Investments in Debt and Marketable Equity Securities (and Certain Trading Assets) Disclosure [Text Block] | Investments The FHLB makes short-term investments in interest-bearing deposits, securities purchased under agreements to resell, and Federal funds sold and may make other investments in debt securities, which are classified as either trading, available-for-sale, or held-to-maturity. Interest-Bearing Deposits, Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell, and Federal Funds Sold The FHLB invests in interest-bearing deposits, securities purchased under agreements to resell, and Federal funds sold to provide liquidity. Interest-bearing deposits and Federal funds sold are generally transacted with counterparties that have received a credit rating of single-A or greater by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO). The FHLB’s internal ratings of these counterparties may differ from those issued by an NRSRO. Finance Agency regulations include a limit on the amount of unsecured credit the FHLB may extend to a counterparty. At June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, all investments in interest-bearing deposits and Federal funds sold were repaid or expected to be repaid according to their respective contractual terms. No allowance for credit losses was recorded for these assets at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022. Carrying values of interest-bearing deposits and Federal funds sold exclude accrued interest receivable of (in thousands) $9,627 and $1,993 as of June 30, 2023, and $5,524 and $1,299 as of December 31, 2022. Securities purchased under agreements to resell are short-term and are structured such that they are evaluated regularly to determine if the market value of the underlying securities decreases below the market value required as collateral (i.e., subject to collateral maintenance provisions). If so, the counterparty must place an equivalent amount of additional securities as collateral or remit an equivalent amount of cash, generally by the next business day. Based upon the collateral held as security and collateral maintenance provisions with counterparties, the FHLB determined that no allowance for credit losses was needed for its securities purchased under agreements to resell at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022. The carrying value of securities purchased under agreements to resell excludes accrued interest receivable of (in thousands) $1,793 and $232 as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively. Debt Securities The FHLB invests in debt securities, which are classified as either trading, available-for-sale, or held-to-maturity. The FHLB is prohibited by Finance Agency regulations from purchasing certain higher-risk securities, such as equity securities and debt instruments that are not investment quality, other than certain investments targeted at low-income persons or communities. The FHLB is not required to divest instruments that experience credit deterioration after their purchase. Trading Securities Table 3.1 - Trading Securities by Major Security Types (in thousands) Fair Value June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Non-mortgage-backed securities (non-MBS): U.S. Treasury obligations $ 244,612 $ 491,464 GSE obligations 1,483,801 1,488,235 Total non-MBS 1,728,413 1,979,699 Mortgage-backed securities (MBS): U.S. obligation single-family 79 117 Total MBS 79 117 Total $ 1,728,492 $ 1,979,816 Table 3.2 - Net Gains (Losses) on Trading Securities (in thousands) Three Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 2022 2023 2022 Net unrealized gains (losses) on trading securities held at period end $ (27,033) $ (82,502) $ (2,693) $ (225,331) Net gains (losses) on trading securities sold/matured during the period 387 (5,321) 1,407 (22,655) Net gains (losses) on trading securities $ (26,646) $ (87,823) $ (1,286) $ (247,986) Available-for-Sale Securities Table 3.3 - Available-for-Sale Securities by Major Security Types (in thousands) June 30, 2023 Amortized Cost (1) Gross Gross Fair Non-MBS: U.S. Treasury obligations $ 7,446,523 $ 7,858 $ (2,721) $ 7,451,660 GSE obligations 117,165 741 (69) 117,837 Total non-MBS 7,563,688 8,599 (2,790) 7,569,497 MBS: GSE multi-family 2,162,623 2,680 (41,853) 2,123,450 Total MBS 2,162,623 2,680 (41,853) 2,123,450 Total $ 9,726,311 $ 11,279 $ (44,643) $ 9,692,947 December 31, 2022 Amortized Cost (1) Gross Gross Fair Non-MBS: U.S. Treasury obligations $ 7,202,715 $ 3,584 $ (12,028) $ 7,194,271 GSE obligations 117,555 726 (199) 118,082 Total non-MBS 7,320,270 4,310 (12,227) 7,312,353 MBS: GSE multi-family 1,360,221 — (40,809) 1,319,412 Total MBS 1,360,221 — (40,809) 1,319,412 Total $ 8,680,491 $ 4,310 $ (53,036) $ 8,631,765 (1) Amortized cost of available-for-sale securities includes adjustments made to the cost basis of an investment for accretion, amortization, and/or fair value hedge accounting adjustments, and excludes accrued interest receivable of (in thousands) $38,902 and $40,246 at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively. Table 3.4 summarizes the available-for-sale securities with gross unrealized losses, which are aggregated by major security type and length of time that individual securities have been in a continuous gross unrealized loss position. Table 3.4 - Available-for-Sale Securities in a Continuous Gross Unrealized Loss Position (in thousands) June 30, 2023 Less than 12 Months 12 Months or more Total Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Non-MBS: U.S. Treasury obligations $ 1,812,209 $ (1,225) $ 885,591 $ (1,496) $ 2,697,800 $ (2,721) GSE obligations 3,677 (7) 4,401 (62) 8,078 (69) Total non-MBS 1,815,886 (1,232) 889,992 (1,558) 2,705,878 (2,790) MBS: GSE multi-family MBS 872,603 (7,905) 1,013,714 (33,948) 1,886,317 (41,853) Total MBS 872,603 (7,905) 1,013,714 (33,948) 1,886,317 (41,853) Total $ 2,688,489 $ (9,137) $ 1,903,706 $ (35,506) $ 4,592,195 $ (44,643) December 31, 2022 Less than 12 Months 12 Months or more Total Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Non-MBS: U.S. Treasury obligations $ 4,624,895 $ (12,028) $ — $ — $ 4,624,895 $ (12,028) GSE obligations 9,887 (199) — — 9,887 (199) Total non-MBS 4,634,782 (12,227) — — 4,634,782 (12,227) MBS: GSE multi-family MBS 959,421 (22,519) 359,991 (18,290) 1,319,412 (40,809) Total MBS 959,421 (22,519) 359,991 (18,290) 1,319,412 (40,809) Total $ 5,594,203 $ (34,746) $ 359,991 $ (18,290) $ 5,954,194 $ (53,036) Table 3.5 - Available-for-Sale Securities by Contractual Maturity (in thousands) June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Year of Maturity Amortized Fair Amortized Fair Non-MBS: Due in 1 year or less $ — $ — $ — $ — Due after 1 year through 5 years 4,824,447 4,828,548 2,576,167 2,577,121 Due after 5 years through 10 years 2,729,095 2,730,862 4,734,017 4,725,345 Due after 10 years 10,146 10,087 10,086 9,887 Total non-MBS 7,563,688 7,569,497 7,320,270 7,312,353 MBS (1) 2,162,623 2,123,450 1,360,221 1,319,412 Total $ 9,726,311 $ 9,692,947 $ 8,680,491 $ 8,631,765 (1) MBS are not presented by contractual maturity because their expected maturities will likely differ from contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment fees. Table 3.6 - Interest Rate Payment Terms of Available-for-Sale Securities (in thousands) June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Amortized cost of non-MBS: Fixed-rate $ 7,563,688 $ 7,320,270 Total amortized cost of non-MBS 7,563,688 7,320,270 Amortized cost of MBS: Fixed-rate 2,162,623 1,360,221 Total amortized cost of MBS 2,162,623 1,360,221 Total $ 9,726,311 $ 8,680,491 The FHLB had no sales of securities out of its available-for-sale portfolio for the six months ended June 30, 2023 or 2022. Held-to-Maturity Securities Table 3.7 - Held-to-Maturity Securities by Major Security Types (in thousands) June 30, 2023 Amortized Cost (1) Gross Unrecognized Holding Gross Unrecognized Holding Losses Fair Value Non-MBS: GSE obligations $ 47,749 $ 4 $ — $ 47,753 Total non-MBS 47,749 4 — 47,753 MBS: U.S. obligation single-family 1,172,846 — (147,234) 1,025,612 GSE single-family 2,314,864 2,239 (106,383) 2,210,720 GSE multi-family 12,298,225 1,014 (66,666) 12,232,573 Total MBS 15,785,935 3,253 (320,283) 15,468,905 Total $ 15,833,684 $ 3,257 $ (320,283) $ 15,516,658 December 31, 2022 Amortized Cost (1) Gross Unrecognized Holding Gross Unrecognized Holding Losses Fair Value Non-MBS: U.S. Treasury obligations $ 47,405 $ — $ (51) $ 47,354 Total non-MBS 47,405 — (51) 47,354 MBS: U.S. obligation single-family 1,232,001 — (147,423) 1,084,578 GSE single-family 1,632,099 4,074 (101,140) 1,535,033 GSE multi-family 12,392,854 598 (77,374) 12,316,078 Total MBS 15,256,954 4,672 (325,937) 14,935,689 Total $ 15,304,359 $ 4,672 $ (325,988) $ 14,983,043 (1) Carrying value equals amortized cost. Amortized cost of held-to-maturity securities includes adjustments made to the cost basis of an investment for accretion and amortization and excludes accrued interest receivable of (in thousands) $60,752 and $48,937 as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively. Table 3.8 - Held-to-Maturity Securities by Contractual Maturity (in thousands) June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Year of Maturity Amortized Cost (1) Fair Value Amortized Cost (1) Fair Value Non-MBS: Due in 1 year or less $ 47,749 $ 47,753 $ 47,405 $ 47,354 Due after 1 year through 5 years — — — — Due after 5 years through 10 years — — — — Due after 10 years — — — — Total non-MBS 47,749 47,753 47,405 47,354 MBS (2) 15,785,935 15,468,905 15,256,954 14,935,689 Total $ 15,833,684 $ 15,516,658 $ 15,304,359 $ 14,983,043 (1) Carrying value equals amortized cost. (2) MBS are not presented by contractual maturity because their expected maturities will likely differ from contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment fees. Table 3.9 - Interest Rate Payment Terms of Held-to-Maturity Securities (in thousands) June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Amortized cost of non-MBS: Fixed-rate $ 47,749 $ 47,405 Total amortized cost of non-MBS 47,749 47,405 Amortized cost of MBS: Fixed-rate 3,342,181 2,709,494 Variable-rate 12,443,754 12,547,460 Total amortized cost of MBS 15,785,935 15,256,954 Total $ 15,833,684 $ 15,304,359 For the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022, the FHLB did not sell any held-to-maturity securities. Allowance for Credit Losses on Available-for-Sale and Held-to-Maturity Securities The FHLB evaluates available-for-sale and held-to-maturity investment securities for credit losses on a quarterly basis. The FHLB’s available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities are U.S. Treasury obligations, GSE obligations, and MBS issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae that are backed by single-family or multi-family mortgage loans. The FHLB only purchases securities considered investment quality. At June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, all available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities were rated single-A, or above, by an NRSRO, based on the lowest long-term credit rating for each security owned by the FHLB. The FHLB’s internal ratings of these securities may differ from those obtained from an NRSRO. The FHLB evaluates individual available-for-sale securities for impairment by comparing the security’s fair value to its amortized cost. Impairment may exist when the fair value of the investment is less than its amortized cost (i.e., in an unrealized loss position). At June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, certain available-for-sale securities were in an unrealized loss position. These losses are considered temporary as the FHLB expects to recover the entire amortized cost basis on these available-for-sale investment securities and does not intend to sell these securities nor considers it more likely than not that it will be required to sell these securities before the anticipated recovery of each security's remaining amortized cost basis. Further, the FHLB has not experienced any payment defaults on the instruments and all of these securities are highly-rated. In the case of U.S. obligations, they carry an explicit government guarantee. In the case of GSE securities, they are purchased under the assumption that the issuers' obligation to pay principal and interest on those securities will be honored, taking into account their status as GSEs. As a result, no allowance for credit losses was recorded on these available-for-sale securities at June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022. The FHLB evaluates its held-to-maturity securities for impairment on a collective, or pooled basis, unless an individual assessment is deemed necessary because the securities do not possess similar risk characteristics. As of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, the FHLB had not established an allowance for credit loss on any held-to-maturity securities because the securities: (1) were all highly-rated and/or had short remaining terms to maturity, (2) had not experienced, nor did the FHLB expect, any payment default on the instruments, (3) in the case of U.S. obligations, the securities carry an explicit government |