CONTINUING TO BUILD BRANDS AND LEVERAGE SCALE POWERED BY AWARD-WINNING OMNICHANNEL CAPABILITIES WAREHOUSE STORE FLEETOMNICHANNEL PLATFORM Moved our vincecamuto.com and Canadian websites onto our award-winning omnichannel platform VINCECAMUTO.COM FY21 SALES GROWTH OF 80.4% V S 2 0 1 9 , AND W E AR E NO W T H E 4 T H L AR G E ST D I G I T AL FO O T W E AR P L AY E R I N C ANAD A Continued focus on driving higher profitability and productivity across store fleet STORES FULFILLED NEARLY 60% OF OUR TOTAL DIGITAL DEMAND I N O U R R E T AI L SE G M E NT S D S W C U S T O M E R - F A C I N G D I G I T A L P L A T F O R M E X C E E D E D $ 1 B I L L I O N O F D E M A N D I N 2 0 2 1 ACCORDING TO NPD*… In Q4 2021, DSW outpaced the remaining U.S. footwear market significantly in Men’s, Women’s and Kids’, including both Athleisure and Fashion Footwear, compared to the same quarter in 2019, resulting in a market share revenue gain of 40 basis points. DSW’s fourth quarter market share was the highest compared to the last two years. + + + = H I S T O R I C S T R E N G T H I N W O M E N ’ S F A S H I O N N E W S H A R E I N A T H L E T I C , M E N ’ S A N D K I D S ’ P R O P R I E T A R Y D E S I G N A N D S O U R C I N G C A P A B I L I T I E S T O S U P P O R T B R A N D B U I L D I N G A W A R D - W I N N I N G D I G I T A L & O M N I C A P A B I L I T I E S DBI MEETING THE CONSUMER WHERE THEY ARE WITH THE PRODUCT THEY WANT HIGHLY DIFFERENTIATED, WELL-POSITIONED IN FOOTWEAR INDUSTRY FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: Any statements in this infographic that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements and are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You can identify these forward-looking statements by the use of forward-looking words such as "outlook," "could," "believes," "expects," "potential," "continues," "may," "will," "should," "would," "seeks," "approximately," "predicts," "intends," "plans," "estimates," "anticipates," or the negative version of those words or other comparable words. These statements are based on the Company’s current expectations and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to materially differ from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to: risks and uncertainty related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic or other adverse public health developments; uncertain general economic conditions, including inflation and supply chain pressures, domestic and global political and social conditions and the potential impact of geopolitical turmoil or conflict; our ability to anticipate customer expectations; losses or disruptions associated with our distribution systems; the success of our promotional programs; risks related to the loss or disruption of our information systems; our ability to protect our reputation and to maintain the brands we license; risks related to our international operations, including our reliance on foreign sources for merchandise, exposure to political and other risks, including those relating to conflict and/or war; fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; and other factors discussed in the risk factors section identified in our annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January 30, 2021, as amended, and in our other reports and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company undertakes no obligation to revise the forward-looking statements included in this infographic to reflect any future events or circumstances, except as may be required by law. *Source: The NPD Group/Retail Tracking Service, U.S. Dollar Sales, 3ME January 2020 – 2022 LOOKING TO 2022 2022 COMP SALES GROWTH HIGH SINGLE DIGITS 2022 DILUTED EPS $1.75 to $1.85 We look forward to sharing more details on our strategic initiatives at Investor Day on April 8th CUSTOMER BRANDS SPEED CORE COMPETENCIES & INITIATIVES FULL YEAR GUIDANCE | CONTINUED GROWTH For the full year, our Top 50 Brands in footwear represented 77% OF OUR US RETAIL SALES FO R 2 0 2 1 C O M P AR E D T O 7 2 % I N 2 0 2 0 In 2021, total DBI sales of our owned brands through our direct-to-consumer (“DTC”) channels (DSW, Shoe Co, and vincecamuto.com) grew by 98% I N 4 Q2 1 C O M P AR E D T O 4 Q2 0 P R O V E N A B I L I T Y T O S E C U R E C R I T I C A L I N V E N T O R Y ; R E T A I L S E G M E N T S E N D E D 2 0 2 1 F L A T T O 2 0 1 9 O N A S Q U A R E F O O T A G E B A S I S 1 O U T O F E V E R Y 4 P A I R S O F S H O E S S O L D A S A N E N T E R P R I S E I N 2 0 2 1 W A S A D B I O W N E D B R A N D MAKING SIGNIFICANT STRIDES K E Y A R E A S B O L S T E R I N G O U R D T C S T R A T E G Y & O P E R A T I O N S