“BARECON 2001” Standard Bareboat Charter
(f) All time used for repairs under the provisions of sub-clause 14(d) and 14(e) and for repairs of latent defects according to Clause 3 above, including any deviation, shall be for the Charterers’ account and shall form part of the Charter Period.
The Owners shall not be responsible for any expenses as are incident to the use and operation of the Vessel for such time as may be required to make such repairs.
(g) If the conditions of the above insurances permit additional insurance to be placed by the parties such cover shall be limited to the amount for each party set out in Box 30 and Box 31, respectively. The Owners or the Charterers as the case may be shall immediately furnish the other party with particulars of any additional insurance effected, including copies of any cover notes or policies and the written consent of the insurers of any such required insurance in any case where the consent of such insurance is necessary.
(h) Should the Vessel become an actual, constructive, compromised or agreed total loss under the insurances required under sub-clause 14(a), all insurance payments for such loss shall be paid to the Owners, who shall distribute the moneys between themselves and the Charterers according to their respective interests.
(i) If the Vessel becomes an actual, constructive, compromised or agreed total loss under the insurances arranged by the Owners in accordance with sub-clause 14(a), this Charter shall terminate as of the date of such loss.
(j) The Charterers shall upon the request of the Owners, promptly execute such documents as may be required to enable the Owners to abandon the Vessel to insurers and claim a constructive total loss.
(k) For the purpose of insurance coverage against hull and machinery and war risks under the provisions of sub-clause 14(a), the value of the Vessel is the sum indicated in Box 29.
(l) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-clause 10(a), it is agreed that under the provisions of Clause 14, if applicable, the Owners shall keep the Vessel’s Class fully up to date with the Classification Society indicated in Box 10 and maintain all other necessary certificates in force at all times.
At the expiration of the Charter Period the Vessel shall be redelivered by the Charterers at a safe and ice-free port or place as indicated in Box 16, in such ready safe berth as the Owner may direct. The Charterers shall give the Owners not less than thirty (30) running days’ preliminary notice of expected date, range of ports of redelivery or port or place of redelivery and not less than fourteen (14) running days’ definite notice of expected date and port or place of redelivery. Any changes thereafter in Vessel’s position shall be notified immediately to the Owners.
The Charterers warrant that they will not permit the Vessel to commence a voyage (including any preceding ballast voyage) which cannot reasonably be expected to be completed in time to allow redelivery of the Vessel within the Charter Period.Notwithstanding the above, should the Charterers fail to redeliver the Vessel within the Charter Period, the Charterers shall pay the daily equivalent to the rate of hire stated in Box 22 plus 10 per cent. or to the market rate, whichever is the higher, for the number ofdays by which the Charter Period is exceeded. All other terms, conditions and provisions of this Charter shall continue to apply.
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