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aa, aaa, AACE, AAS, abide, ability, aboriginal, absence, absorption, accessed, Accessibility, accessible, accommodate, accompanied, accompanying, accomplished, accretion, accretionary, accretive, accrue, accrued, accuracy, accurate, accurately, achieve, achieved, achieving, acid, Acme, acquire, acquired, acquiring, acquisition, actinolite, active, activism, activity, actuarial, add, Additionally, addressed, addressing, Adelaide, adequacy, adequate, adjacent, adjusted, adjustment, administered, administration, administrative, Adolfo, advance, advanced, advancing, advantage, adverse, adversely, advice, advisor, advisory, advocacy, AECOM, aerial, aeromag, affiliate, affiliated, afforded, aforementioned, Africa, Ag, Agave, age, ago, agreed, agreement, agricultural, agriculture, ahead, Aid, air, airborne, Alaska, algorithm, Allen, allocated, alloy, ALS, alter, alteration, alternate, alternative, altiplano, aluminum, amalgamate, amalgamated, amalgamation, Amax, Amelunxen, amenable, America, American, amid, amount, amounting, Anaconda, analog, analyzed, analyzer, Anamax, Andersen, Anderson, andesite, Anemka, Angelica, angle, Anglo, Ann, announced, anomaly, antenna, anticipate, anticipated, applied, apply, applying, appraiser, approach, approximate, approximately, April, apron, aqua, aquatic, arc, Arequipa, arid, arise, arising, Arizona, Arkose, arkosic, army, arrangement, arrival, arriving, Arthur, asarco, Asia, Assabgui, assault, assay, assayed, assaying, assemblage, assert, asserted, assessing, assessment, asset, assigned, assume, assumed, assuming, assumption, AST, atomic, attacking, attempt, attend, attention, attract, attractive, Au, August, Augusta, Australia, automatically, automation, auxiliary, avenue, average, averaged, averaging, avoid, aware, azimuth, Bachelor, Backbone, backed, backfill, backfilled, backfilling, bag, bagged, bagging, balance, ball, band, Bank, bankable, banker, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Banner, bargaining, Barrick, basalt, basaltic, baseline, basement, basic, basin, batch, Bausch, Bay, Beach, bearing, began, beginning, behaviour, belt, bench, benchmark, Benchmarking, beneath, beneficially, bid, billion, bin, binder, biographical, biotite, Birch, bit, Blank, blast, Blazo, blend, blended, blending, BLM, block, BLTMF, Blue, BML, body, Bolsa, Bond, boom, booster, borehole, bornite, borrower, borrowing, bottle, bottom, Boundary, BQ, Brazil, breach, breakdown, Brett, bring, Britannia, British, broad, brought, brush, Bryson, budget, budgeting, Buenaventura, building, built, bulk, Bureau, Burntwood, buy, BVI, Caa, Caballito, cable, cake, calculate, calculated, calculating, calculation, calendar, call, called, Callinan, camp, cancel, candidate, cap, capable, capacity, capex, capping, capture, carbon, care, career, carefully, Carin, cash, Cassandra, cast, casting, category, cautionary, cautioned, CBCA, CCC, cease, cellhouse, cement, cemented, centerline, centre, CEO, certainty, certified, certifying, Certimin, cfm, CFPOA, CGN, chain, Chair, Chairman, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, challenge, challenged, challenging, Chaman, characterization, characterized, chargeability, chart, Chemex, chemical, chevron, Chile, Chilloroya, China, Chinese, chip, Chisel, chlorite, Choc, chosen, chrysocolla, Chub, Churchill, chute, CIL, CIM, CIP, circuit, circular, circulation, civil, clad, claim, claimed, Clarry, classified, classify, cleaned, cleaner, cleaning, clear, climactic, climate, closest, closure, Club, coarse, coat, coeval, cold, colder, Colin, collaboration, collage, collar, collateral, College, Columbia, combination, combined, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, Commerce, commercial, commercially, Commissioner, commodity, commonly, comparable, compared, comparison, compensatory, compete, competent, complex, component, composition, comprehensive, compressed, comprise, comprised, compromise, computer, concentrate, concentration, concentrator, concession, concurrent, concurrently, cone, confidence, confident, confidential, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, confirming, confiscation, conflict, conformity, confrontation, confusion, conglomerate, conjunction, Constancia, constant, constitute, constrained, construct, constructed, construction, consultation, consulted, consulting, consummate, consumption, contaminant, contamination, contemplate, contemplated, content, context, contingency, contingent, continue, continued, continuing, continuity, continuously, contractor, convened, conventional, conversion, convert, converted, convertible, converting, conveyed, conveyor, COO, cool, copper, core, coring, Corocohuayco, correct, corrected, correcting, correction, corrective, correctly, correlate, correlation, corridor, cost, council, County, coupled, court, covenant, coverage, create, created, creation, credibility, credit, credited, criminal, critical, CRM, Crone, crown, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, cu, cubic, CuEq, cumulative, currency, curtail, curtailed, Cusco, custody, customary, cut, Cuzco, cyanidation, Cyanide, cyber, cycle, cyclical, daily, dam, damage, Darren, database, David, DCIP, de, death, debt, decide, decision, declaration, declare, declared, decline, declined, declining, decollement, decomposition, decrease, decreased, dedicated, deducting, deep, deeper, default, deferred, deformation, Del, delay, delegated, delegation, delineated, delineation, deliver, delivered, demand, demolition, demonstrate, demonstrated, denied, denominated, density, depend, dependence, dependent, depending, depleted, depletion, deposit, deposited, deposition, depositional, depression, depressional, depth, derivative, derive, derived, destruction, Deswik, detrimental, develop, developed, developer, developing, development, devise, dewatered, dewatering, diagnose, diagnostic, diameter, diamond, die, diesel, difficult, digested, digestion, digital, digitally, digitizing, dike, Diluted, diluting, dilution, dimensional, diorite, dioritic, dip, dipping, directly, dirt, disadvantage, discharge, discharging, disciplined, discount, discounting, discover, discovered, discovery, discrete, discretion, dispatching, disposal, dispose, disposed, disposition, disrupt, disrupted, disruption, disseminated, dissemination, dissent, dissolution, dissolved, distance, distinct, distribute, distributed, distribution, district, diverse, diversified, diverted, divided, dividend, doctor, document, documentation, documented, Donnelly, dor, dore, double, downcast, downhole, downstream, drain, drainage, drastic, drawn, dried, drift, drill, drilled, drilling, driver, dry, duct, dump, dumped, duty, EAL, earn, Earp, Earth, east, eastern, Ecodistrict, economic, economically, economy, Ecoregion, EDGAR, education, educational, EEM, efficiency, efficient, Effluent, effort, El, elapse, electric, electrical, electricity, electromagnetic, eleven, embark, emergency, emission, emplacement, employed, employee, emulsion, enable, enabled, enacted, enacting, enclosed, encompassing, encountered, encroaching, energy, enforce, enforcement, Eng, engineer, engineering, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, enjoy, enlisting, enriched, enrichment, enter, entered, enterprise, entitle, entitled, entry, environmental, epidote, Epitaph, Epithermal, equal, equipment, equipped, equivalent, ERM, error, Escabrosa, escalation, ESIA, Essa, establish, established, Estate, estimate, estimated, estimating, estimation, Europe, evenly, event, eventually, evidence, evidenced, evolve, evolved, evolving, examining, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, excellence, excessive, exclude, excluded, excluding, exclusive, Exhaust, exhausting, exist, existed, existence, existing, expand, expansion, expend, expenditure, expense, experience, experienced, expertise, expire, expired, expiry, explain, exploited, exploration, exploratory, explore, explored, exporting, expose, exposed, exposing, exposure, expropriation, extend, extended, extending, extensive, extent, external, extract, extracted, extraction, extractive, extreme, face, facilitate, facilitation, facility, facing, fact, factor, factual, fail, failure, fairly, faith, Falconbridge, fall, familiarity, family, fashion, fatal, fatality, fault, faulting, favourable, FCPA, feasibility, feasible, fed, federal, fee, feed, feeder, feeding, feet, felsic, Fenix, Ferrinov, Ferrobamba, FFMC, FFTIA, field, figure, fill, filled, filtered, filtering, filtration, final, finalization, finalize, finance, financing, fine, fire, fired, Fish, fit, fix, fixed, flat, flatter, flexibility, flexible, Flin, float, floated, Flon, flooding, floor, flotation, flow, flowsheet, fluctuate, flying, focused, focusing, folded, footprint, footwall, forced, foreclose, foregoing, foreseen, Forest, formalized, formation, forward, fossilized, foster, found, foundation, Founding, fourth, fraction, framework, fraud, free, freighted, frequency, fresh, FROD, front, froth, full, fully, function, fund, fundamental, funding, fusion, Ga, gain, galvanizing, gangue, gap, Garofalo, gathered, gave, gentle, Geo, geochemical, geographic, geographical, Geography, geological, geologically, geologist, geology, geometry, geophysical, Geoscience, geotechnical, German, Gila, Gitajn, Glance, global, globally, glossary, goal, gold, Golder, good, governmental, gpm, graduated, grained, granitoid, granodiorite, gravel, gravimetric, gravity, gray, greatest, greenfield, Greenstone, grid, Griffin, grinding, ground, groundwater, group, grouped, grow, growth, Grupo, guarantee, guaranteed, guarantor, Guatemala, Guatemalan, Guatemalteca, guidance, Guide, gypsum, Hair, half, halved, hammer, handle, handling, hanging, harbor, Harcourt, harm, harmed, Harvard, Hatch, haul, haulage, hauled, hauling, HBM, headframe, healthy, heard, heat, heated, heating, heavy, hectare, hedging, height, heightened, helicopter, hereof, heterolithic, Hibben, high, higher, highest, highly, highway, hinder, hinged, historic, historical, historically, history, HMI, hoist, hoisted, hoisting, hold, holder, holding, hole, Holt, homogenized, honesty, honoring, honouring, hopper, horizon, horizontal, Horquilla, Hoskin, host, hosted, hosting, hot, hour, housed, Hudson, hummocky, hundred, husband, hydraulic, hydraulically, hydro, hydroelectric, hydrogeological, hydrothermal, hypogene, IAMGOLD, Ich, ICI, ICMM, identified, identify, identifying, identity, iii, illegally, illustrated, immaterial, immersion, impact, impacted, impacting, impair, impaired, impeding, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implied, important, importantly, imported, importing, impounded, impoundment, impractical, improve, improved, improvement, inability, inch, incident, inclusion, inclusive, Inco, income, inconsistent, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incur, incurred, indefinite, indenture, index, indirectly, individual, Indonesia, induced, inductively, inferred, infill, inflation, influence, influenced, infrastructure, initial, initially, initiate, initiated, Initiative, injured, injury, Innotain, inorganic, input, inserted, inserting, Insolvency, inspection, Inspectorate, instability, installation, installed, instance, Institute, instruction, insufficient, insurable, insurance, insure, integral, integrated, integrity, intend, intended, intensely, intensify, intensive, intention, intentional, intercalated, intercepting, interest, interested, intermediary, intermediate, internet, interpolate, interpolation, interpretation, interpreted, intersected, introduce, introduced, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, inventory, investigate, investigating, investigative, investment, investor, invoiced, involve, involved, involving, IP, IPRB, iron, IRR, island, ISO, isoclinaly, isolation, issuance, January, jaw, joined, joining, joint, jointly, Jos, Jose, judicial, July, jumbo, June, junior, jurisdiction, justified, juvenile, Katanga, Kenneth, key, killed, kilometre, kind, km, Knickel, knowledge, kriging, Kt, Kusiorcco, kV, La, lab, laboratory, labour, LAF, Lagoon, laid, Lake, Lalor, land, large, largely, larger, largest, Las, Latin, latite, latitude, Lauzon, law, lawsuit, lawyer, leach, leached, leaching, lead, leadership, leading, leaky, lease, led, left, legislation, legislative, legitimate, Lei, lender, lessening, lesser, letter, level, leveraged, LHD, liberation, licence, license, lie, life, lifted, light, likelihood, Likewise, Lima, Limb, limestone, limit, limited, limiting, line, linear, lined, linked, literate, lithologic, lithological, lithology, litigation, litigator, Livitaca, LLC, load, loaded, loader, loading, local, localising, locally, locate, located, location, locked, lode, log, logged, logging, logic, logical, LOM, long, longer, longhole, longitude, longitudinal, loose, losing, lost, low, lower, lowest, Lyhkun, lying, Ma, Mackenzie, Macquarie, mafic, magnetic, magnetite, main, mainframe, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, mandate, Manitoba, manner, manufacturing, map, mappable, mapped, mapping, margin, marginal, marginally, Maria, marine, marketplace, Mason, massive, master, Matarani, match, maturing, maturity, maximize, maximum, McGill, meaningful, measure, measured, mechanized, media, medical, medium, merge, merged, merger, Meridian, merit, mesh, Mesozoic, metal, metallogenic, metallurgical, Metallurgy, metasedimentary, method, methodology, metre, metric, Mexico, micritic, mill, milled, milling, million, Millrock, millsite, mineable, MINEM, Minera, mineral, mineralization, mineralized, mineralogical, MineSight, minesite, minimize, minimum, Ministry, Minorco, Missi, mission, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, Mitsui, mixed, mm, Mo, mobile, MOD, model, modeling, modelling, moderate, modern, Modernization, modernize, modification, modified, modifier, moly, molybdenite, molybdenum, moment, monetary, monitor, monitoring, monolithic, monumented, monzonite, Moody, moratorium, mountain, mounted, move, MPO, Mt, Mtpa, mucking, multi, multiple, MW, narrow, native, natural, nature, nearby, nearest, necessarily, negative, negatively, negligence, neighbour, neighbouring, net, network, Nevada, Newfoundland, Newmont, ni, Nickel, NoA, nominal, Nominating, Noranda, Norsemont, north, northeast, northern, Northgate, Notable, note, noteworthy, Nova, November, NPV, NQ, NSR, nuggetty, numerical, objective, obligor, observed, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occupational, occupied, occupy, occupying, occur, occurrence, occurring, ocean, October, offer, offering, official, offsetting, offsite, OIC, Oil, older, Oligocene, Olivier, ongoing, onsite, Ontario, ONTZINC, Operatorship, opportunity, opposition, optical, optimization, optimize, optimizer, optimizing, option, optioned, order, ordered, ordinary, orebody, organic, organization, Orica, original, originally, Orix, Orogen, Osborne, Osler, ounce, outcome, outline, outlined, outlook, output, overlain, overlap, overlying, oversaw, Oversee, overseeing, oversight, overturned, owner, ownership, oxidation, oxide, oxygen, oz, package, paid, pail, pair, paleochannel, Paleoproterozoic, Paleozoic, Palozoic, Pampacancha, Pan, paper, paraffin, parallel, parcel, parent, partial, partner, partnership, passing, passive, pastefill, pasture, patented, patient, paved, pay, payable, Payback, paying, payment, PCAOB, peak, Pearson, pebble, Peer, Pen, pending, pension, people, percent, percentage, permanent, permanently, persistent, Peru, Peruvian, Peta, Petroleum, PFIC, phase, phased, philosophy, physical, Physiography, picked, Pier, pillar, pillowed, Pima, Pincock, pipe, pipeline, piping, pit, plaintiff, plane, plant, plasma, plastic, plate, platform, played, plc, Pleistocene, plug, plunge, plunging, pocket, polarization, police, political, pollution, polymetallic, Poor, populate, population, porphyry, port, portfolio, portion, position, positioning, positive, possessing, possession, postponement, potential, potentially, pound, practice, practiced, pre, Precambrian, precipitated, precipitation, precise, precision, predict, predisposed, predominantly, prefeasibility, preference, preferred, preliminary, premium, prepay, prescribed, presence, present, presented, presently, pressure, prevailing, pride, primarily, principle, priority, proactively, procedure, proceeding, Procurement, produce, produced, producing, product, production, productive, profession, Professional, profile, profit, profitability, profitably, program, progressing, progressive, prohibited, project, projected, promised, promoter, propane, properly, property, proportionate, proposal, proposed, prospect, prospecting, prospective, protesting, prove, proven, province, provincial, provisionally, proximity, publicly, publish, published, pulp, pulverized, pump, pumped, pumping, punitive, purification, Purple, pursue, pycnometry, pyrite, pyrrhotite, QAQC, QEF, QEMSCAN, QP, qualification, quality, quantity, quarter, quarterly, quartz, quartzite, Queen, radiometric, rail, railroad, railway, ramp, ran, range, ranking, rare, rarely, rate, rateably, rated, ratification, ratified, rating, ratio, raw, RC, reach, reached, reaching, readily, reagent, real, realized, realizing, reanalyzed, reanalyzing, rear, reassessment, receipt, receive, received, recent, recently, reclaimed, reclamation, reclassify, recognize, recognized, Recommend, recommendation, Recommended, reconciliation, reconnaissance, recovered, recovery, Recruitment, recurring, recycled, redeem, redeemed, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, Reed, refinance, refinancing, refine, refined, refining, reflect, refund, refurbish, refurbished, refurbishing, refurbishment, refusal, regia, regime, region, regional, registrar, regrinding, reground, regular, regularly, reinterpreted, reject, release, released, relevant, reliable, reliance, relief, remain, remaining, remedial, remediate, remediation, remote, removal, remove, removed, remuneration, renamed, renew, renewed, rental, repair, repay, repeatability, replace, replaced, replacing, represent, representative, represented, representing, reproducibility, repurchase, reputation, requisition, rescinded, research, resent, reserve, reserved, reserving, reservoir, resident, residue, resignation, resolution, resolved, resource, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restate, Restated, restoration, restore, restrict, restricted, restricting, restrictive, restructure, retain, retainment, retention, retirement, retreat, retrieved, return, returned, reuse, revenue, reverse, revise, revised, revision, revisited, revoking, revolving, Reyna, rhyolite, rhyolitic, rich, richest, ridged, riffle, Rio, risky, Rita, River, road, robust, rock, Rockfill, rod, rolling, Rosemont, rotary, rougher, round, rounding, route, routine, Royal, royalty, Royce, rubber, running, SABC, safe, SAG, sale, Salt, sample, sampled, sampling, Samuel, San, sanctioning, Sandy, Santa, Saskatchewan, satellite, satisfy, scale, scanned, scarcity, School, scientific, scope, Scotia, sea, seafloor, sealed, season, seasonal, sec, secondary, Secretary, sector, sedar, sedimentary, seek, seeking, seismic, select, selected, selection, sell, semi, send, sensitive, sensitivity, sensitized, separate, separated, separately, separation, September, sequence, sequencing, sequential, serve, served, serving, set, setting, settlement, setup, sexual, SGS, shaft, Shakerhill, shallow, shallowly, shape, share, shared, sharing, shed, shift, ship, shipped, shipping, short, shortage, shortfall, shot, shovel, show, showed, shown, side, Sierra, significantly, signify, silicified, sill, silver, Similarly, single, sinking, situated, size, sized, skarn, skill, skilled, skip, skipped, Skye, Skyline, Slaght, SLGP, slice, sliding, slightly, slope, sloping, small, smaller, smelter, Smelting, Smith, smooth, smoothing, SMT, Snow, snowfall, social, socially, socioeconomic, sociopolitical, software, soil, sol, solid, soluble, solution, Son, sophisticated, source, south, southeast, southern, southwest, Southwestern, spaced, spacing, spare, spatial, spectrometry, spectroscopy, spectrum, speculative, Spence, spent, sphalerite, split, splitting, spot, square, SRL, stability, stable, stack, stacking, stage, staked, Stakeholder, Stall, standing, state, station, steadily, steady, steel, steeply, Stelco, step, Stephen, stewardship, stockpile, stockpiled, stone, stope, stoping, stoppage, storage, stored, Stowe, strained, stratabound, strategic, strategy, stratigraphic, stratigraphy, stream, Streamed, strength, strict, stricter, strike, stringent, stringer, stripping, strong, structural, structurally, structure, structured, study, style, subdivided, subdivision, submission, submittal, subordinate, subsample, subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subsistence, substation, substitute, substitution, succeeded, successful, successfully, succession, successive, successively, successor, Sucursal, Sudbury, sudden, suffer, suffered, suffering, sufficient, sufficiently, suggested, suitable, Suite, sulfide, sulphidation, sulphide, sulphur, sun, Suncor, supergene, superior, supernatant, supplied, supply, support, supported, supporting, surface, survey, surveyed, susceptible, suspend, suspension, sustainability, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, switching, symbol, Syncrude, systematic, systematically, table, tag, tailing, takeover, talent, target, Tavchandjian, taxable, taxation, taxpayer, technical, technician, technique, technological, technology, tectonostratigraphic, temperature, temporarily, temporary, tendered, tenure, Terasen, terminate, terminated, termination, Tern, terrain, terrestrial, terrorism, Tertiary, test, tested, testing, testwork, Thatpartofameasuredorindicatedmineralresource, theft, therefrom, thereof, thereunder, therewith, thick, thickened, thickening, thicker, thin, tholeiitic, thousand, threatened, throughput, thrust, TIA, tied, timeline, Tintaya, Tinto, tired, TISUR, Titan, titration, TMF, today, tolerance, ton, tonnage, tonne, top, town, toxic, tpd, track, tracking, tractor, trade, traded, trading, traditional, trailer, training, transfer, transformational, transition, transitioning, transmission, transmitted, transport, transportation, transported, transverse, travel, treat, treated, treatment, trend, trending, trespassing, trial, trialed, Triangle, triangulated, triple, trough, truck, trucked, trucking, true, Trust, trustee, TSM, tube, Tucson, tunnel, Turkey, turn, twelve, twenty, twin, twined, type, typical, typically, UAV, Uchuccarco, UCM, ULD, ultimate, ultimately, ultraviolet, umpire, unable, unadjusted, unanticipated, unaudited, unauthorized, unavailable, uncertain, uncertainty, unconditionally, unconsolidated, undercut, underground, underlying, undertaken, underway, undetected, undeveloped, undue, uneconomic, unexpected, unfavourable, unforeseen, uninsured, union, unionized, unique, University, unknown, unlawfully, unlevered, unlimited, unmanned, unmineralized, unpaid, unpatented, unrealized, unregistered, unrelated, unrest, unsealed, unsecured, unskilled, unusual, update, updated, upfront, upgrade, upgraded, upheld, Upland, uploaded, upper, upstream, upward, USA, usage, USD, utilize, utilized, utilizing, vacancy, Vale, valid, validate, validated, validity, Vancouver, vandalism, variable, variation, variety, vary, varying, vegetation, vehicle, vein, veneer, ventilation, venture, verification, verified, verify, vertical, vertically, viability, viable, vicinity, Vicwest, video, vision, visit, visual, visually, VMS, Voisey, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volcaniclastic, volcanism, volcanogenic, volume, volumetrically, voluntary, vote, voting, VP, vulnerability, vulnerable, warrant, Warren, wash, waste, Wastewater, water, wax, weaken, weakest, wear, weather, wedged, weighed, weight, weighting, Wekusko, welfare, wellbeing, west, western, wet, Wheaton, wide, widely, widespread, width, Wildlife, Williamstown, WIM, winding, winter, wireframe, withdrawal, Wood, Wooden, Woosey, work, worked, working, workplace, world, WPT, WRF, wrongful, WSP, XPS, yard, Yauri, Yerington, yield, yielding, younger, zinc, Zn, zone
accumulated, arm, attorney, blackout, BTR, chapter, coal, communicated, consideration, Consumer, contacting, Contractual, detect, disclose, electronically, entirety, exempt, Exhibit, expert, furnish, Goodman, ICFR, inadequate, Interactive, interfere, issuable, issuing, judgment, lieu, listing, Manual, matter, negotiated, newly, page, placement, posted, preceding, promptly, redistribution, referencing, registrant, REGISTRATION, request, statute, supplement, telephone, Tom, undersigned, unqualified, Untied, Washington, Web, zip
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