Exhibit 99.2
Copyright, published by | | First issued by |
The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), Copenhagen. Issued November 2001 | | The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), Copenhagen, in 1974As “Barecon A” and “Barecon B”. Revised and amalgamated 1989. Revised 2001 |
1. Shipbroker | BIMCO STANDARD BAREBOAT CHARTER |  |
| | PART I |
| 2. Place and date |
| November 13th 2014 |
| |
3. Owners/Place of business (Cl. 1) | 4. Bareboat Charterers/Place of business (Cl. 1) |
| |
| By NewLead Holdings Ltd. |
| |
5. Vessel’s name, call sign and flag (Cl. 1 and 3) |
KATERINA L - IMO 9538309 - Panama |
| |
6. Type of Vessel | 7. GT/NT |
TANKER | 2,511/1,027 |
| |
8. When/Where built | 9. Total DWT (abt.) in metric tons on summer freeboard |
| |
10/2009 | 3,370 Tns |
| |
10. Classification Society (Cl. 3) | 11. Date of last special survey by the Vessel’s classification society |
| |
RINA | [November 2014] |
12. Further particulars of Vessel (also indicate minimum number of months’ validity of class certificates agreed acc. to Cl. 3) |
LOA : 90.60 |
BREADTH: 14.20 m |
DEPTH:6.30m Draught 5.35 m |
13. Port or Place of delivery (Cl. 3) | 14. Time for delivery (Cl. 4) | 15. Cancelling date (Cl. 5) |
Salamis, Greece | 20 October 2014 - | 30 October 2014 |
| 30 October 2014 | |
16. Port or Place of redelivery (Cl. 15) | 17. No. of months’ validity of trading and class certificates upon redelivery (Cl. 15) |
Worldwide | 1 Month |
| |
18. Running days’ notice if other than stated in Cl. 4 | 19. Frequency of dry-docking (Cl. 10(g)) |
| |
N/A | N/A |
| |
20. Trading limits (Cl. 6) |
Worldwide trading WIWL |
21. Charter period (Cl. 2) | 22. Charter hire (Cl. 11) |
Until October 16, 2018 | As per Rider Clause 2 |
| |
23. New class and other safety requirements (state percentage of Vessel’s insurance value acc. to Box 29)(Cl. 10(a)(ii)) N/A |
| |
24. Rate of interest payable acc. to Cl. 11(f) and,if applicable, acc. toPART IV | 25. Currency and method of payment (Cl. 11) |
N/A | As per Rider clauses 1, 2 & 3 |
26. Place of payment; also state beneficiary and bank account (Cl. 11) | 27. Bank guarantee/bond (sum and place)(Cl. 24)(optional) |
| N/A |
| |
| |
28. Mortgage(s), if any (state whether 12(a) or (b) applies; if 12(b)applies state date of Financial Instrument and name ofMortgagee(s)/Place of business)(Cl. 12) | 29. Insurance (hull and machinery and war risks)(state value acc. to Cl. 13(f) or, if applicable, acc. to Cl. 14(k))(also state if Cl. 14 applies) |
| |
National Bank of Greece - dated 8 October 2009As amended on 30 September 2011, on 16 April 2013 andon 21 February 2014 | |
| |
30. Additional insurance cover, if any, for Owners’account limited to(Cl. 13(b) or, if applicable, Cl. 14(g)) | 31. Additional insurance cover, if any, for Charterers’ account limited to (Cl. 13(b) or, if applicable, Cl. 14(g)) |
| |
| |
N/A | N/A |
| |
32. Latent defects (only to be filled in if period other than stated in Cl. 3) | 33. Brokerage commission and to whom payable (Cl. 27) |
| |
N/A | |
| |
34. Grace period (state number of clear banking days)(Cl. 28) | 35. Dispute Resolution (state 30(a), 30(b) or 30(c); if 30(c) agreed Place of Arbitration must be stated (Cl. 30) |
5 Banking Days | LONDON |
36. War cancellation (indicate countries agreed)(Cl. 26(f)) | |
| |
N/A | |
37. Newbuilding Vessel (indicate with “yes” or “no” whether PART III applies)(optional) | 38. Name and place of Builders (only to be filled in if PART III applies) |
| |
NO | N/A |
| |
39. Vessel’s Yard Building No. (only to be filled in if PART III applies) | 40. Date of Building Contract (only to be filled in if PART III applies) |
| |
N/A | N/A |
41. Liquidated damages and costs shall accrue to (state party acc. to Cl. 1) |
N/A | |
| |
42. Hire/Purchase agreement (indicate with “yes” or “no” whether PARTIV applies)(optional) | 43. Bareboat Charter Registry (indicate “yes” or “no” whether PART Vapplies)(optional) |
| |
YES, Purchase option and obligation as per Rider Clause 3 | |
| |
44. Flag and Country of the Bareboat Charter Registry (only to be filled in if PART V applies) | 45. Country of the Underlying Registry (only to be filled in if PART V applies) |
| |
| |
46. Number of additional clauses covering special provisions, if agreed | |
7 (Seven) | |
PREAMBLE - It is mutually agreed that this Contract shall be performed subject to the conditions contained in this Charter which shall include PART I and PART II. In the event of a conflict of conditions, the provisions of PART I shall prevail over those of PART II to the extent of such conflict but no further. It is further mutually agreed that PART III and/or PART IV and/or PART V shall only apply and only form part of this Charter if expressly agreed and stated in the Boxes 37, 42 and 43. If PART III and/or PART IV and/or PART V apply, it is further agreed that in the event of a conflict of conditions, the provisions of PART I and PART II shall prevail over those of PART III and/or PART IV and/or PART V to the extent of such conflict but no further.
Signature (Owners) | Signature (Charterers) |
| |
/s/ Nikolaos Daoulis Remandas | /s/ Michail S. Zolotas |
| |
/s/ Dimitrios Remandas | |
“BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
1. | Definitions | 1 | | | Owners notice of cancellation within thirty-six (36) | 65 |
| In this Charter, the following terms shall have the | 2 | | | running hours after the cancelling date stated in Box | 66 |
| meanings hereby assigned to them: | 3 | | | 15, failing which this Charter shall remain in full force | 67 |
| “The Owners” shall mean the party identified in Box 3; | 4 | | | and effect. | 68 |
| “The Charterers” shall mean the party identified in Box 4; | 5 | | | (b) If it appears that the Vessel will be delayed beyond | 69 |
| “The Vessel” shall mean the vessel named in Box 5 and | 6 | | | the cancelling date, the Owners may, as soon as they | 70 |
| with particulars as stated in Boxes 6 to 12. | 7 | | | are in a position to state with reasonable certainty the | 71 |
| “Financial Instrument” means the mortgage, deed of | 8 | | | day on which the Vessel should be ready, give notice | 72 |
| covenant or other such financial security instrument as | 9 | | | thereof to the Charterers asking whether they will | 73 |
| annexed to this Charter and stated in Box 28. | 10 | | | exercise their option of cancelling, and the option must | 74 |
| | | | | then be declared within one hundred and sixty-eight | 75 |
2. | Charter Period | 11 | | | (168) running hours of the receipt by the Charterers of | 76 |
| In consideration of the hire detailed in Box 22, the | 12 | | | such notice or within thirty-six (36) running hours after | 77 |
| Owners have agreed to let and the Charterers have | 13 | | | the cancelling date, whichever is the earlier. If the | 78 |
| agreed to hire the Vessel for the period stated in Box 21 | 14 | | | Charterers do not then exercise their option of cancelling, | 79 |
| (“The Charter Period”). | 15 | | | the seventh day after the readiness date stated in the | 80 |
| | | | | Owners’ notice shall be substituted for the cancelling | 81 |
3. | Delivery | 16 | | | date indicated in Box 15 for the purpose of this Clause 5. | 82 |
| (not applicable when Part III applies, as indicated in Box 37) | 17 | | | (c) Cancellation under this Clause 5 shall be without | 83 |
| (a) The Owners shall before and at the time of delivery exercise | 18 | | | prejudice to any claim the Charterers may otherwise | 84 |
| due diligence to make the Vessel seaworthy and in every | 19 | | | have on the Owners under this Charter. | 85 |
| respect ready in hull, machinery and equipment for service | 20 | | | | |
| under this Charter. The Vessel shall be delivered by the Owners | 21 | | 6. | Trading Restrictions | 86 |
| and taken over by the Charterers at the port or place indicated in | 22 | | | The Vessel shall be employed in lawful trades for the | 87 |
| Box 13 in such ready safe berth as the Charterers may direct. The | 23 | | | carriage of suitable lawful merchandise within the trading | 88 |
| Vessel shall be delivered to Charterers by Owners in the same | 24 | | | limits indicated in Box 20. | 89 |
| condition as at the time of the in same condition as at the time of | 25 | | | The Charterers undertake not to employ the Vessel or | 90 |
| the inspection of the vessel by Charterers at ......................... on | 26 | | | suffer the Vessel to be employed otherwise than in | 91 |
| ........................ , including the class status reports, fair wear and | 27 | | | conformity with the terms of the contracts of insurance | 92 |
| tear excepted. | 28 | | | (including any warranties expressed or implied therein) | 93 |
| (b) The Vessel shall be properly documented on | 29 | | | without first obtaining the consent of the insurers to such | 94 |
| delivery in accordance with the laws of the flag State | 30 | | | employment and complying with such requirements as | 95 |
| indicated in Box 5 and the requirements of the | 31 | | | to extra premium or otherwise as the insurers may | 96 |
| classification society stated in Box 10. The Vessel upon | 32 | | | prescribe. | 97 |
| delivery shall have her survey cycles up to date and | 33 | | | The Charterers also undertake not to employ the Vessel | 98 |
| trading and class certificates valid for at least the number | 34 | | | or suffer her employment in any trade or business which | 99 |
| of months agreed in Box 12. | 35 | | | is forbidden by the law of any country to which the Vessel | 100 |
| (c) Without prejudice to Charterers rights as per paragraphs | 36 | | | may sail or is otherwise illicit or in carrying illicit or | 101 |
| (a) and (b) hereinaboveTthe delivery of the Vessel by the | 37 | | | prohibited goods or in any manner whatsoever which | 102 |
| Owners and the taking over of the Vessel by the Charterers | 38 | | | may render her liable to condemnation, destruction, | 103 |
| shall constitute a full performance by the Owners of all the | 39 | | | seizure or confiscation. | 104 |
| Owners’ obligations under this Clause 3, and thereafter the | 40 | | | Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in this | 105 |
| Charterers shall not be entitled to make or assert any claim | 41 | | | Charter it is agreed that nuclear fuels or radioactive | 106 |
| against the Owners on account of any conditions, | 42 | | | products or waste are specifically excluded from the | 107 |
| representations or warranties expressed or implied with respect to | 43 | | | cargo permitted to be loaded or carried under this | 108 |
| the Vessel but the Owners shall be liable for the cost of but not | 44 | | | Charter. This exclusion does not apply to radio-isotopes | 109 |
| the time for repairs or renewals occasioned by latent defects in | 45 | | | used or intended to be used for any industrial, | 110 |
| the Vessel, her machinery or appurtenances, existing at the time of | 46 | | | commercial, agricultural, medical or scientific purposes | 111 |
| delivery under this Charter, provided such defects have manifested | | | | provided the Owners’ prior approval has been obtained | 112 |
| themselves within twelve (12) months after delivery unless | 47 | | | to loading thereof. | 113 |
| otherwise provided in Box 32.Any damages/defects incurred | 48 | | | | |
| prior the delivery of the Vessel to Charterers, shall be for | 49 | | 7. | Surveys on Delivery andRedelivery | 114 |
| Owners’ account/cost/time. | 50 | | | (not applicable when Part III applies, as indicated in Box 37) | 115 |
| | 51 | | | The Owners and Charterers shall each appoint | 116 |
4. | Time for Delivery | 52 | | | surveyors for the purpose of determining and agreeing | 117 |
| (not applicable when Part III applies, as indicated in Box 37) | 53 | | | in writing the condition of the Vessel at the time of | 118 |
| The Vessel shall not be delivered before the date | 54 | | | deliveryand redelivery hereunder. The Ownersand | 119 |
| indicated in Box 14 without the Charterers’ consent and the Owners | | | | Charterers shall equally share the cost of the On-hire | |
| shall exercise due diligence to deliver the Vessel not later than the | | | | surveyshall | |
| date indicated in Box 15. Unless otherwise agreed in Box 18, the | 55 | | | bear all expenses of the On-hire Survey including loss | 120 |
| Owners shall give the Charterers not less than thirty /twenty/ | 56 | | | of time, if any, and the Charterers shall bear all expenses | 121 |
| fifteen/twelve/ten (30/20/15/12/10) running days’ preliminary and | 57 | | | | |
| not less thanfourteen seven/five/three/two/one(14/7/5/3/2/1) | 58 | | | of the Off-hire Survey including loss of time, if any, at | 122 |
| running days’ definite notice of the date on which the Vessel | 59 | | | the daily equivalent to the rate of hire or pro rata thereof. | 123 |
| is expected to be ready for delivery. The Owners shall keep the | | | | | |
| Charterers closely advised of possible changes in the Vessel’s | | | | | |
| position. | | | 8. | Inspection | 124 |
5. | Cancelling | 60 | | | The Owners shall have the right at any time after giving | 125 |
| (not applicable when Part III applies, as indicated in Box 37) | 61 | | | reasonable notice to the Charterers to inspect or survey | 126 |
| (a) Should the Vessel not be delivered latest by the | 62 | | | the Vessel or instruct a duly authorised surveyor to carry | 127 |
| cancelling date indicated in Box 15, the Charterers shall | 63 | | | out such survey on their behalf:- | 128 |
| have the option of cancelling this Charter by giving the | 64 | | | (a) to ascertain the condition of the Vessel and satisfy | 129 |
“BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
| themselves that the Vessel is being properly repaired | 130 | | | between the Owners and the Charterers having | 196 |
| and maintained. The costs and fees for such inspection | 131 | | | regard, inter alia, to the length of the period | 197 |
| or survey shall be paid by the Ownersunless the Vessel | 132 | | | remaining under this Charter shall, in the absence | 198 |
| is found to require repairs or maintenance in order to | 133 | | | of agreement, be referred to the dispute resolution | 199 |
| achieve the condition so provided; | 134 | | | method agreed in Clause 30. | 200 |
| (b) in dry-dock if the Charterers have not dry-docked | 135 | | (iii) | Financial Security - The Charterers shall maintain | 201 |
| her in accordance with Clause 10(g). The costs and fees | 136 | | | financial security or responsibility in respect of third | 202 |
| for such inspection or survey shall be paid by the | 137 | | | party liabilities as required by any government, | 203 |
| Charterers; and | 138 | | | including federal, state or municipal or other division | 204 |
| (c) for any other commercial reason they consider | 139 | | | or authority thereof, to enable the Vessel, without | 205 |
| necessary (provided it does not unduly interfere with the | 140 | | | penalty or charge, lawfully to enter, remain at, or | 206 |
| commercial operation of the Vessel). The costs and fees for such | 141 | | | leave any port, place, territorial or contiguous | 207 |
| inspection and survey shall be paid by the Owners. All time used | 142 | | | waters of any country, state or municipality in | 208 |
| in respect of inspection, survey or repairs shall be for the | 143 | | | performance of this Charter without any delay. This | 209 |
| Charterers’ account and form part of the Charter Period. The | 144 | | | obligation shall apply whether or not such | 210 |
| Charterers shall also permit the Owners to inspect the Vessel’s | 145 | | | requirements have been lawfully imposed by such | 211 |
| log books whenever requested and shall whenever required | 146 | | | government or division or authority thereof. | 212 |
| by the Owners furnish them with full information regarding any | 147 | | | The Charterers shall make and maintain all arrange- | 213 |
| casualties or other accidents or damage to the Vessel.Owners | 148 | | | ments by bond or otherwise as may be necessary to | 214 |
| shall ensure that the trading operation of the Vessel is not | 149 | | | satisfy such requirements at the Charterers’ sole | 215 |
| disrupted or interrupted for any reason during the said | 150 | | | expense and the Charterers shall indemnify the Owners | 216 |
| inspection/survey. Otherwise any time loss/damages / costs | 151 | | | against all consequences whatsoever (including loss of | 217 |
| incurred due to such an interruption/disruption by Owners | | | | time) for any failure or inability to do so. | 218 |
| and/or their representatives and/or servants and /or agents, | | | | (b) Operation of the Vessel - The Charterers shall at | 219 |
| shall be for Owners’ account and the Charterers shall be | | | | their own expense and by their own procurement man, | 220 |
| indemnified for any such loss/damage/cost incurred or to be | | | | victual, navigate, operate, supply, fuel and, whenever | 221 |
| incurred as a consequence. | | | | required, repair the Vessel during the Charter Period | 222 |
| | | | | and they shall pay all charges and expenses of every | 223 |
9. | Inventories, Oil and Stores | 152 | | | kind and nature whatsoever incidental to their use and | 224 |
| A complete inventory of the Vessel’s entire equipment, | 153 | | | operation of the Vessel under this Charter, including | 225 |
| outfit including spare parts, appliances and of all | 154 | | | annual flag State fees and any foreign general | 226 |
| consumable stores on board the Vessel shall be made | 155 | | | municipality and/or state taxes. The Master, officers and | 227 |
| by the Charterers in conjunction with the Owners on | 160 | | | crew of the Vessel shall be the servants of the Charterers | 228 |
| delivery and again on redelivery of the Vessel. The | 161 | | | for all purposes whatsoever, even if for any reason | 229 |
| Charterersand the Owners, respectively, shall at the | 162 | | | appointed by the Owners. | 230 |
| time of deliveryand redelivery take overand pay for all | 163 | | | Charterers shall comply with the regulations regarding | 231 |
| bunkers, lubricating oil, unbroached provisions, paints, | 164 | | | officers and crew in force in the country of the Vessel’s | 232 |
| ropes and other consumable stores (excluding spare | 165 | | | flag or any other applicable law. | 233 |
| parts) in the said Vessel. Owners shall at the time of redelivery | 166 | | | (c) The Charterers shall keep the Owners and the | 234 |
| take up and pay for all bunkers and lubricating oilat | | | | mortgagee(s)indicated in Box 28 advised of the intended | |
| Charterers’ last net paid prices as evidenced by relevant | | | | employment, | 235 |
| invoices. The quantities will be measured / agreed by the | 167 | | | planned dry-docking and major repairs of the Vessel, | 236 |
| Owners’ and the Charters’ Representatives at the time of | | | | as reasonably required. | 237 |
| Delivery. the then current market prices at the ports of | 168 | | | (d) Flag and Name of Vessel - During the Charter | 238 |
| delivery and redelivery, respectively. The Charterers shall | 169 | | | Period, the Charterers shall have the liberty to paint the | 239 |
| ensure that all spare parts listed in the inventory and used | 170 | | | Vessel in their own colours, install and display their | 240 |
| during the Charter Period are replaced at their | | | | funnel insignia and fly their own house flag. The | 241 |
| expense prior to redelivery of the Vessel. | 171 | | | | |
| | | | | Charterers shall also have the liberty, with the Owners’ | 242 |
10. | Maintenance and Operation | 172 | | | consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, to | 243 |
| (a)(i)Maintenance and Repairs - During the Charter | 173 | | | change the flag and/or the name of the Vessel during | 244 |
| Period the Vessel shall be in the full possession and at the | 174 | | | the Charter Period. Painting and re-painting, instalment | 245 |
| absolute disposal for all purposes of the Charterers and under | 175 | | | and re-instalment, registration and re-registration, if | 246 |
| their complete control in every respect. The Charterers shall | 176 | | | required by the Owners, shall be at the Charterers’ | 247 |
| maintain the Vessel, her machinery, boilers, appurtenances and | 177 | | | expense and time. | 248 |
| spare parts in a good state of repair, in efficient operating | 178 | | | (e) Changes to the Vessel - Subject to Clause 10(a)(ii), | 249 |
| conditionand in accordance with good commercial | 179 | | | the Charterers shall make no structural changes in the | 250 |
| maintenance practice and,except asprovided for in Clause | 180 | | | Vessel or changes in the machinery, boilers, appurten- | 251 |
| 14(l), if applicable,at their own expense they shall at all | 181 | | | ances or spare parts thereof without in each instance | 252 |
| times keep the Vessel’s Class fully up to date with the | 182 | | | first securing the Owners’ approval thereof.If the Owners | 253 |
| Classification Society indicated in Box 10 and maintain all other | 183 | | | so agree, the Charterers shall, if the Owners so require, | 254 |
| necessary certificates in force at all times. | 184 | | | restore the Vessel to its former condition before the | 255 |
| (ii) New Class and Other Safety Requirements - In the event | 185 | | | termination of this Charter. | 256 |
| of any improvement, structural changes or new equipment | 186 | | | (f)Use of the Vessel’s Outfit, Equipment and | 257 |
| becoming necessary for the continued operation of the | 187 | | | Appliances - The Charterers shall have the use of all | 258 |
| Vessel by reason of new class requirements or by compulsory | 188 | | | outfit, equipment, and appliances on board the Vessel | 259 |
| legislation costing (excluding the Charterers’ loss of time) | 189 | | | at the time of delivery,provided the same or their | 260 |
| more than the percentage stated in Box 23, or if Box 23 is left blank, | 190 | | | substantial equivalent shall be returned to the Owners | 261 |
| 5 per cent. of the Vessel’s insurance value as stated in Box 29, | 191 | | | on redelivery in the same good order and condition as | 262 |
| then the extent, if any, to which the rate of hire shall be varied and the | 192 | | | when received, ordinary wear and tear excepted. The | 263 |
| ratio in which the cost of compliance shall be shared between the | 193 | | | | |
| parties concerned in order to achieve a reasonable distribution | 194 | | | | |
| thereof as | 195 | | | | |
“BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
| Charterers shall from time to time during the Charter | 264 | | *) | (a) The Owners warrant that they have not effected | 330 |
| Period replace such items of equipment as shall be so | 265 | | | any mortgage(s) of the Vessel and that they shall not | 331 |
| damaged or worn as to be unfit for use. The Charterers | 266 | | | effect any mortgage(s) without the prior consent of the | 332 |
| are to procure that all repairs to or replacement of any | 267 | | | Charterers, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. | 333 |
| damaged, worn or lost parts or equipment be effected | 268 | | *) | (b) The Vessel chartered under this Charter is financed | 334 |
| in such manner (both as regards workmanship and | 269 | | | by a mortgage according to the Financial Instrument. | 335 |
| quality of materials) as not to diminish the value of the | 270 | | | The Charterers undertake to comply, and provide such | 336 |
| Vessel. The Charterers have the right to fit additional | 271 | | | information and documents to enable the Owners to | 337 |
| equipment at their expense and risk but the Charterers | 272 | | | comply, with all such instructions or directions in regard | 338 |
| shall remove such equipment at the end of the period if | 273 | | | to the employment, insurances, operation, repairs and | 339 |
| requested by the Owners.Any equipment including radio | 274 | | | maintenance of the Vessel as laid down in the Financial | 340 |
| equipment on hire on the Vessel at time of delivery shall | 275 | | | Instrument or as may be directed from time to time during | 341 |
| be kept and maintained by the Charterers and the | 276 | | | the currency of the Charter by the mortgagee(s) in | 342 |
| Charterers shall assume the obligations and liabilities | 277 | | | conformity with the Financial Instrument. The Charterers | 343 |
| of the Owners under any lease contracts in connection | 278 | | | confirm that, for this purpose, they have acquainted | 344 |
| therewith and shall reimburse the Owners for all | 279 | | | themselves with all relevant terms, conditions and | 345 |
| expenses incurred in connection therewith, also for any | 280 | | | provisions of the Financial Instrument and agree to | 346 |
| new equipment required in order to comply with radio | 281 | | | acknowledge this in writing in any form that may be | 347 |
| regulations. | 282 | | | required by the mortgagee(s). The Owners warrant that | 348 |
| (g) Periodical Dry-Docking - The Charterers shall dry- | 283 | | | they have not effected any mortgage(s) other than stated | 349 |
| dock the Vessel and clean and paint her underwater | 284 | | | in Box 28 and that they shall not agree to any | 350 |
| parts whenever the same may be necessary,but not | 285 | | | amendment of the mortgage(s) referred to in Box 28 or | 351 |
| less than once during the period stated in Box 19 or, if | 286 | | | effect any other mortgage(s) without the prior written consent | 352 |
| Box 19 has been left blank, and/orevery sixty (60) | 287 | | | of the Charterers, which shall not be unreasonably | 353 |
| calendar months after the time ofdelivery or such other | 288 | | | withheld. | 354 |
| period as may be required by the Classification Society or | 289 | | *) | (Optional, Clauses 12(a) and 12(b) are alternatives; | 355 |
| flag State. | | | | indicate alternative agreed in Box 28). | 356 |
| | | | | | |
11. | Hire | 290 | | | | |
| (a) The Charterers shall pay hire due to the Owners | 291 | | 13. | Insurance and Repairs | 357 |
| punctually in accordance with the terms of this Charter | 292 | | | (a) During the Charter Period the Vessel shall be kept | 358 |
| in respect of which time shall be of the essence. | 293 | | | insured by the Charterers at their expense against hull | 359 |
| (b) The Charterers shall pay to the Owners for the hire | 294 | | | and machinery, war and Protection and Indemnity risks | 360 |
| of the Vessel a lump sum in the amount indicated in | 295 | | | (and any risks against which it is compulsory to insure | 361 |
| Box 22 which shall be payable not later than every In | 296 | | | for the operation of the Vessel, including maintaining | 362 |
| advance arrears, the first lump sum being payable 3 month | 297 | | | financial security in accordance with sub-clause | 363 |
| after vessel’s delivery to the Charterer on the date and hour | 298 | | | 10(a)(iii)) in such form as the Owners shall in writing | 364 |
| within three banking days afterof the Vessel’s delivery to the | 299 | | | approve, which approval shall not be un-reasonably | 365 |
| Charterers.Hire shall be paid continuously | 300 | | | withheld. Such insurances shall be arranged by the | 366 |
| throughout the Charter Period. | | | | | |
| (c) Payment of hire shall be made in cash without | 301 | | | Charterers to protect the interests of both the Owners | 367 |
| discount in the currency and in the manner indicated in | 302 | | | and the Charterers and the mortgagee(s) (if any), and | 368 |
| Box 25 and at the place mentioned in Box 26. | 303 | | | the Charterers shall be at liberty to protect under such | 369 |
| (d) Final payment of hire, if for a period of less than | 304 | | | insurances the interests of any managers they may | 370 |
| thirty (30) running days, shall be calculated proportionally | 305 | | | appoint. Insurance policies shall cover the Owners and | 371 |
| according to the number of days and hours remaining | 306 | | | the Charterers according to their respective interests. | 372 |
| before redelivery and advance payment to be effected | 307 | | | Subject to the provisions of the Financial Instrument, if | 373 |
| accordingly. the end of the Charter Period in Box 21. | 308 | | | any, and the approval of the Owners and the insurers, | 374 |
| (e) Should the Vessel be lost or missing, hire shall | 309 | | | the Charterers shall effect all insured repairs and shall | 375 |
| cease from the date and time when she was lost or last | 310 | | | undertake settlement and reimbursement from the | 376 |
| heard of. The date upon which the Vessel is to be treated | 311 | | | insurers of all costs in connection with such repairs as | 377 |
| as lost or missing shall be ten (10) days after the Vessel | 312 | | | well as insured charges, expenses and liabilities to the | 378 |
| was last reported or when the Vessel is posted as | 313 | | | extent of coverage under the insurances herein provided | 379 |
| missing by Lloyd’s, whichever occurs first. Any hire paid | 314 | | | for. | 380 |
| in advance to be adjusted accordinglyand refunded to | 315 | | | The Charterers also to remain responsible for and to | 381 |
| Charterers. | | | | | |
| (f) Any delay in payment of hire exceeding five (5) | 316 | | | effect repairs and settlement of costs and expenses | 382 |
| consecutive daysshall entitle the Owners to interest at | 317 | | | incurred thereby in respect of all other repairs not | 383 |
| the rate per annum as agreed in Box 24. If Box 24 has not | 318 | | | covered by the insurances and/or not exceeding any | 384 |
| been filled in, as perthe three months interbank offered rate in | 319 | | | possible franchise(s) or deductibles provided for in the | 385 |
| London (LIBOR or its successor) for the currency stated in Box | 320 | | | insurances. | 386 |
| 25, as quoted by the British Bankers’Association (BBA) on | 321 | | | All time used for repairs under the provisions of sub- | 387 |
| the date when the hire fell due, increased by 2 per cent., | 322 | | | clause 13(a) and for repairs of latent defects according | 388 |
| shall apply. | 323 | | | to Clause 3(c) above, including any deviation, shall be | 389 |
| (g) Payment of interest due under sub-clause 11(f) | 324 | | | for the Charterers’ account. | 390 |
| shall be made within seven (7) running days of the date | 325 | | | (b) If the conditions of the above insurances permit | 391 |
| of the Owners’invoice specifying the amount payable | 326 | | | additional insurance to be placed by the parties, such | 392 |
| or, in the absence of an invoice, at the time of the next | 327 | | | cover shall be limited to the amount for each party set | 393 |
| hire payment date. | | | | out in Box 30 and Box 31, respectively. The Owners or | 394 |
| | | | | | |
12. | Mortgage | 328 | | | the Charterers as the case may be shall immediately | 395 |
| (only to apply if Box 28 has been appropriately filled in) | 329 | | | furnish the other party with particulars of any additional | 396 |
“BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
| insurance effected, including copies of any cover notes | 397 | | | presentation of accounts. | 464 |
| or policies and the written consent of the insurers of | 398 | | | (e) The Charterers to remain responsible for and to | 465 |
| any such required insurance in any case where the | 399 | | | effect repairs and settlement of costs and expenses | 466 |
| consent of such insurers is necessary. | 400 | | | incurred thereby in respect of all other repairs not | 467 |
| (c) The Charterers shall upon the request of the | 401 | | | covered by the insurances and/or not exceeding any | 468 |
| Owners, provide information and promptly execute such | 402 | | | possible franchise(s) or deductibles provided for in the | 469 |
| documents as may be required to enable the Owners to | 403 | | | insurances. | 470 |
| comply with the insurance provisions of the Financial | 404 | | | (f) All time used for repairs under the provisions of | 471 |
| Instrument. | 405 | | | sub-clauses 14(d) and 14(e) and for repairs of latent | 472 |
| (d) Subject to the provisions of the Financial Instru- | 406 | | | defects according to Clause 3 above, including any | 473 |
| ment, if any, should the Vessel become an actual, | 407 | | | deviation, shall be for the Charterers’ account and shall | 474 |
| constructive, compromised or agreed total loss under | 408 | | | form part of the Charter Period. | 475 |
| the insurances required under sub-clause 13(a), all | 409 | | | The Owners shall not be responsible for any expenses | 476 |
| insurance payments for such loss shall be paid to the | 410 | | | as are incident to the use and operation of the Vessel | 477 |
| Owners who shall distribute the moneys between the | 411 | | | for such time as may be required to make such repairs. | 478 |
| Owners and the Charterers according to their respective | 412 | | | (g) If the conditions of the above insurances permit | 479 |
| interests. The Charterers undertake to notify the Owners | 413 | | | additional insurance to be placed by the parties such | 480 |
| and the mortgagee(s), if any, of any occurrences in | 414 | | | cover shall be limited to the amount for each party set | 481 |
| consequence of which the Vessel is likely to become a | 415 | | | out in Box 30 and Box 31, respectively. The Owners or | 482 |
| total loss as defined in this Clause. | 416 | | | the Charterers as the case may be shall immediately | 483 |
| (e) The Owners shall upon the request of the | 417 | | | furnish the other party with particulars of any additional | 484 |
| Charterers, promptly execute such documents as may | 418 | | | insurance effected, including copies of any cover notes | 485 |
| be required to enable the Charterers to abandon the | 419 | | | or policies and the written consent of the insurers of | 486 |
| Vessel to insurers and claim a constructive total loss. | 420 | | | any such required insurance in any case where the | 487 |
| (f) For the purpose of insurance coverage against hull | 421 | | | consent of such insurers is necessary. | 488 |
| and machinery and war risks under the provisions of | 422 | | | (h) Should the Vessel become an actual, constructive, | 489 |
| sub-clause 13(a), the value of the Vessel is the sum | 423 | | | compromised or agreed total loss under the insurances | 490 |
| indicated in Box 29. | 424 | | | required under sub-clause 14(a), all insurance payments | 491 |
| | | | | for such loss shall be paid to the Owners, who shall | 492 |
14. | Insurance, Repairs and Classification | 425 | | | distribute the moneys between themselves and the | 493 |
| (Optional, only to apply if expressly agreed and stated | 426 | | | Charterers according to their respective interests. | 494 |
| in Box 29, in which event Clause 13 shall be considered | 427 | | | (i) If the Vessel becomes an actual, constructive, | 495 |
| deleted). | 428 | | | compromised or agreed total loss under the insurances | 496 |
| (a) During the Charter Period the Vessel shall be kept | 429 | | | arranged by the Owners in accordance with sub-clause | 497 |
| insured by the Owners at their expense against hull and | 430 | | | 14(a), this Charter shall terminate as of the date of such | 498 |
| machinery and war risks under the form of policy or | 431 | | | loss. | 499 |
| policies attached hereto. The Owners and/or insurers | 432 | | | (j) The Charterers shall upon the request of the | 500 |
| shall not have any right of recovery or subrogation | 433 | | | Owners, promptly execute such documents as may be | 501 |
| against the Charterers on account of loss of or any | 434 | | | required to enable the Owners to abandon the Vessel | 502 |
| damage to the Vessel or her machinery or appurt- | 435 | | | to the insurers and claim a constructive total loss. | 503 |
| enances covered by such insurance, or on account of | 436 | | | (k) For the purpose of insurance coverage against hull | 504 |
| payments made to discharge claims against or liabilities | 437 | | | and machinery and war risks under the provisions of | 505 |
| of the Vessel or the Owners covered by such insurance. | 438 | | | sub-clause 14(a), the value of the Vessel is the sum | 506 |
| Insurance policies shall cover the Owners and the | 439 | | | indicated in Box 29. | 507 |
| Charterers according to their respective interests. | 440 | | | (l) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-clause | 508 |
| (b) During the Charter Period the Vessel shall be kept | 441 | | | 10(a), it is agreed that under the provisions of Clause | 509 |
| insured by the Charterers at their expense against | 442 | | | 14, if applicable, the Owners shall keep the Vessel’s | 510 |
| Protection and Indemnity risks (and any risks against | 443 | | | Class fully up to date with the Classification Society | 511 |
| which it is compulsory to insure for the operation of the | 444 | | | indicated in Box 10 and maintain all other necessary | 512 |
| Vessel, including maintaining financial security in | 445 | | | certificates in force at all times. | 513 |
| accordance with sub-clause 10(a)(iii)) in such form as | 446 | | | | |
| the Owners shall in writing approve which approval shall | 447 | | 15. | Redelivery | 514 |
| not be unreasonably withheld. | 448 | | | At the expiration of the Charter Period the Vessel shall | 515 |
| (c) In the event that any act or negligence of the | 449 | | | be redelivered by the Charterers to the Owners at a | 516 |
| Charterers shall vitiate any of the insurance herein | 450 | | | safe and ice-free port or place as indicated in Box 16, in | 517 |
| provided, the Charterers shall pay to the Owners all | 451 | | | such ready safe berth as the Owners may direct. The | 518 |
| losses and indemnify the Owners against all claims and | 452 | | | Charterers shall give the Owners not less than thirty | 519 |
| demands which would otherwise have been covered by | 453 | | | (30) running days’ preliminary notice of expected date, | 520 |
| such insurance. | 454 | | | range of ports of redelivery or port or place of redelivery | 521 |
| (d) The Charterers shall, subject to the approval of the | 455 | | | and not less than fourteen (14) running days’ definite | 522 |
| Owners or Owners’ Underwriters, effect all insured | 456 | | | notice of expected date and port or place of redelivery. | 523 |
| repairs, and the Charterers shall undertake settlement | 457 | | | Any changes thereafter in the Vessel’s position shall be | 524 |
| of all miscellaneous expenses in connection with such | 458 | | | notified immediately to the Owners. | 525 |
| repairs as well as all insured charges, expenses and | 459 | | | The Charterers warrant that they will not permit the | 526 |
| liabilities, to the extent of coverage under the insurances | 460 | | | Vessel to commence a voyage (including any preceding | 527 |
| provided for under the provisions of sub-clause 14(a). | 461 | | | ballast voyage) which cannot reasonably be expected | 528 |
| The Charterers to be secured reimbursement through | 462 | | | to be completed in time to allow redelivery of the Vessel | 529 |
| the Owners’ Underwriters for such expenditures upon | 463 | | | within the Charter Period. Notwithstanding the above, | 530 |
“BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
| should the Charterers fail to redeliver the Vessel within | 531 | | 19. | Salvage | 594 |
| the Charter Period, the Charterers shall pay the daily | 532 | | | All salvage and towage performed by the Vessel shall | 595 |
| equivalent to the rate of hire stated in Box 22 plus 10 | 533 | | | be for the Charterers’benefit and the cost of repairing | 596 |
| per cent. or to the market rate, whichever is the higher, | 534 | | | damage occasioned thereby shall be borne by the | 597 |
| for the number of days by which the Charter Period is | 535 | | | Charterers. | 598 |
| exceeded. All other terms, conditions and provisions of | 536 | | | | |
| this Charter shall continue to apply. | 537 | | 20. | Wreck Removal | 599 |
| Subject to the provisions of Clause 10, the Vessel shall | 538 | | | In the event of the Vessel becoming a wreck or | 600 |
| be redelivered to the Owners in the same or as good | 539 | | | obstruction to navigation the Charterers shall indemnify | 601 |
| structure, state, condition and class as that in which she | 540 | | | the Owners against any sums whatsoever which the | 602 |
| was delivered, fair wear and tear not affecting class | 541 | | | Owners shall become liable to pay and shall pay in | 603 |
| excepted. | 542 | | | consequence of the Vessel becoming a wreck or | 604 |
| The Vessel upon redelivery shall have her survey cycles | 543 | | | obstruction to navigation. | 605 |
| up to date and trading and class certificates valid for at | 544 | | | | |
| least the number of months agreed in Box 17. | 545 | | 21. | General Average | 606 |
| | | | | The Owners shall not contribute to General Average. | 607 |
16. | Non-Lien | 546 | | | | |
| The Charterers will not suffer, nor permit to be continued, | 547 | | 22. | Assignment, Sub-Charter and Sale | 608 |
| any lien or encumbrance incurred by them or their | 548 | | | (a) The Charterers shall not assign this Charter nor | 609 |
| agents, which might have priority over the title and | 549 | | | sub-charter the Vessel on a bareboat basis except with | 610 |
| interest of the Owners in the Vessel. The Charterers | 550 | | | the prior consent in writing of the Owners, which shall | 611 |
| further agree to fasten to the Vessel in a conspicuous | 551 | | | not be unreasonably withheld, and subject to such terms | 612 |
| place and to keep so fastened during the Charter Period | 552 | | | and conditions as the Owners shall approve. | 613 |
| a notice reading as follows: | 553 | | | (b) The Owners shall not sell the Vessel during the | 614 |
| “This Vessel is the property of (name of Owners). It is | 554 | | | currency of this Charter except with the prior written | 615 |
| under charter to (name of Charterers) and by the terms | 555 | | | consent of the Charterers, which shall not be unreason- | 616 |
| of the Charter Party neither the Charterers nor the | 556 | | | ably withheld, and subject to the buyer accepting an | 617 |
| Master have any right, power or authority to create, incur | 557 | | | assignment of this Charter. | 618 |
| or permit to be imposed on the Vessel any lien | 558 | | | | |
| whatsoever.” | 559 | | 23. | Contracts of Carriage | 619 |
| | | | *) | (a) The Charterers are to procure that all documents | 620 |
17. | Indemnity | 560 | | | issued during the Charter Period evidencing the terms | 621 |
| (a) The Charterers shall indemnify the Owners against | 561 | | | and conditions agreed in respect of carriage of goods | 622 |
| any loss, damage or expense incurred by the Owners | 562 | | | shall contain a paramount clause incorporating any | 623 |
| arising out of or in relation to the operation of the Vessel | 563 | | | legislation relating to carrier’s liability for cargo | 624 |
| by the Charterers, and against any lien of whatsoever | 564 | | | compulsorily applicable in the trade; if no such legislation | 625 |
| nature arising out of an event occurring during the | 565 | | | exists, the documents shall incorporate the Hague-Visby | 626 |
| Charter Period. If the Vessel be arrested or otherwise | 566 | | | Rules. The documents shall also contain the New Jason | 627 |
| detained by reason of claims or liens arising out of her | 567 | | | Clause and the Both-to-Blame Collision Clause. | 628 |
| operation hereunder by the Charterers, the Charterers | 568 | | *) | (b) The Charterers are to procure that all passenger | 629 |
| shall at their own expense take all reasonable steps to | 569 | | | tickets issued during the Charter Period for the carriage | 630 |
| secure that within a reasonable time the Vessel is | 570 | | | of passengers and their luggage under this Charter shall | 631 |
| released, including the provision of bail. | 571 | | | contain a paramount clause incorporating any legislation | 632 |
| Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the | 572 | | | relating to carrier’s liability for passengers and their | 633 |
| Charterers agree to indemnify the Owners against all | 573 | | | luggage compulsorily applicable in the trade; if no such | 634 |
| consequences or liabilities arising from the Master, | 574 | | | legislation exists, the passenger tickets shall incorporate | 635 |
| officers or agents signing Bills of Lading or other | 575 | | | the Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of | 636 |
| documents. | 576 | | | Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974, and any | 637 |
| (b) If the Vessel be arrested or otherwise detained by | 577 | | | protocol thereto. | 638 |
| reason of a claim or claims against the Owners, the | 578 | | *) | Delete as applicable. | 639 |
| Owners shall at their own expense take all reasonable | 579 | | | Charterers further procure that all documents issued | |
| steps to secure that within a reasonable time the Vessel | | | | as per a) above shall name Charterers as carriers | |
| is released, including the provision of bail. | 580 | | 24. | Bank Guarantee | 640 |
| In such circumstances the Owners shall indemnify the | 581 | | | (Optional, only to apply if Box 27 filled in) | 641 |
| Charterers against any loss, damage or expense | 582 | | | The Charterers undertake to furnish, before delivery of | 642 |
| incurred by the Charterers (including hire paid under | 583 | | | the Vessel, a first class bank guarantee or bond in the | 643 |
| this Charter) as a direct consequence of such arrest or | 584 | | | sum and at the place as indicated in Box 27 as guarantee | 644 |
| detention. | 585 | | | for full performance of their obligations under this | 645 |
| | 586 | | | Charter. | 646 |
18. | Lien | | | | | |
| The Owners to have a lien upon all cargoes, sub-hires | 587 | | 25. | Requisition/Acquisition | 647 |
| and sub-freights belonging or due to the Charterers or | 588 | | | (a) In the event of the Requisition for Hire of the Vessel | 648 |
| any sub-charterers and any Bill of Lading freight for all | 589 | | | by any governmental or other competent authority | 649 |
| claims under this Charter, and the Charterers to have a | 590 | | | (hereinafter referred to as “Requisition for Hire”) | 650 |
| lien on the Vessel for all moneys paid in advance and | 591 | | | irrespective of the date during the Charter Period when | 651 |
| not earned. | 592 | | | “Requisition for Hire” may occur and irrespective of the | 652 |
| | 593 | | | length thereof and whether or not it be for an indefinite | 653 |
“BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
| or a limited period of time, and irrespective of whether it | 654 | | the same time as the next payment of hire is due. | 721 |
| may or will remain in force for the remainder of the | 655 | | (e) The Charterers shall have the liberty: | 722 |
| Charter Period, this Charter shall not be deemed thereby | 656 | | (i) | to comply with all orders, directions, recommend- | 723 |
| or thereupon to be frustrated or otherwise terminated | 657 | | | ations or advice as to departure, arrival, routes, | 724 |
| and the Charterers shall continue to pay the stipulated | 658 | | | sailing in convoy, ports of call, stoppages, | 725 |
| hire in the manner provided by this Charter until the time | 659 | | | destinations, discharge of cargo, delivery, or in any | 726 |
| when the Charter would have terminated pursuant to | 660 | | | other way whatsoever, which are given by the | 727 |
| any of the provisions hereof always provided however | 661 | | | Government of the Nation under whose flag the | 728 |
| that in the event of “Requisition for Hire” any Requisition | 662 | | | Vessel sails, or any other Government, body or | 729 |
| Hire or compensation received or receivable by the | 663 | | | group whatsoever acting with the power to compel | 730 |
| Owners shall be payable to the Charterers during the | 664 | | | compliance with their orders or directions; | 731 |
| remainder of the Charter Period or the period of the | 665 | | (ii) | to comply with the orders, directions or recom- | 732 |
| “Requisition for Hire” whichever be the shorter. | 666 | | | mendations of any war risks underwriters who have | 733 |
| (b) In the event of the Owners being deprived of their | 667 | | | the authority to give the same under the terms of | 734 |
| ownership in the Vessel by any Compulsory Acquisition | 668 | | | the war risks insurance; | 735 |
| of the Vessel or requisition for title by any governmental | 669 | | (iii) | to comply with the terms of any resolution of the | 736 |
| or other competent authority (hereinafter referred to as | 670 | | | Security Council of the United Nations, any | 737 |
| “Compulsory Acquisition”), then, irrespective of the date | 671 | | | directives of the European Community, the effective | 738 |
| during the Charter Period when “Compulsory Acqui- | 672 | | | orders of any other Supranational body which has | 739 |
| sition” may occur, this Charter shall be deemed | 673 | | | the right to issue and give the same, and with | 740 |
| terminated as of the date of such “Compulsory | 674 | | | national laws aimed at enforcing the same to which | 741 |
| Acquisition”. In such event Charter Hire to be considered | 675 | | | the Owners are subject, and to obey the orders | 742 |
| as earned and to be paid up to the date and time of | 676 | | | and directions of those who are charged with their | 743 |
| such “Compulsory Acquisition”. | 677 | | | enforcement. | 744 |
| | | | (f) In the event of outbreak of war (whether there be a | 745 |
26. | War | 678 | | declaration of war or not) (i) between any two or more | 746 |
| (a) For the purpose of this Clause, the words “War | 679 | | of the following countries: the United States of America; | 747 |
| Risks” shall include any war (whether actual or | 680 | | Russia; the United Kingdom; France; and the People’s | 748 |
| threatened), act of war, civil war, hostilities, revolution, | 681 | | Republic of China, (ii) between any two or more of the | 749 |
| rebellion, civil commotion, warlike operations, the laying | 682 | | countries stated in Box 36, both the Owners and the | 750 |
| of mines (whether actual or reported), acts of piracy, | 683 | | Charterers shall have the right to cancel this Charter, | 751 |
| acts of terrorists, acts of hostility or malicious damage, | 684 | | whereupon the Charterers shall redeliver the Vessel to | 752 |
| blockades (whether imposed against all vessels or | 685 | | the Owners in accordance with Clause 15, if the Vessel | 753 |
| imposed selectively against vessels of certain flags or | 686 | | has cargo on board after discharge thereof at | 754 |
| ownership, or against certain cargoes or crews or | 687 | | destination, or if debarred under this Clause from | 755 |
| otherwise howsoever), by any person, body, terrorist or | 688 | | reaching or entering it at a near, open and safe port as | 756 |
| political group, or the Government of any state | 689 | | directed by the Owners, or if the Vessel has no cargo | 757 |
| whatsoever, which may be dangerous or are likely to be | 690 | | on board, at the port at which the Vessel then is or if at | 758 |
| or to become dangerous to the Vessel, her cargo, crew | 691 | | sea at a near, open and safe port as directed by the | 759 |
| or other persons on board the Vessel. | 692 | | Owners. In all cases hire shall continue to be paid in | 760 |
| (b) The Vessel, unless the written consent of the | 693 | | accordance with Clause 11 and except as aforesaid all | 761 |
| Owners be first obtained, shall not continue to or go | 694 | | other provisions of this Charter shall apply until | 762 |
| through any port, place, area or zone (whether of land | 695 | | redelivery. | 763 |
| or sea), or any waterway or canal, where it reasonably | 696 | | | |
| appears that the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other | 697 | 27. | Commission | 764 |
| persons on board the Vessel, in the reasonable | 698 | | The Owners to pay a commission at the rate indicated | 765 |
| judgement of the Owners, may be, or are likely to be, | 699 | | in Box 33 to the Brokers named in Box 33 on any hire | 766 |
| exposed to War Risks. Should the Vessel be within any | 700 | | paid under the Charter. If no rate is indicated in Box 33, | 767 |
| such place as aforesaid, which only becomes danger- | 701 | | the commission to be paid by the Owners shall cover | 768 |
| ous, or is likely to be or to become dangerous, after her | 702 | | the actual expenses of the Brokers and a reasonable | 769 |
| entry into it, the Owners shall have the right to require | 703 | | fee for their work. | 770 |
| the Vessel to leave such area. | 704 | | If the full hire is not paid owing to breach of the Charter | 771 |
| (c) The Vessel shall not load contraband cargo, or to | 705 | | by either of the parties the party liable therefore shall | 772 |
| pass through any blockade, whether such blockade be | 706 | | indemnify the Brokers against their loss of commission. | 773 |
| imposed on all vessels, or is imposed selectively in any | 707 | | Should the parties agree to cancel the Charter, the | 774 |
| way whatsoever against vessels of certain flags or | 708 | | Owners shall indemnify the Brokers against any loss of | 775 |
| ownership, or against certain cargoes or crews or | 709 | | commission but in such case the commission shall not | 776 |
| otherwise howsoever, or to proceed to an area where | 710 | | exceed the brokerage on one year’s hire. | 777 |
| she shall be subject, or is likely to be subject to a | 711 | | | |
| belligerent’s right of search and/or confiscation. | 712 | 28. | Termination | 778 |
| (d) If the insurers of the war risks insurance, when | 713 | | (a) Charterers’ Default | 779 |
| Clause 14 is applicable, should require payment of | 714 | | The Owners shall be entitled to withdraw the Vessel from | 780 |
| premiums and/or calls because, pursuant to the | 715 | | the service of the Charterers and terminate the Charter | 781 |
| Charterers’orders, the Vessel is within, or is due to enter | 716 | | with immediate effect by written notice to the Charterers if: | 782 |
| and remain within, any area or areas which are specified | 717 | | (i) the Charterers fail to pay hire in accordance with | 783 |
| by such insurers as being subject to additional premiums | 718 | | Clause 11. However, where there is a failure to | 784 |
| because of War Risks, then such premiums and/or calls | 719 | | make punctual payment of hire due to oversight, | 785 |
| shall be reimbursed by the Charterers to the Owners at | 720 | | negligence, errors or omissions on the part of the | 786 |
“BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
| Charterers or their bankers, the Owners shall give | 787 | | from the Charterers at her current or next port of call, or | 854 |
| the Charterers written notice of the number of clear | 788 | | at a port or place convenient to them without hindrance | 855 |
| banking days stated in Box 34 (as recognised at | 789 | | or interference by the Charterers, courts or local | 856 |
| the agreed place of payment) in which to rectify | 790 | | authorities. Pending physical repossession of the Vessel | 857 |
| the failure, and when so rectified within such | 791 | | in accordance with this Clause 29, the Charterers shall | 858 |
| number of days following the Owners’ notice, the | 792 | | hold the Vesselexercising due diligenceas gratuitous | |
| payment shall stand as regular and punctual. | | | bailee only to the Owners. | 859 |
| Failure by the Charterers to pay hire within the | 793 | | The Owners shall arrange for an authorised represent- | 860 |
| number of days stated in Box 34 of their receiving | 794 | | ative to board the Vessel as soon as reasonably | 861 |
| the Owners’ notice as provided herein, shall entitle | 795 | | practicable following the termination of the Charter. The | 862 |
| the Owners to withdraw the Vessel from the service | 796 | | Vessel shall be deemed to be repossessed by the | 863 |
| of the Charterers and terminate the Charter without | 797 | | Owners from the Charterers upon the boarding of the | 864 |
| further notice; | 798 | | Vessel by the Owners’ representative. All arrangements | 865 |
| (ii) the Charterers fail to comply with the requirements of: | 799 | | and expenses relating to the settling of wages, | 866 |
| (1) Clause 6 (Trading Restrictions) | 800 | | disembarkation and repatriation of the Charterers’ | 867 |
| (2) Clause 13(a) (Insurance and Repairs) | 801 | | Master, officers and crew shall be the sole responsibility | 868 |
| provided that the Owners shall have the option, by | 802 | | of the Charterers. | 869 |
| written notice to the Charterers, to give the | 803 | | | |
| Charterers a specified but reasonable number of days grace within | 804 | 30. | Dispute Resolution | 870 |
| which to rectify the failure without prejudice to the | 805 | *) | (a) This Contract shall be governed by and construed | 871 |
| Owners’ right to withdraw and terminate under this | 806 | | in accordance with English law and any dispute arising | 872 |
| Clause if the Charterers fail to comply with such | 807 | | out of or in connection with this Contract shall be referred | 873 |
| notice; | 808 | | to arbitration in London in accordance with the Arbitration | 874 |
| (iii) the Charterers fail to rectify any failure to comply | 809 | | Act 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment | 875 |
| with the requirements of sub-clause 10(a)(i) | 810 | | thereof save to the extent necessary to give effect to | 876 |
| (Maintenance and Repairs) as soon as practically | 811 | | the provisions of this Clause. | 877 |
| possible after the Owners have requested them in | 812 | | The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with | 878 |
| writing so to do and in any event so that the Vessel’s | 813 | | the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA) | 879 |
| insurance cover is not prejudiced. | 814 | | Terms current at the time when the arbitration proceed- | 880 |
| (b) Owners’ Default | 815 | | ings are commenced. | 881 |
| If the Owners shall by any act or omission be in breach | 816 | | The reference shall be to three arbitrators. A party | 882 |
| of their obligations under this Charter to the extent that | 817 | | wishing to refer a dispute to arbitration shall appoint its | 883 |
| the Charterers are deprived of the use of the Vessel | 818 | | arbitrator and send notice of such appointment in writing | 884 |
| and such breach continues for a period of fourteen (14) | 819 | | to the other party requiring the other party to appoint its | 885 |
| running days after written notice thereof has been given | 820 | | own arbitrator within 14 calendar days of that notice and | 886 |
| by the Charterers to the Owners, the Charterers shall | 821 | | stating that it will appoint its arbitrator as sole arbitrator | 887 |
| be entitled to terminate this Charter with immediate effect | 822 | | unless the other party appoints its own arbitrator and | 888 |
| by written notice to the Owners. | 823 | | gives notice that it has done so within the 14 days | 889 |
| (c) Loss of Vessel | 824 | | specified. If the other party does not appoint its own | 890 |
| This Charter shall be deemed to be terminated if the | 825 | | arbitrator and give notice that it has done so within the | 891 |
| Vessel becomes a total loss or is declared as a | 826 | | 14 days specified, the party referring a dispute to | 892 |
| constructive or compromised or arranged total loss. For | 827 | | arbitration may, without the requirement of any further | 893 |
| the purpose of this sub-clause, the Vessel shall not be | 828 | | prior notice to the other party, appoint its arbitrator as | 894 |
| deemed to be lost unless she has either become an | 829 | | sole arbitrator and shall advise the other party | 895 |
| actual total loss or agreement has been reached with | 830 | | accordingly. The award of a sole arbitrator shall be | 896 |
| her underwriters in respect of her constructive, | 831 | | binding on both parties as if he had been appointed by | 897 |
| compromised or arranged total loss or if such agreement | 832 | | agreement. | 898 |
| with her underwriters is not reached it is adjudged by a | 833 | | Nothing herein shall prevent the parties agreeing in | 899 |
| competent tribunal that a constructive loss of the Vessel | 834 | | writing to vary these provisions to provide for the | 900 |
| has occurred. | 835 | | appointment of a sole arbitrator. | 901 |
| (d) Either party shall be entitled to terminate this | 836 | | In cases where neither the claim nor any counterclaim | 902 |
| Charter with immediate effect by written notice to the | 837 | | exceeds the sum of US$50,000 (or such other sum as | 903 |
| other party in the event of an order being made or | 838 | | the parties may agree) the arbitration shall be conducted | 904 |
| resolution passed for the winding up, dissolution, | 839 | | in accordance with the LMAA Small Claims Procedure | 905 |
| liquidation or bankruptcy of the other party (otherwise | 840 | | current at the time when the arbitration proceedings are | 906 |
| than for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation) | 841 | | commenced. | 907 |
| or if a receiver is appointed, or if it suspends payment, | 842 | *) | (b) This Contract shall be governed by and construed | 908 |
| ceases to carry on business or makes any special | 843 | | in accordance with Title 9 of the United States Code | 909 |
| arrangement or composition with its creditors. | 844 | | and the Maritime Law of the United States and any | 910 |
| (e) The termination of this Charter shall be without | 845 | | dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract | 911 |
| prejudice to all rights accrued due between the parties | 846 | | shall be referred to three persons at New York, one to | 912 |
| prior to the date of termination and to any claim that | 847 | | be appointed by each of the parties hereto, and the third | 913 |
| either party might have. | 848 | | by the two so chosen; their decision or that of any two | 914 |
| | 849 | | of them shall be final, and for the purposes of enforcing | 915 |
29. | Repossession | | | any award, judgement may be entered on an award by | 916 |
| In the event of the termination of this Charter in | 850 | | any court of competent jurisdiction. The proceedings | 917 |
| accordance with the applicable provisions of Clause 28, | 851 | | shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the | 918 |
| the Owners shall have the right to repossess the Vessel | 852 | | Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc. | 919 |
| | 853 | | In cases where neither the claim nor any counterclaim | 920 |
“BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
| exceeds the sum of US$50,000 (or such other sum as | 921 | | | fact may be brought to the attention of the Tribunal | 958 |
| the parties may agree) the arbitration shall be conducted | 922 | | | and may be taken into account by the Tribunal when | 959 |
| in accordance with the Shortened Arbitration Procedure | 923 | | | allocating the costs of the arbitration as between | 960 |
| of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc. current at | 924 | | | the parties. | 961 |
| the time when the arbitration proceedings are commenced. | 925 | | (iv) | The mediation shall not affect the right of either | 962 |
*) | (c) This Contract shall be governed by and construed | 926 | | | party to seek such relief or take such steps as it | 963 |
| in accordance with the laws of the place mutually agreed | 927 | | | considers necessary to protect its interest. | 964 |
| by the parties and any dispute arising out of or in | 928 | | (v) | Either party may advise the Tribunal that they have | 965 |
| connection with this Contract shall be referred to | 929 | | | agreed to mediation. The arbitration procedure shall | 966 |
| arbitration at a mutually agreed place, subject to the | 930 | | | continue during the conduct of the mediation but | 967 |
| procedures applicable there. | 931 | | | the Tribunal may take the mediation timetable into | 968 |
| (d) Notwithstanding (a), (b) or (c) above, the parties | 932 | | | account when setting the timetable for steps in the | 969 |
| may agree at any time to refer to mediation any | 933 | | | arbitration. | 970 |
| difference and/or dispute arising out of or in connection | 934 | | (vi) | Unless otherwise agreed or specified in the | 971 |
| with this Contract. | 935 | | | mediation terms, each party shall bear its own costs | 972 |
| In the case of a dispute in respect of which arbitration | 936 | | | incurred in the mediation and the parties shall share | 973 |
| has been commenced under (a), (b) or (c) above, the | 937 | | | equally the mediator’s costs and expenses. | 974 |
| following shall apply:- | 938 | | (vii) | The mediation process shall be without prejudice | 975 |
| (i) | Either party may at any time and from time to time | 939 | | | and confidential and no information or documents | 976 |
| | elect to refer the dispute or part of the dispute to | 940 | | | disclosed during it shall be revealed to the Tribunal | 977 |
| | mediation by service on the other party of a written | 941 | | | except to the extent that they are disclosable under | 978 |
| | notice (the “Mediation Notice”) calling on the other | 942 | | | the law and procedure governing the arbitration. | 979 |
| | party to agree to mediation. | 943 | | (Note: The parties should be aware that the mediation | 980 |
| (ii) | The other party shall thereupon within 14 calendar | 944 | | process may not necessarily interrupt time limits.) | 981 |
| | days of receipt of the Mediation Notice confirm that | 945 | (e) | If Box 35 in Part I is not appropriately filled in, sub-clause | 982 |
| | they agree to mediation, in which case the parties | 946 | | 30(a) of this Clause shall apply. Sub-clause 30(d) shall | 983 |
| | shall thereafter agree a mediator within a further | 947 | | apply in all cases. | 984 |
| | 14 calendar days, failing which on the application | 948 | *) | Sub-clauses 30(a), 30(b) and 30(c) are alternatives; | 985 |
| | of either party a mediator will be appointed promptly | 949 | | indicate alternative agreed in Box 35. | 986 |
| | by the Arbitration Tribunal (“the Tribunal”) or such | 950 | | | |
| | person as the Tribunal may designate for that | 951 | 31. | Notices | 987 |
| | purpose. The mediation shall be conducted in such | 952 | | (a) Any notice to be given by either party to the other | 988 |
| | place and in accordance with such procedure and | 953 | | party shall be in writing and may be sent by fax, telex, | 989 |
| | on such terms as the parties may agree or, in the | 954 | | registered or recorded mail or by personal service. | 990 |
| | event of disagreement, as may be set by the | 955 | | (b) The address of the Parties for service of such | 991 |
| | mediator. | 956 | | communication shall be as stated in Boxes 3 and 4 | 992 |
| (iii) | If the other party does not agree to mediate, that | 957 | | respectively. | 993 |
“BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
(Optional, only to apply if expressly agreed and stated in Box 37)
1. | Specifications and Building Contract | 1 | | and upon and after such acceptance, subject to Clause | 69 |
| (a) The Vessel shall be constructed in accordance with | 2 | | 1(d), the Charterers shall not be entitled to make any claim | 70 |
| the Building Contract (hereafter called “the Building | 3 | | against the Owners in respect of any conditions, | 71 |
| Contract”) as annexed to this Charter, made between the | 4 | | representations or warranties, whether express or implied, | 72 |
| Builders and the Owners and in accordance with the | 5 | | as to the seaworthiness of the Vessel or in respect of delay | 73 |
| specifications and plans annexed thereto, such Building | 6 | | in delivery. | 74 |
| Contract, specifications and plans having been counter- | 7 | | (b) If for any reason other than a default by the Owners | 75 |
| signed as approved by the Charterers. | 8 | | under the Building Contract, the Builders become entitled | 76 |
| (b) No change shall be made in the Building Contract or | 9 | | under that Contract not to deliver the Vessel to the Owners, | 77 |
| in the specifications or plans of the Vessel as approved by | 10 | | the Owners shall upon giving to the Charterers written | 78 |
| the Charterers as aforesaid, without the Charterers’ | 11 | | notice of Builders becoming so entitled, be excused from | 79 |
| consent. | 12 | | giving delivery of the Vessel to the Charterers and upon | 80 |
| (c) The Charterers shall have the right to send their | 13 | | receipt of such notice by the Charterers this Charter shall | 81 |
| representative to the Builders’ Yard to inspect the Vessel | 14 | | cease to have effect. | 82 |
| during the course of her construction to satisfy themselves | 15 | | (c) If for any reason the Owners become entitled under | 83 |
| that construction is in accordance with such approved | 16 | | the Building Contract to reject the Vessel the Owners shall, | 84 |
| specifications and plans as referred to under sub-clause | 17 | | before exercising such right of rejection, consult the | 85 |
| (a) of this Clause. | 18 | | Charterers and thereupon | 86 |
| (d) The Vessel shall be built in accordance with the | 19 | | (i) if the Charterers do not wish to take delivery of the Vessel | 87 |
| Building Contract and shall be of the description set out | 20 | | they shall inform the Owners within seven (7) running days | 88 |
| therein. Subject to the provisions of sub-clause 2(c)(ii) | 21 | | by notice in writing and upon receipt by the Owners of such | 89 |
| hereunder, the Charterers shall be bound to accept the | 22 | | notice this Charter shall cease to have effect; or | 90 |
| Vessel from the Owners, completed and constructed in | 23 | | (ii) if the Charterers wish to take delivery of the Vessel | 91 |
| accordance with the Building Contract, on the date of | 24 | | they may by notice in writing within seven (7) running days | 92 |
| delivery by the Builders. The Charterers undertake that | 25 | | require the Owners to negotiate with the Builders as to the | 93 |
| having accepted the Vessel they will not thereafter raise | 26 | | terms on which delivery should be taken and/or refrain from | 94 |
| any claims against the Owners in respect of the Vessel’s | 27 | | exercising their right to rejection and upon receipt of such | 95 |
| performance or specification or defects, if any. | 28 | | notice the Owners shall commence such negotiations and/ | 96 |
| Nevertheless, in respect of any repairs, replacements or | 29 | | or take delivery of the Vessel from the Builders and deliver | 97 |
| defects which appear within the first 12 months from | 30 | | her to the Charterers; | 98 |
| delivery by the Builders, the Owners shall endeavour to | 31 | | (iii) in no circumstances shall the Charterers be entitled to | 99 |
| compel the Builders to repair, replace or remedy any defects | 32 | | reject the Vessel unless the Owners are able to reject the | 100 |
| or to recover from the Builders any expenditure incurred in | 33 | | Vessel from the Builders; | 101 |
| carrying out such repairs, replacements or remedies. | 34 | | (iv) if this Charter terminates under sub-clause (b) or (c) of | 102 |
| However, the Owners’ liability to the Charterers shall be | 35 | | this Clause, the Owners shall thereafter not be liable to the | 103 |
| limited to the extent the Owners have a valid claim against | 36 | | Charterers for any claim under or arising out of this Charter | 104 |
| the Builders under the guarantee clause of the Building | 37 | | or its termination. | 105 |
| Contract (a copy whereof has been supplied to the | 38 | | (d) Any liquidated damages for delay in delivery under the | 106 |
| Charterers). The Charterers shall be bound to accept such | 39 | | Building Contract and any costs incurred in pursuing a claim | 107 |
| sums as the Owners are reasonably able to recover under | 40 | | therefor shall accrue to the account of the party stated in | 108 |
| this Clause and shall make no further claim on the Owners | 41 | | Box 41(c) or if not filled in shall be shared equally between | 109 |
| for the difference between the amount(s) so recovered and | 42 | | the parties. | 110 |
| the actual expenditure on repairs, replacement or | 43 | | | |
| remedying defects or for any loss of time incurred. | 44 | 3. | Guarantee Works | 111 |
| Any liquidated damages for physical defects or deficiencies | 45 | | If not otherwise agreed, the Owners authorise the | 112 |
| shall accrue to the account of the party stated in Box 41(a) | 46 | | Charterers to arrange for the guarantee works to be | 113 |
| or if not filled in shall be shared equally between the parties. | 47 | | performed in accordance with the building contract terms, | 114 |
| The costs of pursuing a claim or claims against the Builders | 48 | | and hire to continue during the period of guarantee works. | 115 |
| under this Clause (including any liability to the Builders) | 49 | | The Charterers have to advise the Owners about the | 116 |
| shall be borne by the party stated in Box 41(b) or if not | 50 | | performance to the extent the Owners may request. | 117 |
| filled in shall be shared equally between the parties. | 51 | | | |
| | 4. | | Name of Vessel | 118 |
2. | Time and Place of Delivery | 52 | | The name of the Vessel shall be mutually agreed between | 119 |
| (a) Subject to the Vessel having completed her | 53 | | the Owners and the Charterers and the Vessel shall be | 120 |
| acceptance trials including trials of cargo equipment in | 54 | | painted in the colours, display the funnel insignia and fly | 121 |
| accordance with the Building Contract and specifications | 55 | | the house flag as required by the Charterers. | 122 |
| to the satisfaction of the Charterers, the Owners shall give | 56 | | | |
| and the Charterers shall take delivery of the Vessel afloat | 57 | 5. | Survey on Redelivery | 123 |
| when ready for delivery and properly documented at the | 58 | | The Owners and the Charterers shall appoint surveyors | 124 |
| Builders’ Yard or some other safe and readily accessible | 59 | | for the purpose of determining and agreeing in writing the | 125 |
| dock, wharf or place as may be agreed between the parties | 60 | | condition of the Vessel at the time of re-delivery. | 126 |
| hereto and the Builders. Under the Building Contract the | 61 | | Without prejudice to Clause 15 (Part II), the Charterers | 127 |
| Builders have estimated that the Vessel will be ready for | 62 | | shall bear all survey expenses and all other costs, if any, | 128 |
| delivery to the Owners as therein provided but the delivery | 63 | | including the cost of docking and undocking, if required, | 129 |
| date for the purpose of this Charter shall be the date when | 64 | | as well as all repair costs incurred. The Charterers shall | 130 |
| the Vessel is in fact ready for delivery by the Builders after | 65 | | also bear all loss of time spent in connection with any | 131 |
| completion of trials whether that be before or after as | 66 | | docking and undocking as well as repairs, which shall be | 132 |
| indicated in the Building Contract. The Charterers shall not | 67 | | paid at the rate of hire per day or pro rata. | 133 |
| be entitled to refuse acceptance of delivery of the Vessel | 68 | | | |
“BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
(Optional, only to apply if expressly agreed and stated in Box 42)
| During the currency of this charterOn expiration of this Charter and | | | claims. Any taxes, notarial, consular and other charges | 22 |
| provided the Charterers | 1 | | and expenses connected with the purchase and | 23 |
| have fulfilled their obligations according to Part I and II | 2 | | registration under Buyers’ flag, shall be for Buyers’ | 24 |
| as well as Part III, if applicable, it is agreed, that on | 3 | | account. Any taxes, consular and other charges and | 25 |
| payment of the final payment of hire as per Clause 11 | 4 | | expenses connected with closing of the Sellers’ register, | 26 |
| the Charterers havethe option and obligation to | 5 | | shall be for Sellers’ account. | 27 |
| purchasepurchasedthe Vessel with | 6 | | In exchange for payment of purchase option pricethe last month’s hire | 28 |
| everything belonging to her as per rider clause 3 | 7 | | instalment, | |
| and the Vessel is fully paid for. | | | the Sellers shall furnish the Buyers with a | 29 |
| In the following paragraphs the Owners are referred to | 8 | | Bill of Sale duly attested and legalized, together with a | 30 |
| as the Sellers and the Charterers as the Buyers | 9 | | certificate issued by the competent authorities stating that | |
| | | | the vessel is free from registered encumbrances | |
| The Vessel shall be delivered by the Sellers and taken | 10 | | setting out the registered encumbrances, if | 31 |
| over by the Buyers on expiration of the Charter. | 11 | | any. On delivery of the Vessel the Sellers shall provide | 32 |
| | | | for deletion of the Vessel from the Ship’s Register and | 33 |
| The Sellers guarantee that the Vessel, at the time of | 12 | | deliver a certificate of deletion to the Buyers. | 34 |
| delivery, is free from all encumbrances and maritime | 13 | | The Sellers shall, at the time of delivery, hand to the | 35 |
| liens or any debts whatsoever other than those arising | 14 | | Buyers all classification certificates (for hull, engines, | 36 |
| from anything done or not done by the Buyers or any | 15 | | anchors, chains, etc.), as well as all plans which may | 37 |
| existing mortgage agreed not to be paid off by the time | 16 | | be in Sellers’ possession. | 38 |
| of delivery. | | | | |
| Should any claims, which have been incurred | 17 | | The Wireless Installation and Nautical Instruments, | 39 |
| prior to the time of delivery be made against the Vessel, | 18 | | unless on hire, shall be included in the sale without any | 40 |
| the Sellers hereby undertake to indemnify the Buyers | 19 | | extra payment. | 41 |
| against all consequences of such claims to the extent it | 20 | | | |
| can be proved that the Sellers are responsible for such | 21 | | The Vessel with everything belonging to her shall be at | 42 |
| | | | Sellers’ risk and expense until she is delivered to the | 43 |
| | | | Buyers, subject to the conditions of this Contract and | 44 |
| | | | the Vessel with everything belonging to her shall be | 45 |
| | | | delivered and taken over as she is at the time of delivery, | 46 |
| | | | after which the Sellers shall have no responsibility for | 47 |
| | | | possible faults or deficiencies of any description. | 48 |
| | | | | |
| | | | The Buyers undertake to pay for the repatriation of the | 49 |
| | | | Master, officers and other personnel if appointed by the | 50 |
| | | | Sellers to the port where the Vessel entered the Bareboat | 51 |
| | | | Charter as per Clause 3 (Part II) or to pay the equivalent | 52 |
| | | | cost for their journey to any other place. | 53 |
(Optional, only to apply if expressly agreed and stated in Box 43)
1. | Definitions | 1 | 3. | Termination of Charter by Default | 17 |
| For the purpose of this PART V, the following terms shall | 2 | | If the Vessel chartered under this Charter is registered | 18 |
| have the meanings hereby assigned to them: | 3 | | in a Bareboat Charter Registry as stated in Box 44, and | 19 |
| “The Bareboat Charter Registry” shall mean the registry | 4 | | if the Owners shall default in the payment of any amounts | 20 |
| of the State whose flag the Vessel will fly and in which | 5 | | due under the mortgage(s) specified in Box 28, the | 21 |
| the Charterers are registered as the bareboat charterers | 6 | | Charterers shall, if so required by the mortgagee, direct | 22 |
| during the period of the Bareboat Charter. | 7 | | the Owners to re-register the Vessel in the Underlying | 23 |
| “The Underlying Registry” shall mean the registry of the | 8 | | Registry as shown in Box 45. | 24 |
| State in which the Owners of the Vessel are registered | 9 | | In the event of the Vessel being deleted from the | 25 |
| as Owners and to which jurisdiction and control of the | 10 | | Bareboat Charter Registry as stated in Box 44, due to a | 26 |
| Vessel will revert upon termination of the Bareboat | 11 | | default by the Owners in the payment of any amounts | 27 |
| Charter Registration. | 12 | | due under the mortgage(s), the Charterers shall have | 28 |
| | | | the right to terminate this Charter forthwith and without | 29 |
2. | Mortgage | 13 | | prejudice to any other claim they may have against the | 30 |
| The Vessel chartered under this Charter is financed by | 14 | | Owners under this Charter. | 31 |
| a mortgage and the provisions of Clause 12(b) (Part II) | 15 | | | |
| shall apply. | 16 | | | |
Subject to the finalization of the amount of the Initial Trade Debt Obligation (the “Initial Trade Debt Obligation”) as per Appendix C, which shall be completed by the Owners by December 31, 2014 and shall not exceed a variation of more than 5% of the Initial Trade Debt Obligations as per Appendix C, Charterers to pay a share payment amount of USD two million sixty eight thousand nine hundred sixteen and fifteen cents ($ 2,068,916.15) payable in NEWLEAD HOLDINGS’ LTD. (“NewLead”) common shares (the “Shares”) with relevant true up provisions as in clause 5 in the Rider Clauses (the “Share Payment”) on delivery of the vessel to Owners' designated Brokerage Account. Upon finalization of the amount of the Initial Trade Debt Obligation, if more Shares need to be issued so as to reflect the finalized Share Payment, they shall be issued until January 5, 2015. In case the number of Shares which has been issued exceeds the finalized Share Payment, the Owners shall return to the Charterers those Shares until January 5, 2015. This payment will be considered as a part payment of the vessel's price in the event that the Purchase Option or when the Purchase Obligation is exercised. In the event of termination under Clause 25 (b) due to default of Owners, or 28 (c) or termination by the Charterers under Clause 28 (d) of the Charter or in case the Purchase Option or Obligation will not be exercised either due to force majeure or fault of the Owners the Share Payment shall be immediately repaid to the Charterers.
At the time that the Purchase Option or when the Purchase Obligation is exercised the Charterers shall pay to the Owners USD forty one thousand nine hundred fifteen and forty seven cents($ 41,915.47 ) payable in NewLead’scommon shares which is the book value of the bunkers onboard on MT KATERINA L on the date of the delivery of the vessel. In the event of termination under Clause 25 (b) due to default of Owners, or 28 (c) or termination by the Charterers under Clause 28 (d) of the Charter or in case the Purchase Option or Obligation will not be exercised either due to force majeure or fault of the Owners, the vessel shall be returned to the Owners containing the same quantity of bunkers (IFO 25.997 Tns, MGO 17.508 Tns, ENGINE OIL 0.000 Ltrs, GENERATOR OIL 280.000 Ltrs, THERMOIL 3000.000 Ltrs, HYDRAULIC 410.000 Ltrs) as the date it was delivered to the Charterers.
Hire payment is to cover Owners’ interest obligations under the Financial Instrument (the “Financial Instrument”) (as per the appendix A). The hire is to be paid in installments on a quarterly basis in arrears on the dates corresponding to the Financial Instrument repayment dates and will amount to the actual interest part of the repayment of the Financial Instrument. The Owners will provide to the Charterers the bank slip evidencing the actual interest amounts payable at least fifteen (15) days prior the payment date. The calculations provided in Appendix B illustrate the expected hire with an assumed Libor of 0.50%. For the calculation of the interest part, the actual hire is expected to be different due to Libor rate’s variations. The interest calculation will also differ in case the Charterers exercise their option to repay the Capital as provided below to rider clause 3. Following each payment of Interest (or Principal under the option provided below to rider clause 3) to the Bank, the Owners will provide supporting documentation from the Bank to the Charterers, showing that the Charterers used the hire for paying down the Financial Instrument and/or interest thereon. The Owners undertake and guarantee that the sole use of the Hire payment is to repay down the Financial Instrument and will not cover with that money any other obligations nor distribute any dividends to the shareholders.
| 3. | Purchase Option and Obligation |
Charterers to have a Purchase Option and the Owners the obligation to sell the vessel exercisable at any time during the duration of the current Charter (the “Charter”) (the “Purchase Option”). The Purchase Option price to be the vessel's outstanding loan amount, which is the Capital as it is defined here below, at the date of the exercise of the option as it may be reduced pursuant to the third paragraph here below, plus the interest accrued under the Financial Instrument during the period from the last payment of principal and interest pursuant to the Financial Instrument until delivery to buyers, plus any amounts remaining unpaid under the Initial Trade Debt Obligation as per appendix C.
Charterers to have the Obligation (the “Purchase Obligation”) to purchase and the Owners the obligation to sell the vessel to the Charterers at the end of the duration of the Charter as per Box 21 (which matches to the maturity date according to the Financial Instrument) at a price of USD three million twenty five thousand (3,025,000) (the “Capital”), as may be reduced in Capital pursuant to the following paragraph, plus any amount remaining under the Initial Trade Debt Obligation as per appendix C.
Charterers to have the option, on their sole discretion, to prepay part or all of the Capital of the Financial Instrument that is attributed to M/T KATERINA L (the vessel owned by the Owners) of USD three million twenty five thousand (3,025,000) at any time on the Charterers’ option. Any amount paid to the Owners under this provision shall be reduced from the Capital as described on the previous paragraph. In case the Charterers will not exercise the Purchase Option or Obligation either due to force majeure or fault of the Owners, the Owners will return any amount paid to the Charterers as part of the Capital of the Financial Instrument as described here above.
The Charterers may on their option prepay any amount of the Initial Trade Debt Obligation as per appendix C during the term of this Charter or at the Purchase Option or Purchase Obligation dates. The Charterers may on their sole option pay directly any vendors (as defined in the Appendix C). In case the Charterers will not exercise the Purchase Option or Obligation, either due to force majeure or fault of the Owners, the Owners will return any amount paid to the Charterers as part of the Initial Trade Debt Obligations as described here above.
Charterers to give the Owners written notice of their exercise of the Purchase Option approximately 30 days prior to the date of estimated delivery of the vessel pursuant to such option and 30/20/15/7/5 days approximate and 3/1 days definite notice of the vessel's delivery.
4. The Owners undertake and guarantee that aside from the encumbrances that already exist in favor of the Financial Instrument they will not create any additional mortgage, lien, debt, assignment over, or other security interest whatsoever in the vessel. Additionally they undertake and guarantee that they will not alter any repayment terms on the Financial Instrument unless they obtain consent in writing by the Charterer.
5. If at any time and always within the duration of the Charter :
a) the trading value of the Shares is less than the value at the date of issuance and/or
b) the total amount which the Owners have received as consideration in respect of the sale of all or any part of the Shares (the “Sold Amount”), come to a total less than the Share Payment amount,
then Owners shall immediately issue to the Charterers a notice in writing, which shall be in a form acceptable by the Charterers, confirming the Sold Amount received as per Rider Clause 5 b), the sale date(s) of the Shares and the stock price of the sold Shares on the date(s) those Shares were sold, which shall not be less than the price of common stock of NewLead (VWAP).
Provided that the above conditions are met cumulatively the Charterers shall effect true-up adjustments, and issue further additional shares (the “True-Up Shares”) to the Owners with the price per share to be the average of the last ten (10) days preceding the date on which the shares are issued.
6. If, at any time until the compulsory purchase of the vessel (as per clause 3 and Box 21 of the Charter), the Shares cease (or have ceased) to remain publicly listed on any national security exchange or market, trading or quotation facility; and (i) a shortfall exists after the Sold Amount has been deducted from the Share Payment (the "De-Listing Shortfall"); and (ii) all and any Shares held by the Owners have been sold or transferred back to such private shareholders of NewLead (as the board of directors of NewLead may direct in accordance with the shareholding proportions that each such private shareholder holds in NewLead on the maturity date), the Charterers shall in their sole and absolute discretion (within 60 Business Days from the maturity date or such other date as the Parties may agree):
(A) pay to the Owners (or to their order) the amount of the De-Listing Shortfall in cash;
(B) procure the delivery of the Vessel to the Owners or their nominee (on such terms as may be agreed between the Parties) and as may be equal to the De-Listing Shortfall based on the average of two contemporaneous written valuations of such Vessel with the benefit of any charter and on a willing seller willing buyer basis, prepared by two first-class international shipbrokers (each of the Owners and Charterers to supply each shipbroker and bear the costs respectively); or
(C) any combination of the two just mentioned options in the sole discretion of the Charterers, as may be equal to the De-Listing Shortfall.
Immediately upon the settlement of the De-Listing Shortfall pursuant to the Clause here above, the Charterers shall have no obligation or liability to the Owners (or any other person) whatsoever under or pursuant to the terms of this Charter, whereupon this Charter shall cease to take effect and the Owners shall not be entitled to advance any claim for any compensation, indemnity, losses, damages, expenses or costs whatsoever whether directly or indirectly incurred or whether present, future or contingent as a consequence thereof whether against the Charterers, NewLead and/or any person, officer or agent acting on behalf of any such entities.
7. In the event of any conflict between these Rider Clauses and Part I, II and IV of this Charter these Rider Clauses shall prevail.