Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Pa
- Consolidated Statements of Oper
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Stoc
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Business
- Summary of Significant Accounti
- Acquisitions
- Fair Value Measurements
- Prepaid Expenses and Other Curr
- Property, Plant and Equipment
- Real Estate Development
- Equity Investments
- Investment in Calavo Growers, I
- Other Assets
- Accrued Liabilities
- Long-Term Debt
- Derivative Instruments and Hedg
- Earnings per Share
- Related-Party Transactions
- Income Taxes
- Retirement Plans
- Other Long-Term Liabilities
- Operating Lease Income
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Series B and Series B-2 Preferr
- Stockholders' Equity
- Fruit Growers Supply Cooperativ
- Segment Information
- Sale of Property
- Sale of Conservation Easement
- Subsequent Events
- Summary of Significant Accoun35
- Summary of Significant Accoun36
- Acquisitions (Tables)
- Fair Value Measurements (Tables
- Prepaid Expenses and Other Cu39
- Property, Plant and Equipment (
- Real Estate Development (Tables
- Equity Investments (Tables)
- Other Assets (Tables)
- Accrued Liabilities (Tables)
- Long-Term Debt (Tables)
- Derivative Instruments and He46
- Earnings per Share (Tables)
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Retirement Plans (Tables)
- Other Long-Term Liabilities (Ta
- Operating Lease Income (Tables)
- Commitments and Contingencies (
- Stockholders' Equity (Tables)
- Segment Information (Tables)
- Summary of Significant Accoun55
- Summary of Significant Accoun56
- Acquisitions (Details)
- Acquisition (Details Textual)
- Fair Value Measurements (Detail
- Fair Value Measurements (Deta60
- Prepaid Expenses and Other Cu61
- Property, Plant and Equipment62
- Property, Plant and Equipment63
- Real Estate Development (Detail
- Real Estate Development (Deta65
- Equity Investments (Details)
- Equity Investments (Details 1)
- Equity Investments (Details Tex
- Investment in Calavo Growers,69
- Other Assets (Details)
- Other Assets (Details Textual)
- Accrued Liabilities (Details)
- Long-Term Debt (Details)
- Long-Term Debt (Parenthetical)
- Long-Term Debt (Details 1)
- Long-Term Debt (Details Textual
- Derivative Instruments and He77
- Derivative Instruments and He78
- Derivative Instruments and He79
- Earnings per Share (Details)
- Related-Party Transactions (Det
- Income Taxes (Details)
- Income Taxes (Details 1)
- Income Taxes (Details 2)
- Income Taxes (Details Textual)
- Retirement Plans (Details)
- Retirement Plans (Details 1)
- Retirement Plans (Details 2)
- Retirement Plans (Details 3)
- Retirement Plans (Details 4)
- Retirement Plans (Details 5)
- Retirement Plans (Details 6)
- Retirement Plans (Details Textu
- Other Long-Term Liabilities (De
- Operating Lease Income (Details
- Operating Lease Income (Detai96
- Commitments and Contingencies97
- Commitments and Contingencies98
- Series B and Series B-2 Prefe99
- Stockholders' Equity (Details)
- Stockholders' Equity (Details T
- Fruit Growers Supply Coopera102
- Segment Information (Details)
- Segment Information (Details 1)
- Segment Information (Details Te
- Sale of Property (Details Textu
- Sale Of Conservation Easement (