Revenue from Contract with Customer [Text Block] | 1 year arrangements $ 10,142 $ 5,106 Contract revenue from customers with < 1 year arrangements 32,064 36,355 Revenue from non-contractual arrangements 55 55 Total revenue $ 42,261 $ 41,516 Timing of revenue : Three Months Ended March 31, 2022 2021 Bill-and-hold revenue $ 9,276 $ 7,549 Non-bill-and-hold revenue 32,985 33,967 Total revenue $ 42,261 $ 41,516 As of March 31, 2022, three not three March 31, 2021 not 2021. " id="sjs-B4" xml:space="preserve">3 REVENUE RECOGNITION FutureFuel recognizes revenue when performance obligations of the customer contract are satisfied. FutureFuel sells to customers through master sales agreements or standalone purchase orders. The majority of FutureFuel's terms of sale have a single performance obligation to transfer products. Accordingly, FutureFuel recognizes revenue when control has been transferred to the customer, generally at the time of shipment or delivery of products. For certain contracts, this occurs upon delivery of the material to a FutureFuel storage location, ready for customer pickup and separated from other FutureFuel inventory. Revenue is measured as the amount of consideration FutureFuel expects to receive in exchange for transferring products and is generally based upon a negotiated price. FutureFuel sells its products directly to customers generally under agreements with payment terms of 30 75 2 10 Certain of FutureFuel custom chemical contracts within the chemical segment contain a material right as defined by ASU 2014 09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers 606" 30 606. Contract Assets and Liabilities: Contract assets consist of unbilled amounts typically resulting from revenue recognized through bill-and-hold arrangements. The contract assets at March 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 one three March 31, 2022 2021, three March 31, 2022 2021, The following table provides the balances of receivables, contract assets, and contract liabilities from contracts with customers. Contract Assets and Liability Balances March 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Trade receivables, included in accounts receivable* $ 11,076 $ 20,780 Contract assets, included in accounts receivable $ 1,422 $ 362 Contract liabilities, included in deferred revenue - short-term $ 6,169 $ 5,944 Contract liabilities, included in deferred revenue - long-term $ 10,621 $ 13,059 * Exclusive of the BTC of $ 5,550 and $8,232 , respectively, and net of allowances for bad debt of $55 and $67, respectively, as of the dates noted. Transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations: At March 31, 2022, two four The Company applies the practical expedient in ASC 606 10 50 14 one The following tables provide revenue from customers disaggregated by the type of arrangement and by the timing of the recognized revenue. Disaggregation of revenue - contractual and non-contractual : Three Months Ended March 31, 2022 2021 Contract revenue from customers with > 1 year arrangements $ 10,142 $ 5,106 Contract revenue from customers with < 1 year arrangements 32,064 36,355 Revenue from non-contractual arrangements 55 55 Total revenue $ 42,261 $ 41,516 Timing of revenue : Three Months Ended March 31, 2022 2021 Bill-and-hold revenue $ 9,276 $ 7,549 Non-bill-and-hold revenue 32,985 33,967 Total revenue $ 42,261 $ 41,516 As of March 31, 2022, three not three March 31, 2021 not 2021. |