State ofNorth Carolina Department ojthe Secreiari’ of.State’ ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION INClUDING ARTICLES OF CONVERSION Pursuant to § 57D-2-21, 57D92O and 57D922 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned converting business entity does hereby submit these Articles of Organization Including Articles of Conversion for the purpose of forming a limited liability company pursuant to the conversion of another eligible entity. 1. The name of the limited liability company is: Duke Energy Progress, LLC The limited liability company is being formed pursuant to a conversion of another business entity. (See Item I of the Instructions for appropriate entity designation) 2, The name of the converting business entity is: Duke Energy Progress, Inc. and the organization and internal affairs of the converting business entity are governed by the laws of the state or country of North Carotina A plan of conversion has been approved by the converting business entity as required by law. 3. The converting business entity is a (check one): i domestic corporation; LIforeign corporation; LI foreign limited liability company; LI domestic limited partnership; LI foreign limited partnership; LI domestic registered limited liability partnership; LI foreign limited liability partnership; LI professional corporation; or LI other partnership as defined in G.S. 59-36, whether or not formed under the laws of North Carolina. 4. The mailing address of the converting entity prior to the conversion is: Number and Street: 410 South Wilmington Street City: Raleigh State: NC Zip Code: 27601 County: Wake If different, the mailing address of the resulting business entity is: Number and Street City:____________________ State: Zip Code: __________ County:__________________ 5. The name and address of each person executing these articles of organization is as follows: (State whether each person is executing these articles of organization in the capacity ofa member, organizer or both. Note: This document must be signed by all persons listed.) Nancy M. Wright, Assistant Secretary - Organizer 550 South Tryon Street (DEC45A) ____ Charlotte, NC 28202 _________ CORPORATIONS DIVISIoN PO, BGX 29622 RALEIGH. NC 27626-0622 rI&’’i’ed .hnma 20 f-h Pa’e / -nn I •1I L4

6. The name of the initial registered agent is: C T Corporation System 7. The street address and county of the initial registered office of the limited liability company is: Number and Street: 150 Fayetteville Street, Box 1011 City: Raleigh State: Zip Code: 27601 County: Wake 8. The North Carolina mailing address. jfdjfferentfrom the street address, of the initial registered office is: Number and Street: City: _______________________ State: Zip Code: _________County: ___________________ 9. Principal Office Information: Select either a or b. a. The limited liability company has a principal office. The principal office telephone number: (919) 5466 111 The street address and county of the principal office of the limited liability company is: Number and Street: 410 South Wilmington Street City: Raleigh State: NC Zip Code: 27601 County: Wake The mailing address, jfdjfferentfrom the street address, of the principal office of the limited liability company is: Number and Street: 550 South Tryon Street (DEC45A) City: Charlotte State: NC Zip Code: 28202 County: Mecklenburg b. fl The limited liability company does not have a principal office. 10. Any other provisions which the limited liability company elects to include (e.g., the purpose of the entity) are attached. 11. (Optional): Please provide a business e-mail address: nancy.wrightduke-energy.com The Secretary of State’s Office will e-mail the business automatically at the address provided at no . charge when a document is filed. The e-mail provided will not be viewable on the website, For more ‘‘ information on why this service is beiag offered. please see the instructions for this document. . - CORPORATIC)NS D1VISlO P.O. BOX 29622 RALEIGH. \C 27626M622 ‘RgiicedJu,nua; 2’) 14 Ptic 2 c7-im L—(114)

2. These articles will be effective upon filing, unless a future date is specified: 08/01/2015 Thisisthe3LdayofY ,2015 (Optional: Business,EntThi Name,) I ) / I Signature /1 Nancy M. Wright, Assistant Secretary (Organizer) Type or Print Name and Title he below space to be used if more than one organizer or member is listed in Item #5 above. (Optional: Business Entity Name,) (Optional: Business Entity Name) Signature Signature Type or Print Name and Title Type or Print Name and Title (Optional: Business Entity Name,) (Optional: Business Entity Name) Signature Signature Type or Print Name and Title Type or Print Name and Title :TES; Filing fee is S125. This document must be fi’ed with the Secretar of State. )RPORATLONS DIVISION P 0. BOX 29622 R[ EIGH. NC 27626O622 *0vicL1Januarv 2O14 /3i 3 ‘irtn /-MJ41