Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Note 1 - Organization and Princ
- Note 2 - Principles of Consolid
- Note 3 - Summary of Significant
- Note 4 - Disposal of Subsidiari
- Note 5 - Acquisition of A Subsi
- Note 6 - Cash & Cash Equivalent
- Note 7 - Other Receivables and
- Note 8 - Property, Plant and Eq
- Note 9 - Intangible Assets
- Note 10 - Goodwill
- Note 11 - Amount Due From_(To)
- Note 12 - Accrued Expenses and
- Note 13 - Deferred Income
- Note 14 - Taxes Payable
- Note 15 - Income Tax Income
- Note 16 - Variable Interest Ent
- Note 17 - Capital Commitments
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa23
- Note 1 - Organization and Pri24
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa25
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa26
- Note 4 - Disposal of Subsidia27
- Note 4 - Disposal of Subsidia28
- Note 5 - Acquisition of A Sub29
- Note 6 - Cash & Cash Equivale30
- Note 7 - Other Receivables an31
- Note 8 - Property, Plant and 32
- Note 9 - Intangible Assets_ Sch
- Note 10 - Goodwill_ Schedule of
- Note 11 - Amount Due From_(To35
- Note 12 - Accrued Expenses an36
- Note 14 - Taxes Payable_ Schedu
- Note 15 - Income Tax Income_ Sc
- Note 15 - Income Tax Income_ 39
- Note 16 - Variable Interest E40
- Note 17 - Capital Commitments_
- Note 1 - Organization and Pri42
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa43
- Note 4 - Disposal of Subsidia44
- Note 5 - Acquisition of A Sub45
- Note 6 - Cash & Cash Equivale46
- Note 7 - Other Receivables an47
- Note 8 - Property, Plant and 48
- Note 9 - Intangible Assets (Tab
- Note 10 - Goodwill (Tables)
- Note 11 - Amount Due From_(To51
- Note 12 - Accrued Expenses an52
- Note 14 - Taxes Payable (Tables
- Note 15 - Income Tax Income (Ta
- Note 16 - Variable Interest E55
- Note 17 - Capital Commitments (
- Note 1 - Organization and Pri57
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa58
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa59
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa60
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa61
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa62
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa63
- Note 4 - Disposal of Subsidia64
- Note 4 - Disposal of Subsidia65
- Note 4 - Disposal of Subsidia66
- Note 5 - Acquisition of A Sub67
- Note 5 - Acquisition of A Sub68
- Note 6 - Cash & Cash Equivale69
- Note 7 - Other Receivables an70
- Note 8 - Property, Plant and 71
- Note 8 - Property, Plant and 72
- Note 9 - Intangible Assets_ S73
- Note 9 - Intangible Assets (Det
- Note 10 - Goodwill_ Schedule 75
- Note 11 - Amount Due From_(To76
- Note 12 - Accrued Expenses an77
- Note 14 - Taxes Payable_ Sche78
- Note 14 - Taxes Payable (Detail
- Note 15 - Income Tax Income_ 80
- Note 15 - Income Tax Income_ 81
- Note 15 - Income Tax Income (De
- Note 16 - Variable Interest E83
- Note 17 - Capital Commitments84