Segment Reporting Disclosure [Text Block] | NOTE 11: SEGMENTED INFORMATION The Company currently operates in a single reportable segment and is focused on uranium mining and related activities, including exploration, pre-extraction, extraction and processing of uranium concentrates. At January 31, 2016, long-term assets located in the U.S. totaled $ 33,580,486 72 46,692,492 January 31, 2016 United States Balance Sheet Items Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Mineral Rights and Properties $ 13,428,059 $ 10,891,861 $ 822,026 $ - $ 13,080,555 $ 38,222,501 Property, Plant and Equipment 6,732,514 - - 19,351 12,100 6,763,965 Reclamation Deposits 1,690,209 15,000 817 - - 1,706,026 Total Long-Term Assets $ 21,850,782 $ 10,906,861 $ 822,843 $ 19,351 $ 13,092,655 $ 46,692,492 July 31, 2015 United States Balance Sheet Items Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Mineral Rights and Properties $ 13,555,492 $ 10,891,861 $ 910,059 $ - $ 13,080,555 $ 38,437,967 Property, Plant and Equipment 6,926,682 - - 7,502 14,463 6,948,647 Reclamation Deposits 1,690,209 15,000 816 - - 1,706,025 Total Long-Term Assets $ 22,172,383 $ 10,906,861 $ 910,875 $ 7,502 $ 13,095,018 $ 47,092,639 Three Months Ended January 31, 2016 United States Statement of Operations Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Sales $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Costs and Expenses: Cost of sales - - - - - - Mineral property expenditures 564,316 56,379 27,771 - 245,359 893,825 General and administrative 2,098,910 42,538 708 661,608 2,047 2,805,811 Depreciation, amortization and accretion 227,361 - 750 2,386 1,689 232,186 Impairment loss on mineral properties - - 86,535 - - 86,535 2,890,587 98,917 115,764 663,994 249,095 4,018,357 Loss from operations (2,890,587) (98,917) (115,764) (663,994) (249,095) (4,018,357) Other income (expenses) (785,298) (4,768) - 818 6 (789,242) Loss before income taxes $ (3,675,885) $ (103,685) $ (115,764) $ (663,176) $ (249,089) $ (4,807,599) Three months Ended January 31, 2015 United States Statement of Operations Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Sales $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Costs and Expenses: Cost of sales - - - - - - Mineral property expenditures 1,009,065 30,359 22,794 - 192,050 1,254,268 General and administrative 2,708,137 40,341 7,061 603,798 7,112 3,366,449 Depreciation, amortization and accretion 482,655 - 687 3,034 3,108 489,484 4,199,857 70,700 30,542 606,832 202,270 5,110,201 Loss from operations (4,199,857) (70,700) (30,542) (606,832) (202,270) (5,110,201) Other income (expenses) (762,161) (5,189) - (120) 4 (767,466) Loss before income taxes $ (4,962,018) $ (75,889) $ (30,542) $ (606,952) $ (202,266) $ (5,877,667) Six Months Ended January 31, 2016 United States Statement of Operations Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Sales $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Costs and Expenses: Cost of sales - - - - - - Mineral property expenditures 1,851,518 209,903 132,150 - 489,274 2,682,845 General and administrative 3,648,603 74,992 1,663 1,350,986 4,960 5,081,204 Depreciation, amortization and accretion 466,348 - 1,500 3,632 3,605 475,085 Impairment loss on mineral properties - - 86,535 - - 86,535 5,966,469 284,895 221,848 1,354,618 497,839 8,325,669 Loss from operations (5,966,469) (284,895) (221,848) (1,354,618) (497,839) (8,325,669) Other income (expenses) (1,553,694) (9,535) - 818 11 (1,562,400) Loss before income taxes $ (7,520,163) $ (294,430) $ (221,848) $ (1,353,800) $ (497,828) $ (9,888,069) Six Months Ended January 31, 2015 United States Statement of Operations Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Sales $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Costs and Expenses: Cost of sales - - - - - - Mineral property expenditures 2,644,891 157,467 156,519 - 555,522 3,514,399 General and administrative 5,056,097 96,877 14,025 1,362,183 14,855 6,544,037 Depreciation, amortization and accretion 1,052,548 - 1,467 6,497 6,214 1,066,726 8,753,536 254,344 172,011 1,368,680 576,591 11,125,162 Loss from operations (8,753,536) (254,344) (172,011) (1,368,680) (576,591) (11,125,162) Other income (expenses) (1,490,052) (10,378) - (120) 315 (1,500,235) Loss before income taxes $ (10,243,588) $ (264,722) $ (172,011) $ (1,368,800) $ (576,276) $ (12,625,397) |