SUMMARIZED INFORMATION OF EQUITY METHOD INVESTMENT IN THE JV COMPANY [Text Block] | NOTE 22 – SUMMARIZED INFORMATION OF EQUITY METHOD INVESTMENT IN THE JV COMPANY The Company’s consolidated net income includes the Company’s proportionate share of the net income or loss of the Company’s equity method investees. When the Company records its proportionate share of net income in such investees, it increases equity income (loss) – net in the Company’s consolidated statements of income and the Company’s carrying value in that investment. Conversely, when the Company records its proportionate share of a net loss in such investees, it decreases equity income (loss) – net in the Company’s consolidated statements of income and the Company’s carrying value in that investment. All intra-entity profits and losses with the Company’s equity method investees have been eliminated. Kandi Electric Vehicles Group Co., Ltd. (the “JV Company”) In March 2013, pursuant to a joint venture agreement (the “JV Agreement”) entered into between Kandi Vehicles and Shanghai Maple Guorun Automobile Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Guorun”), a 99%-owned subsidiary of Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. (“Geely”), the parties established Zhejiang Kandi Electric Vehicles Co., Ltd. (the “JV Company”) to develop, manufacture and sell electric vehicles (“EVs”) and related auto parts. Each of Kandi Vehicles and Shanghai Guorun has 50% ownership interest in the JV Company. In the fourth quarter of 2013, Kandi Vehicles entered into an ownership transfer agreement with the JV Company pursuant to which Kandi Vehicles transferred 100% of its ownership in Kandi Changxing to the JV Company. As a result, the Company indirectly has 50% economic interest in Kandi Changxing through its 50% ownership interest in the JV Company after this transfer. In November 2013, Zhejiang Kandi Electric Vehicles Jinhua Co., Ltd. (“Kandi Jinhua”) was formed by the JV Company. The JV Company has 100% ownership interest in Kandi Jinhua, and the Company, indirectly through its 50% ownership interest in the JV Company, has 50% economic interest in Kandi Jinhua. In November 2013, Zhejiang JiHeKang Electric Vehicle Sales Co., Ltd. (“JiHeKang”) was formed by the JV Company. The JV Company has 100% ownership interest in JiHeKang, and the Company, indirectly through its 50% ownership interest in the JV Company, has 50% economic interest in JiHeKang. In December 2013, the JV Company entered into an ownership transfer agreement with Shanghai Guorun pursuant to which the JV Company acquired 100% ownership of Kandi Electric Vehicles (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (“Kandi Shanghai”). As a result, Kandi Shanghai is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the JV Company, and the Company, indirectly through its 50% ownership interest in the JV Company, has 50% economic interest in Kandi Shanghai. In January 2014, Zhejiang Kandi Electric Vehicles Jiangsu Co., Ltd. (“Kandi Jiangsu”) was formed by the JV Company. The JV Company has 100% ownership interest in Kandi Jiangsu, and the Company, indirectly through its 50% ownership interest in the JV Company, has 50% economic interest in Kandi Jiangsu. In addition, In July 2013, Zhejiang ZuoZhongYou Electric Vehicle Service Co., Ltd. (the “Service Company”) was formed. The JV Company had a 19% ownership interest in the Service Company. In March 2014, the JV Company changed its name to Kandi Electric Vehicles Group Co., Ltd. In August 2015, the JV Company transferred its shares of the Service Company to Shanghai Guorun and Kandi Vehicles for 9.5% respectively. As the result, the JV Company no longer has any ownership of the Service Company since the transfer. In November 2015, Hangzhou Puma Investment Management Co., Ltd. (“Puma Investment”) was formed by the JV Company. The JV Company has 50% ownership interest in Puma Investment and the Company, indirectly through its 50% ownership interest in the JV Company, has 25% economic interest in Puma Investment. In November 2015,Hangzhou JiHeKang Electric Vehicle Service Co., Ltd. (“JiHeKang Service Company”) was formed by the JV Company. The JV Company has 100% ownership interest in JiHeKang Service Company and the Company, indirectly through its 50% ownership interest in the JV Company, has 50% economic interest in JiHeKang Service Company. As of June 30, 2016, the JV Company consolidated the following entities on its financial statements: (1) 100% interest in Kandi Changxing; (2) 100% interest in Kandi Jinhua; (3) 100% interest in JiHeKang; (4) 100% interest in Kandi Shanghai; (5) 100% interest in Kandi Jiangsu; (6) 100% interest in JiHeKang Service; and (7) 50% interest in Puma Investment. The Company accounted for its investments in the JV Company under the equity method of accounting as the Company has 50% ownership interest in the JV Company. Therefore, the Company’s consolidated net income for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2016, included equity income from the JV Company during such periods. The combined results of operations and financial position of the JV Company are summarized below: Three months ended June 30, 2016 2015 Condensed income statement information: Net sales $ 111,767,049 $ 68,952,347 Gross income 14,663,818 10,652,743 % of net sales 13.1% 15.4% Net income 8,626,568 1,585,902 % of net sales 7.7% 2.3% Company’s equity in net income of JV $ 4,313,284 $ 792,951 Six months ended June 30, 2016 2015 Condensed income statement information: Net sales $ 111,271,482 $ 99,517,343 Gross income 13,601,171 18,633,407 % of net sales 12.2% 18.7% Net income 558,120 2,389,123 % of net sales 0.5% 2.4% Company’s equity in net income of JV $ 279,060 $ 1,194,562 June 30, December 31, 2016 2015 Condensed balance sheet information: Current assets $ 515,423,390 $ 455,368,595 Noncurrent assets 187,524,341 191,145,583 Total assets $ 702,947,731 $ 646,514,178 Current liabilities 480,254,843 429,487,683 Noncurrent liabilities 45,637,248 36,348,514 Equity 177,055,640 180,677,981 Total liabilities and equity $ 702,947,731 $ 646,514,178 During the first half year of 2016, 100% of the JV Company’s revenues were derived from the sales of EV products in the PRC with a total of 7,200 units sold, 2,128 units of which were direct sales through the distribution company, JiHeKang, and the rest were sold for the Micro Public Transportation Program (“MPT”,or the “EV-Share” Program). As the Company only has a 50% ownership interest in the JV Company and accounted for its investments in the JV Company under the equity method of accounting, the Company didn’t consolidate the JV Company’s financial results but included the equity income from the JV Company during such periods. Note: The following table illustrates the captions used in the Company’s Income Statements for its equity basis investments in the JV Company. Changes in the Company’s equity method investment in the JV Company for the six months ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 were as follows: Six Months ended June 30, 2016 2015 Investment in JV Company, beginning of the period, $ 90,337,899 $ 83,309,095 Share of profit 279,060 1,194,561 Intercompany transaction elimination (183,981 ) (658,480 ) Year 2015 unrealized profit realized 1,084 184,442 Exchange difference (2,087,212 ) 336,842 Investment in JV Company, end of the period $ 88,346,850 $ 84,366,460 Sales to the Company’s customers, the JV Company and its subsidiaries, for the three months ended June 30, 2016 were $47,468,815 or 86% of the Company’s total revenue, an increase of 4.3% of the sales to the JV Company from the same quarter last year. Sales to the Company’s customers, the JV Company and its subsidiaries, for the six months ended June 30, 2016 were $60,943,790 or 58% of the Company’s total revenue, a decrease of 18.3% of the sales to the JV Company from the same quarter last year. The sales to the JV Company and its subsidiaries were primarily the sales of battery packs, body parts, EV drive motors, EV controllers, air conditioning units and other auto parts, the breakdown of the sales to the JV Company and its subsidiaries is as follows: Three Months ended June 30, 2016 2015 JV Company $ 41,919,634 $ - Kandi Changxing 1,657,335 17,633,894 Kandi Shanghai 3,766,230 27,869,812 Kandi Jinhua (5,197 ) 11,649 Kandi Jiangsu 130,813 - Total sales to JV $ 47,468,815 $ 45,515,355 Six Months ended June 30, 2016 2015 JV Company $ 55,005,270 $ - Kandi Changxing 1,817,932 35,239,196 Kandi Shanghai 3,924,432 37,729,131 Kandi Jinhua 47,067 1,602,032 Kandi Jiangsu 149,089 - Total sales to JV $ 60,943,790 $ 74,570,359 As of June 30, 2016 and December 31, 2015, the net amount due from the JV Company was $122,807,165 and $76,172,471, respectively, of which the majority was the balances with the JV Company, Kandi Jinhua, Kandi Changxing, Kandi Jiangsu and Kandi Shanghai. The breakdown is as below: June 30, December 31, 2016 2015 Kandi Shanghai $ 3,494,808 $ (4,488,379 ) Kandi Changxing 18,456,112 3,249,445 Kandi Jinhua 5,284,593 6,218,177 Kandi Jiangsu 149,028 11,453 JV Company 95,422,624 71,181,775 Consolidated JV $ 122,807,165 $ 76,172,471 The amount due from the JV Company of $22,569,491.46 was a one-year entrusted loan that Kandi Vehicle lent to the JV Company from December 16, 2015 to June 15, 2016 and then extended to December 16, 2016 carrying an annual interest rate 8.7%, which will not be adjusted after the withdrawal during the lending period. The loan was organized by Bank of Communications Hangzhou Zhongan Branch as the agent bank between Kandi Vehicle and the JV Company. Entrusted loans are commonly found in China, where direct borrowing and lending between commercial enterprises are restricted. |