DVD and Emerging Products – Addressable Markets for DivX Source: DivX, Displaysearch, IMS, iSuppli, ABI, Strategy Analytics, IDC Mobile: All mobile handsets, Strategy Analytics, Q209 | DTV: All DTVs, including digital CRT and RPTV, Displaysearch, Q209 | STB: All Digital STBs, all transmission types, both operator and retail, IMS, Q209 | PMP: all video-enabled PMPs, no mp3 only, IMS, Q209 | PND: all PNDs. IMS, Q209 | DVD: all red laser DVD players/recorders (including HTiB), iSuppli Q209 | DSC: all dedicated DSCs, IMS, Q209 | VGC: all current and next-gen consoles from Sony, MS, and Nintendo, iSuppli, Q209 | BD: all standalone BD-players/recorders, NO PS3, iSuppli, Q209 | DMR: Contains standalone DMAs, internet TV boxes, as well as connected AVRs, InStat, 12/08 DVD Market New Growth Segments Blu-ray Players Digital TVs Set-top Boxes Mobile Handsets Gaming Consoles Portable Media Players Personal Navigation Devices SONIC SOLUTIONS |