Exhibit 3.1

- INC . FILE4WARO SOFTWARE, . Name of Com.oration : 1 INC . SERVICE. CORPORATE ADVISORY Resident Agenc 2 Name Name and Street NEVADA 89703 CARSON CITY 251 JEANELL DR .. SUITE 3 Addre ss : :...m , a ,., 4q · s. Zip Code c,:y Suee1 Aoo,ess V.•l'l. † !C D!v{.t.S.J..C1 1 Q S!:_ ,YJ, C,1 Stale Zip Cade c iv Op1 1 ona1 Ma 1 1 1 t1g Acfaress Shares : 3 75 , 000 Number or shares without par value 0 Par value · S 0 Number or shares with pa, value !'111.!. t'..!J!i111re.s f:9'1Xl'4i r - a1.trpr, 4c 1g_ ! S - t..ue . NV 89703 S1aIe Zip Cc,;e Slate Zip Code Stale Zip Code CARSON CITY Ci1y City C,ty 1. DEA NAK KELLY Name 251 JEANELl DR . SUITE 3 Street Address 2 ame S reet Address 3 Name St·eet Adoress Names ddresses,of • Board of Qw:.,12.r , i . 1J:: 1J" f' iJ,:!1!,:.,;n, - ,:;:,lfl:.• I • - : ti:' ,S ""C';' f Jr J .! - • - ...h.US!/ .t'r!r!.,, / I - - ' The puroose ot tn1s Corpora:,on shall be ANY LAWFUL ACTIVITY Pur;;ose ,",L"I ,J ' - ' - • . ,)··., ...... . ' 2 U d ' d 1 M t , _ 7' i · - : 1 • , v ,,.. ! . / . _ ' - - - C/. DEANNA K . KELLY Names, Address nd Signature of /n co,12.oracor · 6 Signa1u,e am" p1 ;• · );:Jc"' J.;c.;. .. CARSO CITY NV 89703 251JEANELL DR .. SUITE 3 i'lt"'t ·r: 1• : . . v . - : C it y State Zip Code Aaaress t:' i ?t - ·, .1 • ;,, I nereby accept appo1n1ment as Res i dent Ageot lo• tpe above named corporat : on 1/u/£1 ' ' . :: \ .. . . - · - - .,,. ' - 'l ., · • '· • :, - · - 1 / ,. • . ,, ¥ • • / .. '• I < .... I Asthonzed S,gnature or R A or On Behal/ of R A · company _. - Date .!Jjficare of Accoecance of AQeomtment of _ Resident Ag!!!!!: DEAN HELLER Secretary of State 206 North Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701 - 4299 (775)684 - 5708 Website : secretaryofsta te . b iz • Articles of Incorporation (PURSUANT TO NRS 78) JAN O 6 2005 Important. Read attached instructions before completing form. (( 8'5"1 ABOVE SPACE IS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Th,; form muse be accompanied by appropriace f ees . See a11ached fee schedule . •• l'• • • •· '.· r 11111

I • Articles of Incorporation of FILE4WARD SOFTWARE, INC . The name of the corporation is: FILE4WARD SOFTWARE, INC. Second . It's principal office in the state of Nevada is l ocated at 251 Jeanell Dr. Suite 3, Carson City, NV 89703, although this Corporation may maintain an office, or offices, in such other place within or without the state of Nevada as may from time to time be designated by the Board of Directors, or by the by - laws of said Corporation, and that this Corporation may conduct all Corporation business of every kind and nature, including the holding of all meetings of Directors and Stockholders, outside the State of Nevada as well as within the State of Nevada. Third. The objects for which this Corporation i s formed are: To engage in any lawful activity, including, but not limited to the following: (A) Shall have such rights, privileges and powers as may be conferred upon cor p orations by any existing law. (8) May at any time exercise such rights, privileges and powers, when not inconsistent with the purposes and objects for which this corporat i on is organized. (C) S h al l have power to have succession by its corporate name for the period limited in its certificate or articles of incorporation, and when no period i s ii mi t ed, perpetually, or until dissolved and its affairs wound up according to law . (D) Shall have power to sue and be sued in any court oflaw or equ i ty. (E) S h al l have po, \ er to make contracts. (f) Shall han:: power to ho l d , purchase and convey real and personal es t ate and mortgage or lease any such real and personal estate with its franchises. The power to hold real and personal estate sha ll inc l ude the power to take the same devise or bequest in th e State of ·evada, or any other state, territory or country. First . I If i I I • 1 r -

• (G) Shall have power to appo int such officers and agents as the affairs of the corporation shall require, and to allow them suitable compensation . (H) Shall have power to make by - laws not inconsistent with the constitution of the United States, or of the State of Nevada, for the managment , regulation and government of its affai r s and property, the transfer of its stock, the transaction of its business, and the calling and hold i ng of meet i ngs of its stockho ld ers. (I) Shall have power to w ind up and dissolve itself , or be wound up and dissolved. (J) Shall have power to adopt an d use a common s eal or sta mp on any corporate documents. The corporation _ma y use a seal or stamp, if it desires, but such non - use shall not in any way affe ct the legality of the document. (K) Shall have power to borrow money and contract debts when necessary for the transaction of its business, or for the exerc ise of i ts corporate rights, privi l eges or franchises , or for any other lawful purpose of its incorporation; to issue bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange , debentures, and other obligations and ev iden ces of indebtedness, payable upon the happening of a specified event or events, whethe r secured by mortgage, pledge, o r otherwise, or unsecured , fo r any other lawful object. (L) Shall ha ve power to guarantee, purchase , hold, sell, assign, transfer, mortgage, pledge or othe r wise dispose of the shares of the capital stock, or any bonds, secu rities or evidences of the indebtedness created by any other co rporation or corpo r ations of the State of Nevada, or any other state or government, and whi l e owners of such stock, bond s, securities or evidences of indebtedness, to exercise all the rights, powers and priv l eges of ownership, including the right to vote, if any. (M) Shall have power to purchase, hold , sell and transfer shares of its o,,·n capital stock, and use therefor its capital, capital surplus, s urplu s or o ther property o r fund . J II . - . 1 ·

I • (N) Shall have power to conduct business, have one or more offices, and hold, purchase, mortgage and convey real and personal property in the State of Nevada, and in any of the states territories, possessions and dependencies of the Unites States, the District of Columbia , and any foreign countries. (0) Shall have power to do all and everything necessary and proper for the accomplishment of the objects enumerated in its certificate or articles of incorporation, or any amendment therof, or necessary or incidental to the protection and benefit of the corporation, and, in general, to carry on any lawful business necessary or incidental to the attainment of the objects of the corporation, or any amendment thereof. (P) Shall have the power to make donations for the public welfare or charitable, scientific or educational purposes. (Q) Shall have the power to enter into partnerships, general or limited, or joint ventures, inconnection with any lawful activities. Fourth. The vo t ing common stock authorized that may be issued by the corporation i s SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND (75,000) shares of stock without nominal or par va l ue and no other class of stock shall be authorized. Said shares without nominal or par value may be issued by the corporation from time to time for such considerations as may be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors. Fifth. The governing body of the corporation shall be known as directors, and the number of directors may from time to time be increased or decreased in such a manner as sha ll be provided by the By - Laws of th i s Corporation , providing that the number of directors shall be reduced to n o less than one (I). The name and post office address of the first Board of Directors sha l l be one ( l) in number and listed as follows: NAME Deanna K. Kel l y POST OFFICE ADDRESS 251 Jeanell Dr. Suite 3 Carson City, NV 89703 Sixth . The capital stock, after the amount of the subscription price, or p a r value, has been paid in. shall not be subject to assessment to pay the debts of the corporation .

I • Seven t h. The name and post office address of the incorporator(s ) signing the Articles of Incorporation is as follows: Name Deanna K. Kelly Post Office Address 251 Jeanell Dr. Suite 3 Carson City, NV 89703 Eight h . The resident agent for this corporation shall be: CORPORATE ADVISORY SERVICE, INC. The address of said agent, and, the principal or statutory address of this corporation in the State of Nevada is: 251 Jeanell Dr. Suite 3 Carson City, NV 89703 The corporation i s to ha ve perpetual existence Tenth. In futherance an d not in limitation of the powers conferred by statu te , the Board of direc to rs is expressly authorized: Subject to the By - Laws, if any adopted by the stockholders, to make, alter or ame nd the By - Laws of the Corporation. To fix the amount to be reserved as working capital over and above i ts cap i ta l stock paid in; to authorize and cause to be executed, mortgages and le ins upon t he real and personal property of this corporation. By reso l ution passed by a maJority of the whole Board, to consist of one ( I ) or more committees , each committee to consist of one or more directors of the co rpora tion , which, to the extent provided in the resolution, or in the By - Laws of the Corporat ion , shal l h ave and may exercise the power s of the Board of Directors in the management of the business and affai r s of th e Co rpo ration. Such committee, or committees, sha ll have such name , or names, as may be stated in the By - Laws of the Corporation , or as may be determined from time t o time by resolution adopted by the board of Directors. - '.,. ...,._ . • .;,".>. - «'"" .Ir - _ I II

• When and as authorized by the affirmative vote of the Stockholders holding stock entitling them to exercise at least a majority of the voting power given at a Stockholders meeting called for the purpose, or when authorized by written consent of the holders of at least a majority of the voting stock issured and outstanding, the Board of directors shall have power and authority at any meeting to sell, lease or exchange all of the property and assets of the Corporation, including its good will and its corporate franchises, upon such terms and conditions as its Board of Directors deems expedient and for the best interests of the Corporation . Eleventh. No shar holder shall be entitled as a matter of right to subscribe for, or receive additional shares of any class of stock of the Corporation, whether now or hereafter authorized, or any bonds, debentures or securities convertible into stock may be issued or disposed of by the Board of Directors to such persons and on such terms as is in its discretion it shall deem advisable. Twelfth. No director or officer of the Corporation shall be personally liable to the Corporation or any of its stockhoiders for damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director or officer involving any act of omission of any such director or officer; provided, however, that the foregoing provision shall not eliminate or limit the liability of a director or officer (i) for acts or omissions which involve intentional misconduct, fraud or a knowing violation of the law, or (ii) the payment of dividends in violation of Section 78.300 of the Nevada Revised Statutes. Any repeal or modification of this Article by the stockholders of the Corporation shall be prospective only, and shali not adversely affect any limitation on the personal liability or a director or officer of the Corporation for acts or omissions prior to such repeal or modification . Thfrteenth. This Corporation reserves the right to amend, alter, change, in any manner now or hereafter prescribed by the statute, or by the Articles of Incorporation, and all rights conferred upon Stockholders herein are granted subject to this reservation. l., . . , - . • "" l:<l?".,..,""!'i"<{:."""' I I •. li

• I, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the Incorporator Herein before named for the purpose of fanning a Corporation pursuant to the General Corporation Law of the State of Nevada, do make and file these Articles of Incorporation, hereby declaring and certifying that the facts herein are true , and accordingly have hereunto set my hand this 5th . day of January, 2005. Corporate Advisory Service, Inc. does hereby accept as Resident Agent for the previously named Corporation. By Deanna K . Kelly, Manager llll 11 I I I

CHeg< QNLV II - APB,ICAB \ E . . . . . . , - - . . . ... .. .. .. ' '. · ' . ,, . . . D Thli corporallon le a publlclytnlcled c;apor.11on. TheCentral KW number Is: ... . . , .. ,._ .. _ ............ - - .. , .... ,. .... ,,_, D This publicly traded colpO!alion i s not 11qulred to have a Central lnd1x t<e num . TITL!(S) NAME (OR E.QUIVALl:N'r Or) PRESIDENT LMO:SU&ln sr ZlP CITY s er ADDRESS PO BOX NV 89703 Carson City 251 Jearlell Dr. Ste 3 Tl'l'l.e{S) NAME (OR !QUIVAU:NT OF) SECRETARY UvtoSusln ST ZIP OITY STREET AbOMSS PO BOX NV 8'1703 Canon City %$1 Je m•ll Dr . , Ste 3 (OK cQUNALENT OF) TITtE(Sl TREASURER · , NA.MF. LMoSusln ST Z f' . CTTY $TREETAODRES! PO BOX NV 89703 Carson City 251 Jeanefl Dr. , St. 3 Till.E I S ) DIRECTOR NAME UVloSusln ST ZIP CITY S'm!ET ADDRESS PO BOX NV 89703 ClnonClty 251 Jl8nell Dr., Ste 3 , ' ' FILEfqUMBER (PROFITJINITIAL LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND RESIDENT AGENT OF File4ward Software, Inc. (Nerre al Cotpol'adOA) FOR THE f'ILING P!RIOO January 200S To Jenuacy 2006 'lhtCG!pQlll!IIRll<h ,10llllhlld ,....,. ln - -- •f - lllllllOQIIWIOIII .,_ 11111111 - IC _, _ 1/G/20 0 .. . 5 ff/ C320 - 2005 COrtPORATE ADVISORY SERVICE, INC . 251 JEANEU. DR., STE 3 CARSON CITY NV 89703 Ƒ CH£1Cfl00Cl'"l0U R!QIMU!Af'(lall 10 .. DA'l'! \ 'Olll Al!IIOIHT AIM!NT l'IOM Entity Number Document Numbe r 20050038664 - 34 F i l ed in the office of - oo - 7/tL Dean Heller Secreta1y of S t ate S t ate of Nevada Filing Date and Time 02/08/2005 12:09 PM C320 - 2005 l'OkMWILL 8 Nn \ lMl!E> N' UNSIONElc,. 2.. 'tlhlH1111 addlUOtW dhcUll1I Mlac:h II lbl 1118111IO !Nafoml. l, fwllll1'l 111111 furm .. - i 1ttO ,,25.00 llllng fw, f. 175.00 penally l1IJllt bl ldda4 lot r.aure lo,.. lhNI tum, bythe l ul dty or 11111ftrll IID'llh tlll ln llonnl'l lhl realalnlllcl1 "<jilt, 1hllu.11l111.. ' +. Milllc lW i:r.eci,. to t,o s... - , Of s•1a. Yw cd dledc 11111 oone,auio II ca1111 11t IO lllllll \ llSp• NM Te, 1GII, If you n.s a receipt. rallm P811• a 0111111C11an1 it/9 - PH A seLF+OPAWliP !!Mff P !!itiYELOPE , Tg , - i .... wa!ltd oopy. rdOH a G0PY vf hit co wm. 1111 addltonal '10.00 ind •...r•i. '"• ons. I . RaM11 lhe torm to; Slcntlr, f,I ljtf,le, 2Q2 Nol1h Can;oii SV.llt, CMo,I City, NV8117D1 - 42111, (T7S) liM - fl'OI, . · . . a .... 11111... L uc tn.... p.;,o,N.. IOn Cl Iha :i.........,, qi Q.ok ., bolorci lho 111111da.r ol llo llrcl manlh lall"1llnll.,. l IMA1111111111IIIQldnlHon dalo.( Postmarfc dllle I•.,.. - 01!1' M 1 - ir 1 !!bit•) Fom111 anarclull dalil 11111111. - .Mllld IOY adllllCIIIIIJ flllSllnd p11n11llla. n \ 15 A80Vi $PACE l'IUI - C CJl - t - lt;t:. u:;1:. UNLY Important lttstnlDllons belbre c,ompldng and ,eturntng th/1 to,m, 1 . P'nnl or i) - !I• nlllfC'$andId allhllr ielcnCe or bUllnMS for ti! ., - io1.tlrllClorl, Apmld«lt, 1 . 1111a111111$1one lliedor mat b4' nan - ed - Ha"' an Olllcll &IQII Ire IOOTI 1 t!H:IM'!, in 'tie beat d my knowledge. tNet i:ienalty of rie \ A'Y. that the aboVa rnentierled entltv his Cl0mllied with hi p,Jvilsions rA NRS300,760 and aclulov.iedge thlll pursuan1tcHRS 239 . 330, Jt 16 a CaleOOtY C felonyIOknowinglyoffer any false ot lorgod lnslNmenl In lflcl Offlee of the Sectetsry of Stat.. FILING Fiii: $125 , 00 LATE PENALTY: $76.00 TIUG

Document Number 20050004158 - 95 F i led in the office of -- f»_'7t1,L Dean Heller Secretaty of State State of Nevada Filing Date and Time 03/08/2005 4:57 PM Entity Number C320 - 2005 • DEAN HELLER Secretary of State 204 North Carson Street, Suite 1 Carson City, Nevada 89701 - 4299 ( 775 ) 684 5708 Website : secretaryofstate . biz Certificate of Amendment (PURSUANT TO NRS 78 .380) Important: Read attached instructions before completing form. ABOVE SPACE IS FOROFFICE USE ONl Y Certificate of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation For Nevada Profit Corporations (Pursuant to NRS 78.380 - Before Issuance of Stock) r 1 ·· · . · - Name of corpor a .. t · i • o •· n: j FILE4WARD SOFTWARE, I NC. I I 2. The articles have been amended as follows (p rovide article numbers, if available): i FOURTH. That the voting commo - ;t k;ho;i d - th; may be issued by t he corporation is ONE H U N D R 7 ED \ MILLION (100,000,000) shares of stock with a nominal or par value of .0001 and no other class of stock shall be authorized. Said shares w ith a nominal or par va lue may be issued b y the corporation from tim e to t i me for such considerations as may be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors. 3. The undersigned dec l are that they constitute at least two - thirds of the incorporators the board of directors D (check one box only) 4. Effective date of filing (optional): L .. · - - -- , - -- c - - c · - = - : - - ,,....,,...... - - = - - .,...,..,,, - ,, - . - --- - - J (must not be la ter than Ill) daysafter thecertificale Is filed) 5. The undersigned affirmatively declare that to the date of this certificate, no stock of the corporation has been issued . ! J : [KL orof ,/ · Si g 7 Signature . * If more than two signatures, attach an 8 1/2x 11 plain sheet with the additional signatures. IMPORTANT: Failure to include any of the above information and submit the proper fees may cause this filing to be rejected. This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees. See attached fee schedule. Nevada ary of State Amend 78.380 2003 Revised on: 10/30103

;, DEAN HELLER Secretary of State 204 North Carson Street, Suite 1 Carson City, Nevada 89701 - 4299 ( 775 ) 684 5708 Website : secretaryofstate . biz Certificate of Amendment (PURSUANT TO NRS 78.380) Entity Number Document N um b er 20050065076 - 81 Filed in the office of - or. - '7/ttL Dean Heller Secreta1y of State State of Nevada Filing Date and T i me 03/16/2005 11 : 06 AM C320 - 2005 Important: Read attached Instructions before completing form. ABOVE SPACE IS FOR OFFICEUSE ONLY Certificate of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation For Nevada Profit Corporations (Pursuant to NRS 78.380 - Before Issuance of Siock) 1. Name of corp _ oratiq_ : ! FILE4WARD SOFTWARE, INC. ! - . - . . - - ·· --- - ........ - · -- - .. - . - 2 T h . e articles have been amended as follows (provide article numbers, if available): I r IRST. i i I i i i I ! Th e nam e of the corporation is : RNS SOFTWARE IN C . the board of directors D (check one box only) - ' 3. The undersigned declare that they constitute at least two - thirds of the incorporators [Kl , or of 4. Effective date of filing (optional): (must ootbe iii iei lhan OOday, altar Iha cert,licat& IS filed) 5. The undersigned affirmatively declare that to the date of this certificate, no stock of the corporation has been issued. 6. S tures _ : < , - - L - 7/ Signatur Signature * If more than two signatures , attach an 8 1 /2x 11 plain sheet with the additional signatures . IMPORTANT: Failure to include any of the above information and submit the proper fees may cause this filing to be rejected . This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees . S98 attached fee schedule. Nevada Secrata,y of State Amend 78.380 2003 Rev!Ged on : 10130 1 03

i ,1; 1 1ill' lli ! li f t J \ tl,lilil l J lltliilf li l t iiilll/l 1111111111111111 T::: :: : . . :::::i m ::.,:: :m . 007. DU E B Y JA N 31, 2006. s,ato of N4.>vado upon whom proC"OH t!lnb.r sorved : Document N umb er 20060055650 - 59 Filed in the office of '/,a,_ Dean Heller Secretary of State State of Nevada filing Date and Time 01/30/2006 8 : 28 AM Entity Number C320 - 2005 CORPORA F. ADVTSORY SERVICE INC 251 JEANELL DRIVE # - 3 CARSON CITY NV H970J f'ILltlO FEE : [ · - -- i 7 5 ! THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR or - FlCE USE ON \ . Y 0 , rl'it AUUV.! 1Nl"O/'l!',14T10t, i::I tNCOA;ltof;r. Pi.1./ \ !H; t::1 - f:::'.CI( '041!': BOX ANO A CHAN .IE OF nl:'. IOENT A· :lf.NT / J \ :. - li}f - 1£S Fvf1M Will QE SENT. PLE A SE: A5A0 lfl!l - n:IUCT J ON9 S EF Ol'l c t:OMl'LEl!NQ MO R ETUF \ N I Nt. THl9 FORM. 1. l erctts th• namo lll'IQ a<idr M. 9r< <>r 1 e 1 000 ,· u, lAt6inq_., to, '!Ill 011100,0 :sn• ,:t ;rocto, - , . A P r A 11 fo ,;nt , Socrota!'l'. Tree&urtr, •• tqulvolont 0111nd e!I 01roc1"fW tnu" b& nt1111' - d. rn11r • mu t be 111"' " " or,(I o !r o ct .;, 1. c s: yofi(s 1ntorn111t1on mny ) 11,ve b&l!'n pu,p r l nt.Jd, If you r.;iod to IMK cila ng11 l , cron out Iha :n rr11e1111:ormatlor, 111 \ d lniort, :,,,. r, .iw i"1or,r, •1c n at;vo - An ofif.:tt 11 •5' HJ'l lh e !Orm . FOAM Will BE RETURNED If UN S l ONED . 7. . II IMI!> are Ŷ 0.:)111? n!ll lli,.. ,tvre , , . .,•, ch6 IIM "' ' , 1 \ 01 '! \ l e, :h l a fo t m . l R81 \ lrn t h co/ \ ' \ l)tt1tod lorrn with uw !:ling tu - ;hown abovo . A $7S ponalty mu,I b4 aC1dt1(1 f<>r la llu rQ to fill' ihli lorrn b"f tho d&a d "n1;1 . An 1 nnu 1 1 list rl!'<:ot,1l'C1 mor• tnan 90 rJ•y• be:,, Its du .;a1 ,h , a ll bt> Oll'lll:1.in tmonde<! t i sl to r 1/!G provlou, yea r - Mok11yvu r ,h k pbyab l • to tho t.11c,r •ry el tM• . Tt> u,e.,ll,11 ii c4rtnl. - .:S copy . onclou an ;,ddttlOl \ 11 S - 3O.OO and "PP'"l''r.it11 l nstru e1 l o n , . S , Retuff \ th$ com t adTo rmto : Secrct;)ry of S t Q . 20:iN . CQr on St.. C;ir1on Cit'/. NV 89701 - 4201. (775) 8 64 - 5701! . C . rom, rrust bQ in 111 n 0 osslo n o 1 : l1,i,so11e, ry of 61:lt on ƒ ' b11toro the l a&t day of t he month In wh l h r. ! s dltt> . (Postmarll Jate Is not accepted a, r l'IJH d ale . ) Forrm ••N11lvtt<1 ah"'r ,J,..,, det11 w i ll I><> 1< - IIHM<i to r Q e,tnl" "' f.ou " d penall1", FILING FEE • An SHOWN ABOVE PENAL TV : $7'.00 Qt( AS Cfl;,4v "JI ,r
08/05/1992 15:11 6047311985 MODENA ROSSA PAGE 03 WJl 1 ,:0Ft1e1::11v••t l!i l - l 4 ! j f ii NS SOFTWAai INC. FOR THE PERIOD JAN 2007 To · 2ooe. DU£ BY JAN 31, 2007. The Corpora.Hon's duly appolntod rulo.M agam In thl! 6 \ tl• of v1cta "l)OI \ wllom procq - .1 r.9'l b ,.r.,vJ Ill : CORPORATE ADVISORY SERVICE INC 251 JEANF.tt DRIVE #3 CA1'.80N CTT•( NV 89703 1111111111111111 Document Number 2007007 4657 - 48 Filed in the office of , .;y Ross Miller Secretary of State State of Nevada F i l i ng Dat e and Time 01/30/2007 8:07 AM Entity Number C320 - 2005 ** PLEASE NOT!: YOU MAY NOW FILE YOUR ANNUAL LlST ONT,TNE AT WWW . F - EC'RETMYOFS't'ATE. BIZ ** RI INGJII : D 1r TtlC: A90YI: lfoll'ORMATIOM 111 •• l";"<::,RR ,:'T , flU! !H H"Ck THIS 901( ANO A l::HA Clt 0 IIE'StOF.NY AOF NT , t.Ooflrs, FORM wtl.1,. fl SINT . !"I.IA&, Ru,bINS"'UCTION5 lli.F0111£ COMl"u:TIIIIQ AHO .. ,TV,.. •11110 lHlt ,o P!M , ' · ln<.&><M .... n - · ••u• ......... .. . ob. , .. - ; ti (' MO ., 1><, - 1n ... . ,, .. · o•o ........ - Oro A "''"'"''"'· s.e. - ..rv . Tr.. ...ir.,. or •1111 11t Ŷ i.m of •i, d •I I n,, _ • • , ""'; : l )Q named Tllono IN&I bf a! li!'•nt OM dl1 11e \ 1 L HI yHr'; !n!orrr - liOn ma 1 , av bqonprwprtnted . llyo ,1 nesci to moke tll e ngaa , .:..on 11 \ 111h11 lncc,nt!d 11110 11 0 1 n 1 <l • H - 1 1 the 11 1 nto 11111fton •b¢vE1 i i An offtu, ,.,u !,19n.,,, 10 1 m. ,c" wn.L 811/: RliT \ J,.,N!O IF t.,,i$1GMHD . - 11th - or• culdffl""•' ,1 1 ,..,,,,,,. Al')o• • 11111 ol !ll•m lo this !Offll , 3 R11t111n111,CO lo 1 m wnh Ill• •1 1' \ 9 Hte 1; i ow n :illo v t A$7S p,nalty l'l'A.l!tt 1.l1<it<I tor f•t - 1. - .10 llo 11111 !Orm by tht dtalll ln e . M e 1tn1.1 a l Mat ' •1Vt<l lf4MJll:,n 901 - ! · , , be!ort It; QUO dat. '"'' MdHIMd II lr.! IIQA<I n , t for Ille p r ev.. , , y93 r , • M ., Y..,r.,Mcl< p• y • b,. !o 11 \ t ,..,. - .t rf ..f "'"'P T Nlt.,>tl/"' • c1>111fted COP \ I t n IO s• 1 n addlflon1I .t30 . 00 a"d 3Jlllropriel9 1n ,1111 U on1 . 5 . A !lltt, the co,.,,191od lo, m lo : Stereta,y 11/ tat/I, :::oa: N. ca on St. , Carso City, NV 89'101•4201 , (77S) (;IJ4 - S10I . ' · F""" m 1 11 1 b4 In ,,, .. po,, .. n r o or • fl :<:!>(•• 1ry gf 8181t 011 o, MI014 th ,,,,, d 01 flit mi:,nth Inwh h )I I ) d l.l ll . (Pottmtrlc date nol cc11plQd "' t•t, 1 1)1 cl,}!:, i <c;, : ·,v f Ƈ O. l vll d oftor Oh(' .i:, t ,: - wt:l btl : tJt - .• : , • i;, - t :it1tf"",. :,I ' "" ,,.,.,M ,._,,.s •l. - t Flllkt \ FEE • AS$HOWN A80Vli THE ABOVE S!>ACE IS FOR OFICF. USf.ONLY Check 11 thal epp ly : 0 This corpon1tion 11 .i publicly traded cor p1>ration . If so, Centrll Index Key number is: 0 Thi, publioly•ttaded eorpor.ition I s not required to hiwe a Central Index Key number . r. - ! , ti . · · · · - · - · · - w - J . 89703 · - · ·· ··· · - · KS

Document Number 20080137964 - 20 Filed in the office of Filing Date and Time , • IY 02/25/2008 9:39 AM Ross Miller Secretary of State State of Nevada Entity Number C320 - 2005 01/13/1993 05 : 04 • 6047311985 MODENA ROSSA cD<P(J..?ATE CFFICE P AG E 01 (PAOFlt)ANNUAL LIST OF OFFICERS, OtRECTORS ANO RESIDENT' AGENT OF RN8 SOFTWARE INC . {Hawe of Oci'P!H'alian) roR TH E FILINO PERIOD January 2008To J ry 2009 BUDGET CORP 20IO RUSSETT WAY CAMON CITY NV lt70a Toll fille (118)2T4 - 1130 , - • 131S .. -- ._. _,.,.,, .,..., ,......,,.,..._ Ul!II! 91.AC:t< IHK Ollll. Y • DO f«)THIIHUCIHT FN: taoo PAGE 01/0 :l." F I LE NUMBER C32.D - 2DO I ' - WL,r - ;r:, L - A.......,_.. , . ......._ .._........ ian .. '(VII! ,. 11 .............._.._••.,................ > . AIIUlnllta• fenll - lWI - MO ,F .. I .... - -- - ..................... _,.. ..., - """' - 4('.t,ti,aarru et t: ie Ŷ I , ............... '"'"'.,.""'.....,.,.,_u - c .,..,. .. , , . . ,. , .. ......_,.....,_..,y..,.. t,, h , f --- . 'l'Ow.,..._..,_,.. , ... .........1 - .,._,_.._?& . 153 . fl!IV , - .. - ,IJ)Q - III I - H C . c . , p . 1 . 1 . t l - l ,... . " _. . ' , _ " , _ " lil ! ' l d l w : d t l • !e f - ' J . . - ' . - _, - . . . . _ . • . • . . . . . . . . . , . _ . . . ,. . , . , . T . b . _ . . • .. . 1 . . 1 - a . . . r . . - ., - .. . . , , - - H t!, - A - ,._,.cf• O. h_,,.,..IIM!lll,r3 c,!,.... . ,otPb910..,,,........c;._.. ,IN Mll».4»1 ,('t11) ..,, - , . - ...... ·· · · F I · LI N · G - f - il l!!; : M ettOWN AaOVe L.ATI ! , f l . Ŷ . N ; A , l . . ' . m . ; $ . T . l. G , . O :.. · ·· - · ·. C - thlll : 0 Th eoerpl)tlllun l a a pub ll cly - traded corporation. ff ao, Centrallndelc' Kay number 18: _ D Th i s publldy - thldedoorporation '8 not requn,ct lo have._ Centra,Ired• Kev number . NAME Livt SU9ln Tm.E'4S> PRESIDENT a1'Y SI' Cal'ao n C9 ' . Y .... , NV _ 81703 Fltl80X At>ME88 i - - - ----- - - 2 - 0 . 9 0 - _ R · . . u . . .et M We ZIP - Ltvlo SU91n SECRETARY POIIOX aTY ST -- - - ::;; 20SO=..:.R;.;;11Me tt . WaJ .: ..: :x.. - -------- Ca="' ƒ "= .;.. C .; :;. i!Y --- - NV --- - 11'7 ;... ;_. 03 -- - · - TREASURER 1 - --- - .. - - Llvio Sualn ifflt!l!T esw RuaseftWay PO,OX Q, - Clty TTT1.E(S) DIRECTOR N PO Livio Susln S'f'lleaT ,'l)aRl!IIB 219DRUNettWay cat9o11Clly J!lf' NV - --- - lf f - 03 - - - ST NV PO TITLE(8) D \ RECTOR etrY S'ffltifiT ADOA1588 20!J0Ru11Mtt:Way ff NV 81703

· - · PAGE 03 06/13/2003 01:15 • 18014150051 THE VINCENT GROLP 20080354324 - 81 Document Number F i - led in the office of Ross Miller Secretary of State State of Nevada Filing Date and Time 05/23/2008 4:04 PM Entity Number C320 - 2005 Certffl'f;ate of Amendment (PURSUANT TONRS 78 AND 78.300) - 1"1CCIII - Y•DONOttmNI.IGIIT AIOW'# - - •Foao,,,ca O&'l C,rtlflcata pf AmlQdmant tp . Arth;IH of p;orpqratlog Fof Bmcll PNft Carpprallonf '(Plnmnf'tD NRS 78.315 and 71.390 - . After llluance of Stock) 1.Name of : .' ltNS SQll'l'W ill. INC. 2. Tha tticl• - been ameodedas follows (pt'ovlde article numbers. if avallable): ! PIRST . _ Tbe Mme (lithe on ;a: HCl'IGAfll TBCHNOLOO - Y, .INC . : JilOUK T ' H D . llt 1fl s · vodn s comcnon stoclt tvdlormd cbat 11111 be issued t,y thecvrpontlon is 'I11MB JmNDRBI> · f MILUON' . (300,000,00I; · ) - ) - OU w i lh a l'IOll \ h1&1 par vat,e ot .0001 and no olfJer d• of nock shalt bta mhl>iaecl . S.id , ..._ wfcb - aoonmdorpirvalue may be ijy cfle. ftorn time to dfnc for sud! • ! bl! . a,,n time tb tJrnc bylhe _ bnlof» · 3 , 11fe by Wh _ lc t tl he . stockholders hokring · .shlres in the oorporation entttfing them to exen::ise at - . . a majbl1(y of '1he vcttng power, or such greater propo,tfQn of the volingpower n may be reQUlted lb·1he of . a vote by ctasses or series, - or as may be required by - J>!Y of the 48,44 nn,,s.s28,.ffl . ; a . i'ticles af lnoorporatfon have voted In favor of' th& 1me'ndment is: 4 . . Effedlve date of fiflhg . ( _ opflGnal}: 5. Offlcer SignatuM (Reqund}: 11 f ti!,yP"ll)ONd -- or ε M p i refnnce o, eny relative« . righl Mrtl'f/ clM8 oc.. - d .,_, 1flwt . fheamencrm.nt n'lll1t lillepjJroved i,y the ""'9, in addll!orl to 1M •fflfm vat. Offlenril• fAthe . II st.. i9PiW!Mllln0 11 . llf voe t,OWer or elCh c:laes or Sel'lel lffldlld t,y the amendtnelt ,. .. cif lkllltalof'le - o. . l'lltrlclons Cf'I 111a vottn;J)Olitrer lflereci 'IMPORTANT: Falk.Ire to fnclude .any of the above Information . and subm1t the proper - fees may cause thts · flfi to b& rtjecied.

Document Number 20090637297 - 65 Filed in the office of , F ili ng Date and T i me 08/25/2009 10:30 AM Ross Miller Secretary of State State of Nevada Entity Number C320 - 2005 .._(pf1() 1]) .A A L_ l l"() - () IC:: f1 ' q lf1 C::"f()f1 _J \ 9_f1 (31 "f f1 q_l \ (3 • HOTGATETECHNOLOGY,INC. (Name of Corporation) "f _()F FILE NUMBER • C320 - 2005 FOR THE FILING PERIOD AMERICAN CORPORATE ENTERPRISES, INC. 123 WEST NYE LN STE 129 CARSON CITY, NV 89706 USA 1. Print or type names and addresses either residence or business, for all officers and directors. A President, Secretary, Treasurer, or equivalent of and all Directors and all directors must be named. Have anofficer sign the form. :=:vrn,,. \ Vi'll.BE :REr?}flt - H:D ;.c Ut - Jrn:;1 if..D 2. If there are aldrrbnal directors anach a list of them to this form 3. Return the completed to" with the filing fee. A $75.00 penalty must be added for failureto filethis form by the deadline. An annual list received morethan 90days before its duedate shallbe deemed an amended list for the previous year. 4. Make your chock payable to the Secretary of Stare. Yourcancelled chock willconstitute a cen!icare to transact businessper NIRS 78.155. To receive a cenified copy,encbse an additbnal $30.00 and appropriate instructions. 5. Return the completed form to: Secretary of Stare, 202 NonhCarson Street, Carson Crry, NV 897014201, 1775) 684 - 5708. 6. Form must be in the possession of the Secretary of Stateon or before thelast day of the month inwhich it Ls due,!Postmark date is not accepted as receipt date.) Forms received after due datewill be returned for aci:Htional fees ard penalties. CHECK ONLY IF APPLICABLE D This corporation is a publicly traded corporation. The Central Index Key number is: D This publicly traded corporation is not required to have a Central Index Key number. PRESIDENT (OREQUIVALENTOF) SECRETARY (OR EQUIVALENT OF) R EQUIVALENT OF) St Zip DIRECTOR CITY St Zip i - :J : - :J&:rt•, tc• t!··:f:·bi: - ..t r: - f rt:•/ kr cw:t<lqf:· iPClt•:· p ::1:5:t;' c: - f pt•:·jt1:· . thHt tht• :.bc: - v0 m0: - - :t::;: - - :0d0: - - :fay il'.5.. - ::.c•:·t:pi: - sc w:t!··: thf:• p:· - ::.. - .·.:s:cn: ::of ...J ::{t; me.nm f:.:··:u Hckr cw:f:<:qt• th :.t pt1:·..tif:.:··:t tc: N::; 2 r J.. :;. i :· :. c . gcrf C - :cr :i tc - k: - - ::;wir·:q: 1 f .::,ff :::5:1y f 0s •:: - :1 - ::,:ge.:J :r·:t.i:"ti;":": :":tfer iiir·:q:r 1.h Cffi::xz c;"in :1 SGe: i:5:y •:l '.:5'. :. ............................ X Sig nature of Officer JEFFREY L LEE Title. ASSOCIATE Date.8125/2009 1 0:18:00·· AM

(PROFIT) ANNUAL LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND REGISTERED AGENT OF • HOTGATE TECHNOLOGY, INC. FILE NUMBER TITLE(S) DIRECTOR WONG LI LI ,'1.[)DFl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - HOOM 1602, AITKEN VANSON CENTRE, 61 HOI YUEN RD. , HK ADDRESS NAME ............................................................................................................................. ... .............. ADDRESS

Document Number 20090640483 - 96 Filed in the office of , F ili ng Date and T i me 08/26/2009 9:24 AM Ross Miller Secretary of State State of Nevada Entity Number C320 - 2005 .._(pf1() 1]) .A A L_ l l"() - () IC:: f1 ' q lf1 C::"f()f1 _J \ 9_f1 (31 "f f1 q_l \ (3 • HOTGATETECHNOLOGY,INC. (Name of Corporation) "f _()F FILE NUMBER • C320 - 2005 FOR THE FILING PERIOD AMERICAN CORPORATE ENTERPRISES, INC. 123 WEST NYE LN STE 129 CARSON CITY, NV 89706 USA 1. Print or type names and addresses either residence or business, for all officers and directors. A President, Secretary, Treasurer, or equivalent of and all Directors and all directors must be named. Have anofficer sign the form. :=:vrn,,. \ Vi'll.BE :REr?}flt - H:D ;.c Ut - Jrn:;1 if..D 2. If there are aldrrbnal directors anach a list of them to this form 3. Return the completed to" with the filing fee. A $75.00 penalty must be added for failureto filethis form by the deadline. An annual list received morethan 90days before its duedate shallbe deemed an amended list for the previous year. 4. Make your chock payable to the Secretary of Stare. Yourcancelled chock willconstitute a cen!icare to transact businessper NIRS 78.155. To receive a cenified copy,encbse an additbnal $30.00 and appropriate instructions. 5. Return the completed form to: Secretary of Stare, 202 NonhCarson Street, Carson Crry, NV 897014201, 1775) 684 - 5708. 6. Form must be in the possession of the Secretary of Stateon or before thelast day of the month inwhich it Ls due,!Postmark date is not accepted as receipt date.) Forms received after due datewill be returned for aci:Htional fees ard penalties. CHECK ONLY IF APPLICABLE D This corporation is a publicly traded corporation. The Central Index Key number is: D This publicly traded corporation is not required to have a Central Index Key number. PRESIDENT (OREQUIVALENTOF) SECRETARY (OR EQUIVALENT OF) R EQUIVALENT OF) St Zip DIRECTOR CITY St Zip i - :J : - :J&:rt•, tc• t!··:f:·bi: - ..t r: - f rt:•/ kr cw:t<lqf:· iPClt•:· p ::1:5:t;' c: - f pt•:·jt1:· . thHt tht• :.bc: - v0 m0: - - :t::;: - - :0d0: - - :fay il'.5.. - ::.c•:·t:pi: - sc w:t!··: thf:• p:· - ::.. - .·.:s:cn: ::of ...J ::{t; me.nm :.:··:u Hckr cw:f:<:qt• th :.t pt1:·..ti :.:··:t tc: N::; 2 r J.. :;. i :· :. c . gcrf C - :cr :i tc - k: - - ::;wir·:q: 1 f .::,ff :::5:1y f 0s •:: - :1 - ::,:ge.:J :r·:t.i:"ti;":": :":tfer iiir·:q:r 1.h Cffi::xz c;" in : SGe: i:5:y •:l '.:5'. :. X Sig nature of Officer JEFFREY L LEE ............................ Title. ASSOCIATE . ................................... Date. 8/26/2009 921:14 AM

(PROFIT) ANNUAL LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND REGISTERED AGENT OF • HOTGATE TECHNOLOGY, INC. FILE NUMBER ADDRESS NAME ............................................................................................................................. ... .............. ADDRESS

Document Number 20090643285 - 59 Filed in the office of , F ili ng Date and T i me 08/27/2009 9:20 AM Ross Miller Secretary of State State of Nevada Entity Number C320 - 2005 .._(pf1() 1]) .A A L_ l l"() - () IC:: f1 ' q lf1 C::"f()f1 _J \ 9_f1 (31 "f f1 q_l \ (3 • HOTGATETECHNOLOGY,INC. (Name of Corporation) "f _()F FILE NUMBER • C320 - 2005 FOR THE FILING PERIOD AMERICAN CORPORATE ENTERPRISES, INC. 123 WEST NYE LN STE 129 CARSON CITY, NV 89706 USA 1. Print or type names and addresses either residence or business, for all officers and directors. A President, Secretary, Treasurer, or equivalent of and all Directors and all directors must be named. Have anofficer sign the form. :=:vrn,,. \ Vi'll.BE :REr?}flt - H:D ;.c Ut - Jrn:;1 if..D 2. If there are aldrrbnal directors anach a list of them to this form 3. Return the completed to" with the filing fee. A $75.00 penalty must be added for failureto filethis form by the deadline. An annual list received morethan 90days before its duedate shallbe deemed an amended list for the previous year. 4. Make your chock payable to the Secretary of Stare. Yourcancelled chock willconstitute a cen!icare to transact businessper NIRS 78.155. To receive a cenified copy,encbse an additbnal $30.00 and appropriate instructions. 5. Return the completed form to: Secretary of Stare, 202 NonhCarson Street, Carson Crry, NV 897014201, 1775) 684 - 5708. 6. Form must be in the possession of the Secretary of Stateon or before thelast day of the month inwhich it Ls due,!Postmark date is not accepted as receipt date.) Forms received after due datewill be returned for aci:Htional fees ard penalties. CHECK ONLY IF APPLICABLE D This corporation is a publicly traded corporation. The Central Index Key number is: D This publicly traded corporation is not required to have a Central Index Key number. PRESIDENT (OREQUIVALENTOF) SECRETARY (OR EQUIVALENT OF) R EQUIVALENT OF) St Zip DIRECTOR CITY St Zip i - :J : - :J&:rt•, tc• t!··:f:·bi: - ..t r: - f rt:•/ kr cw:t<lqf:· iPClt•:· p ::1:5:t;' c: - f pt•:·jt1:· . thHt tht• :.bc: - v0 m0: - - :t::;: - - :0d0: - - :fay il'.5.. - ::.c•:·t:pi: - sc w:t!··: thf:• p:· - ::.. - .·.:s:cn: ::of ...J ::{t; me.nm f:.:··:u Hckr cw:f:<:qt• th :.t pt1:·..tif:.:··:t tc: N::; 2 r J.. :;. i :· :. c . gcrf C - :cr :i tc - k: - - ::;wir·:q: 1 f .::,ff :::5:1y f 0s •:: - :1 - ::,:ge.:J :r·:t.i:"ti;":": :":tfer iiir·:q:r 1.h Cffi::xz c;"in :1 SGe: i:5:y •:l '.:5'. :. X Sig nature of Officer JEFFREY L LEE ............................ Title. ASSOCIATE . ................................... Date. 8/27/2009 9:16:50 AM

(PROFIT) ANNUAL LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND REGISTERED AGENT OF • HOTGATE TECHNOLOGY, INC. FILE NUMBER TITLE(S) DIRECTOR MICHAEL YANG ,'1.[)DFl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - HOOM 1602, AITKEN VANSON CENTRE, 61 HOI YUEN RD. , HK ADDRESS NAME ............................................................................................................................. ... .............. ADDRESS

Ju 1. 2 3. 2010 3 : 19PM No. 1 144 P. 3 FILE NUMBER 0 (PROFIT) ANNUAL UST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND REGISTERED AGENT AND , . S T . . A , T .. . E .... . B .. . U ... • S . . _ I . N .. . E .. . S .. . S . . ' L - . I . . C .. . E ... . N . . . S .. . E . . .. . A .. . P . . . P . . . L . . . I . C . . . . A . . . T .. . I . O ... . N . . . , O .. . . F . . . : .. . .. .. ... ... . ..... . .. . . . . . ·~· - - · - · ......,_,,_,···· - · .. . · . . - · · ,_ .. , .... ..........•.. . . .....................' ' . . . . . . . ... . . .. .. . . ..... .J . . ... P20 :Z005 ƒ I 1111 1 lllf l 11 1111 1 1 1 1 11111 1 Dl l 1 1 1 1 HOTGATETECHNOLOGY, INC. NAAII; OF CORPOAATION . · .·. - .·.. . . ····· ... · . · ··· . ···· · .. . ·....· . . · · · · . · · · ··. ...........·· - ··. .. . . FOR'l'HE Pet(lot>Of . ' ... . ... . . .. .. . =i - 'i .qi ·: .. · . :· · : TO ; .. ".2 . 1 II 011 ftll I II "YOUMAY FILEl ISFORM ONLINE AT www.nvsos.g ragliaer.d agent In 1hB Srala of Ne'lllda uponwlloln procesccan be Benled ia: AMERICAN CORPORATE ENTERPRISES, INC, 123 WEST NYELNSTE 129 CARSON CTIY, NV89706 A f0RM TOCHAHGe·REGISTEREO AGfHT'1NirORMATION IS FOUND AT: 'WWW:nvsos ai ........... ,. Document Number 20100546695 - 88 Filed in the office of , Filing Date and Time 07/23/2010 2:00 PM Ross Miller En t i t y Number C320 - 2005 Secretary of State S t ate of Nevada OH Bl.ACK DI( ata..Y • DONOT HIGKI.JGfff' A8<Ne SPACalS 11Cm OFFICa: IJH ONi.Y D Retum one fie 5t8mped COP)'. (Ifft not accompanied by Older lnslnJCltloha, Ille, aiamped a,py wlll be sant to realstarad ..,..t . ) IMPORTANT· Read mttrJclfcsM before oompltting ttnd mllfTllng this lbrm . 1. Prim or type nana1 and lldareS8e$. ..,,_ ralldanll• or bua&as, 101' 1111 onia..end A PrelidillM. s.. - ....y , T,.._..., 01 • of Mal Di<eetots mlllt ti. ,_,,_, ,,,_.iru.t bellllMtl OIW clndor, ArlQmee,ITIU5t9ign thsbm. FORM it1LLBERETtflNEDll'UHSIGNED. 2. If lheN art addlllonal cdolr&, alUdt• n.t Ill llttm 111 lllit form. 3. tum h COll'plelV farmIMlhlh& ffllna fae. Annual let TH Is lla&ld IIUl 1he cumn IDlal dlcriad 11Dckas uplllined .. .,. Annwil LIil F• SchecMt Far PfoRt Ct.!Pl'I - ..,.. A57S.OO peMty must be tldd,:d fvr fai1tn IP"• ltll$ folltl ,111,deacline. An w,nual kr raClliV8d rnon, - - d,)ls lls died.a lhllll be deamellan WM11ded Ill b' Iha previOIIS )'Wr. 4. &11110 busnw ..... fM 5 $310.00, etr.etivt 2/112010. $100,00 muw lldd9d Jor failure fo Illeloon by cleadllrlll. S. Mn ya,M dl8Gkllll)lllbleID Ole S10111twy of Slate. ll. 0nNdnA Coptw ; lfteq above, - Illa smmr,..i copy willbe iewrlled at no fldclllonal d,1199. 'l'o , - ,.,.• - 'J'oact aopy, ondos, an addaonal S30JJO par Dllfflicallon. Ac fae, or IJZ.00 par,. i. ror Mitt •Ulllonat gener Ŷ lld"1Mn Oidllring 2 ormore fie ltm11l'd or oenlfiad copi&a. Ajlptoprielt tillnlelion• - • - ,pell !,DIS ORW . 7. Relum 1M QllfflPleted ron,, 1o; of st.lilt , acn ltollh C&Bon sireet, c.i - City. Nevada 187111 - 4l.111, (77$) 81U70IS , 8. Form muet be in lhe Hlon al ltl9 Secremiy of 81818ooor before Iha II• day ot die monlh In whldl It la cm. ("Ollmlrk mia I• not u re,mpt dale.) l"orm, receN9d .... du Ŷ - blralumed for Ŷ ddlllon Ŷ l 1eea llldpllnlllile&. l'llura IO - --- - lilt and bU$ifleM l)cel)le ,_ Wi!l raaut In OIDltlQ, CH † CK PNI.X IE APPUQAilE Ƒ 0 Month .ndyearycurState BUtNM l.loehH : ···· - ·· ·· · ·· · ·· W9D.IW Examptipn Codes oode: !.. .. . ..... ..... _ ; 20 · \ '! 001 - GoV•mmenlall Enllty 002 - 501(c)NanprolltEnllty ·•· - · · - ·· - ·.. · ··" - - · ·· - ··· · · - · · · ··, 003 - Ham1MJ11a111cl Bu9iness Ƒ Thill cotpotatioo I•• plbllcly ooiparatlon. lha Cenltal lndaX nurnbari.; ..... .. . . . · . - · · · ·... j 005. Motion P \ cbn Coq,eny DOG - NRS IIIIOB,0201 Co. Pl.lr.uanl IDNRS, 11N lllflllty It exempt fiom the blllinR& IIDenH fff, : : ; ..: Ƒ This pubfkty tradedeorpc,ralon Is not raq \ Jlrad to haVII • Central Index Key r'IIJl'lll)at. • . .. .. . . · - ... . . .... .. .. . .. . .. .. - ·······••· ... _. ... - · ·· · .. .. .. ... . . . . . . ............. - ........ Tln.E(S) iYAN.SUAN . SAH. - .. . .. . .. . .. . ..... - .· - ·· - ··· · · · · · . · . · . · ······· · .. . . . .. .. ... . . . .. . . - · i PRESIDENT (OREQU \ IAI.ENTOF) A . D . . t > · R - a · . .S ..... . ........ .. .. · - · ·· · · · - · ·· · · · - · ... .. ... .. .. .. ... ...... . . . . .... . . . .. . · - . ..... .. . . .... . . · , 1 C . . f . T . . Y .. . .. . ...... . "····· - ···'"· .. · - ._..... .. .. - - . ... - . - • ... . S . . T . . A . . T . _ E , · Z · - I · P · ·· C ·· O ··· D .. E . . .. ..... .. .. . ...., 'Room 1 . 60 o V <;: . I ;II'?f X n . ·... . . . . ... . . . ;( . T . '?.i .... .. . .... . .i! .. . i 1 . • : NAMe . . . .... . . . .· - · ··· · · - .. .. . . . .... . ... . . . .. .. . . .. .. - . ···· - ·.. .. ..... .. ....... ... ... .... .. . ...... ... .. ... ... ...... ...... Tln.1:(ti) , YAN SUAN SAH ! SECRETARY (OR IVALENrOf) ADbRl!SS C:{T( 6TAlE ZIPOOOE 1 i60i; M ·v · ; · · ;si ii;;i y ;i i .... . ··· · · · ··· · · · · ·· · : . i .. . iic : ·r · :i OQJ · . . · ·· ·· · · - ·· ··· · 1 r· · ··· · . . l '..:· .. ··:····:··.·...... · .. - ··· ..l y : ANSUAN SAH , . . . ....···· · - - · ·"·...... ,,,. . . . . · . · · · · •...• - .• - ·.... · .. . . . . . . . .··· - ···..... l AD S CITY STATE ZIP C0DEf !i ;; · 16oi.'iitic · vimoii . cei - i . - i i s .fu,i ·y id: · .·· ·· · · ······ - ···.. ·1 :x: · r;s: · · ion: · ·· - - · - ·· ·· ·· - ·1 . . r J . . r···· - ······ · · .. . ···· · ···· . · - . l .. 1 CHUANBENG WEI i DIRECTOR l'l!IME . .. . . ... . . ., ...... .. ·· · ·. · . · · · ··· ·· .·.......... _ . .. ... . . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . _. ..... . .. . .. ... . .. . . . . .. .. .. . w, ............... ·. Tll \ .$) .•.' .,... . . . .. . . ... .. . .. - .............. . - - • .. • . . .... .. ....... . ... ""· , . ...• · • · · · - · ..•........ - ··•• , .. . .......... ..I . A . . 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TllU:(6) I . 16 !Mtt Of tnowhtd119111111w p Ŷ llilllf of petjlll)', lhatbatiow• - tion Ŷ d alllif:yha& wllh ta '""'!,;Ion• of Ŷ ect1on& $ ta 18 of A814tl Of 11> knowlllglyair.t'any r.I• or ri,r,,,,t Ule21DB .allon ollbN1nda Ll!glslllllreaDd 1illt punullltto ND m.m, (tis • C III lhe Offl the flf •c - t.. · lna1NntAC !l)rfl X Signat TREASURER (ORECIUVAl.£NT OF)


Document Number 20110012051 - 13 Filed in the office of Fi l ing Date and Time 01/03/2011 9:36 AM ; Ross Miller Secretary of State State of Nevada Entity Number C320 - 2005 J an . 3. 2 0 1 1 10:28AM No. 1690 P . 5/5 • ROSSMJL..U!R Sacreta,y of Slate l04 Notti, Can11:m Slroet, Suite1 Carson City, Navllda 89701 - 4520 (175) 884 - 5708 Website: - • - tfOV' Certificate of Amendment (PURSUANTTONRS 78.385 AND78.390) U.Slf.111..AD( INICOILY - DO NOTltlGltl.JOKT J,B(N2, SP.lea IS,_OFRCI! U&:EmLY Certificate of Amendment to Articles oJ. IIUtQ[Vj2amm l F9r N,vada Profit Corporatioms (Pursuant to NRS 78 . 385 and 78.390 After Issuance of Stock) 1. Name ot oorporation: jHotgate Technology, Inc. 2. The artides ave been amended follows: (provide atlk::le numbers. If 8 \ /ellable) .Arocle 1. Name <A the co{JIOt'ation:REOtone Asia. Inc. 3 . The vote by which the stockholdem holding shares in tha ccxporation entitling them to exercise a least a majority of the voling power . or such greater proportion of the voting power as may be required in the - case of a vote by classes or series, or as may be required by the provisions of the articles of Incorporation* have voted in favor of the amendmeot is:[ 260,619,364 4. EffecllVe date of filing : (optional) . , ... , (must no( be lalef 1hM90days attet tt1e oertincate is flied) 5. Signature: (required} ;naw il , .. any pn:ipaeed would altar Of i:tmnga .. .., pnifl!n!nce or Bl'I'/ relel)ve or pgl1t gtven to efl)' aim er sedes of outstanding shat - es. lhel'I lh& attwindment mlla be apln'O"l&d by Iha vvta, in additionto fhe affinnattve WIie olhalwi$e ,equired, of Ille holdera of et,a,es represei,tlng 3 me/OrllY ol tJ,e voOl'lg power of eadl class orsei1esaffected by lhe &nendnnint dlan to limltalionr. ot t on the vcting PJWer lharaof. IMPORTANT: Ftlluteto include any ol the above Worma!io11 aod &Ubmit With the properfees may cauw this fili119 to be rejected. N....s.r.ia.y af S - / \ ln<nl - Th rorm must b8 lfCCOOJIRJnled lly IB f;ru.

(PROFIT) ANNUAL LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND REGISTERED AGENT AND STATE BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION OF: FILE NUMBER NAME OF CORPORATION FOR THE FILING PERIOD OF **YOU MAY FILE THIS FORM ONLINE ATwww.nvsos.gov** The ent i 's du l a ointed re istered a ent in the State of Nevada u on whom rooess can be servedis : NATIONAL REGISTERED AGENTS, INC. OF NV (Conunercial Registered Agent) 1000 EAST WILLIAM STREET SUITE 204 CARSON CITY, NV 89701 USA I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 *I lnl/ll* Document Number 20110179167 - 25 Filed in the office of , F ili ng Date and T i me 03/10/201110:13 AM Ross Miller Secretary of State State of Nevada Entity Number C320 - 2005 A FORM TO CHANGE REGISTERED AGENT INFORMATION 1s FOUND AT: www.nvsos.gov .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. ,., .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., USE BLACK INK ONLY - DO NOT HIGHLIGHT tt ·iie t, lt !twml 8 IL 8 ftrjl2 > D Return one file stamped copy. (111iling not accompanied by order instructions, 1ile stamped copy will be sent to registered agen t. ) IMPORTANT: Read insrructions before complering and returning this form 1. Print or type names and addresses, either residence or business, for all offioers and directors. A President, Secretary, Treasurer, or equivalent of and all Directors must be named. There must be at least one director. An Officer must sign the form. FORM WILL BE RETURNED IF UNSIGNED. 2. lfthere areadditional officers, attach a list of them to this form. 3. Return the complete form with the filing fee Annual list fee is based upon the current total authorized stock as explained in the Annual List Fee Schedule For Profit Corporations A $75.00 penalty must be added for failure to file thisform by the deadline. An annual list reoeived more than 90 daysbefore its due date shall be deemed an amended list for the previous year. 4. State business lioensefee is $200.00. Effective 2/1/2010, $100.00 must be added for failure to file form by deadline. 5. Make your check payable to the Secretary of State. 6. Ordering Copies : If requested above, one filestamped copy will be returned at no additional charge. To receive a oertified copy, enclose an additional $30.00 per oertification A copy fee of $2.00 per page is required for eachadditional copy generated when ordering 2 or more filestamped or oertified copies. Appropriate instructions must accompany your order. 7. Return the completed form to: Secretary of State, 202 North Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 - 4201, (775) 684 - 5708. 8. Form must be in the possession of the Secretary of State on or before the last day of the monthin whichit is due. (Postmark dateis not acoepted as reoeipt date.) Forms reoeived after due date will be returned for additional fees and penalties. Failure to include annual list and business license fees will result in rejection of filing CHECK ONLY IF APPLICABLE D Pursuant to NRS, this corporation is exempt 1rom the business license 1ee. Exemption code: 001 - Governmental Entity D 002 - 501(c) Nonpro1it En t ity Month and year your State Business License expires: 20 003 - Home - based Business [;21 This corporation is a publicly traded corporation. The Central Index Key number is: :0001341319 004 - Natural Person with4 or less rental dwelling units D 005 - Motion Picture Company This publicly traded corporation is not required to have a Central Index Key number. 006 - NRS 6B0B.020 Insurance Co. NAME TITLE(S) WEicHUAfJ BENG PRESIDENT (OR EQUIVALENT OF) ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE : R(X)M 1602, AITKEN VANSON CENTER 61 HOI YUEN RD, CHN KWON TONG, HONG KONG NAME TITLE(S) • NOT APPLICABLE SECRETARY (OR EQUIVALENT OF) . A .. D ... D ... R .. E ... S .. S ...................................................................................................................... . C ... I . T .. Y ................................................... STATE • R(X)M 1602, AITKEN VANSON CENTER 61 HOI YUEN ROAD, CHN KWON TONG, HONG KONG TITLE(S) TREASURER (OR E QUIVALENT OF) ADDRESS CITY •. R()()r.1 1_60?,_J \ rrK_E_N_.VJ \ - C:E: T.EFl 61_.H()I YUEN R()J \ D,_C. - - KWON TONG, HONG KONG TITLE(S) DIRECTOR CITY STAT E ZIP CODE •xxxxx NAME WEicHUAfJ BENG ADDR E SS Fl(X)M_ 1602, AITl<EN_ \ /ANS()N CEN"fER 6 ( 1 ) _ l'flJE: _Fl()J \ [) , CHN • I declare, to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury, that the above mentioned entity has complied with the provisions of sections 6 to 18 of AB 146 of the 2009 session of the Nevada Legislature and acknowledge that pursuant to NRS 239.330, it is a category C felony to knowingly offer any false or forged instrument for filing in the Office of the Secretary of State. WEI CHUAN BENG Title Da1e X Signature of Officer Nevada Secretary of State Annual Li st Profit Revised: 8 - 5 - 09

(PROFIT) ANNUAL LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND REGISTERED AGENT OF • RED TONE ASIA, I NC. FILE NUMBER ,'1.[)DFl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - HOOM 1602, AITKEN VANSON CENTER 61 HOI YUEN ROAD, CHN NAME ............................................................................................................................. ... .............. ZAINAL AMANSHAH Bl N ZAI NAL ARSHAD DIRECTOR _A_[)D_R -- - HOQM 1602, AITKEN VANSON CENTER 61 HOI YUEN ROAD, CHN NAME ............................................................................................................................. ... .............. ADDRESS

*260203* '260203* • . . . BARBARA K. CEGAVSKE Secretary of State 202North Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701 - 4201 (775) 684 - 6708 Website: www.nvsos.gov Certificate of Reinstatement (PURSUANT TONRS CHAPTERS 78,78A, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87 , 88 ANO 89) K Document Number 20160038037 - 70 Filed in the office of . - Barbara K. Cegavske Secretary of State State of Nevada Filing Date and Time 01/26/2016 10:07 AM Entity Number C320 - 2005 USE BLACK INK ON!.Y• DO N<Yr IIGHLIGKT A80VESPACE IS l'OR OFFICE USE ONLY Certificate of Reinstatement . (For Entitles Governed by NRS Chapters 78, 78A, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88 and 89) 1. Name of Entity: I REDtone Asia , Inc . · · 2.Entity Number: ! C320R2005 3 S . igna t ure : I declare under penalty of perjury that the reinstatement has been authorized by a court of competent jurisdiction or by the duly elected board of directors of the entity or If the entity has no. board of directors, its equivalent of such board . I declare, to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury, that the information contained herein is correct and acknowledge that pursuant to NRS 239 . 330, it is a category C felony to knowingly offer any false or forged instrument for filing in the Office of the Secretary of State. X Signature of o This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees. I December 22, 2015 Date NDWlda S..ctlllary of Stet• c.itilcale of Rtin&lalefflent Revised: 1 - 6 - 15

(PROFIT) INITIAL/ANNUAL LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND STATE BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION OF: I REDtone Asia, Inc . Document Number 20160038038 - 81 Filed in the office of K - Barbara K. Cegavske Secretary of State State of Nev ad a NMII: OF CORPORATION FORTHE FILING PERIOO OF I Janua!Y 2016 ! TO I January 2017 Filing Date and Time 01/26/2016 10 : 07 AM USEBLACK INKONLY - DO NOT H!GHUGKT 0 VOUMAY FILE THIS FORM ONLINE AT www . nvsllverflume.gov •• rZI Retum one Il l e stamped copy. (lffflfng net accompanied byorderlnslructiona, file stamped copy wlll be not to st.Jred agent) En ti ty Number C320 - 2005 ENTITY NUMBER I C320 - 2005 IMPORTANT: RNd f ƒ "" bllfore ,:ompleffllg .wt IYII/JmH'!g tlw fomt. 1. Print or type names •nd adcl - , elllerm!denal or bllllness, for aH oflicers and dlracto, - , A Prftidelll , Setrelary, Tt88Sllfet , oreq1Jivalent of and all Dndo!e muttbe named. There must be at lent one dltector. An ONkor 1111111 elgn the,_ FORM WIU. BERETURNEDJFUNSIGNED. 2. ll'lheN are additional officers, alledla btdlhamlD Ila fonn. 3, RalUm the completecl rorm wtth the ft ll 11 f 9 ee, Ml1UIII 11st fee Is based Upon lhe anent lolal euthcuized k • eicplained !n lhe Annual Ult Fee 8ctu1d1• f,. Prolil Corporllliom. A $75 - 00 penalymust beac!dedforlalure' ƒ filelhll form bythadeadllne. An ann,. l flln,CIIMdmore thaR 90 dayt before Its dUe date shal be deemed 1111amended 11&1 fot the PNM01J9 r. 4. Slate llulinelsficenee fee It SS00.00/$200.00 for Professlonel Corpordont Glod pinuant lo NRS Chap!« 119 . Ell'edlv• 2/112010.$100.00 IIIUSI be eclded /or failure lo file fonnby deadUne. · S. Make your chedl peYibfe to theS.cralary of Stale. Ii. Oalar!ng P9Plu ; If requested abcMt, - Ille alampodcopy will be nllumed et no adcltonel Charge. To . - Ive a oertfiedcopy,endoee an additlo111I $30.00 per !Ion. A ccpy lff ot $2.00 per page Is raqun for ucll addition II copy gen - .cl whtln ordering 2 ormoreIlle elalnp9d or cetlllled ccp!es. A,lprop!lalt lna1NcUons must IICCClfflPllnY )'OIJt Ofdet. 7. um fie comJ)leted rmm to; Secreta,y of SIila. 202 Ncrthcaraon street canc,n City,89701 - 4201, (775) 684•5708. ABOVESPACEIS FOR OFl'IClt USI! ONLY 8, Fonnmust bo Iii !ho Ion or lhe SICtlta,y of SIBie on or before Ille 11111 day or lht monlh itl wNcll ii la due. (Pot dote It nol llOG8pled as nice.lpldale.) Fonnl receivedafter d date wtll be 1111urned for llddiliooel lees and penafliH. F lo Include an11t111i list aid bllunessllcensefooa wll resua In ,..UC,n of &ng. tm,S Z!i,Q21! fiixemDtion Codes g(:11;{:!S: QM!.YIF APPL!QAIHJ; Ml2 liiHiliBEXEMEI!gf:f ggQli!N BOX HLOW D Pursuant lo NRS Chapter 76, lhfsentityIs exempt fromthe businessUcensefee. Exemption code: I I NOTE: If dalm l ng en exemption, a notarized Decleratlon Of EUglbfllty form muat be attached. Faflure to 001 - Governmental efl IIHaCh the Declaration of Ellglblllty form wlD re5ult In rejection, which could RISI.It! In late fees. 005• Motion PlciuNI Compeny This corporationIs a publli;ly \ laded corporation. The Central Index Key number Is: : 0001341319 I 006.NRS 6808.020 lnsuranc& Co 0This publiely traded c:otpOratlon Is not requiredIO have a Central Index Key numbef. NAME TITlE(S) l Chuan Bang Wei PRESIDENT & DIRECTOR ADORES$ CITY tftATE ZIPCOOE i Unit 15/A, Plaza Sanhe, No. 121, YanPing Road, JlngAn District, 200042, Shangahi, P C - NAME TtTLf(S) ·· ---- - • · • - · · · ---- - · .. SECRETARY (OR EQ U IVALENT OFJ CITY STATE ZIPCOD!: : Chuan Beng Wei AOOReSS I Unit 15/A, Plaza Sanhe, No. 121 1 YanPing Road , JingAn District, 200042 1 Shang ,.fRC TITLE{$) TREASURER (OR EQUIVALENT OFJ CITY STATE 2JP CODE NAME ----- . - - .. - · . Ng Hui Nooi ADORESS 1 Unit 15/A, Plaza Sanhe, No. 121 1 YanPing Road, Jl n Dis trict , 200042, Shangahl, P.RC STATE ZIPCOOE NAME TITLE($) ; Lau B l k Soon ' DIRECTOR ADDRESS CITY i Unit 15/A, Plaza Sanhe, No. 121, YanPin9 Road, JirigAn District, 200042, Shang hi, FfRC N one a1 lhe offlcenor dl1111:tJ>flJ Identified In Iha Ust of olflca,a has beenIdentified wltllthefraudulent lnt...t of conC:..Ung th• ldeftllty of eny person or Pffll<ln• exercising th• powwor aulhorlty of an o111 - or dlNletot In furlhentnce ol Ŷ ny un,...,,ul oondllCI. I dtclare, lo Ill• bNI of my Under penalty ol perjwy, that Ille lnfvrrntllon eontalnad henln la correct 111d ackllOW!edQe Iha! pur Ŷ uent lo NRS 239.330, II I t • om,gory c felony 10 knOWlngty off• any felae or torged lnalntlMl'II tor n11ng In Ill Ŷ 011 l oa o1 Ille Sec,etary ol State. Dan : 1 December 22, 2015 ! S X ignatur e o TIiie i Pres i den t c.. .....;._;:.... ;.c. --- ...J Other Authortzed Signature Nevada Sec:RJta,y !:"

Document Number 20170046572 - 44 Filed in the office of K Barbara K. Cegavske Secretary of State State of Nevada F ili ng Date and T i me 01 / 31 / 2017 1:51 PM Ent i ty Number C320 - 2005 (PROFIT) INITIAUANNUAL LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND STATE BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION OF: ENTITY NUMBER NAME OF CORPORATION FOR THE FILING PERIOD OF. JAN, 2017 TO 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 "100103" USE BLACK INK ONLY - DO NOTHIGHLIGHT **YOU MAY FILE THIS FORM ONLINE ATwww.nvsllverflume.gov** D Return one file stamped copy. (111iling not accompanied by order instructions, 1ile stamped copy will be sent to registered agent.) IMPORTANT: Read insrruclions before completing and returning this form 1. Print or type names and addresses, either residence or business, for all officers and directors. A President, Secretary, Treasurer, or equivalent of and all Directors must be named. There must be at least one director. An Officer must sign the form. FORM WILL BE RETURNED IF UNSIGNED. 2. If there are additional officers, attach a list of them to this form 3. Return the completed form with the filing fee Annual list feeis based upon the current total authorized stock as explainedin the Annual List Fee Schedule For Profit Corporations. A$75.00 penalty must be added for failure to file this form by the deadline. An annual list received more than 90 days beforeits due date shall be deemed an amended list for the previous year. 4. State business licensefee is $500.00/$200.00 for Professional Corporations filed pursuant to NRS Chapter 89. Effective 2/1/2010, $100.00 must be added for failure to file form by deadline. 5. Make your check payable to the Secretary of State 6. Ordering Copies : If requested above, one file stamped copy will be returned at no additional charge. To receive a certified copy, enclose an additional $30.00 per certification. A copy fee of $2.00 per page is required for eachadditional copy generated when ordering 2 or morefile stamped or certified copies. Appropriate instructions must accompany your order 7. Return the completed form to Secretary of State, 202 North Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 - 4201, (775) 684 - 5708. 8. Form must be in the possession of the Secretary of State on or before the last day of the monthin whichit is due. (Postmark dateis not accepted as receipt date) Forms received after due date will be returned for additional fees andpenalties. Failure to include annual list andbusiness license fees will result in rejection of filing ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: u1mw@1@M ntmm !i@@iq@#n!®!ivm < ABOVE SPACE IS FOR OFFICE USE ONLV CHECK ONLY IF APPLICABLE AND ENTER EXEMPTION CODE IN BOX BELOW 0Pursuant to NRS Chapter 76, this entity is exempt 1rom the business license fee. Exemption code: 1 _ NOTE: If claiming an exemption, a notarized Declaration of Eligibility form must be attached. Failure to attach the Declaration of Eligibility form will result in rejection, which could result in late fees. 0This corporation is a publicly traded corporation. The Central Index Key number is: 0This publicly traded corporation is not required to have a Central Index Key number. NRS 76.020 Exemption Codes 001 - Governmental Entity 005 - Motion Picture Company 006 - NRS 680B.020 Insurance Co NAME TITLE(S) PRESIDENT (OR EQUIVALENT OF) STATE JIN GAN DIST. SHANGHAI ITLE(S) SECRETARY (OR EQUIVAL JIN GAN DIST. SHANGHAI T I T LE(S) TREASURER (OR EQUIVALENT OF) S T A TE ................... 200042 None of the officers or directors identified in the list of officers has been identified with the fraudulent intent of concealing the identity of any person or persons exercising the power or authority of an officer or director in furtherance of any unlawful conduct. I declare, to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury, thatthe information contained herein is correct and acknowledge that pursuant to NRS 239.330, it is a category C felony to knowingly offerany false or forged instrument for filing in theOffice of the Secretary of State. X CHANWAFMT Signature of Officer or Other Authorized Signature Da1e 1/31/2017 1:51:43 PM Nevada Secretary o f State Li st Profit Revised. 7 - 1 - 15