caving, Cayman, CCD, CDA, CDN, cease, ceased, ceasing, cell, CEMEFI, cement, Center, centered, central, centre, century, certainty, certified, certiorari, CFE, CFM, chain, chalcopyrite, challenge, challenged, challenging, Chamber, channel, chapel, characteristic, characterization, characterize, characterized, chart, charter, Chartered, chemical, Chihuahua, Chile, China, chisel, chlorination, chosen, Cielo, CIL, circuit, circular, circulation, cited, civil, Claimant, classified, clean, cleaning, clear, clearing, cliff, climate, clinic, closure, cm, Coach, Coaching, Coahuila, Coahuiltecano, coal, coarse, COFECE, coin, Colette, collaboration, collaborative, collaboratively, collapse, collar, collect, collected, collectible, collection, collective, collectively, colloform, Colulmbia, comb, combat, COMEX, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, commerce, commercial, commercially, Commisariat, commitment, committed, commodity, commonly, comparison, compatible, compete, competence, Competencia, competent, competition, competitive, complaint, component, composed, composite, composited, compounded, comprehensive, compression, compressor, comprise, comprised, comprising, compromise, compromised, computed, Computershare, computing, concentrate, concentrated, concentration, conceptual, concession, conclusion, conclusive, concurrent, condenser, Conejo, Conference, confidence, confidential, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, conflict, conform, conforming, consecutive, consequential, conservative, considerable, considerably, consideration, consist, consisted, consistency, consistent, consistently, consisting, constant, constrain, constrained, constraining, constraint, construct, constructed, constructing, construction, constructive, consumable, consumed, consumer, consumption, contact, contamination, contemplated, content, contested, continental, contingency, continually, continue, continued, continuing, continuity, continuously, contract, contracted, contraction, contractor, contrary, contrast, contributor, conversion, conveyor, convicted, Cooke, cooling, coordinate, copper, core, Cormark, Corporacion, correlation, corridor, Corrupt, corruption, COSO, counsel, counterpart, counterparty, counting, country, County, coupld, coupled, court, covellite, covenant, coverage, CPA, CRD, create, creating, credit, creditable, Creek, crime, criminal, Cristo, critical, CRM, crossing, Crowe, crush, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, crustal, crustification, crustiform, crystalline, CSR, CSV, Cu, Cubex, cubic, cultural, culture, Cumobabi, cumulative, currency, curtailed, curtailing, custom, customary, customer, cut, cyanidation, cyanide, cyber, cybercrime, Dabafa, daily, dam, damage, Dash, dataset, Davila, de, deal, death, debt, decalcification, decantation, decide, decided, decision, declaration, declared, decline, declining, decommissioning, decorative, decrease, decreased, Decree, dedication, deducted, deductibility, deductible, deeded, deemed, deep, deeper, default, defend, defendant, defending, Defense, deferred, deformational, deformed, del, delay, delayed, delegated, delimit, delineated, delineation, deliver, deliverable, delivered, delivery, demand, demarcate, demonopolization, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstrating, denial, denied, denominated, dense, density, dentistry, deny, Department, departure, depend, dependent, depending, depletion, deposit, deposited, deposition, depreciation, depth, derivative, derived, des, desirable, desire, desired, desktop, Desmin, destruction, develop, developed, developing, development, deviate, deviation, devote, dewatering, dialogue, diameter, diamond, diesel, difficult, difficulty, digest, digestion, DIGHEM, digitizing, dilational, diligence, diligently, diluted, diluting, dilution, dilutive, dip, Dique, direct, directed, directing, direction, directly, Disability, disagreement, discharge, discharged, discontinue, discontinued, discontinuity, discordant, discounted, discovered, discovering, discovery, discretion, discrimination, dismissed, disobedience, dispatched, displaying, disposal, dispose, disposed, dispute, disputed, disputing, disqualified, disrupt, disruption, dissenting, dissolution, distance, Distinction, distinctive, distraction, distribute, distributed, distribution, district, diverse, diversification, diversion, diversity, divert, diverted, divide, divided, dividend, Division, dollar, dolomitization, domain, dominant, dominantly, dominated, Dominion, dor, Dorr, double, downhole, downstream, downtime, drainage, drawn, dried, drill, drilled, drilling, Drinking, drought, drug, dry, drying, ductility, durability, Durango, dust, duty, earlier, earmarked, earn, earning, Earth, easily, east, economy, education, educational, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, EIA, Ejidal, Ejido, El, electric, electrical, electricity, electromagnetic, electroplating, electrowinning, electrum, elementary, Elena, elevated, elevation, eliminate, eliminated, Elko, elongate, Ely, EM, embankment, Embassy, emission, emplaced, emplacement, employee, empowered, Empresa, Empresarial, EMS, enable, enabling, enacted, Encantada, Encanto, encountered, encountering, encourage, encouraging, encumbrance, energy, enforce, enforced, enforcement, enhanced, enjoining, enlarged, ensure, ensuring, enter, entered, entering, entitle, entitled, entity, entry, environment, Eocene, epithermal, Epizonal, equipment, equipped, equitable, equity, equivalent, ERA, Ermitano, escalation, Escalera, ESG, ESR, essential, essentially, estimate, estimated, estimation, ESTMA, Europe, evacuation, evaporation, event, evidence, evolved, evolving, EVP, Evrim, examination, examined, excavation, exceed, excellence, excellent, excise, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exhaust, exhausted, expand, expanded, expansion, expansionary, expect, expected, expense, expensive, experienced, experiencing, expertise, expire, expired, expiry, explanation, exploit, exploitation, exploited, exploiting, export, exporting, expose, exposed, exposure, expressed, expropriation, extensional, extent, extinguisher, extortion, extract, extracted, extracting, extraction, extractive, extraordinary, extreme, EY, FA, fabrication, face, facilitate, facilitating, facility, facto, factor, FAGF, FAGR, fail, failed, failure, fair, faith, fall, fault, faulted, fauna, favorable, favour, favourable, favourably, Fax, Fe, fed, fee, feed, feet, felsic, Felt, fiat, fiduciary, field, Figure, fill, filled, filling, filter, filtered, filtration, finance, financing, fine, finer, fire, fix, fixed, flagged, flank, flight, flooding, Floor, flora, flotation, flu, fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuation, fluid, fluorine, flying, FMP, FMS, FMV, focused, focusing, fold, folded, Food, footprint, footwall, force, forced, forecast, forecasted, foregoing, foreign, foreseeable, Forest, forma, formal, formula, forward, fossilized, found, foundation, fourth, FR, Francisco, Frankfurt, Fraser, fraudulent, free, freedom, Freeport, frequency, frequently, fresh, frozen, FSR, ft, FTSF, fuel, fulfill, fulfilled, fulfillment, full, fully, function, functional, fund, fundamental, funded, funding, futurte, Gachi, gain, gaining, galena, gangue, gas, gathered, gave, GC, Gen, genetically, geochemical, geochemistry, geohydrological, geology, Geometallurgical, geometric, geometrical, geometry, geophysical, Geostatistical, geotechnical, GHG, global, globalization, globally, goal, Goldcorp, Golden, good, Governor, GR, Graben, Graduate, grained, Grande, Granizo, granodiorite, gravel, gravimetric, gravity, grayish, grazing, greater, green, greenfield, greenhouse, grey, GRI, grid, grievance, grinding, grocery, ground, groundwater, group, grouped, growing, Guadalajara, Guamuchil, Guanajuato, guarantee, Guarisamey, guidance, guillotine, Guitarra, Hacienda, half, halt, hammer, hand, handling, handover, hangingwall, Hanson, harassment, hard, harm, haul, haulage, Havilland, HDS, headquartered, health, healthy, heap, hearing, heat, heavy, hectare, Hector, hedge, hedging, heightened, Helbert, helicopter, Helmet, hereinafter, hereof, Hermosillo, Hernandez, high, highest, highly, highway, Hill, hinge, hiring, history, hold, holder, holding, hole, hollow, homogenized, homologated, honestly, honor, honour, host, hosted, hour, household, housing, HQ, HR, hub, Hudson, Huepac, human, hydraulic, hydroelectric, hydrothermal, hygiene, hypogene, IC, ICP, ICSID, identity, ignimbrite, ii, iii, illegal, illiquid, imbricated, immaterial, immersion, impact, impacted, impacting, Impairment, Imperial, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implied, import, importance, important, importing, impose, imposed, imposing, imposition, impossible, impoundment, improve, improved, improvement, improving, impugned, inability, inactive, inadvertently, inappropriate, inaugural, inception, incident, inclement, Inclined, inclusion, inclusive, income, inconsistent, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incur, incurred, incurring, indefinitely, indenture, indirect, indirectly, induced, inductively, infection, infill, inflation, inflationary, inflow, influence, influencing, infrastructure, inherited, injection, injunction, injury, inoperative, inorganic, input, inquartation, inquiry, insecurity, inserted, insertion, insolvency, insolvent, inspected, inspection, installation, installed, instalment, insufficient, insurable, insurance, insure, insurer, intake, intend, intended, intense, intent, intentionally, inter, intercept, interceptor, interconnected, interest, interfere, interference, interim, intermediate, intermittently, internationally, internet, interpolation, interpretation, interpreted, interrupt, interruption, intersect, intersection, interval, introduce, introduced, introduction, intruded, intruding, intrusive, inventory, inverse, inversion, invest, invested, investigate, investigation, investing, investment, investor, involuntary, involve, involved, involvement, involving, iron, irregular, iso, ISOO, Isotopic, ISR, issuance, iv, IVA, jackleg, Jalisco, January, jasperoid, Javier, jaw, JC, JCG, jean, Jessica, jewellery, jewelry, joint, jointly, Jose, Joya, Juan, Judge, judgment, judicial, July, jumbo, June, Jurassic, Justice, justified, justify, Karla, key, kg, kilogram, kilotonne, Kirkland, km, knowledge, kriging, kt, kV, la, lab, labor, laboratory, labour, LabWare, lack, Lake, land, Langley, Laramide, large, largely, larger, largest, Las, latitude, launched, law, lawsuit, lawyer, layering, LBM, leach, leached, leaching, leadership, lease, leaving, Lechuguilla, LECO, led, left, legacy, legislation, legislative, legitimized, lender, length, lengthy, lesser, letter, level, leverage, levied, levy, liability, liable, LIBOR, Licencia, license, licensed, licensing, life, lift, light, lime, limestone, line, lined, linked, liquified, lithological, lithology, litigation, LNG, loan, local, localized, locally, located, location, log, logged, logging, LOM, London, longer, longhole, longitude, Longitudinal, Lopez, Los, lose, low, lower, lowest, lube, lubricant, Luismin, Luxembourg, Luz, LVC, Ma, Machinery, Madre, mafic, magmatic, magmatism, magnetic, magnetite, main, maintenance, Mala, Maldonado, malleability, mandated, mandatory, manganese, manner, manufacture, mapped, mapping, marble, Marjorie, marker, market, marketable, marketing, marketplace, Marlboro, marmatite, Martin, masl, massive, Master, matched, matrix, mature, maturity, maximum, McCallum, MCE, mechanical, mechanism, medallion, media, medical, medicine, medium, Melchor, member, Memorial, mercury, merged, Meridian, Merrill, mesh, Mesozoic, met, metal, Metalla, metallurgic, metallurgical, Metamorphic, Meteoric, method, metre, metric, Metso, Mexican, Mexico, mg, Michelle, micrometre, micron, mid, middle, milestone, mill, milled, milling, million, minable, Minera, mineralogical, mineralogically, mineralogy, minimize, minimizing, minimum, Ministry, Miocene, mirror, misrepresentation, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, Mitigation, mix, mixture, Mizrain, MLE, mm, mobile, mobility, modern, modernizing, modified, modifier, modify, modifying, moisture, monetary, monitor, monitored, monitoring, month, monthly, Montreal, Mountain, moving, Moz, MSHA, Mt, MTA, MTU, multimodal, Multinational, multiple, municipal, municipality, Murray, mutual, MW, MWh, MX, MXN, NAFTA, narrow, native, natural, nature, NDEP, nearby, nearest, necessarily, negative, negatively, negotiate, negotiated, network, networked, Nevada, newly, NGO, nil, NOAV, Noche, noise, noncompliance, north, northeast, northeastern, northern, northwest, notice, Nova, November, NPEP, NQ, NSEC, NSR, nugget, nullification, nullify, nullifying, numeric, Nusantara, object, objective, objectively, objectivity, obliquely, observed, obtain, obtained, obtaining, Ocampo, occasionally, Occidental, occupation, occupational, occupied, occurrence, ocean, October, OECD, OES, offer, offering, official, offset, oil, older, Oligocene, Oliver, Ombudsman, ongoing, onsite, Ontario, OP, open, opening, openly, opportunity, oppose, opposite, optical, optimization, optimize, optimized, optimum, option, oral, orderly, ordinary, orebody, Oriental, orientation, oriented, origin, original, originally, orogenic, orogeny, orpiment, Ottawa, Otter, ounce, outbreak, outcome, Outlier, outlined, output, outsourcing, outturn, overcome, overdue, overflow, overlapping, overlie, Overnight, oversee, oversight, owed, owing, owner, ownership, oxidation, Oxide, Oxidized, oxygen, oz, Pachuca, package, pad, paid, Paleocene, Paleozoic, Pan, pandemic, panel, paper, par, para, Paragon, parallel, Parcel, Parent, Parilla, Parrilla, partial, partially, partly, partner, partnership, party, passenger, passing, passive, patented, Pattani, Patterson, paved, pay, payable, paying, payment, Pb, peer, PEM, penalty, pending, PEng, Pennsylvania, percent, percentage, perception, Perez, perimeter, permanent, permeate, permissible, perpendicular, Perseverancia, personnel, Peso, petition, petrographic, PGeo, pH, phase, phenomena, Philanthropy, Phone, photographed, physical, Piaxtla, pilot, pit, placement, plan, planned, planning, plant, plasma, Plata, platform, platinum, Plenary, Plomo, PLS, pneumatic, polarization, policy, political, polman, polybasite, polymetallic, pond, Poon, poor, poorer, porphyry, portfolio, portion, postpone, potable, potassium, Potosi, poured, power, PPA, PPE, ppm, practice, preapproval, preapprove, precision, precluded, predate, predecessor, predict, predicted, predominantly, preferred, pregnant, preliminary, premium, presence, preservation, preserve, pressure, prevailing, previously, Prieta, primarily, Primero, printed, prior, priority, private, privately, pro, proactive, proactively, problem, procedural, procedure, proceed, proceeding, PRODECON, produce, produced, producer, producing, product, production, productivity, PROFEPA, professional, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, prohibiting, prolonged, Promote, promotion, promulgated, Proof, proper, property, proposal, proposed, prospect, prospecting, prospective, protect, protection, protective, protest, protocol, prove, provincial, provision, proximal, proxy, pseudomorph, PTU, publicly, published, pull, pulp, pulverize, pulverized, pulverizing, pumped, punishment, pure, purified, purity, pursued, pursuing, pursuit, pyrite, pyritization, pyrrhotite, qualified, qualify, qualitative, quality, quantitative, quantity, quarter, quartered, quarterly, quartz, Quebec, questionable, quickly, quoted, rainwater, rainy, ramp, ranching, Rancho, random, randomly, range, ranged, rata, rate, ratified, ratio, raymond, RC, RDA, reach, reached, reaching, reaction, reactivation, real, realgar, realize, realized, realizing, reanalyzed, reassessed, reassessment, rebuilding, receipt, receivable, receive, received, receiver, recent, recently, recharacterization, recharacterized, reclaiming, reclamation, recognized, recommenced, recommencement, Recommend, recommended, reconstitution, recordkeeping, recourse, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recreational, Recruiting, recruitment, recycled, recycling, Reddit, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, redundant, refinance, refined, refiner, refinery, refining, reforestation, reform, refractory, refund, refunded, refurbishing, Regalado, Regalo, regia, regime, region, regional, regionally, registrar, regularly, regulatory, rehabilitate, rehabilitated, rehabilitation, rehandling, reimposed, reinforced, reinjection, reinstated, reject, relationship, release, released, relevant, reliant, relied, relinquishment, relocated, relocation, relying, remain, remained, remaining, remedial, remediate, remediation, remedied, remedying, reminder, remobilization, remote, remotely, removal, remove, removed, removing, remuneration, render, rendered, renegotiated, renegotiation, renew, renewed, renewing, Reno, rent, rental, reorganized, repair, repatriation, repeated, repeatedly, replace, replacement, replacing, represent, representation, representative, represented, representing, reprocessed, reprocessing, repurchase, repurchased, reputation, resale, rescued, research, reservoir, residence, resident, Resignation, resigned, resolution, resolve, resolved, Responsabilidad, restarting, restated, restrict, restricted, restricting, restriction, restrictive, restructuring, result, resulted, resulting, resumed, resurgence, ret, retail, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retired, retort, retraction, retroactive, retroactively, return, returned, returning, reuse, revealed, revenue, reverse, review, reviewed, reviewing, revocation, revoke, Revolution, revolving, rhyolite, rhyolitic, rice, richer, riffle, Rita, River, road, roasted, roaster, roasting, Robert, robust, rock, role, roll, ROM, rooted, rotated, rotation, rough, roughly, round, rounded, rounding, route, routinely, Royal, royalty, RQD, rugged, run, running, rural, Russia, Rustad, sabotage, safe, safeguard, safely, safest, safety, sale, sample, sampled, sampling, San, Sandstorm, Sanford, sanitary, sanitation, Santa, Santacruz, Santiago, SAT, satellite, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfy, Saval, sawn, scale, scattered, schedule, scheduled, scheduling, school, Science, Scotia, screening, scrubbing, scrutiny, sea, sealed, season, seasonal, secondary, Secretariat, secure, secured, security, sedar, sediment, sedimentary, seed, seek, seeking, seepage, select, selected, selection, sell, selling, SEMARNAT, semi, sensing, sensitive, sensitivity, sentiment, September, sequence, sequencing, sequential, serve, served, Servicio, session, settle, settled, settlement, settling, SG, SGS, shack, shallow, shape, shaped, share, shareholder, sharing, shed, shelf, shipment, shipped, shipping, shop, short, shotcrete, showed, showing, shown, shutdown, Sierra, signal, significantly, silicic, siliciclastic, silicification, silty, similarly, Simon, Simplot, Sinaloa, single, site, situation, sixty, size, sized, skarn, skilled, slightly, slope, slowdown, sludge, slurry, SM, small, smaller, smelter, smelting, Smith, SMO, SMS, social, socially, Society, sodium, soft, Softer, soil, solar, soldering, solid, solution, Sonora, sophistication, sought, sound, source, sourced, south, southeast, southern, southwestern, SOX, spaced, spacial, spacing, spatial, spatially, speak, spectrographic, spectrometry, spectroscopy, speculative, speedily, spent, sphalerite, splay, split, splitter, sport, spot, spread, spring, Springpole, Sprott, squared, SRM, SSX, stability, stabilized, stack, stacked, stacker, stacking, staffing, stage, Stakeholder, standby, stapled, station, statistical, statute, statutory, stay, STB, steel, steeply, Steer, stem, steven, stewardship, stibnite, stipulated, stolen, stope, stoping, storage, store, stored, stpd, stratabound, strategic, strategy, stratigraphic, stratigraphically, stream, streaming, strict, stricter, strictly, strike, string, stringent, stripping, strive, stromeyerite, structural, structurally, structure, structured, structuring, sublevel, submission, subsample, subscribed, subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subsidence, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substantively, successful, successfully, succession, successive, Sucia, suffering, sufficiency, sufficient, suggested, suggesting, suitable, sulfate, sulfide, sulfur, sulphidation, sulphide, sum, summarised, summary, Sumoza, supergene, Superior, superseded, supervisory, supplement, supplemented, supplied, supply, support, supported, supporting, Supreme, surface, surpassed, surpassing, surrender, survey, surveyed, surveying, suspend, suspended, suspending, suspension, sustain, sustainability, sustainable, sustainably, sustained, sustaining, swath, SWC, Switzerland, symbol, symmetrical, symptomatic, systematic, systematically, table, tabulated, tag, tagged, Tahoe, tailing, talent, tank, Tarahumara, target, targeting, tarpaulin, taxable, taxation, Taxpayer, Taylor, Tayoltita, TD, TDS, technique, technological, technology, tectonic, Temascaltepec, temporarily, temporary, tension, tenure, terminate, terminated, termination, terrane, terrorism, tertiary, test, tested, testing, text, textural, theft, thermal, thick, thickener, thickening, Thin, Thirteenth, threshold, throughput, thrust, tied, tiered, tilted, Titan, TMF, TOC, tolerate, Toll, tolling, Ton, tonne, tool, top, topography, Tormex, Toro, Toronto, tower, town, townsite, toxic, tpd, trace, track, tracked, trade, traded, trader, trading, train, training, transaction, transcription, transfer, TransLink, transmission, transparency, transport, transportation, transported, travel, Treasurer, treasury, treat, treated, treatment, treaty, trend, Tribunal, Tributaria, trilateral, trip, troy, truncated, trust, trustee, TSF, TSX, TSXV, Tungsteno, tunneling, tunnelling, turmoil, turn, turned, turnover, twelfth, twelve, twin, type, typical, typically, UG, UIC, Ukraine, ultimate, ultimately, um, unable, unadjusted, unanticipated, unaudited, uncertain, uncover, underflow, undergone, underground, underhand, underlying, undertaken, underway, underwriter, underwriting, undetected, undrawn, unduly, uneconomic, unexpected, unfavorable, unfavourable, unfunded, unhedged, Unica, uniform, unilateral, uninsured, union, unionize, unique, University, unknown, unlimited, unpaid, unpatented, unplanned, unprocessed, unregistered, unresolved, unrest, unsealed, unsecured, unsuccessful, unusual, unwilling, update, updated, uphold, upper, USA, usage, USD, USMCA, utilize, utilizing, UVG, vacated, vaccination, valid, validating, validation, validity, valuable, variability, variable, variance, variation, varied, variety, variogram, variously, vary, varying, VAT, vein, vent, Ventana, ventilation, venture, vergence, verification, verified, verifying, versa, vertical, Veta, vi, viability, viable, Victoria, videoconference, Vieira, vigorously, vii, violated, violating, violation, violence, Visible, visual, vocal, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volcanism, volume, voluntarily, voluntary, vote, voted, voting, VP, vuggy, waive, waived, wall, warehouse, warrant, washing, waste, water, watershed, weak, weather, web, weight, weighted, weighting, Welfare, western, WestGen, Westport, wet, Wharton, Wheaton, Whistleblower, white, wholly, wide, widely, widespread, widest, width, window, wire, wireframe, wiring, withdrawn, withheld, withhold, withholding, withstand, work, worker, workface, workforce, working, workplace, workshop, world, worldwide, WPMI, writ, WSR, WTP, yearly, youth, zinc, Zn, zone, Zug
absolute, accepted, accumulated, acted, amendment, attestation, Avenue, CEO, circumvented, communicated, Consent, detail, detection, deterioration, document, duly, electronically, emerging, Employer, entail, fairly, furnish, GAAP, hereto, IASB, ICFR, instance, Interactive, Label, Linkbase, mistake, Modeler, page, posting, presiding, promptly, registrant, Schema, separately, sheet, shorter, stated, succeed, supervising, Taxonomy, telephone, transition, unauthorized, unconsolidated, undersigned, understanding, Vermont, viewing, waiver, washington, writing, XBRL, zip
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- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 99.1 Exhibit 99.1
- 99.2 Exhibit 99.2
- 99.3 Exhibit 99.3
- 99.4 Exhibit 99.4
- 99.5 Exhibit 99.5
- 99.6 Exhibit 99.6
- 99.7 Exhibit 99.7
- 99.8 Exhibit 99.8
- 99.9 Exhibit 99.9
- 99.10 Exhibit 99.10
- 99.11 Exhibit 99.11
- 99.12 Exhibit 99.12
- 99.13 Exhibit 99.13
- 99.14 Exhibit 99.14
- 99.15 Exhibit 99.15
- 99.16 Exhibit 99.16
- 99.17 Exhibit 99.17
- 99.18 Exhibit 99.18
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- 99.20 Exhibit 99.20
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