11BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
11BARECON 2001”
(<>) for any et~er--G<Jmmerslal--reason they seRSi<ler 139 oosessary (provhie<l-it does not unduly IAiolferer-wllh-lhe 140 oemmeFGiai-GpefBtlen-of-lhe Vessel). The-e<>sltHIOO-Iees 141 fof-SUG!Hnspeotlon and su,ey shall--l>e--pal<l-by-the 142 OWners, 143
All time used-ht-fes[:JeGt ef iRspeGtieA,--SUW&y-oHepalr& 144 shall-be-fer the Challerers’ aGOOunt-anG-Ierm ~art ef tha 145 G-eriG<!, 146 The Charterers shall also permit the Owners to Inspect the 147
Vessel’s log books maximum once per year wheneve; 148 reasonably-requested and shall whenever required by the 149
Owners furnish them with full !nrormation regarding any 150 casualties or other accidents or damage to the Vessel. 151
9. Inventories, 011 and Stores SEE CLAUSE 53 152
A-<romplete lnventery-<>1-th&--Vessel’s-<>nllre-e~ulpmOR~ 153
<>lll!il--i<>oluolng spaFe-parts, appllaRGes aml-&1-all 154
oonsumable stores sn-boar<l-t~e-VesseH!hall-l>e-maoe 155
l>y--lhe Charterel’S-ln-oon)unotlen with the Ownera en 156
Oeilvery--an<l-a~A-reoetlvery el the-Vesseh-+lle 157
~arterers anG-tJ\e-.Qwner~estively, sRall at the 158
Uma--{)f.-4ellvety-anEHedetivety take ever and pay feF-aU: 169 bunkef&,-lubrl<!aling oil, unbroaehe<l-pr<>vlslens;-palnts, 160
FQ):lBS aRd otf.ler-oon&umable--sleres (eJtsl~:~~iAg spaFe 161 peRsf-IA-Iho-sald-Vessel at tha then ourrent markel-plioes 162 al-tlle-perts-Gklollvery-<~nlke<lellvory,-reepeslively. The 163 Charterera shall-ensuro that all spare parts liste~e 164 hwentery and wsad rl~:~riAg the Charter Pefiod-are 165 refllased at thelr--&~ense flFier te ret::lslilJe:y of the 166
Malntenanca and Operation
10. (a)(J)Maintenance and Repairs· During the Charter period 168 the Vessel shall be In the full possession and at the 169 absolute disposal for all purposes of the Charterers 170 and under their complete control in every respect. 171 The Charterers shall exercise due diligence to 172 maintain the Vessel, her machinery, boilers, 173 appurtenances and spare parts in a good state of 174 repair, in efficient operating condition and In 175 accordance with good commercial maintenance 176 practice and, except as provided for In Clause 14(1), If 177 applicable, at their own expense, they shall at all 178 times keep the Vessel’s Class unexpired fully-up-to 179 Oete with the Classification Society Indicated In Box 180
.1Q maintain all other necessary certificates in force at 181 all times. 182
{ii) New Class and Other Safetv Requirements 183 fA-the-event.-Gkmy-lmpr.ovemeAtj slmstt:~ral shanges 184 or-----flew-----equlpment---beoomlnjJ------A.esessa!y fef--th.e 185 ooRtirmed-eperatian-of-tha Vessel by reassfl sf-new 186
Glass re~uireMcnt&--<Jr-by--GeMpulsory-!eglslatlen 187
oestlng-(ex~luding-the Chartcrera’ loss of-time) 188 more-than-the-peraentage stale<i-1R--Box-:l3,-er-lf 189
Qex 2a is--left-b!ank;--5--per-GeA~f--the Vessel’s 190 lnsuronce value as stated h’1 QO)( 29, then-the 191
OJ<tenl;-ik!!ly,-le-whloh-lll<Hal8-0f.lllre-shalt-lle-vafie<l 192 an<l-th8-J’atl<>-ln-whlsh-lhe-oosl-ef--oemplianGe shsll 193 bO··ShafB<I between the-partles-oonoeme<l-iA-Order 194 ta-ae!’deve a reasanable--dlstf.fuutieA thereef as 195 b&lWeen-the--GW!lera--an<l--thrH:harterers haVIR!! 196 regard, lnter--alla,-te-the--length of the perlo<l 197 remalnlng-<~n<ier-this-f:hartcr, shall In the absenoe-ef 198 agreemeJI\,-be-referre<l--t<>--lh<Hilspute--resolutlen 199 methed-agreeo’-ln Clause 3Q. SEE CLAUSE 38 200 (Ill) Financial Security - The Charterers shall maintain 201 financial security or responsibility in respect of third 202 party liabilities as required by any government, 203 including federal, state or municipal or other division 204 or authority thereof, to onable the Vessel, without 205 penally or charge, lawfully to enter, remain at, or 206 leave any port, place, territorial or contiguous waters 207 or any country, state or municipality In performance 208 of this Charter without any delay. This obligation 209 shall apply whether or not such requirements have 210 been lawfully imposed by such government or 211 division or authority t~ereof. 212
arrangements by bond or otheiW!se as may be 214 necessary to satisfy such requirements at the Charterers’ 215 sole expense and the Charterers shall indemnify the 216 Owners against aU consequences whatsoever (including 217 loss of time) for any failure or Inability to do so. 218
(b) Operatjon of the Vessel -The Charterers shall at 219 their own expense and by their own procurement man, 220 vtctual, navigate, operate, supply, fuel and, whenever 221 required, repair the Vessel during the Charter Period and 222 they shall pay all charges and expenses of every kind 223 and nature whatsoever incidental to their use and 224 operation of the Vessel under this Charter, Including 225 annual flag state fees and any foreign general 228 municipality and/or state taxes. The Master officers and 227
1 crew of the Vessel shall be the servants of the Charterers 228 for all purposes whatsoever, even-if..--foi’---Bny---masofl 229 appeillted-l>y-lhe-GwnOF& 230 Charterers s~all comply with t~e regulations regarding 231 officers and crew In force In the country of the Vessel’s 232 flag or any olher applicable law. 233 (c) The Charterers shall keep the owners an<l--the 234 me~gagee(s) advised of the Intended employment, 235 planned dry-docking and major repairs of the Vessel, as 236 reasonably required. 237 (d) Flag and Name of Vessel 238 r:lwrln!l-\lle-GharteH’erle<l,-t~e-Gharterero-shall-lleve-lhe 239 liberty-lo-paint~~e-Vessei-IA-Ihelr-ewA-OOieufS;-inslall-anEI 240
Ols~lay tholr-fWAAeiiASigAia-aAO fly their SIVA hs•se flag, 241 ThrH:harterens--shall-alse-have--lhe--llberty,wltil--the 242
OwneFS’ GQ!’lsent, wAial:l sAall net be ~mreas&Rably 243 wlthheld;-t<Hlllange--lhe-flag-and/or-the-name-<>t-the 244
VesaeHI•fill§c-ltle-Gha~er Period. Palntlni!-and--re- 245 peffiting,IABial-d--re-hlslali!!Cllt,-Jeglslratien--M<I 246
Ele-reglstraHen,iH’e~”ir~<i-l>y-l~e-Owners,sllall-ile-<lt-lhe 24 7 CMI!erers’ e>pense an<l-time,.-SEE CLAUSE 37 & 43 248
(e) Changes to the Vessei...S•I>JeGt-I<H:iaYse4ll{aJ~I); 249 lhe--GMFlerers shall make--fle stRJslt.~ml shaAges in-#le 250
Vessei---Gr-41anges--IA--the-maslllnefY;---I>ollers, 251 appuFtananGes-&r-spare-paFts-thareaf....wilheut-Jn-eaGh 252 instaAoo-lifst-sOSllriH!j-11\e Owners’ aptlroval-lhereelc--tf 253 the-Owners-so-agree;-the-Gharterers-shall,l~the-Owners 254
S9-fequire,----restere--the-Vessel te its farffief--Gf) 255 before-lhe-lermlnatlon-of.thls-Gharter, SEE CLAUSE 38 256
(n Use of the Vessel’s Oulfil Equ’1oment and 257 Appliances - The Charterers shall have the u!?.a of all 258 outfit, equipment, and appliances on board the Vessel at 259 the time of delivery, provided the same or their 260 substantial equivalent shall be returned to the Owners on 281 redelivery in substantially the same geo4-e~er----aRG 262 condition as when received, ordinary wear and tear excepled. The 263
Charterers shall from time to time during the Charter 264 period replace such Jtems of equipment as shall be so 265 damaged or worn as to be unfit for use. The Charterers 266 are to procure that all repairs to or replacement of any 267 damaged, worn or lost parts or equipment be effected 268 In such manner (both as regards workmanship and 269 quality of materials) as not to diminish the value of the 270 Vessel. The Charterers have t~e right to fit additional 271 equipment at their expense and risk but the Charterers 272 shall remove such equipment at the end of the period 273 unless agreed otherwise by the Owners and the Charterers . ..Jf r~uested-l>y-lhe-Gwners, Any equipment including radio 274 equipment on hire on the Vessel at time of dellvel)’ shall 275 be kept and maintained by the Charterers and the 278
Charterers shall assume the obligations and liabilities of 277 tho Owners under any lease contracts in connection 278 therewith and shall reimburse the Owners for all 279 expenses incurred in connection therewith, also for any 280 new equipment required In order to comply with radio 281 regurauons, 282
(g) Periodical Drv-Docklnq - The Charterers shall dry- 283 dock the Vessel and <:lean and paint her underwater 284 parts whenever the same may be necessary, but not 285