Disclaimer Safe Harbor This presenta_on and the accompanying oral commentary contain “forward-looking” statements within the meaning of the federal securi_es laws, and these statements involve substan_al risks and uncertain_es. All statements other than statements of historical fact could be deemed forward-looking, including, but not limited to, expecta_ons of future opera_ng results or financial performance, market size and growth opportuni_es, the calcula_on of certain of our key financial and opera_ng metrics, plans for future opera_ons, compe__ve posi_on, technological capabili_es, and strategic rela_onships, including our recent and poten_al investments in, and commercial contracts with, various privately-held or publicly-traded companies, as well as assump_ons rela_ng to the foregoing. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertain_es, some of which cannot be predicted or quan_fied. In some cases, you can iden_fy forward-looking statements by terminology such as “guidance,” “expect,” “an_cipate,” “should,” “believe,” “hope,” “target,” “project,” “plan,” “goals,” “es_mate,” “poten_al,” “predict,” “may,” “will,” “might,” “could,” “intend,” “shall,” and varia_ons of these terms or the nega_ve of these terms and similar expressions. You should not put undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indica_ons of the _mes at, or by, which such performance or results will be achieved, if at all. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertain_es, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond our control. Our actual results could di_er materially from those stated or implied in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including but not limited to risks detailed in our filings with the Securi_es and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including our annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and other filings and reports that we may file from _me to _me with the SEC, including our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2021 and June 30, 2021. You can locate these reports on our investor rela_ons website (investors.palan_r.com) or on the SEC website (www.sec.gov). If the risks or uncertain_es ever materialize or the assump_ons prove incorrect, our results may di_er materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, we assume no obliga_on and do not intend to update these forward-looking statements or to conform these statements to actual results or to changes in our expecta_ons. We use the non-GAAP ?nancial measures adjusted free cash ?ow and adjusted free cash ?ow margin; contribu_on margin; adjusted gross pro?t and adjusted gross margin; billings; adjusted EBITDA; adjusted earnings per share; and adjusted opera_ng income (loss) and adjusted opera_ng margin to help us evaluate our business, iden_fy trends a_ec_ng our business, formulate business plans and ?nancial projec_ons, and make strategic decisions. Our de?ni_ons may di_er from the de?ni_ons used by other companies and therefore comparability may be limited. In addi_on, other companies may not publish these or similar metrics. Further, these metrics have certain limita_ons in that they do not include the impact of certain expenses that are re?ected in our consolidated statement of opera_ons. Thus, these non-GAAP ?nancial measures should be considered in addi_on to, not as a subs_tute for, or in isola_on from, measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. We compensate for these limita_ons by providing reconcilia_ons of these non-GAAP ?nancial measures to the most comparable GAAP measures. We encourage investors and others to review our business, results of opera_ons and ?nancial informa_on in its en_rety, not to rely on any single ?nancial measure, and to view these non-GAAP ?nancial measures in conjunc_on with the most directly comparable GAAP ?nancial measures. This presenta_on contains sta_s_cal data, es_mates and forecasts that are based on independent industry publica_ons or other publicly available informa_on, as well as other informa_on based on our internal sources. This informa_on involves many assump_ons and limita_ons, and you are cau_oned not to give undue weight to these es_mates. We have not independently veri?ed the accuracy or completeness of the data contained in these industry publica_ons and other publicly available informa_on. Accordingly, we make no representa_ons as to the accuracy or completeness of that data nor do we undertake to update such data a_er the date of this presenta_on. This presenta_on also contains links to publicly-available websites, data, or other informa_on. We have not independently veri?ed the accuracy or completeness of such websites, data, or informa_on and accordingly we make no representa_ons as to their accuracy or completeness nor do we undertake to update such data or informa_on a_er the date of this presenta_on. The inclusion of external links does not cons_tute endorsement by Palan_r of the linked websites or the data or informa_on contained therein. By a_ending or receiving this presenta_on you acknowledge that you will be solely responsible for your own assessment of the market and our market posi_on and that you will conduct your own analysis and be solely responsible for forming your own view of the poten_al future performance of our business. Any non-Palan_r logos or trademarks included herein are the property of the owners thereof and are used for reference purposes only. Such use should not be construed as an endorsement of the platform and products of Palan_r. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual informa_on does not imply or cons_tute DoD endorsements.