Loss Allowances For Expected Credit Losses On Credit Exposures Not Measured At Fair Value Through Profit or Loss | 9 LOSS ALLOWANCE FOR EXPECTED CREDIT LOSSES ON CREDIT EXPOSURES NOT MEASURED AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS The Bank recognizes a loss allowance for expected credit losses on all credit exposures not measured at fair value through profit or loss, like debt instruments measured at amortized cost, debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts (not measured at fair value through profit or loss), contract assets and lease receivables. Note 13 discloses financial instruments classified as “measured at amortized cost”, “measured at fair value through other comprehensive income” and “measured at fair value through profit or loss”. This classification is made pursuant to what was detailed in note 3.2. Additionally, in note 13 the information related to the valuation process is also explained. Moreover, the Bank applies the impairment requirements for guarantees granted, undrawn commitments of credit cards and checking accounts, letter of credits, which are not recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position. This impairment is disclosed in the consolidated statement of income as “Other operating expenses”. For the purpose of assessing the Bank’s credit risk exposure and identifying material credit risk concentration, disclosures regarding credit risk of financial assets and items not recognized in the statement of financial position are as follows: 9.1. Exposure to credit risk According to the nature of the information to be disclosed and the loan characteristics, the Bank groups them as follows: Composition 12/31/2022 12/31/2021 Loans and other financing 609,603,369 705,089,666 Individual assessment 108,933,970 167,931,016 Collective assessment 500,669,399 537,158,650 Less: Allowance for ECL (11,002,504 ) (18,761,457 ) Total 598,600,865 686,328,209 As explained in note 52.1.4 “Additional Forward-looking allowances based on expert credit judgment”, section “Adjustment for uncertainty about conditions of accessing loans to MIPYMES and Federal Government securities” (see also note 9.2), as of December 31, 2022, the Bank decided to record an adjustment on a forward-looking basis for an amount of The following table shows the credit quality and the carrying amount of credit risk, based on the Bank’s credit risk rating system, the probability of default (PD) and the year-end stage classification, taking into account what was mentioned in the previous paragraph. The amounts are presented gross of the impairment allowances. Internal rating grade 12/31/2022 Range PD Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Performing 580,654,510 12,586,012 593,240,522 97.32 High grade 0.00% - 3.50% 540,102,835 2,466,546 542,569,381 89.00 Standard grade 3.51% - 7.00% 23,952,353 3,046,375 26,998,728 4.43 Sub-standard grade 7.01% - 33.00% 16,599,322 7,073,091 23,672,413 3.89 Past due but not impaired (1) 33.01% - 99.99% 3,787,155 7,563,530 11,350,685 1.86 Impaired 100% 5,012,162 5,012,162 0.82 Total 584,441,665 20,149,542 5,012,162 609,603,369 100 % 95.87 3.31 0.82 100 Internal rating grade 12/31/2021 Range PD Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Performing 665,422,537 16,843,145 682,265,682 96.76 High grade 0.00% - 3.50% 559,233,631 1,616,123 560,849,754 79.54 Standard grade 3.51% - 7.00% 82,840,667 4,895,725 87,736,392 12.44 Sub-standard grade 7.01% - 33.00% 23,348,239 10,331,297 33,679,536 4.78 Past due but not impaired (1) 33.01% - 99.99% 6,163,005 10,235,284 16,398,289 2.33 Impaired 100% 6,425,695 6,425,695 0.91 Total 671,585,542 27,078,429 6,425,695 705,089,666 100 % 95.25 3.84 0.91 100 (1) It also includes transactions which are more than 5 days past due independently of the PD range assigned. 9.1.1 Loans on an individual assessment The table below shows the credit quality and the debt balance to credit risk of commercial loans by grade on the Bank’s internal credit rating system, PD range and year-end stage classification. The Bank’s internal credit rating systems and the evaluation and measurement approaches are explained in note 52.1 “Credit risk” section. Internal rating grade 12/31/2022 Range PD Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Performing 104,988,725 2,570,188 107,558,913 98.74 High grade 0.00% - 3.50% 98,109,324 1,240,943 99,350,267 91.20 Standard grade 3.51% - 7.00% 3,643,178 626,775 4,269,953 3.92 Sub-standard grade 7.01% - 33.00% 3,236,223 702,470 3,938,693 3.62 Past due but not impaired 33.01% - 99.99% Impaired 100% 1,375,057 1,375,057 1.26 Total 104,988,725 2,570,188 1,375,057 108,933,970 100 % 96.38 2.36 1.26 100 Internal rating grade 12/31/2021 Range PD Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Performing 157,218,100 6,971,767 164,189,867 97.77 High grade 0.00% - 118,533,334 842,799 119,376,133 71.09 Standard grade 3.51% - 7.00% 31,814,097 2,447,336 34,261,433 20.40 Sub-standard grade 7.01% - 6,870,669 3,681,632 10,552,301 6.28 Past due but not impaired 33.01% - 99.99% 2,253,730 2,253,730 1.34 Impaired 100% 1,487,419 1,487,419 0.89 Total 157,218,100 9,225,497 1,487,419 167,931,016 100 % 93.62 5.49 0.89 100 An analysis of changes in the gross carrying amount and the corresponding ECL allowances in relation to commercial lending is as follows: Stage Total 1 2 3 Gross Carrying amount as of January 1, 2022 157,218,100 9,225,497 1,487,419 167,931,016 Assets originated or purchased 110,051,143 918,330 110,969,473 Assets derecognized or repaid (83,250,192 ) (3,486,405 ) (1,059,159 ) (87,795,756 ) Other changes 3,784,056 482,144 602,840 4,869,040 Transfers to Stage 1 24,929 (24,929 ) Transfers to Stage 2 Transfers to Stage 3 (149,925 ) (1,602,141 ) 1,752,066 Amounts Written Off Monetary effects (82,689,386 ) (2,942,308 ) (1,408,109 ) (87,039,803 ) As of December 31, 2022 104,988,725 2,570,188 1,375,057 108,933,970 Stage Total 1 2 3 Gross Carrying amount as of January 1, 2021 200,916,176 12,926,836 4,594,640 218,437,652 Assets originated or purchased 188,354,437 7,261,763 195,616,200 Assets derecognized or repaid (140,692,431 ) (6,547,588 ) (2,542,349 ) (149,782,368 ) Other changes (9,233,002 ) 353,631 (93,531 ) (8,972,902 ) Transfers to Stage 1 1,051 (1,051 ) Transfers to Stage 2 255,556 (255,556 ) Transfers to Stage 3 (2,014,633 ) (324,031 ) 2,338,664 Amounts Written Off (1,796,735 ) (1,796,735 ) Monetary effects (80,113,498 ) (4,699,619 ) (757,714 ) (85,570,831 ) As of December 31, 2021 157,218,100 9,225,497 1,487,419 167,931,016 Stage Total 1 2 3 ECL amount as of January 1, 2022 1,297,163 4,892,299 1,204,240 7,393,702 Assets originated or purchased 1,075,815 295,189 1,371,004 Assets derecognized or repaid (596,124 ) (2,150,293 ) (869,771 ) (3,616,188 ) Other changes (69,512 ) (515,977 ) 160,029 (425,460 ) Transfers to Stage 1 15,564 (15,564 ) Transfers to Stage 2 Transfers to Stage 3 (113,621 ) (1,064,701 ) 1,178,322 Amounts Written Off Monetary effects (666,481 ) (1,108,839 ) (903,876 ) (2,679,196 ) As of December 31, 2022 942,804 332,114 768,944 2,043,862 Stage Total 1 2 3 ECL amount as of January 1, 2021 1,801,305 1,962,682 2,301,117 6,065,104 Assets originated or purchased 3,279,398 4,562,501 7,841,899 Assets derecognized or repaid (1,391,878 ) (963,890 ) (1,356,134 ) (3,711,902 ) Other changes (96,662 ) 1,838,541 111,170 1,853,049 Transfers to Stage 1 23 (23 ) Transfers to Stage 2 57,010 (57,010 ) Transfers to Stage 3 (1,634,225 ) (72,305 ) 1,706,530 Amounts Written Off (887,973 ) (887,973 ) Monetary effects (660,798 ) (2,492,217 ) (613,460 ) (3,766,475 ) As of December 31, 2021 1,297,163 4,892,299 1,204,240 7,393,702 9.1.2. Loans on a collective assessment The table below shows the credit quality and the debt balance to credit risk of loans portfolio under collective assessment, by grade of credit risk classification based on the Bank’s internal credit rating system, PD range and year-end stage classification. The Bank’s internal credit rating systems and the evaluation and measurement approaches are explained in note 52.1 “Credit risk” section. Internal rating grade Range PD 12/31/2022 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Performing 475,665,785 10,015,824 485,681,609 97.01 High grade 0.00% - 441,993,511 1,225,603 443,219,114 88.53 Standard grade 3.51% - 7.00% 20,309,175 2,419,600 22,728,775 4.54 Sub-standard grade 7.01% - 13,363,099 6,370,621 19,733,720 3.94 Past due but not impaired (1) 33.01% - 99.99% 3,787,155 7,563,530 11,350,685 2.27 Impaired 100% 3,637,105 3,637,105 0.72 Total 479,452,940 17,579,354 3,637,105 500,669,399 100 % 95.76 3.51 0.73 100 Internal rating grade Range PD 12/31/2021 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Performing 508,204,437 9,871,378 518,075,815 96.45 High grade 0.00% - 440,700,297 773,324 441,473,621 82.19 Standard grade 3.51% - 7.00% 51,026,570 2,448,389 53,474,959 9.95 Sub-standard grade 7.01% - 16,477,570 6,649,665 23,127,235 4.31 Past due but not impaired (1) 33.01% - 99.99% 6,163,005 7,981,554 14,144,559 2.63 Impaired 100% 4,938,276 4,938,276 0.92 Total 514,367,442 17,852,932 4,938,276 537,158,650 100 % 95.76 3.32 0.92 100 (1) It also An analysis of changes in the gross carrying amount and the corresponding ECL allowances in relation to consumer lending is as follows: Stage Total 1 2 3 Gross Carrying amount as of January 1, 2022 514,367,442 17,852,932 4,938,276 537,158,650 Assets originated or purchased 288,490,127 8,420,068 296,910,195 Assets derecognized or repaid (96,459,896 ) (3,043,530 ) (976,439 ) (100,479,865 ) Other changes 96,766,304 2,667,728 285,669 99,719,701 Transfers to Stage 1 6,163,988 (6,037,876 ) (126,112 ) Transfers to Stage 2 (10,086,276 ) 10,262,716 (176,440 ) Transfers to Stage 3 (3,693,933 ) (782,064 ) 4,475,997 Amounts Written Off (276,975 ) (516,975 ) (2,003,678 ) (2,797,628 ) Monetary effects (315,817,841 ) (11,243,645 ) (2,780,168 ) (329,841,654 ) As of December 31, 2022 479,452,940 17,579,354 3,637,105 500,669,399 Stage Total 1 2 3 Gross Carrying amount as of January 1, 2021 530,585,897 32,733,729 4,313,911 567,633,537 Assets originated or purchased 369,226,413 11,456,218 380,682,631 Assets derecognized or repaid (174,000,395 ) (13,763,462 ) (1,322,504 ) (189,086,361 ) Other changes 55,039,746 (819,838 ) (486,044 ) 53,733,864 Transfers to Stage 1 12,852,151 (12,593,668 ) (258,483 ) Transfers to Stage 2 (11,600,897 ) 11,752,016 (151,119 ) Transfers to Stage 3 (5,413,498 ) (1,261,765 ) 6,675,263 Amounts Written Off (294,800 ) (555,723 ) (1,317,105 ) (2,167,628 ) Monetary effects (262,027,175 ) (9,094,575 ) (2,515,643 ) (273,637,393 ) As of December 31, 2021 514,367,442 17,852,932 4,938,276 537,158,650 Stage Total 1 2 3 ECL amount as of January 1, 2022 5,466,642 1,955,166 3,945,947 11,367,755 Assets originated or purchased 5,098,116 939,219 6,037,335 Assets derecognized or repaid (1,255,647 ) (364,153 ) (759,862 ) (2,379,662 ) Other changes (503,386 ) 952,100 1,584,409 2,033,123 Transfers to Stage 1 697,130 (593,329 ) (103,801 ) Transfers to Stage 2 (212,325 ) 314,878 (102,553 ) Transfers to Stage 3 (1,752,493 ) (139,670 ) 1,892,163 Amounts Written Off (16,666 ) (114,855 ) (1,643,923 ) (1,775,444 ) Monetary effects (3,063,375 ) (1,137,933 ) (2,123,157 ) (6,324,465 ) As of December 31, 2022 4,457,996 1,811,423 2,689,223 8,958,642 Stage Total 1 2 3 ECL amount as of January 1, 2021 13,616,288 6,935,515 2,574,139 23,125,942 Assets originated or purchased 7,366,506 1,248,561 8,615,067 Assets derecognized or repaid (4,410,015 ) (3,103,316 ) (794,409 ) (8,307,740 ) Other changes (7,721,698 ) 284,584 2,268,851 (5,168,263 ) Transfers to Stage 1 2,482,521 (2,322,945 ) (159,576 ) Transfers to Stage 2 (548,726 ) 629,826 (81,100 ) Transfers to Stage 3 (2,499,984 ) (493,121 ) 2,993,105 Amounts Written Off (33,470 ) (227,944 ) (844,929 ) (1,106,343 ) Monetary effects (2,784,780 ) (995,994 ) (2,010,134 ) (5,790,908 ) As of December 31, 2021 5,466,642 1,955,166 3,945,947 11,367,755 Over the course of 2022 and 2021, the Bank generated from loan portfolio sales, profit for 169,632 and 176,664, respectively. The contractual amount outstanding on loans and other financing that have been written off by the Bank as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 that were still subject to enforcement activity was 6,501,526 and 9,724,143, respectively. 9.2 Other debt securities at amortized cost For local government securities, EAD is considered equal to the debt balance, because there is not available information of such instruments’ behavior when they defaulted. For PD and LGD parameters, they were calculated using Basel regulatory parameters (see note 52.1.4). For purchase corporate bonds, PD and LGD parameters calculated for loan exposures of those issuers were used. The corporate bonds’ EAD is considered equal to the debt balance. For financial trusts at amortized cost, the criteria that was used in the calculation of ECL is based on credit risk ratings given by a credit rating agency for each type of debt securities that compose each financial trust. That is, the factor to be used will vary in relation to the holding debt securities class (A or B). It is assumed that the EAD is equal to the debt balance. The table below shows the exposures gross of impairment allowances by stage: Composition 12/31/2022 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Local government securities and Central Bank of Argentina Bills and Notes 598,247,462 598,247,462 99.78 Corporate bonds 1,039,008 1,039,008 0.17 Financial trust 308,364 308,364 0.05 Total 599,594,834 599,594,834 100 % 100 100 Composition 12/31/2021 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Local government securities and Central Bank of Argentina Bills and Notes 46,323,989 46,323,989 98.90 Corporate bonds 168,471 168,471 0.36 Financial trust 347,130 347,130 0.74 Total 46,839,590 46,839,590 100 % 100 100 The related ECL for local government securities as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 amounted to 334,200 and 6,254, respectively. The related ECL for corporate bonds as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 amounted to 555 and 1,032, respectively. The ECL related to financial trusts as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 amounted to 241 and 25, respectively. During 2022 and 2021, there were no 9.3 Other debt securities at fair value through OCI This group includes federal and foreign government securities, provincial or BCRA instruments measured at fair value through OCI. For these assets, an individual assessment of the related parameters was performed. The table below shows the exposures gross of impairment allowances by stage: Composition 12/31/2022 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Local government securities 130,480,681 130,480,681 94.61 Foreign government securities 7,431,312 7,431,312 5.39 Total 137,911,993 137,911,993 100 % 100 100 Composition 12/31/2021 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Local government securities 243,206,773 243,206,773 47.67 Central Bank of Argentina Bills 259,017,957 259,017,957 50.76 Foreign government securities 8,005,927 8,005,927 1.57 Total 510,230,657 510,230,657 100 % 100 100 The related ECL for local government securities as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 amounted to 29,203 and 31,759, respectively. During 2022 and 2021, there were no transfers between stages. A detail of these investments is disclosed in note 10. 9.4 Other financial assets The table below shows the exposures gross of impairment allowances by stage: Composition 12/31/2022 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Other financial assets 53,527,298 53,527,298 100 Total 53,527,298 53,527,298 100 % 100 100 Composition 12/31/2021 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Other financial assets 64,515,449 64,515,449 100 Total 64,515,449 64,515,449 100 % 100 100 The ECL related to these types of instruments amounted 91,041 and 51,518 as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively, including the ECL related to the payments to be collected for the transaction mentioned in note 12. During 2022 and 2021, there were no transfers between stages. 9.5 Loans commitment The table below shows the exposures gross of impairment allowances by stage: Composition 12/31/2022 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Undrawn commitments of credit cards and checking accounts 658,112,548 10,797,137 1,502 668,911,187 98.92 Guarantees granted 7,171,911 7,171,911 1.06 Overdraft and unused agreed commitments 159,787 159,787 0.02 Total 665,444,246 10,797,137 1,502 676,242,885 100 % 98.4 1.6 0.0 100 Composition 12/31/2021 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total % Undrawn commitments of credit cards and checking accounts 428,815,172 3,456,762 6,589 432,278,523 98.65 Guarantees granted 4,261,606 111,672 4,373,278 1.00 Overdraft and unused agreed commitments 1,512,244 1,512,244 0.35 Total 434,589,022 3,568,434 6,589 438,164,045 100 % 99.2 0.8 0.0 100 The related ECL for undrawn commitments of credit cards and checking accounts as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 amounted to 726,301 and 649,157, respectively. The ECL related to guarantees granted as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 amounted to 45,447 and 32,783, respectively. The ECL related to overdraft and unused agreed commitments as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 amounted to 73 and 5,843, respectively. For undrawn commitments of credit cards and checking accounts, during 2022 there were transfers of the carrying amounts to Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 for an amount of (5,850,199), 5,793,518 and 56,681, respectively, and there were transfers of the ECL to Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 for an amount of 49,643, (49,896) and 253, respectively. For the other items, there were no transfers between stages during 2022 and 2021. |