Pension and Other Post-Retirement Benefit Obligations | Note 7 . Pension and Other Post-Retirement Benefit Obligations Defined Benefit Plans Included in pension and other post-retirement benefit obligations are amounts related to the Company’s Celgar and Rosenthal mil ls. The largest component of the s e obligation s is with respect to the Celgar mill which maintains a defined benefit pension plan and other post-retirement benefit plans for certain employees (the “ Celgar Defined Benefit Plans” ). Pension benefits are based on employees ’ earnings and years of service. The Celgar Defined Benefit Plans are funded by contributions from the Company based on actuarial estimates and s tatutory requirements. Information about the Celgar Defined Benefit Plans , in aggregate for the year ended December 31, 2015 is as follows: 2015 Pension Other Post-Retirement Benefits Total Change in benefit obligation Benefit obligation, December 31, 2014 $ 43,073 $ 28,465 $ 71,538 Service cost 121 798 919 Interest cost 1,427 984 2,411 Benefit payments (2,345) (587) (2,932) Actuarial gains (1,021) (3,988) (5,009) Foreign currency exchange rate changes (6,829) (4,394) (11,223) Benefit obligation, December 31, 2015 34,426 21,278 55,704 Reconciliation of fair value of plan assets Fair value of plan assets, December 31, 2014 35,653 - 35,653 Actual returns 107 - 107 Contributions 1,762 587 2,349 Benefit payments (2,345) (587) (2,932) Foreign currency exchange rate changes (5,731) - (5,731) Fair value of plan assets, December 31, 2015 29,446 - 29,446 Funded status, December 31, 2015 (1) $ (4,980) $ (21,278) $ (26,258) Components of the net benefit cost recognized Service cost $ 121 $ 798 $ 919 Interest cost 1,427 984 2,411 Expected return on plan assets (2,054) - (2,054) Amortization of unrecognized items 878 8 886 Net benefit costs $ 372 $ 1,790 $ 2,162 (1) The total of $26,345 on the Consolidated Balance Sheet also includes the pension liabilities of $87 relating to employees at the Company’s Rosenthal mill. Note 7 . Pension and Other Post-Retirement Benefit Obligations (continued) Information about the Celgar Defined Benefit Plans , in aggregate for the year ended December 31, 2014 is as follows: 2014 Pension Other Post-Retirement Benefits Total Change in benefit obligation Benefit obligation, December 31, 2013 $ 43,566 $ 28,458 $ 72,024 Service cost 121 724 845 Interest cost 1,836 1,244 3,080 Benefit payments (2,571) (825) (3,396) Actuarial losses 3,901 1,350 5,251 Foreign currency exchange rate changes (3,780) (2,486) (6,266) Benefit obligation, December 31, 2014 43,073 28,465 71,538 Reconciliation of fair value of plan assets Fair value of plan assets, December 31, 2013 35,372 - 35,372 Actual returns 3,829 - 3,829 Contributions 2,126 825 2,951 Benefit payments (2,571) (825) (3,396) Foreign currency exchange rate changes (3,103) - (3,103) Fair value of plan assets, December 31, 2014 35,653 - 35,653 Funded status, December 31, 2014 (1) $ (7,420) $ (28,465) $ (35,885) Components of the net benefit cost recognized Service cost $ 121 $ 724 $ 845 Interest cost 1,836 1,244 3,080 Expected return on plan assets (2,225) - (2,225) Amortization of unrecognized items 787 (12) 775 Net benefit costs $ 519 $ 1,956 $ 2,475 (1) The total of $36,014 on the Consolidated Balance Sheet also includes the pension liabilities of $129 relating to employees at the Company’s Rosenthal mill. The amortization of unrecognized items primarily relates to net actuarial losses. The Company expects to recognize approximately $781 of net actuarial losses in 2016. The Celgar Defined Benefit Plans do not have any net transition asset or obligation recognized as a reclassification adjustment of other comprehensive income. There are no plan assets that are expected to be returned to the Company in 2016. The Company anticipates that it will make contributions to the Celgar Defined Benefit Plans of app roximately $667 in 2016. Estimated future benefit payments under the Celgar Defined Benefit Plans are as follows: Pension Other Post-Retirement Benefits 2016 $ 2,223 $ 707 2017 2,220 749 2018 2,224 795 2019 2,232 840 2020 2,228 884 2021 – 2025 10,957 5,106 Note 7 . Pension and Other Post-Retirement Benefit Obligations (continued) Weighted Average Assumptions The weighted-average assumptions used to determine the benefit obligations at the measurement dates and the net periodic benefit costs were as follows: December 31, 2015 2014 2013 Benefit obligations Discount rate 4.00% 3.75% 4.50% Rate of compensation increase 2.50% 2.50% 2.75% Net benefit cost for year ended Discount rate 3.75% 4.50% 4.00% Rate of compensation increase 2.50% 2.75% 2.75% Expected rate of return on plan assets 6.40% 6.60% 6.60% The discount rate assumption is adjusted annually to reflect the rates available on high-quality debt instruments, with a duration that is expected to match the timing of expected pension and other post-retirement benefit obligations. High-quality debt instruments are corporate bonds with a rating of “ AA ” or better. The expected rate of return on plan assets is a management estimate based on, among other factors, historical long-term returns, expected asset mix and active management premium. The expected rate of compensation increase is a management estimate based on, among other factors, historical compensation increases and promotions, while considering current industry conditions, the terms of collective bargaining agreements with employees and the outlook for the industry. The assumed health care cost trend rates used to determine the other post-retirement benefit obligations were as follows: December 31, 2015 2014 Health care cost trend rate assumed for next year 6.50% 7.00% Rate to which the cost trend is assumed to decline (ultimate trend rate) 4.50% 4.50% Year that the rate reaches the ultimate trend rate 2020 2020 The expected health care cost trend rates are based on historical trends for these costs, as well as recently enacted health care legislation. The Company also compares health care cost trend rates to those of the industry. A on e-percentage point change in assumed health care cost trend rate would h ave the following effect on other post-retirement benefit obligations: December 31, 2015 December 31, 2014 1% 1% 1% 1% Increase Decrease Increase Decrease Effect on total service and interest rate components $ 36 $ (39) $ 54 $ (56) Effect on other post-retirement benefit obligations $ 613 $ (598) $ 830 $ (806) Note 7. Pension and Other Post-Retirement Benefit Obligations (continued) Investment Objective and Asset Allocation The investment objective for the Celgar Defined Benefit Plans is to sufficiently diversify invested plan assets to maintain a reasonable level of risk without imprudently sacrificing the return on the invested funds, and ultimately to achieve a long-term total rate of return, net of fees and expenses, at least equal to the long-term interest rate assumptions used for funding actuarial valuations. To achieve this objective, the Company’s overall investment strategy is to maintain an investment allocation mix of long-term growth investments (equities) and fixed income investments (debt securities). Investment allocation targets have been established by asset class after considering the nature of the liabilities, long-term return expectations, the risks associated with key asset classes, inflation and interest rates and related management fees and expenses. In addition, the Celgar Defined Benefit Plans ’ investment strategy seeks to minimize risk beyond legislated requirements by constraining the investment managers ’ investment options. There are a number of specific constraints based on investment type, but they all have the general purpose of ensuring that the investments are fully diversified and that risk is appropriately managed. For example, no more than 10% of the book value of the assets can be invested in any one entity or group, investments in any one entity cannot exceed 30% of the voting shares and all equity holdings must be listed on a public exchange. Reviews of the investment objectives, key assumptions and the independent investment managers are performed periodically. The target asset allocation of the Celgar Defined Benefit Plans’ assets, based on the fair value of the assets held, is 60% equity securities and 40% debt securities. The following table presents the Celgar Defined Benefit Plans ’ assets fair value measurements at December 31, 2015: Asset Category Quoted Prices in Active Markets for Identical Assets Significant Other Observable Inputs Significant Unobservable Inputs Total Equity securities $ 17,772 $ - $ - $ 17,772 Debt securities 11,602 - - 11,602 Cash 72 - - 72 Total assets $ 29,446 $ - $ - $ 29,446 Concentrations of Risk in the Celgar Defined Benefit Plan s’ Assets The Company has reviewed the Celgar Defined Benefit Plans ’ investments and determined that they are allocated based on the specific investment manager ’ s stated investment strategy with only slight over- or under-weightings within any specific category, and that those investments are within the constraints that have been set by the Company. Those constraints include a limitation on the value that can be invested in any one entity or group and the investment category targets noted above. In addition, we have three independent investment managers. The Company has concluded that there are no significant concentrations of risk. Defined Contribution Plan Effective December 31, 2008, the Celgar Defined Benefit Plans were closed to new members. In addition, the defined benefit service accrual ceased on December 31, 2008, and members began to receive pension benefits, at a fixed contractual rate, under a new defined contribution plan effective January 1, 2009. During the year ended December 31, 2015 , the Company made co ntributions o f $ 646 ( 2014 – $759 ; 2 013 – $773 ), to this plan. Note 7. Pension and Other Post-Retirement Benefit Obligations (continued) Multiemployer Plan The Company participates in a multiemployer plan for the hourly-paid employees at the Celgar mill. The contributions to the plan are determined based on a percentage of pensionable earnings pursuant to a collective bargaining ag reement. The Company has no current or future contribution obligations in excess of the contractual contributions. Contributions during the year ended December 31, 2015 tota led $1,390 ( 2014 – $2,085 ; 2013 – $2,635 ). Plan details are included in the following table: Expiration Date of Are the Company's Provincially Collective Contributions Greater Than Registered Bargaining 5% of Total Contributions Legal name Plan Number Agreement 2015 2014 2013 April 30, The Pulp and Paper Industry Pension Plan P085324 2017 Yes Yes Yes |