Segment Reporting Disclosure [Text Block] | SEGMENTED INFORMATION The Company currently operates in a single reportable segment and is focused on uranium mining and related activities, including exploration, pre-extraction, extraction and processing of uranium concentrates. At April 30, 2016, long-term assets located in the U.S. totaled $ 33,436,732 69 48,443,360 April 30, 2016 United States Balance Sheet Items Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Mineral Rights and Properties $ 13,369,394 $ 10,891,861 $ 821,276 $ - $ 13,080,555 $ 38,163,086 Property, Plant and Equipment 6,648,175 - - 16,965 355,720 7,020,860 Reclamation Deposits 1,690,209 15,000 817 - - 1,706,026 Other Long-Term Assets - - - - 1,553,388 1,553,388 Total Long-Term Assets $ 21,707,778 $ 10,906,861 $ 822,093 $ 16,965 $ 14,989,663 $ 48,443,360 July 31, 2015 United States Balance Sheet Items Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Mineral Rights and Properties $ 13,555,492 $ 10,891,861 $ 910,059 $ - $ 13,080,555 $ 38,437,967 Property, Plant and Equipment 6,926,682 - - 7,502 14,463 6,948,647 Reclamation Deposits 1,690,209 15,000 816 - - 1,706,025 Total Long-Term Assets $ 22,172,383 $ 10,906,861 $ 910,875 $ 7,502 $ 13,095,018 $ 47,092,639 The tables below provide a breakdown of the Company’s operating results by geographic segments for the three and nine months ended April 30, 2016. All intercompany transactions have been eliminated. Three Months Ended April 30, 2016 United States Statement of Operations Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Sales $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Costs and Expenses: Cost of sales - - - - - - Mineral property expenditures 495,830 3,982 881 - 225,275 725,968 General and administrative 1,426,110 66,534 989 514,853 (3,021) 2,005,465 Depreciation, amortization and accretion 200,732 - 750 2,385 1,621 205,488 2,122,672 70,516 2,620 517,238 223,875 2,936,921 Loss from operations (2,122,672) (70,516) (2,620) (517,238) (223,875) (2,936,921) Other income (expenses) (745,888) (4,663) - 31 6 (750,514) Loss before income taxes $ (2,868,560) $ (75,179) $ (2,620) $ (517,207) $ (223,869) $ (3,687,435) Three Months Ended April 30, 2015 United States Statement of Operations Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Sales $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Costs and Expenses: Cost of sales - - - - - - Mineral property expenditures 786,935 50,119 35,199 - 173,589 1,045,842 General and administrative 2,400,403 51,889 4,368 707,481 3,755 3,167,896 Depreciation, amortization and accretion 368,448 - 501 2,741 2,392 374,082 3,555,786 102,008 40,068 710,222 179,736 4,587,820 Loss from operations (3,555,786) (102,008) (40,068) (710,222) (179,736) (4,587,820) Other income (expenses) (759,273) (4,640) - - 169 (763,744) Loss before income taxes $ (4,315,059) $ (106,648) $ (40,068) $ (710,222) $ (179,567) $ (5,351,564) Nine Months Ended April 30, 2016 United States Statement of Operations Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Sales $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Costs and Expenses: Cost of sales - - - - - - Mineral property expenditures 2,347,348 213,885 133,031 - 714,549 3,408,813 General and administrative 5,074,713 141,526 2,652 1,865,839 1,939 7,086,669 Depreciation, amortization and accretion 667,080 - 2,250 6,017 5,226 680,573 Impairment loss on mineral properties - - 86,535 - - 86,535 8,089,141 355,411 224,468 1,871,856 721,714 11,262,590 Loss from operations (8,089,141) (355,411) (224,468) (1,871,856) (721,714) (11,262,590) Other income (expenses) (2,299,582) (14,198) - 849 17 (2,312,914) Loss before income taxes $ (10,388,723) $ (369,609) $ (224,468) $ (1,871,007) $ (721,697) $ (13,575,504) Nine Months Ended April 30, 2015 United States Statement of Operations Texas Arizona Other States Canada Paraguay Total Sales $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Costs and Expenses: Cost of sales - - - - - - Mineral property expenditures 3,431,826 207,586 191,718 - 729,111 4,560,241 General and administrative 7,456,500 148,766 18,393 2,069,664 18,610 9,711,933 Depreciation, amortization and accretion 1,420,996 - 1,968 9,238 8,606 1,440,808 12,309,322 356,352 212,079 2,078,902 756,327 15,712,982 Loss from operations (12,309,322) (356,352) (212,079) (2,078,902) (756,327) (15,712,982) Other income (expenses) (2,249,325) (15,018) - (120) 484 (2,263 Loss before income taxes $ (14,558,647) $ (371,370) $ (212,079) $ (2,079,022) $ (755,843) $ (17,976,961) |