ITIGROUP: Focus on Aerospace
IRETH and 4C SatImage enter into subscription and distribution agreement
Vicenza, April 8th, 2009 - ITIGROUP Corporation, (, a leading international logistics and software security group located in Vicenza (Italy) and led by Bruno Benetti, announced today that it is becoming a shareholder in, and a strategic partner of 4C SatImage Ltd. (“4C SatImage”), a subsidiary of 4C Controls Inc., a company engaged in the distribution of Earth Observation Satellite SAR (Syntetic Aperture Radar) imagery.
“We believe that the Earth Observations market, through the introduction of SAR technologies, can offer important benefits to society in the coming years and provide a source of timely, reliable and valuable information for the security and development of countries throughout the world”, said Bruno Benetti, ITIGROUP Chairman. “This is one of the main reasons for our participation in the 4C SatImage project.”
Within its existing operations, ITIGROUP aims to strengthen its Aerospace offerings towards the satellite based high-resolution Earth Observation imaging services of its controlled company IRETH, (, one of the world’s leading companies in the field of web authentication products and Internet Security applications.
“The strategic partnership between IRETH and 4C SatImage will allow us to jointly offer the most competitive satellite imagery solution on the market”, said Paolo Bernardini, IRETH’s CEO. “Our offering is an efficient and – I believe – essential tool to increase security and support economic development in the countries we operate in. Furthermore, through the high technical competence of 4C SatImage, supported by its direct partnership with Politecnico di Torino, together with IRETH’S organizing and engineering skills, we expect to facilitate the development of numerous applications in a variety of fields: Defence, Maritime Surveillance, Environmental Monitoring, Civil Protection and Oil Spill Detection.”
Professor Riccardo Maggiora, the Chief Technology Officer of 4C SatImage was particularly pleased by this joint venture, noting that: “The agreement between 4C SatImage and IRETH will help the distribution of products coming from the satellite constellation COSMO-SkyMed in Africa. In Africa satellite radar imaging services are vitally needed in a number of areas: environmental control, disaster prevention, migratory flow control, harvest forecasts, hydrology, desertification, etc.”
The agreement also includes important steps towards establishing local data centers and DRSs (Direct Receiving Stations), centers for satellite imagery management that will be built in those countries which express interest in such technology.
For more information:
Sabrina Francesconi – IRETH srl
Tel. +39 (0) 11 508 9293 mailto: