Significant Accounting Policies [Text Block] | 2 A. Basis of Accounting The following significant accounting policies are consistently followed by the Trust in the preparation of its financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make certain estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Certain statements and captions in the financial statements for the prior periods have been changed to conform to the current financial statement presentation. B. Silver Bullion JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., London branch (the “Custodian”), is responsible for the safekeeping of silver bullion owned by the Trust. Fair value of the silver bullion held by the Trust is based on the price per ounce of silver determined in an electronic auction consisting of one 30‑second 12:00 no Gain or loss on sales of silver bullion is calculated on a trade date basis using the average cost method. The following tables summarize activity in silver bullion for the three June 30, 2023 2022: Three Months Ended June 30, 2023 Ounces Cost Fair Value Realized Beginning balance 463,942,222 $ 10,057,834,978 $ 11,081,259,981 $ — Silver bullion contributed 35,590,738 868,097,632 868,097,632 — Silver bullion distributed (30,812,468 ) (671,788,422 ) (751,430,827 ) 79,642,405 Silver bullion sold to pay expenses (579,393 ) (12,617,472 ) (13,936,229 ) 1,318,757 Net realized gain — — 80,961,162 — Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation — — (745,821,212 ) — Ending balance 468,141,099 $ 10,241,526,716 $ 10,519,130,507 $ 80,961,162 Three Months Ended June 30, 2022 Ounces Cost Fair Value Realized Beginning balance 558,647,503 $ 12,064,750,371 $ 13,862,837,819 $ — Silver bullion contributed 36,747,878 902,397,850 902,397,850 — Silver bullion distributed (53,945,960 ) (1,174,380,285 ) (1,202,027,440 ) 27,647,155 Silver bullion sold to pay expenses (740,033 ) (16,082,996 ) (16,986,434 ) 903,438 Net realized gain — — 28,550,593 — Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation — — (2,536,190,240 ) — Ending balance 540,709,388 $ 11,776,684,940 $ 11,038,582,148 $ 28,550,593 The following tables summarize activity in silver bullion for the six June 30, 2023 2022: Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 Ounces Cost Fair Value Realized Beginning balance 466,265,146 $ 10,025,562,224 $ 11,164,718,926 $ — Silver bullion contributed 92,652,599 2,184,456,395 2,184,456,395 — Silver bullion distributed (89,610,880 ) (1,943,206,955 ) (2,072,026,634 ) 128,819,679 Silver bullion sold to pay expenses (1,165,766 ) (25,284,948 ) (27,379,746 ) 2,094,798 Net realized gain — — 130,914,477 — Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation — — (861,552,911 ) — Ending balance 468,141,099 $ 10,241,526,716 $ 10,519,130,507 $ 130,914,477 Six Months Ended June 30, 2022 Ounces Cost Fair Value Realized Gain (Loss) Beginning balance 530,838,100 $ 11,330,688,133 $ 12,254,397,545 $ — Silver bullion contributed 87,944,944 2,137,496,572 2,137,496,572 — Silver bullion distributed (76,682,341 ) (1,661,468,536 ) (1,759,001,672 ) 97,533,136 Silver bullion sold to pay expenses (1,391,315 ) (30,031,229 ) (32,238,949 ) 2,207,720 Net realized gain — — 99,740,856 — Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation — — (1,661,812,204 ) — Ending balance 540,709,388 $ 11,776,684,940 $ 11,038,582,148 $ 99,740,856 C. Calculation of Net Asset Value On each business day, as soon as practicable after 4:00 D. Offering of the Shares Trust Shares are issued and redeemed continuously in aggregations of 50,000 Shares in exchange for silver bullion rather than cash. Individual investors cannot purchase or redeem Shares in direct transactions with the Trust. The Trust only transacts with registered broker-dealers that are eligible to settle securities transactions through the book-entry facilities of the Depository Trust Company and that have entered into a contractual arrangement with the Trustee and the Sponsor governing, among other matters, the creation and redemption of Shares (such broker-dealers, the “Authorized Participants”). Holders of Shares of the Trust may provided may not The per Share amount of silver exchanged for a purchase or redemption represents the per Share amount of silver held by the Trust, after giving effect to its liabilities. When silver bullion is exchanged in settlement of a redemption, it is considered a sale of silver bullion for accounting purposes. E. Federal Income Taxes The Trust is treated as a grantor trust for federal income tax purposes and, therefore, no The Sponsor has analyzed applicable tax laws and regulations and their application to the Trust as of June 30, 2023 not |