Amec Foster Wheeler plc (the company)
9 January 2015
Notification of transactions by executive directors and other persons discharging managerial responsibilities (PDMRs)
In accordance with Disclosure Rule 3.1.4(R), we hereby advise that we have today been notified of the following acquisition of interests in ordinary shares in Amec Foster Wheeler plc in lieu of the 2014 interim dividend paid to shareholders on 5 January 2015.
Director/PDMR | Ordinary Shares purchased/allocated | Purchase/allocation date | Purchase/allocation price |
Ian McHoul Simon Naylor John Pearson Roberto Penno Samir Brikho Ian McHoul John Pearson | 28 878 659 130 621* 347* 137* | 5 January 2015 6 January 2015 6 January 2015 6 January 2015 6 January 2015 6 January 2015 6 January 2015 | 846.5p 828p 828p 828p 838p 838p 838p |
*reinvested dividends on vested, but unexercised options
Following the above transactions, their share interests in the company are as follows:
Samir Brikho holds 1,894,682 ordinary shares, which represents 0.49 per cent of the voting rights in the company. He also has an interest in 631,659 Restricted Shares in the Performance Share Plan, 2,367 shares under the Savings Related Share Option Scheme and 35,777 vested but unexercised options (including dividend equivalents) with an eighteen month exercise period from vesting.
Ian McHoul holds 318,471 ordinary shares, which represents 0.08 per cent of the voting rights in the company. He also has an interest in 350,920 nil cost options under the Performance Share Plan, 1,046 options under the Savings Related Share Option Scheme and 19,887 vested but unexercised options (including dividend equivalents) with an eighteen month exercise period from vesting.
Simon Naylor holds 85,442 ordinary shares, which represents 0.02 per cent of the voting rights of the company. He also has an interest in 188,925 restricted shares awarded under the Performance Share Plan and 2,004 options awarded under the Savings Related Share Option Scheme.
John Pearson holds 37,795 ordinary shares, which represents 0.01 per cent of the voting rights of the company. He also has an interest in 169,486 nil cost options awarded under the Performance Share Plan, 2,367 options awarded under the Savings Related Share Option Scheme and 7,792 vested but unexercised options (including dividend equivalents) with an eighteen month exercise period from vesting.
Roberto Penno holds 20,829 ordinary shares (13,331 of which are held as American Depository Receipts), which represents 0.01 per cent of the voting rights in the Company. He also has an interest in 102,388 restricted shares granted as replacement awards under the Foster Wheeler AG Omnibus Plan.
Kim Hand
Senior Assistant Company Secretary