Loans | ( 5 ) Loans A summary of loans held for investment by loan t ype is included in the following table : December 31, December 31, 2015 2014 (In thousands) Commercial and residential real estate $ 1,281,701 $ 1,049,315 Construction 107,170 66,634 Commercial 323,552 324,057 Agricultural 9,294 10,625 Consumer 66,288 60,155 SBA 25,645 30,025 Other 631 1,002 Total gross loans 1,814,281 1,541,813 Deferred costs and (fees) 255 (379) Loans, held for investment, net of deferred costs and fees 1,814,536 1,541,434 Less allowance for loan losses (23,000) (22,490) Net loans, held for investment $ 1,791,536 $ 1,518,944 During 2015 the Company purchased $50.1 million in performing loans included in our Real Estate portfolio segment. No loans were purchased in 2014. At December 31, 2015, none of the loans purchased during the year were impaired. Activity in the allowance for loan losses fo r the periods indicated is as follows: Year Ended December 31, 2015 2014 2013 Balance, beginning of period $ 22,490 $ 21,005 $ 25,142 Provision for loan losses 96 14 296 Loans charged-off (238) (623) (7,273) Recoveries on loans previously charged-off 652 2,094 2,840 Balance, end of period $ 23,000 $ 22,490 $ 21,005 The Company’s additional disclosures relating to loans and the allowance for loan losses are broken out into two subsets, portfolio segment and class. The portfolio segment level is defined as the level where financing receivables are aggregated in developing the Company’s systematic method for calculating its allowance for loan losses. The class level is the second level at which credit information is presented and represents the categorization of financing related receivables at a slightly less aggregated level than the portfolio segment level. Because d ata presented according to class is dependent upon the underlying purpose of the loan, whereas loan data organized by portfolio segment is determined by the loan’s underlying collateral, disclosures broken out by portfolio segment versus class may not be in agreement. The following table s provide detail for the ending balances in the Company’s allowance for loan losses and loans held for investment, broken down by portfolio segment as of December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014. In addition, the table al so provides a rollforward by portfolio segment of the allowance for loan losses for the years ended December 31, 201 5, December 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013 . The detail provided for the amount of the allowance for loan losses and loans individually versus collectively evaluated for impairment (i.e., the specific component versus the general component of the allowance for loan losses) corresponds to the Company’s systematic methodology for estimating its allowance for loan losses. Real Estate Consumer and Installment Commercial and Other Total (In thousands) Allowance for Loan Losses Balance as of January 1, 2013 $ 19,550 $ 76 $ 5,516 $ 25,142 Charge-offs (5,780) (35) (1,458) (7,273) Recoveries 2,292 33 515 2,840 Provision (credit) 2,413 (22) (2,095) 296 Balance as of December 31, 2013 $ 18,475 $ 52 $ 2,478 $ 21,005 Balance as of December 31, 2013 $ 18,475 $ 52 $ 2,478 $ 21,005 Charge-offs (23) (38) (562) (623) Recoveries 1,734 27 333 2,094 Provision (credit) (579) (2) 595 14 Balance as of December 31, 2014 $ 19,607 $ 39 $ 2,844 $ 22,490 Balance as of December 31, 2014 $ 19,607 $ 39 $ 2,844 $ 22,490 Charge-offs (21) (12) (205) (238) Recoveries 284 29 339 652 Provision (credit) 436 15 (355) 96 Balance as of December 31, 2015 $ 20,306 $ 71 $ 2,623 $ 23,000 Balances at December 31, 2015: Allowance for Loan Losses Individually evaluated $ 282 $ - $ 11 $ 293 Collectively evaluated 20,024 71 2,612 22,707 Total $ 20,306 $ 71 $ 2,623 $ 23,000 Loans Individually evaluated $ 23,846 $ 2 $ 2,305 $ 26,153 Collectively evaluated 1,489,211 5,716 293,456 1,788,383 Total $ 1,513,057 $ 5,718 $ 295,761 $ 1,814,536 Balances at December 31, 2014: Allowance for Loan Losses Individually evaluated $ 224 $ 1 $ 2 $ 227 Collectively evaluated 19,383 38 2,842 22,263 Total $ 19,607 $ 39 $ 2,844 $ 22,490 Loans Individually evaluated $ 26,751 $ 25 $ 68 $ 26,844 Collectively evaluated 1,230,289 2,799 281,502 1,514,590 Total $ 1,257,040 $ 2,824 $ 281,570 $ 1,541,434 The following tables provide additional detail with respect to impaired loans broken out according to class as of the dates indicated. The recorded investment included in the following table represents customer balances net of any partial charge-offs recognized on the loans, net of any deferred fees and costs. The unpaid balance represents the recorded balance prior to any partial charge- offs. Interest income recognized may exclude an immaterial am ount of interest income on matured loans that are 90 days or more past due, but that are in the process of being renewed and thus are still accruing . December 31, 2015 Recorded Investment Unpaid Balance Related Allowance Average Recorded Investment YTD Interest Income Recognized YTD (In thousands) Impaired loans with no related allowance: Commercial and residential real estate $ 12,756 $ 14,472 $ - $ 14,194 $ 242 Construction 986 986 - 789 - Commercial - - - 19 - Consumer 271 310 - 307 5 Other 250 588 - 171 - Total $ 14,263 $ 16,356 $ - $ 15,480 $ 247 Impaired loans with a related allowance: Commercial and residential real estate $ 10,232 $ 10,472 $ 268 $ 9,989 $ 388 Construction - - - - - Commercial 1,204 1,220 11 492 18 Consumer 454 529 14 493 13 Other - - - - - Total $ 11,890 $ 12,221 $ 293 $ 10,974 $ 419 Total impaired loans: Commercial and residential real estate $ 22,988 $ 24,944 $ 268 $ 24,183 $ 630 Construction 986 986 - 789 - Commercial 1,204 1,220 11 511 18 Consumer 725 839 14 800 18 Other 250 588 - 171 - Total impaired loans $ 26,153 $ 28,577 $ 293 $ 26,454 $ 666 December 31, 2014 Recorded Investment Unpaid Balance Related Allowance Average Recorded Investment YTD Interest Income Recognized YTD (In thousands) Impaired loans with no related allowance: Commercial and residential real estate $ 15,329 $ 16,874 $ - $ 18,792 $ 220 Construction - - - - - Commercial 93 103 - 265 10 Consumer 374 391 - 297 10 Other 168 615 - 236 - Total $ 15,964 $ 17,983 $ - $ 19,590 $ 240 Impaired loans with a related allowance: Commercial and residential real estate $ 10,274 $ 10,507 $ 201 $ 3,818 $ 425 Construction - - - - - Commercial 67 330 2 248 5 Consumer 539 595 24 673 14 Other - - - 68 - Total $ 10,880 $ 11,432 $ 227 $ 4,807 $ 444 Total impaired loans: Commercial and residential real estate $ 25,603 $ 27,381 $ 201 $ 22,610 $ 645 Construction - - - - - Commercial 160 433 2 513 15 Consumer 913 986 24 970 24 Other 168 615 - 304 - Total impaired loans $ 26,844 $ 29,415 $ 227 $ 24,397 $ 684 The following table s summarize by class loans classified as past due in excess of 30 days or more in addition to those loans classified as nonaccrua l : December 31, 2015 30-89 Days Past Due 90 Days + Past Due and Still Accruing Nonaccrual Total Nonaccrual and Past Due Total Loans, Held for Investment (In thousands) Commercial and residential real estate $ 653 $ - $ 11,905 $ 12,558 $ 1,281,881 Construction - - 986 986 107,185 Commercial 1,147 - 874 2,021 323,598 Consumer 291 - 459 750 66,297 Other - - 250 250 35,575 Total $ 2,091 $ - $ 14,474 $ 16,565 $ 1,814,536 December 31, 2014 30-89 Days Past Due 90 Days + Past Due and Still Accruing Nonaccrual Total Nonaccrual and Past Due Total Loans, Held for Investment (In thousands) Commercial and residential real estate $ 92 $ - $ 11,872 $ 11,964 $ 1,049,057 Construction - - - - 66,618 Commercial 1,080 - 18 1,098 323,977 Consumer 66 - 559 625 60,140 Other 143 - 168 311 41,642 Total $ 1,381 $ - $ 12,617 $ 13,998 $ 1,541,434 If nonaccrual loans outstanding during 2015, 2014 and 2013 had been current in accor dance with their original terms, $586,000 , $657,000 and $1,058,000 would have been recorded in incremental gross interest income during 201 5 , 201 4 and 201 3, respectively. The income recognized on nonaccrual loans prior to impairment during the years ended December 31, 201 5 , 201 4 and 201 3 was $90,000 , $5,000 and $249,000 respectively. During the fourth quarter of 2015 the Company’s largest nonaccrual loan was moved to the cash basis of accounting due to continued receipt of contractual payments and $118,000 of interest income was recognized on this loan. No other cash basis income was recognized in 2015, 2014 or 2013. The Company categorizes loans into risk categories based on relevant information about the ability of a particular borrower to service its debt, such as: current financial information , hi storical payment experience, credit documentation, public information, and current economic trends, among other factors. The Company uses the following definitions for risk ratings, which are consistent with the definitions used in supervisory guidance: Substandard . Loans classified as substandard are inadequately protected by the current net worth and paying capacity of the obligor or of the collateral , if any, pledged to secure the loan . Loans so classified have a well-defined weakness or weaknesses that jeopardize the collection of the debt. They are characterized by the distinct possibility that the Company will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are not corrected. Doubtful . Loans classified as doubtful have all the weaknesses inherent in those classified as substandard, with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of currently existing facts, conditions, and values, highly questionable and improbable. Loans not meeting the criteria above are considered to be non-classified loans. The following table s provide detail for the risk categor ies of loans by class of loans based on the most recent credit analysis performed as of the dates indicated: December 31, 2015 Commercial & Residential Real Estate Construction Commercial Consumer Other Total (In thousands) Non-classified $ 1,260,134 $ 106,184 $ 322,650 $ 65,365 $ 34,194 $ 1,788,527 Substandard 21,567 986 902 923 1,376 25,754 Doubtful - - - - - - Subtotal 1,281,701 107,170 323,552 66,288 35,570 1,814,281 Less: Deferred costs and (fees) 180 15 46 9 5 255 Loans, held for investment, net of deferred costs and fees $ 1,281,881 $ 107,185 $ 323,598 $ 66,297 $ 35,575 $ 1,814,536 December 31, 2014 Commercial & Residential Real Estate Construction Commercial Consumer Other Total (In thousands) Non-classified $ 1,027,792 $ 66,634 $ 322,920 $ 58,941 $ 40,430 $ 1,516,717 Substandard 21,523 - 1,137 1,214 1,222 25,096 Doubtful - - - - - - Subtotal 1,049,315 66,634 324,057 60,155 41,652 1,541,813 Less: Deferred costs and (fees) (258) (16) (80) (15) (10) (379) Loans, held for investment, net of deferred costs and fees $ 1,049,057 $ 66,618 $ 323,977 $ 60,140 $ 41,642 $ 1,541,434 The book balance of TDRs at December 31, 201 5 and December 31, 201 4 was $ 22,391,000 and $ 25,903,000 , respectively. Management established approximately $276,000 and $ 208,000 in specific reserves with respect to these loans as of December 31 , 201 5 and December 31, 201 4 . At December 31, 201 5 the Company had an additional $ 953,000 committed on loans classified as troubled debt restructurings. A t December 31, 201 4 , the Company had additional $1,038,000 committed on loans classified as troubled debt restructurings. During the year ended December 31, 201 5 , the terms of five loans were modified in troubled debt restructurings. The modification of the terms of such loans included one or a combination of the following : the renewal of a loan with a stated interest rate below market; an extension of maturity; or a restructure of payment terms. As a result of these modifications, the Company did not recognize any additional charge-offs during 2015 . During the year ended December 31, 2014 , the terms of 21 loans were modified in troubled debt restructurings. The modification of the terms of such loans included one or a combination of the following: the renewal of a loan with a stated interest rate below market; an extension of maturity; or a restructure of payment terms. As a result of these modifications, the Company did not recognize any additional charge-offs during 2014. The following table s present loans by class modified as troubled debt restructurings that occurred during the years indicated : Year Ended December 31, 2015: Troubled Debt Restructurings Number of Loans Pre-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Post-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment (In thousands) Commercial and residential real estate 1 $ 715 $ 715 Construction - - - Commercial 3 300 300 Consumer 1 2 2 Other - - - Total 5 $ 1,017 $ 1,017 Year Ended December 31, 2014: Troubled Debt Restructurings Number of Loans Pre-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Post-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment (In thousands) Commercial and residential real estate 13 $ 22,408 $ 22,408 Construction - - - Commercial 3 372 372 Consumer 4 90 90 Other 1 86 86 Total 21 $ 22,956 $ 22,956 A TDR loan is considered to be in payment default once it is 90 days contractually pas t due under the modified terms. A single default occurred on a loan designated as a TDR during 2015 and no charge-offs were recognized as a result of the default. No TDRs defaulted during the year ended December 31, 2014 . |