Hudbay Minerals Inc.
Report of Voting Results
(Section 11.3 of National Instrument 51-102)
The following describes the matters voted upon and the outcome of the votes at the Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting') of Hudbay Minerals Inc. (the "Corporation") held on May 17, 2021. All matters voted upon at the Meeting were voted upon by proxy and electronic ballot.
Each of the matters voted upon is described in greater detail in the Corporation's Management Information Circular (the "Circular") that was made available to shareholders prior to the Meeting.
Item 1: Election of Directors
At the Meeting, each of the ten nominees listed in the Circular was elected as a director of the Corporation for the ensuing year or until his or her successor is elected or appointed. The voting results are set forth in the table below:
Voting Results |
Director | Number of Votes FOR | Number of Votes Withheld | Percentage of Votes FOR |
| | | |
Carol T. Banducci | 193,235,851 | 925,004 | 99.52% |
Igor A. Gonzales | 190,799,304 | 3,361,551 | 98.27% |
Richard Howes | 192,979,327 | 1,181,528 | 99.40% |
Sarah B. Kavanagh | 193,643,555 | 517,300 | 99.73% |
Carin S. Knickel | 192,892,377 | 1,268,478 | 99.35% |
Peter Kukielski | 193,493,754 | 667,101 | 99.66% |
Stephen A. Lang | 190,464,899 | 3,695,956 | 98.10% |
Daniel Muñiz Quintanilla | 193,645,172 | 515,683 | 99.73% |
Colin Osborne | 193,587,734 | 573,121 | 99.71% |
David S. Smith | 192,932,000 | 1,228,855 | 99.37% |
Item 2: Appointment of Auditor
At the Meeting, Deloitte LLP was re-appointed as auditor of the Corporation and the directors were authorized, upon the recommendation of the Audit Committee, to fix the auditor's remuneration. The voting results are set forth in the table below:
Voting Results |
Number of Votes FOR | Number of Votes Withheld | Percentage of Votes FOR |
| | |
196,599,130 | 1,803,023 | 99.09% |
Item 3: Say on Pay Advisory Vote
At the Meeting, the non-binding advisory resolution to accept the Corporation's approach to executive compensation disclosed in the Circular was approved. The voting results are set forth in the table below.
Voting Results |
Number of Votes FOR | Number of Votes Against | Percentage of Votes FOR |
| | |
184,467,275 | 9,693,580 | 95.01% |
Date: May 17, 2021
(signed) Patrick Donnelly
Name: Patrick Donnelly
Title: Vice President and General Counsel