CUSIP No. G0176J109
Reference is hereby made to the statement on Schedule 13G filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by the Reporting Persons with respect to the Ordinary Shares of the Issuer on October 16, 2020, Amendment No. 1 thereto filed on January 19, 2021 and Amendment No. 2 thereto filed on January 19, 2022 (as so amended, the “Schedule 13G”). Terms defined in the Schedule 13G are used herein as so defined.
The following Item of the Schedule 13G is hereby amended and restated as follows:
The information requested in this item is incorporated herein by reference to the cover pages to this Amendment No. 3 to Schedule 13G.
APG Asset Management, N.V. (“APG NL”) is wholly-owned by APG Groep, N.V. (“APG Groep”) and is the investment manager with respect to the securities to which this statement relates. Pursuant to an Investment Management Agreement, APG NL has delegated its investment and voting power with respect to such securities to APG Asset Management US, Inc. (“APG US”), which is its wholly-owned subsidiary. Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP is the majority owner of APG Groep. By virtue of the relationships described above, each of the Reporting Persons may be deemed to share beneficial ownership of the securities to which this statement relates and may be deemed to be a member of a “group” (within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended). However, each Reporting Person disclaims membership in any such group, and further, each Reporting Person disclaims beneficial ownership of the securities reported herein except to the extent of its pecuniary interest therein.