Retirement, Other Postretirement Benefits, And Defined Contribution Plans (Notes) | 12 Months Ended |
Dec. 31, 2022 |
Retirement And Other Postretirement Benefits | RETIREMENT, OTHER POSTRETIREMENT BENEFITS, AND DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy) Qualified Pension Plans Entergy has seven defined benefit qualified pension plans, including the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Non-Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan III (Plan III), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan IV for Bargaining Employees, and the Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Cash Balance Plan). The Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan) was merged with and into Non-Bargaining Plan I effective January 1, 2022. The Registrant Subsidiaries participate in these four plans: Non-Bargaining Plan I, Bargaining Plan I, Plan III, and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire was prior to June 30, 2014 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) participate in a noncontributory final average pay formula that provides pension benefits based on the employee’s credited service and compensation during employment. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire is after June 30, 2014 and before January 1, 2021 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) do not participate in a final average pay formula, but instead participate in a cash balance formula. Effective January 1, 2021, the Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan were amended to close participation in the plan to those employees whose most recent hire date is after December 31, 2020 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement). Employees hired after this date instead may be eligible to participate in and receive a discretionary employer contribution under an Entergy sponsored tax-qualified defined contribution plan that includes a 401(k) feature. The assets of the seven defined benefit qualified pension plans are held in a master trust established by Entergy. Each pension plan has an undivided beneficial interest in each of the investment accounts in the master trust that is maintained by a trustee. Use of the master trust permits the commingling of the trust assets of the pension plans of Entergy Corporation and its Registrant Subsidiaries for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets in the master trust are commingled, the trustee maintains supporting records for the purpose of allocating the trust level equity in net earnings (loss) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts in the trust to the various participating pension plans in the trust. The fair value of the trust’s assets is determined by the trustee and certain investment managers. The trustee calculates a daily earnings factor, including realized and unrealized gains or losses, collected and accrued income, and administrative expenses, and allocates earnings to each plan in the master trust on a pro rata basis. Within each pension plan, the record of each Registrant Subsidiary’s beneficial interest in the plan assets is maintained by the plan’s actuary and is updated quarterly. Assets for each Registrant Subsidiary are increased for investment net income and contributions and are decreased for benefit payments. A plan’s investment net income/loss (i.e., interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses and expenses) is allocated to the Registrant Subsidiaries participating in that plan based on the value of assets for each Registrant Subsidiary at the beginning of the quarter adjusted for contributions and benefit payments made during the quarter. Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries fund pension plans in an amount not less than the minimum required contribution under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The assets of the plans include common and preferred stocks, fixed-income securities, interest in a money market fund, and insurance contracts. The Registrant Subsidiaries’ pension costs are recovered from customers as a component of cost of service in each of their respective jurisdictions. Components of Qualified Net Pension Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (AOCI) Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $138,085 $165,278 $161,487 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 235,805 191,107 239,614 Expected return on assets (402,504) (424,572) (414,273) Recognized net loss 188,683 334,124 350,010 Settlement charges 230,389 205,878 36,946 Net pension cost $390,458 $471,815 $373,784 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $6,113 ($448,532) $483,653 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (188,683) (334,124) (358,473) Settlement charge (230,389) (205,878) (36,946) Total ($412,959) ($988,534) $88,234 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($22,501) ($516,719) $462,018 The Registrant Subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $25,210 $33,520 $8,043 $2,745 $5,999 $7,746 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Expected return on assets (75,820) (82,478) (20,168) (9,920) (18,317) (18,173) Recognized net loss 43,597 41,711 12,594 4,787 9,013 10,938 Settlement charges 36,409 58,550 15,786 6,676 22,411 9,905 Net pension cost $74,774 $100,633 $29,234 $9,779 $29,835 $21,702 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $28,365 ($15,604) ($4,743) $525 $13,363 ($7,063) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (43,597) (41,711) (12,594) (4,787) (9,013) (10,938) Settlement charge (36,409) (58,550) (15,786) (6,676) (22,411) (9,905) Total ($51,641) ($115,865) ($33,123) ($10,938) ($18,061) ($27,906) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $23,133 ($15,232) ($3,889) ($1,159) $11,774 ($6,204) 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $28,632 $38,271 $9,070 $3,038 $6,921 $8,851 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Expected return on assets (78,368) (89,821) (22,407) (10,598) (21,158) (19,254) Recognized net loss 69,290 67,015 20,007 7,596 12,676 18,404 Settlement charges 37,682 61,945 16,710 5,431 11,797 12,260 Net pension cost $92,919 $117,150 $33,826 $9,859 $18,617 $29,348 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net gain ($96,066) ($89,534) ($29,675) ($16,159) ($18,217) ($27,617) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,290) (67,015) (20,007) (7,596) (12,676) (18,404) Settlement charge (37,682) (61,945) (16,710) (5,431) (11,797) (12,260) Total ($203,038) ($218,494) ($66,392) ($29,186) ($42,690) ($58,281) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($110,119) ($101,344) ($32,566) ($19,327) ($24,073) ($28,933) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $26,329 $35,158 $8,060 $2,654 $6,116 $7,883 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 44,165 50,432 12,922 5,825 10,731 11,006 Expected return on assets (78,187) (89,691) (23,147) (10,509) (21,951) (18,757) Recognized net loss 68,338 66,640 18,983 8,018 13,173 17,104 Settlement charges 21,078 8,109 3,366 — 4,289 105 Net pension cost $81,723 $70,648 $20,184 $5,988 $12,358 $17,341 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net loss $106,178 $90,064 $36,899 $8,148 $13,379 $35,403 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,713) (68,248) (19,393) (8,213) (13,564) (17,434) Settlement charge (21,078) (8,109) (3,366) — (4,289) (105) Total $15,387 $13,707 $14,140 ($65) ($4,474) $17,864 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $97,110 $84,355 $34,324 $5,923 $7,884 $35,205 Qualified Pension Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, Amounts Recognized in the Balance Sheet Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $8,409,620 $9,143,652 Service cost 138,085 165,278 Interest cost 235,805 191,107 Actuarial gain (1,660,463) (158,276) Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Balance at December 31 $6,166,106 $8,409,620 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $6,993,110 $6,854,426 Actual return on plan assets (1,264,071) 714,827 Employer contributions 470,000 355,998 Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Fair value of assets at December 31 $5,242,098 $6,993,110 Funded status ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized as a regulatory asset Net loss $1,842,348 $2,214,390 Amount recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $408,839 $449,756 Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Balance Sheets for the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Service cost 25,210 33,520 8,043 2,745 5,999 7,746 Interest cost 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Actuarial gain (280,691) (357,572) (88,303) (40,462) (65,795) (81,504) Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Balance at December 31 $1,168,098 $1,256,422 $320,994 $140,436 $265,565 $288,302 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Actual return on plan assets (233,236) (259,490) (63,392) (31,067) (60,841) (56,267) Employer contributions 92,971 53,658 33,287 1,129 2,513 28,619 Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Fair value of assets at December 31 $961,178 $1,035,574 $265,736 $119,710 $226,417 $240,392 Funded status ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $561,323 $445,116 $140,389 $51,868 $95,729 $125,876 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $18,546 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($96) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($146.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($48) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($16.2) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($48.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($23.5) million at System Energy. 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,739,382 $1,927,271 $510,109 $220,287 $410,664 $441,148 Service cost 28,632 38,271 9,070 3,038 6,921 8,851 Interest cost 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Actuarial gain (41,227) (28,439) (14,831) (9,118) (3,971) (14,746) Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Balance at December 31 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,285,856 $1,476,306 $371,394 $172,551 $349,748 $310,818 Actual return on plan assets 133,207 150,917 37,251 17,639 35,405 32,125 Employer contributions 66,649 59,882 13,715 5,395 6,955 18,663 Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Fair value of assets at December 31 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Funded status ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $612,963 $556,345 $173,511 $62,805 $113,790 $153,782 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $23,181 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($104.4) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($166.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($45.7) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($14.3) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($31.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($33) million at System Energy. The qualified pension plans incurred a small actuarial loss during 2022 primarily due to asset losses resulting from an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets, substantially offset by liability gains due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. The qualified pension plans incurred actuarial gains during 2021 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations and an actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021. Accumulated Pension Benefit Obligation The accumulated benefit obligation for Entergy’s qualified pension plans was $5.7 billion and $7.8 billion at December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The qualified pension accumulated benefit obligation for each of the Registrant Subsidiaries for their employees as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 was as follows: December 31, 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Entergy Arkansas $1,008,152 $1,463,966 Entergy Louisiana $1,146,561 $1,574,273 Entergy Mississippi $292,596 $407,851 Entergy New Orleans $128,499 $178,010 Entergy Texas $245,428 $342,441 System Energy $269,583 $366,920 Other Postretirement Benefits Entergy also currently offers retiree medical, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits (other postretirement benefits) for eligible retired employees. Employees who commenced employment before July 1, 2014 and who satisfy certain eligibility requirements (including retiring from Entergy after a certain age and/or years of service with Entergy and immediately commencing their Entergy pension benefit), may become eligible for other postretirement benefits. In March 2020, Entergy announced changes to its other postretirement benefits. Effective January 1, 2021, certain retired, former non-bargaining employees age 65 and older who are eligible for Entergy-sponsored retiree welfare benefits, and their eligible spouses who are age 65 and older (collectively, Medicare-eligible participants), are eligible to participate in an Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, and are no longer eligible for retiree coverage under the Entergy Corporation Companies’ Benefits Plus Medical, Dental and Vision Plans. Under the Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, Medicare-eligible participants are eligible to participate in a health reimbursement arrangement which they may use towards the purchase of various types of qualified insurance offered through a Medicare exchange provider and for other qualified medical expenses. In accordance with accounting standards, the effects of this change are reflected in the December 31, 2020 other postretirement obligation. The changes affecting active bargaining unit employees will be negotiated with the unions prior to implementation, where necessary, and to the extent required by law. Effective January 1, 1993, Entergy adopted an accounting standard requiring a change from a cash method to an accrual method of accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions. Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and Entergy Texas have received regulatory approval to recover accrued other postretirement benefit costs through rates. The LPSC ordered Entergy Louisiana to continue the use of the pay-as-you-go method for ratemaking purposes for postretirement benefits other than pensions. However, the LPSC retains the flexibility to examine individual companies’ accounting for other postretirement benefits to determine if special exceptions to this order are warranted. Pursuant to regulatory directives, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy contribute the other postretirement benefit costs collected in rates into external trusts. System Energy is funding, on behalf of Entergy Operations, other postretirement benefits associated with Grand Gulf. Trust assets contributed by participating Registrant Subsidiaries are in master trusts, established by Entergy Corporation and maintained by a trustee. Each participating Registrant Subsidiary holds a beneficial interest in the trusts’ assets. The assets in the master trusts are commingled for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets are commingled, supporting records are maintained for the purpose of allocating the beneficial interest in net earnings/(losses) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts to the various participating plans and participating Registrant Subsidiaries. Beneficial interest in an investment account’s net income/(loss) is comprised of interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses, and expenses. Beneficial interest from these investments is allocated to the plans and participating Registrant Subsidiary based on their portion of net assets in the pooled accounts. Components of Net Other Postretirement Benefit Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or AOCI Entergy Corporation’s and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs, including amounts capitalized and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $24,734 $26,578 $24,500 Interest cost on accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (APBO) 27,306 21,278 28,597 Expected return on assets (43,420) (43,220) (40,880) Amortization of prior service credit (25,550) (33,069) (32,882) Recognized net loss 4,333 2,853 3,481 Net other postretirement benefit income ($12,597) ($25,580) ($17,184) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service credit for the period ($858) ($3,168) ($128,837) Net (gain)/loss (131,524) 6,210 41,031 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 25,550 33,069 32,882 Amortization of net loss (4,333) (2,853) (3,481) Total ($111,165) $33,258 ($58,405) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($123,762) $7,678 ($75,589) Total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs of the Registrant Subsidiaries, including amounts capitalized and deferred, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,457 $5,633 $1,354 $397 $1,322 $1,239 Interest cost on APBO 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Expected return on assets (17,930) — (5,575) (5,997) (10,273) (3,162) Amortization of prior service cost/(credit) 1,885 (4,630) (1,772) (916) (4,371) (319) Recognized net (gain)/ loss 873 (744) 222 (898) 648 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($5,665) $6,029 ($4,370) ($6,720) ($11,078) ($1,005) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $273 $323 ($1,300) $— $— $141 Net (gain)/loss 12,894 (65,501) 6,629 17,334 22,323 1,208 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit/(cost) (1,885) 4,630 1,772 916 4,371 319 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (873) 744 (222) 898 (648) (121) Total $10,409 ($59,804) $6,879 $19,148 $26,046 $1,547 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $4,744 ($53,775) $2,509 $12,428 $14,968 $542 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,135 $6,174 $1,448 $437 $1,384 $1,340 Interest cost on APBO 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Expected return on assets (18,020) — (5,536) (5,750) (10,192) (3,156) Amortization of prior service credit (1,121) (4,920) (1,775) (916) (3,742) (436) Recognized net (gain)/loss 196 (364) 76 (712) 398 61 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($11,084) $5,410 ($4,677) ($6,420) ($10,883) ($1,313) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period ($85) $357 $— $— ($3,776) $69 Net (gain)/loss 9,956 (2,367) (2,823) (3,330) 939 210 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,121 4,920 1,775 916 3,742 436 Amortization of net (gain)/ loss (196) 364 (76) 712 (398) (61) Total $10,796 $3,274 ($1,124) ($1,702) $507 $654 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($288) $8,684 ($5,801) ($8,122) ($10,376) ($659) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $3,626 $5,993 $1,468 $445 $1,219 $1,254 Interest cost on APBO 4,712 6,216 1,536 784 2,008 1,130 Expected return on assets (17,104) — (5,167) (5,382) (9,643) (2,958) Amortization of prior service credit (1,849) (6,179) (1,652) (763) (3,364) (1,065) Recognized net (gain)/loss 540 (447) 171 (13) 907 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($10,075) $5,583 ($3,644) ($4,929) ($8,873) ($1,518) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $12,320 ($23,508) ($4,428) ($5,493) ($22,441) ($1,963) Net (gain)/loss 2,245 8,744 (4,456) (5,351) (3,266) 58 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,849 6,179 1,652 763 3,364 1,065 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (540) 447 (171) 13 (907) (121) Total $15,874 ($8,138) ($7,403) ($10,068) ($23,250) ($961) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $5,799 ($2,555) ($11,047) ($14,997) ($32,123) ($2,479) Other Postretirement Benefit Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, and Amounts Not Yet Recognized and Recognized in the Balance Sheet Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets of Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $1,189,682 $1,181,075 Service cost 24,734 26,578 Interest cost 27,306 21,278 Plan amendments (858) (3,168) Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Actuarial (gain)/loss (297,128) 20,955 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Medicare Part D subsidy received 264 249 Balance at December 31 $865,854 $1,189,682 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $771,319 $737,866 Actual return on plan assets (122,184) 57,965 Employer contributions 52,835 32,773 Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Fair value of assets at December 31 $623,824 $771,319 Funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities ($42,484) ($42,000) Non-current liabilities (199,546) (376,363) Total funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized as a regulatory asset Prior service credit ($29,323) ($37,693) Net (gain)/loss 16,956 (7,981) ($12,367) ($45,674) Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit ($45,167) ($61,488) Net (gain)/loss (133,656) 27,138 ($178,823) ($34,350) Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Balance Sheets of the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Service cost 4,457 5,633 1,354 397 1,322 1,239 Interest cost 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Plan amendments 273 323 (1,300) — — 141 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Actuarial gain (54,923) (65,501) (14,465) (6,867) (16,291) (10,679) Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Medicare Part D subsidy received 42 57 6 7 16 17 Balance at December 31 $164,018 $183,126 $44,365 $23,971 $53,482 $35,274 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Actual return on plan assets (49,887) — (15,519) (18,204) (28,341) (8,725) Employer contributions 1,573 16,187 759 333 (23) 944 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Fair value of assets at December 31 $255,117 $— $79,496 $91,140 $148,799 $42,434 Funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,356) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 91,099 (167,770) 35,131 67,169 95,317 7,160 Total funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $7,079 $— ($3,637) ($2,898) ($16,161) ($789) Net loss 5,224 — 2,153 2,229 24,246 4,054 $12,303 $— ($1,484) ($669) $8,085 $3,265 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($12,015) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (82,308) — — — — $— ($94,323) $— $— $— $— 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $209,369 $255,571 $61,990 $31,707 $74,233 $47,701 Service cost 4,135 6,174 1,448 437 1,384 1,340 Interest cost 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Plan amendments (85) 357 — — (3,776) 69 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Actuarial (gain)/loss 14,323 (2,367) (1,335) 988 4,270 1,289 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Medicare Part D subsidy received 32 50 6 4 13 14 Balance at December 31 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $304,192 $— $93,475 $102,734 $174,096 $52,619 Actual return on plan assets 22,387 — 7,024 10,068 13,523 4,235 Employer contributions (767) 11,274 (393) 126 98 1,212 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Fair value of assets at December 31 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,839) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 94,312 (237,192) 36,887 79,271 110,324 6,775 Total funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $8,691 $— ($4,109) ($3,814) ($20,532) ($1,249) Net (gain)/loss (6,797) — (4,254) (16,003) 2,571 2,967 $1,894 $— ($8,363) ($19,817) ($17,961) $1,718 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($16,967) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (17,551) — — — — $— ($34,518) $— $— $— $— The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial gains during 2022 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations, partially offset by asset losses due to an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets during 2022. The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial losses during 2021 primarily due to a reduction in the projected Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) revenue and updated census data. These losses were partially offset by gains resulting from the actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021 and a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. Non-Qualified Pension Plans Entergy also sponsors non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans that provide benefits to certain key employees. Entergy recognized net periodic pension cost related to these plans of $30.9 million in 2022, $28.6 million in 2021, and $18.1 million in 2020. In 2022 and 2021, Entergy recognized $12.2 million and $10.9 million, respectively, in settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan that is included in the non-qualified pension plan cost above. In 2020 there were no settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan. The projected benefit obligation was $152.4 million as of December 31, 2022 of which $62.4 million was a current liability and $90 million was a non-current liability. The projected benefit obligation was $181.6 million as of December 31, 2021 of which $26.3 million was a current liability and $155.3 million was a non-current liability. The accumulated benefit obligation was $140 million and $165.5 million as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The unamortized prior service cost and net loss are recognized in regulatory assets ($56.8 million at December 31, 2022 and $74.9 million at December 31, 2021) and accumulated other comprehensive income before taxes ($8.7 million at December 31, 2022 and $17 million at December 31, 2021). A Rabbi Trust has been established for the benefit of certain participants in Entergy’s non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans. The Rabbi Trust assets are invested in money-ma |
Entergy Arkansas [Member] | |
Retirement And Other Postretirement Benefits | RETIREMENT, OTHER POSTRETIREMENT BENEFITS, AND DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy) Qualified Pension Plans Entergy has seven defined benefit qualified pension plans, including the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Non-Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan III (Plan III), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan IV for Bargaining Employees, and the Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Cash Balance Plan). The Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan) was merged with and into Non-Bargaining Plan I effective January 1, 2022. The Registrant Subsidiaries participate in these four plans: Non-Bargaining Plan I, Bargaining Plan I, Plan III, and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire was prior to June 30, 2014 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) participate in a noncontributory final average pay formula that provides pension benefits based on the employee’s credited service and compensation during employment. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire is after June 30, 2014 and before January 1, 2021 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) do not participate in a final average pay formula, but instead participate in a cash balance formula. Effective January 1, 2021, the Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan were amended to close participation in the plan to those employees whose most recent hire date is after December 31, 2020 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement). Employees hired after this date instead may be eligible to participate in and receive a discretionary employer contribution under an Entergy sponsored tax-qualified defined contribution plan that includes a 401(k) feature. The assets of the seven defined benefit qualified pension plans are held in a master trust established by Entergy. Each pension plan has an undivided beneficial interest in each of the investment accounts in the master trust that is maintained by a trustee. Use of the master trust permits the commingling of the trust assets of the pension plans of Entergy Corporation and its Registrant Subsidiaries for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets in the master trust are commingled, the trustee maintains supporting records for the purpose of allocating the trust level equity in net earnings (loss) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts in the trust to the various participating pension plans in the trust. The fair value of the trust’s assets is determined by the trustee and certain investment managers. The trustee calculates a daily earnings factor, including realized and unrealized gains or losses, collected and accrued income, and administrative expenses, and allocates earnings to each plan in the master trust on a pro rata basis. Within each pension plan, the record of each Registrant Subsidiary’s beneficial interest in the plan assets is maintained by the plan’s actuary and is updated quarterly. Assets for each Registrant Subsidiary are increased for investment net income and contributions and are decreased for benefit payments. A plan’s investment net income/loss (i.e., interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses and expenses) is allocated to the Registrant Subsidiaries participating in that plan based on the value of assets for each Registrant Subsidiary at the beginning of the quarter adjusted for contributions and benefit payments made during the quarter. Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries fund pension plans in an amount not less than the minimum required contribution under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The assets of the plans include common and preferred stocks, fixed-income securities, interest in a money market fund, and insurance contracts. The Registrant Subsidiaries’ pension costs are recovered from customers as a component of cost of service in each of their respective jurisdictions. Components of Qualified Net Pension Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (AOCI) Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $138,085 $165,278 $161,487 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 235,805 191,107 239,614 Expected return on assets (402,504) (424,572) (414,273) Recognized net loss 188,683 334,124 350,010 Settlement charges 230,389 205,878 36,946 Net pension cost $390,458 $471,815 $373,784 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $6,113 ($448,532) $483,653 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (188,683) (334,124) (358,473) Settlement charge (230,389) (205,878) (36,946) Total ($412,959) ($988,534) $88,234 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($22,501) ($516,719) $462,018 The Registrant Subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $25,210 $33,520 $8,043 $2,745 $5,999 $7,746 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Expected return on assets (75,820) (82,478) (20,168) (9,920) (18,317) (18,173) Recognized net loss 43,597 41,711 12,594 4,787 9,013 10,938 Settlement charges 36,409 58,550 15,786 6,676 22,411 9,905 Net pension cost $74,774 $100,633 $29,234 $9,779 $29,835 $21,702 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $28,365 ($15,604) ($4,743) $525 $13,363 ($7,063) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (43,597) (41,711) (12,594) (4,787) (9,013) (10,938) Settlement charge (36,409) (58,550) (15,786) (6,676) (22,411) (9,905) Total ($51,641) ($115,865) ($33,123) ($10,938) ($18,061) ($27,906) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $23,133 ($15,232) ($3,889) ($1,159) $11,774 ($6,204) 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $28,632 $38,271 $9,070 $3,038 $6,921 $8,851 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Expected return on assets (78,368) (89,821) (22,407) (10,598) (21,158) (19,254) Recognized net loss 69,290 67,015 20,007 7,596 12,676 18,404 Settlement charges 37,682 61,945 16,710 5,431 11,797 12,260 Net pension cost $92,919 $117,150 $33,826 $9,859 $18,617 $29,348 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net gain ($96,066) ($89,534) ($29,675) ($16,159) ($18,217) ($27,617) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,290) (67,015) (20,007) (7,596) (12,676) (18,404) Settlement charge (37,682) (61,945) (16,710) (5,431) (11,797) (12,260) Total ($203,038) ($218,494) ($66,392) ($29,186) ($42,690) ($58,281) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($110,119) ($101,344) ($32,566) ($19,327) ($24,073) ($28,933) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $26,329 $35,158 $8,060 $2,654 $6,116 $7,883 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 44,165 50,432 12,922 5,825 10,731 11,006 Expected return on assets (78,187) (89,691) (23,147) (10,509) (21,951) (18,757) Recognized net loss 68,338 66,640 18,983 8,018 13,173 17,104 Settlement charges 21,078 8,109 3,366 — 4,289 105 Net pension cost $81,723 $70,648 $20,184 $5,988 $12,358 $17,341 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net loss $106,178 $90,064 $36,899 $8,148 $13,379 $35,403 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,713) (68,248) (19,393) (8,213) (13,564) (17,434) Settlement charge (21,078) (8,109) (3,366) — (4,289) (105) Total $15,387 $13,707 $14,140 ($65) ($4,474) $17,864 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $97,110 $84,355 $34,324 $5,923 $7,884 $35,205 Qualified Pension Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, Amounts Recognized in the Balance Sheet Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $8,409,620 $9,143,652 Service cost 138,085 165,278 Interest cost 235,805 191,107 Actuarial gain (1,660,463) (158,276) Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Balance at December 31 $6,166,106 $8,409,620 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $6,993,110 $6,854,426 Actual return on plan assets (1,264,071) 714,827 Employer contributions 470,000 355,998 Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Fair value of assets at December 31 $5,242,098 $6,993,110 Funded status ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized as a regulatory asset Net loss $1,842,348 $2,214,390 Amount recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $408,839 $449,756 Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Balance Sheets for the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Service cost 25,210 33,520 8,043 2,745 5,999 7,746 Interest cost 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Actuarial gain (280,691) (357,572) (88,303) (40,462) (65,795) (81,504) Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Balance at December 31 $1,168,098 $1,256,422 $320,994 $140,436 $265,565 $288,302 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Actual return on plan assets (233,236) (259,490) (63,392) (31,067) (60,841) (56,267) Employer contributions 92,971 53,658 33,287 1,129 2,513 28,619 Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Fair value of assets at December 31 $961,178 $1,035,574 $265,736 $119,710 $226,417 $240,392 Funded status ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $561,323 $445,116 $140,389 $51,868 $95,729 $125,876 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $18,546 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($96) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($146.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($48) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($16.2) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($48.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($23.5) million at System Energy. 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,739,382 $1,927,271 $510,109 $220,287 $410,664 $441,148 Service cost 28,632 38,271 9,070 3,038 6,921 8,851 Interest cost 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Actuarial gain (41,227) (28,439) (14,831) (9,118) (3,971) (14,746) Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Balance at December 31 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,285,856 $1,476,306 $371,394 $172,551 $349,748 $310,818 Actual return on plan assets 133,207 150,917 37,251 17,639 35,405 32,125 Employer contributions 66,649 59,882 13,715 5,395 6,955 18,663 Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Fair value of assets at December 31 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Funded status ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $612,963 $556,345 $173,511 $62,805 $113,790 $153,782 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $23,181 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($104.4) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($166.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($45.7) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($14.3) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($31.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($33) million at System Energy. The qualified pension plans incurred a small actuarial loss during 2022 primarily due to asset losses resulting from an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets, substantially offset by liability gains due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. The qualified pension plans incurred actuarial gains during 2021 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations and an actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021. Accumulated Pension Benefit Obligation The accumulated benefit obligation for Entergy’s qualified pension plans was $5.7 billion and $7.8 billion at December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The qualified pension accumulated benefit obligation for each of the Registrant Subsidiaries for their employees as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 was as follows: December 31, 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Entergy Arkansas $1,008,152 $1,463,966 Entergy Louisiana $1,146,561 $1,574,273 Entergy Mississippi $292,596 $407,851 Entergy New Orleans $128,499 $178,010 Entergy Texas $245,428 $342,441 System Energy $269,583 $366,920 Other Postretirement Benefits Entergy also currently offers retiree medical, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits (other postretirement benefits) for eligible retired employees. Employees who commenced employment before July 1, 2014 and who satisfy certain eligibility requirements (including retiring from Entergy after a certain age and/or years of service with Entergy and immediately commencing their Entergy pension benefit), may become eligible for other postretirement benefits. In March 2020, Entergy announced changes to its other postretirement benefits. Effective January 1, 2021, certain retired, former non-bargaining employees age 65 and older who are eligible for Entergy-sponsored retiree welfare benefits, and their eligible spouses who are age 65 and older (collectively, Medicare-eligible participants), are eligible to participate in an Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, and are no longer eligible for retiree coverage under the Entergy Corporation Companies’ Benefits Plus Medical, Dental and Vision Plans. Under the Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, Medicare-eligible participants are eligible to participate in a health reimbursement arrangement which they may use towards the purchase of various types of qualified insurance offered through a Medicare exchange provider and for other qualified medical expenses. In accordance with accounting standards, the effects of this change are reflected in the December 31, 2020 other postretirement obligation. The changes affecting active bargaining unit employees will be negotiated with the unions prior to implementation, where necessary, and to the extent required by law. Effective January 1, 1993, Entergy adopted an accounting standard requiring a change from a cash method to an accrual method of accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions. Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and Entergy Texas have received regulatory approval to recover accrued other postretirement benefit costs through rates. The LPSC ordered Entergy Louisiana to continue the use of the pay-as-you-go method for ratemaking purposes for postretirement benefits other than pensions. However, the LPSC retains the flexibility to examine individual companies’ accounting for other postretirement benefits to determine if special exceptions to this order are warranted. Pursuant to regulatory directives, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy contribute the other postretirement benefit costs collected in rates into external trusts. System Energy is funding, on behalf of Entergy Operations, other postretirement benefits associated with Grand Gulf. Trust assets contributed by participating Registrant Subsidiaries are in master trusts, established by Entergy Corporation and maintained by a trustee. Each participating Registrant Subsidiary holds a beneficial interest in the trusts’ assets. The assets in the master trusts are commingled for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets are commingled, supporting records are maintained for the purpose of allocating the beneficial interest in net earnings/(losses) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts to the various participating plans and participating Registrant Subsidiaries. Beneficial interest in an investment account’s net income/(loss) is comprised of interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses, and expenses. Beneficial interest from these investments is allocated to the plans and participating Registrant Subsidiary based on their portion of net assets in the pooled accounts. Components of Net Other Postretirement Benefit Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or AOCI Entergy Corporation’s and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs, including amounts capitalized and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $24,734 $26,578 $24,500 Interest cost on accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (APBO) 27,306 21,278 28,597 Expected return on assets (43,420) (43,220) (40,880) Amortization of prior service credit (25,550) (33,069) (32,882) Recognized net loss 4,333 2,853 3,481 Net other postretirement benefit income ($12,597) ($25,580) ($17,184) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service credit for the period ($858) ($3,168) ($128,837) Net (gain)/loss (131,524) 6,210 41,031 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 25,550 33,069 32,882 Amortization of net loss (4,333) (2,853) (3,481) Total ($111,165) $33,258 ($58,405) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($123,762) $7,678 ($75,589) Total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs of the Registrant Subsidiaries, including amounts capitalized and deferred, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,457 $5,633 $1,354 $397 $1,322 $1,239 Interest cost on APBO 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Expected return on assets (17,930) — (5,575) (5,997) (10,273) (3,162) Amortization of prior service cost/(credit) 1,885 (4,630) (1,772) (916) (4,371) (319) Recognized net (gain)/ loss 873 (744) 222 (898) 648 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($5,665) $6,029 ($4,370) ($6,720) ($11,078) ($1,005) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $273 $323 ($1,300) $— $— $141 Net (gain)/loss 12,894 (65,501) 6,629 17,334 22,323 1,208 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit/(cost) (1,885) 4,630 1,772 916 4,371 319 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (873) 744 (222) 898 (648) (121) Total $10,409 ($59,804) $6,879 $19,148 $26,046 $1,547 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $4,744 ($53,775) $2,509 $12,428 $14,968 $542 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,135 $6,174 $1,448 $437 $1,384 $1,340 Interest cost on APBO 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Expected return on assets (18,020) — (5,536) (5,750) (10,192) (3,156) Amortization of prior service credit (1,121) (4,920) (1,775) (916) (3,742) (436) Recognized net (gain)/loss 196 (364) 76 (712) 398 61 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($11,084) $5,410 ($4,677) ($6,420) ($10,883) ($1,313) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period ($85) $357 $— $— ($3,776) $69 Net (gain)/loss 9,956 (2,367) (2,823) (3,330) 939 210 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,121 4,920 1,775 916 3,742 436 Amortization of net (gain)/ loss (196) 364 (76) 712 (398) (61) Total $10,796 $3,274 ($1,124) ($1,702) $507 $654 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($288) $8,684 ($5,801) ($8,122) ($10,376) ($659) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $3,626 $5,993 $1,468 $445 $1,219 $1,254 Interest cost on APBO 4,712 6,216 1,536 784 2,008 1,130 Expected return on assets (17,104) — (5,167) (5,382) (9,643) (2,958) Amortization of prior service credit (1,849) (6,179) (1,652) (763) (3,364) (1,065) Recognized net (gain)/loss 540 (447) 171 (13) 907 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($10,075) $5,583 ($3,644) ($4,929) ($8,873) ($1,518) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $12,320 ($23,508) ($4,428) ($5,493) ($22,441) ($1,963) Net (gain)/loss 2,245 8,744 (4,456) (5,351) (3,266) 58 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,849 6,179 1,652 763 3,364 1,065 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (540) 447 (171) 13 (907) (121) Total $15,874 ($8,138) ($7,403) ($10,068) ($23,250) ($961) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $5,799 ($2,555) ($11,047) ($14,997) ($32,123) ($2,479) Other Postretirement Benefit Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, and Amounts Not Yet Recognized and Recognized in the Balance Sheet Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets of Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $1,189,682 $1,181,075 Service cost 24,734 26,578 Interest cost 27,306 21,278 Plan amendments (858) (3,168) Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Actuarial (gain)/loss (297,128) 20,955 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Medicare Part D subsidy received 264 249 Balance at December 31 $865,854 $1,189,682 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $771,319 $737,866 Actual return on plan assets (122,184) 57,965 Employer contributions 52,835 32,773 Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Fair value of assets at December 31 $623,824 $771,319 Funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities ($42,484) ($42,000) Non-current liabilities (199,546) (376,363) Total funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized as a regulatory asset Prior service credit ($29,323) ($37,693) Net (gain)/loss 16,956 (7,981) ($12,367) ($45,674) Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit ($45,167) ($61,488) Net (gain)/loss (133,656) 27,138 ($178,823) ($34,350) Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Balance Sheets of the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Service cost 4,457 5,633 1,354 397 1,322 1,239 Interest cost 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Plan amendments 273 323 (1,300) — — 141 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Actuarial gain (54,923) (65,501) (14,465) (6,867) (16,291) (10,679) Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Medicare Part D subsidy received 42 57 6 7 16 17 Balance at December 31 $164,018 $183,126 $44,365 $23,971 $53,482 $35,274 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Actual return on plan assets (49,887) — (15,519) (18,204) (28,341) (8,725) Employer contributions 1,573 16,187 759 333 (23) 944 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Fair value of assets at December 31 $255,117 $— $79,496 $91,140 $148,799 $42,434 Funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,356) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 91,099 (167,770) 35,131 67,169 95,317 7,160 Total funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $7,079 $— ($3,637) ($2,898) ($16,161) ($789) Net loss 5,224 — 2,153 2,229 24,246 4,054 $12,303 $— ($1,484) ($669) $8,085 $3,265 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($12,015) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (82,308) — — — — $— ($94,323) $— $— $— $— 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $209,369 $255,571 $61,990 $31,707 $74,233 $47,701 Service cost 4,135 6,174 1,448 437 1,384 1,340 Interest cost 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Plan amendments (85) 357 — — (3,776) 69 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Actuarial (gain)/loss 14,323 (2,367) (1,335) 988 4,270 1,289 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Medicare Part D subsidy received 32 50 6 4 13 14 Balance at December 31 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $304,192 $— $93,475 $102,734 $174,096 $52,619 Actual return on plan assets 22,387 — 7,024 10,068 13,523 4,235 Employer contributions (767) 11,274 (393) 126 98 1,212 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Fair value of assets at December 31 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,839) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 94,312 (237,192) 36,887 79,271 110,324 6,775 Total funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $8,691 $— ($4,109) ($3,814) ($20,532) ($1,249) Net (gain)/loss (6,797) — (4,254) (16,003) 2,571 2,967 $1,894 $— ($8,363) ($19,817) ($17,961) $1,718 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($16,967) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (17,551) — — — — $— ($34,518) $— $— $— $— The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial gains during 2022 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations, partially offset by asset losses due to an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets during 2022. The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial losses during 2021 primarily due to a reduction in the projected Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) revenue and updated census data. These losses were partially offset by gains resulting from the actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021 and a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. Non-Qualified Pension Plans Entergy also sponsors non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans that provide benefits to certain key employees. Entergy recognized net periodic pension cost related to these plans of $30.9 million in 2022, $28.6 million in 2021, and $18.1 million in 2020. In 2022 and 2021, Entergy recognized $12.2 million and $10.9 million, respectively, in settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan that is included in the non-qualified pension plan cost above. In 2020 there were no settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan. The projected benefit obligation was $152.4 million as of December 31, 2022 of which $62.4 million was a current liability and $90 million was a non-current liability. The projected benefit obligation was $181.6 million as of December 31, 2021 of which $26.3 million was a current liability and $155.3 million was a non-current liability. The accumulated benefit obligation was $140 million and $165.5 million as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The unamortized prior service cost and net loss are recognized in regulatory assets ($56.8 million at December 31, 2022 and $74.9 million at December 31, 2021) and accumulated other comprehensive income before taxes ($8.7 million at December 31, 2022 and $17 million at December 31, 2021). A Rabbi Trust has been established for the benefit of certain participants in Entergy’s non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans. The Rabbi Trust assets are invested in money-ma |
Entergy Louisiana [Member] | |
Retirement And Other Postretirement Benefits | RETIREMENT, OTHER POSTRETIREMENT BENEFITS, AND DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy) Qualified Pension Plans Entergy has seven defined benefit qualified pension plans, including the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Non-Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan III (Plan III), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan IV for Bargaining Employees, and the Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Cash Balance Plan). The Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan) was merged with and into Non-Bargaining Plan I effective January 1, 2022. The Registrant Subsidiaries participate in these four plans: Non-Bargaining Plan I, Bargaining Plan I, Plan III, and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire was prior to June 30, 2014 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) participate in a noncontributory final average pay formula that provides pension benefits based on the employee’s credited service and compensation during employment. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire is after June 30, 2014 and before January 1, 2021 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) do not participate in a final average pay formula, but instead participate in a cash balance formula. Effective January 1, 2021, the Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan were amended to close participation in the plan to those employees whose most recent hire date is after December 31, 2020 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement). Employees hired after this date instead may be eligible to participate in and receive a discretionary employer contribution under an Entergy sponsored tax-qualified defined contribution plan that includes a 401(k) feature. The assets of the seven defined benefit qualified pension plans are held in a master trust established by Entergy. Each pension plan has an undivided beneficial interest in each of the investment accounts in the master trust that is maintained by a trustee. Use of the master trust permits the commingling of the trust assets of the pension plans of Entergy Corporation and its Registrant Subsidiaries for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets in the master trust are commingled, the trustee maintains supporting records for the purpose of allocating the trust level equity in net earnings (loss) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts in the trust to the various participating pension plans in the trust. The fair value of the trust’s assets is determined by the trustee and certain investment managers. The trustee calculates a daily earnings factor, including realized and unrealized gains or losses, collected and accrued income, and administrative expenses, and allocates earnings to each plan in the master trust on a pro rata basis. Within each pension plan, the record of each Registrant Subsidiary’s beneficial interest in the plan assets is maintained by the plan’s actuary and is updated quarterly. Assets for each Registrant Subsidiary are increased for investment net income and contributions and are decreased for benefit payments. A plan’s investment net income/loss (i.e., interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses and expenses) is allocated to the Registrant Subsidiaries participating in that plan based on the value of assets for each Registrant Subsidiary at the beginning of the quarter adjusted for contributions and benefit payments made during the quarter. Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries fund pension plans in an amount not less than the minimum required contribution under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The assets of the plans include common and preferred stocks, fixed-income securities, interest in a money market fund, and insurance contracts. The Registrant Subsidiaries’ pension costs are recovered from customers as a component of cost of service in each of their respective jurisdictions. Components of Qualified Net Pension Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (AOCI) Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $138,085 $165,278 $161,487 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 235,805 191,107 239,614 Expected return on assets (402,504) (424,572) (414,273) Recognized net loss 188,683 334,124 350,010 Settlement charges 230,389 205,878 36,946 Net pension cost $390,458 $471,815 $373,784 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $6,113 ($448,532) $483,653 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (188,683) (334,124) (358,473) Settlement charge (230,389) (205,878) (36,946) Total ($412,959) ($988,534) $88,234 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($22,501) ($516,719) $462,018 The Registrant Subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $25,210 $33,520 $8,043 $2,745 $5,999 $7,746 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Expected return on assets (75,820) (82,478) (20,168) (9,920) (18,317) (18,173) Recognized net loss 43,597 41,711 12,594 4,787 9,013 10,938 Settlement charges 36,409 58,550 15,786 6,676 22,411 9,905 Net pension cost $74,774 $100,633 $29,234 $9,779 $29,835 $21,702 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $28,365 ($15,604) ($4,743) $525 $13,363 ($7,063) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (43,597) (41,711) (12,594) (4,787) (9,013) (10,938) Settlement charge (36,409) (58,550) (15,786) (6,676) (22,411) (9,905) Total ($51,641) ($115,865) ($33,123) ($10,938) ($18,061) ($27,906) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $23,133 ($15,232) ($3,889) ($1,159) $11,774 ($6,204) 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $28,632 $38,271 $9,070 $3,038 $6,921 $8,851 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Expected return on assets (78,368) (89,821) (22,407) (10,598) (21,158) (19,254) Recognized net loss 69,290 67,015 20,007 7,596 12,676 18,404 Settlement charges 37,682 61,945 16,710 5,431 11,797 12,260 Net pension cost $92,919 $117,150 $33,826 $9,859 $18,617 $29,348 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net gain ($96,066) ($89,534) ($29,675) ($16,159) ($18,217) ($27,617) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,290) (67,015) (20,007) (7,596) (12,676) (18,404) Settlement charge (37,682) (61,945) (16,710) (5,431) (11,797) (12,260) Total ($203,038) ($218,494) ($66,392) ($29,186) ($42,690) ($58,281) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($110,119) ($101,344) ($32,566) ($19,327) ($24,073) ($28,933) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $26,329 $35,158 $8,060 $2,654 $6,116 $7,883 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 44,165 50,432 12,922 5,825 10,731 11,006 Expected return on assets (78,187) (89,691) (23,147) (10,509) (21,951) (18,757) Recognized net loss 68,338 66,640 18,983 8,018 13,173 17,104 Settlement charges 21,078 8,109 3,366 — 4,289 105 Net pension cost $81,723 $70,648 $20,184 $5,988 $12,358 $17,341 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net loss $106,178 $90,064 $36,899 $8,148 $13,379 $35,403 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,713) (68,248) (19,393) (8,213) (13,564) (17,434) Settlement charge (21,078) (8,109) (3,366) — (4,289) (105) Total $15,387 $13,707 $14,140 ($65) ($4,474) $17,864 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $97,110 $84,355 $34,324 $5,923 $7,884 $35,205 Qualified Pension Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, Amounts Recognized in the Balance Sheet Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $8,409,620 $9,143,652 Service cost 138,085 165,278 Interest cost 235,805 191,107 Actuarial gain (1,660,463) (158,276) Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Balance at December 31 $6,166,106 $8,409,620 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $6,993,110 $6,854,426 Actual return on plan assets (1,264,071) 714,827 Employer contributions 470,000 355,998 Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Fair value of assets at December 31 $5,242,098 $6,993,110 Funded status ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized as a regulatory asset Net loss $1,842,348 $2,214,390 Amount recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $408,839 $449,756 Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Balance Sheets for the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Service cost 25,210 33,520 8,043 2,745 5,999 7,746 Interest cost 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Actuarial gain (280,691) (357,572) (88,303) (40,462) (65,795) (81,504) Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Balance at December 31 $1,168,098 $1,256,422 $320,994 $140,436 $265,565 $288,302 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Actual return on plan assets (233,236) (259,490) (63,392) (31,067) (60,841) (56,267) Employer contributions 92,971 53,658 33,287 1,129 2,513 28,619 Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Fair value of assets at December 31 $961,178 $1,035,574 $265,736 $119,710 $226,417 $240,392 Funded status ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $561,323 $445,116 $140,389 $51,868 $95,729 $125,876 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $18,546 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($96) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($146.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($48) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($16.2) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($48.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($23.5) million at System Energy. 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,739,382 $1,927,271 $510,109 $220,287 $410,664 $441,148 Service cost 28,632 38,271 9,070 3,038 6,921 8,851 Interest cost 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Actuarial gain (41,227) (28,439) (14,831) (9,118) (3,971) (14,746) Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Balance at December 31 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,285,856 $1,476,306 $371,394 $172,551 $349,748 $310,818 Actual return on plan assets 133,207 150,917 37,251 17,639 35,405 32,125 Employer contributions 66,649 59,882 13,715 5,395 6,955 18,663 Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Fair value of assets at December 31 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Funded status ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $612,963 $556,345 $173,511 $62,805 $113,790 $153,782 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $23,181 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($104.4) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($166.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($45.7) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($14.3) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($31.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($33) million at System Energy. The qualified pension plans incurred a small actuarial loss during 2022 primarily due to asset losses resulting from an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets, substantially offset by liability gains due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. The qualified pension plans incurred actuarial gains during 2021 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations and an actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021. Accumulated Pension Benefit Obligation The accumulated benefit obligation for Entergy’s qualified pension plans was $5.7 billion and $7.8 billion at December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The qualified pension accumulated benefit obligation for each of the Registrant Subsidiaries for their employees as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 was as follows: December 31, 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Entergy Arkansas $1,008,152 $1,463,966 Entergy Louisiana $1,146,561 $1,574,273 Entergy Mississippi $292,596 $407,851 Entergy New Orleans $128,499 $178,010 Entergy Texas $245,428 $342,441 System Energy $269,583 $366,920 Other Postretirement Benefits Entergy also currently offers retiree medical, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits (other postretirement benefits) for eligible retired employees. Employees who commenced employment before July 1, 2014 and who satisfy certain eligibility requirements (including retiring from Entergy after a certain age and/or years of service with Entergy and immediately commencing their Entergy pension benefit), may become eligible for other postretirement benefits. In March 2020, Entergy announced changes to its other postretirement benefits. Effective January 1, 2021, certain retired, former non-bargaining employees age 65 and older who are eligible for Entergy-sponsored retiree welfare benefits, and their eligible spouses who are age 65 and older (collectively, Medicare-eligible participants), are eligible to participate in an Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, and are no longer eligible for retiree coverage under the Entergy Corporation Companies’ Benefits Plus Medical, Dental and Vision Plans. Under the Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, Medicare-eligible participants are eligible to participate in a health reimbursement arrangement which they may use towards the purchase of various types of qualified insurance offered through a Medicare exchange provider and for other qualified medical expenses. In accordance with accounting standards, the effects of this change are reflected in the December 31, 2020 other postretirement obligation. The changes affecting active bargaining unit employees will be negotiated with the unions prior to implementation, where necessary, and to the extent required by law. Effective January 1, 1993, Entergy adopted an accounting standard requiring a change from a cash method to an accrual method of accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions. Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and Entergy Texas have received regulatory approval to recover accrued other postretirement benefit costs through rates. The LPSC ordered Entergy Louisiana to continue the use of the pay-as-you-go method for ratemaking purposes for postretirement benefits other than pensions. However, the LPSC retains the flexibility to examine individual companies’ accounting for other postretirement benefits to determine if special exceptions to this order are warranted. Pursuant to regulatory directives, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy contribute the other postretirement benefit costs collected in rates into external trusts. System Energy is funding, on behalf of Entergy Operations, other postretirement benefits associated with Grand Gulf. Trust assets contributed by participating Registrant Subsidiaries are in master trusts, established by Entergy Corporation and maintained by a trustee. Each participating Registrant Subsidiary holds a beneficial interest in the trusts’ assets. The assets in the master trusts are commingled for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets are commingled, supporting records are maintained for the purpose of allocating the beneficial interest in net earnings/(losses) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts to the various participating plans and participating Registrant Subsidiaries. Beneficial interest in an investment account’s net income/(loss) is comprised of interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses, and expenses. Beneficial interest from these investments is allocated to the plans and participating Registrant Subsidiary based on their portion of net assets in the pooled accounts. Components of Net Other Postretirement Benefit Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or AOCI Entergy Corporation’s and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs, including amounts capitalized and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $24,734 $26,578 $24,500 Interest cost on accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (APBO) 27,306 21,278 28,597 Expected return on assets (43,420) (43,220) (40,880) Amortization of prior service credit (25,550) (33,069) (32,882) Recognized net loss 4,333 2,853 3,481 Net other postretirement benefit income ($12,597) ($25,580) ($17,184) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service credit for the period ($858) ($3,168) ($128,837) Net (gain)/loss (131,524) 6,210 41,031 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 25,550 33,069 32,882 Amortization of net loss (4,333) (2,853) (3,481) Total ($111,165) $33,258 ($58,405) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($123,762) $7,678 ($75,589) Total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs of the Registrant Subsidiaries, including amounts capitalized and deferred, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,457 $5,633 $1,354 $397 $1,322 $1,239 Interest cost on APBO 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Expected return on assets (17,930) — (5,575) (5,997) (10,273) (3,162) Amortization of prior service cost/(credit) 1,885 (4,630) (1,772) (916) (4,371) (319) Recognized net (gain)/ loss 873 (744) 222 (898) 648 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($5,665) $6,029 ($4,370) ($6,720) ($11,078) ($1,005) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $273 $323 ($1,300) $— $— $141 Net (gain)/loss 12,894 (65,501) 6,629 17,334 22,323 1,208 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit/(cost) (1,885) 4,630 1,772 916 4,371 319 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (873) 744 (222) 898 (648) (121) Total $10,409 ($59,804) $6,879 $19,148 $26,046 $1,547 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $4,744 ($53,775) $2,509 $12,428 $14,968 $542 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,135 $6,174 $1,448 $437 $1,384 $1,340 Interest cost on APBO 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Expected return on assets (18,020) — (5,536) (5,750) (10,192) (3,156) Amortization of prior service credit (1,121) (4,920) (1,775) (916) (3,742) (436) Recognized net (gain)/loss 196 (364) 76 (712) 398 61 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($11,084) $5,410 ($4,677) ($6,420) ($10,883) ($1,313) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period ($85) $357 $— $— ($3,776) $69 Net (gain)/loss 9,956 (2,367) (2,823) (3,330) 939 210 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,121 4,920 1,775 916 3,742 436 Amortization of net (gain)/ loss (196) 364 (76) 712 (398) (61) Total $10,796 $3,274 ($1,124) ($1,702) $507 $654 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($288) $8,684 ($5,801) ($8,122) ($10,376) ($659) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $3,626 $5,993 $1,468 $445 $1,219 $1,254 Interest cost on APBO 4,712 6,216 1,536 784 2,008 1,130 Expected return on assets (17,104) — (5,167) (5,382) (9,643) (2,958) Amortization of prior service credit (1,849) (6,179) (1,652) (763) (3,364) (1,065) Recognized net (gain)/loss 540 (447) 171 (13) 907 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($10,075) $5,583 ($3,644) ($4,929) ($8,873) ($1,518) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $12,320 ($23,508) ($4,428) ($5,493) ($22,441) ($1,963) Net (gain)/loss 2,245 8,744 (4,456) (5,351) (3,266) 58 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,849 6,179 1,652 763 3,364 1,065 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (540) 447 (171) 13 (907) (121) Total $15,874 ($8,138) ($7,403) ($10,068) ($23,250) ($961) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $5,799 ($2,555) ($11,047) ($14,997) ($32,123) ($2,479) Other Postretirement Benefit Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, and Amounts Not Yet Recognized and Recognized in the Balance Sheet Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets of Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $1,189,682 $1,181,075 Service cost 24,734 26,578 Interest cost 27,306 21,278 Plan amendments (858) (3,168) Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Actuarial (gain)/loss (297,128) 20,955 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Medicare Part D subsidy received 264 249 Balance at December 31 $865,854 $1,189,682 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $771,319 $737,866 Actual return on plan assets (122,184) 57,965 Employer contributions 52,835 32,773 Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Fair value of assets at December 31 $623,824 $771,319 Funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities ($42,484) ($42,000) Non-current liabilities (199,546) (376,363) Total funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized as a regulatory asset Prior service credit ($29,323) ($37,693) Net (gain)/loss 16,956 (7,981) ($12,367) ($45,674) Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit ($45,167) ($61,488) Net (gain)/loss (133,656) 27,138 ($178,823) ($34,350) Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Balance Sheets of the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Service cost 4,457 5,633 1,354 397 1,322 1,239 Interest cost 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Plan amendments 273 323 (1,300) — — 141 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Actuarial gain (54,923) (65,501) (14,465) (6,867) (16,291) (10,679) Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Medicare Part D subsidy received 42 57 6 7 16 17 Balance at December 31 $164,018 $183,126 $44,365 $23,971 $53,482 $35,274 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Actual return on plan assets (49,887) — (15,519) (18,204) (28,341) (8,725) Employer contributions 1,573 16,187 759 333 (23) 944 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Fair value of assets at December 31 $255,117 $— $79,496 $91,140 $148,799 $42,434 Funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,356) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 91,099 (167,770) 35,131 67,169 95,317 7,160 Total funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $7,079 $— ($3,637) ($2,898) ($16,161) ($789) Net loss 5,224 — 2,153 2,229 24,246 4,054 $12,303 $— ($1,484) ($669) $8,085 $3,265 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($12,015) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (82,308) — — — — $— ($94,323) $— $— $— $— 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $209,369 $255,571 $61,990 $31,707 $74,233 $47,701 Service cost 4,135 6,174 1,448 437 1,384 1,340 Interest cost 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Plan amendments (85) 357 — — (3,776) 69 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Actuarial (gain)/loss 14,323 (2,367) (1,335) 988 4,270 1,289 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Medicare Part D subsidy received 32 50 6 4 13 14 Balance at December 31 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $304,192 $— $93,475 $102,734 $174,096 $52,619 Actual return on plan assets 22,387 — 7,024 10,068 13,523 4,235 Employer contributions (767) 11,274 (393) 126 98 1,212 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Fair value of assets at December 31 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,839) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 94,312 (237,192) 36,887 79,271 110,324 6,775 Total funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $8,691 $— ($4,109) ($3,814) ($20,532) ($1,249) Net (gain)/loss (6,797) — (4,254) (16,003) 2,571 2,967 $1,894 $— ($8,363) ($19,817) ($17,961) $1,718 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($16,967) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (17,551) — — — — $— ($34,518) $— $— $— $— The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial gains during 2022 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations, partially offset by asset losses due to an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets during 2022. The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial losses during 2021 primarily due to a reduction in the projected Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) revenue and updated census data. These losses were partially offset by gains resulting from the actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021 and a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. Non-Qualified Pension Plans Entergy also sponsors non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans that provide benefits to certain key employees. Entergy recognized net periodic pension cost related to these plans of $30.9 million in 2022, $28.6 million in 2021, and $18.1 million in 2020. In 2022 and 2021, Entergy recognized $12.2 million and $10.9 million, respectively, in settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan that is included in the non-qualified pension plan cost above. In 2020 there were no settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan. The projected benefit obligation was $152.4 million as of December 31, 2022 of which $62.4 million was a current liability and $90 million was a non-current liability. The projected benefit obligation was $181.6 million as of December 31, 2021 of which $26.3 million was a current liability and $155.3 million was a non-current liability. The accumulated benefit obligation was $140 million and $165.5 million as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The unamortized prior service cost and net loss are recognized in regulatory assets ($56.8 million at December 31, 2022 and $74.9 million at December 31, 2021) and accumulated other comprehensive income before taxes ($8.7 million at December 31, 2022 and $17 million at December 31, 2021). A Rabbi Trust has been established for the benefit of certain participants in Entergy’s non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans. The Rabbi Trust assets are invested in money-ma |
Entergy Mississippi [Member] | |
Retirement And Other Postretirement Benefits | RETIREMENT, OTHER POSTRETIREMENT BENEFITS, AND DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy) Qualified Pension Plans Entergy has seven defined benefit qualified pension plans, including the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Non-Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan III (Plan III), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan IV for Bargaining Employees, and the Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Cash Balance Plan). The Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan) was merged with and into Non-Bargaining Plan I effective January 1, 2022. The Registrant Subsidiaries participate in these four plans: Non-Bargaining Plan I, Bargaining Plan I, Plan III, and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire was prior to June 30, 2014 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) participate in a noncontributory final average pay formula that provides pension benefits based on the employee’s credited service and compensation during employment. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire is after June 30, 2014 and before January 1, 2021 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) do not participate in a final average pay formula, but instead participate in a cash balance formula. Effective January 1, 2021, the Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan were amended to close participation in the plan to those employees whose most recent hire date is after December 31, 2020 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement). Employees hired after this date instead may be eligible to participate in and receive a discretionary employer contribution under an Entergy sponsored tax-qualified defined contribution plan that includes a 401(k) feature. The assets of the seven defined benefit qualified pension plans are held in a master trust established by Entergy. Each pension plan has an undivided beneficial interest in each of the investment accounts in the master trust that is maintained by a trustee. Use of the master trust permits the commingling of the trust assets of the pension plans of Entergy Corporation and its Registrant Subsidiaries for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets in the master trust are commingled, the trustee maintains supporting records for the purpose of allocating the trust level equity in net earnings (loss) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts in the trust to the various participating pension plans in the trust. The fair value of the trust’s assets is determined by the trustee and certain investment managers. The trustee calculates a daily earnings factor, including realized and unrealized gains or losses, collected and accrued income, and administrative expenses, and allocates earnings to each plan in the master trust on a pro rata basis. Within each pension plan, the record of each Registrant Subsidiary’s beneficial interest in the plan assets is maintained by the plan’s actuary and is updated quarterly. Assets for each Registrant Subsidiary are increased for investment net income and contributions and are decreased for benefit payments. A plan’s investment net income/loss (i.e., interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses and expenses) is allocated to the Registrant Subsidiaries participating in that plan based on the value of assets for each Registrant Subsidiary at the beginning of the quarter adjusted for contributions and benefit payments made during the quarter. Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries fund pension plans in an amount not less than the minimum required contribution under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The assets of the plans include common and preferred stocks, fixed-income securities, interest in a money market fund, and insurance contracts. The Registrant Subsidiaries’ pension costs are recovered from customers as a component of cost of service in each of their respective jurisdictions. Components of Qualified Net Pension Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (AOCI) Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $138,085 $165,278 $161,487 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 235,805 191,107 239,614 Expected return on assets (402,504) (424,572) (414,273) Recognized net loss 188,683 334,124 350,010 Settlement charges 230,389 205,878 36,946 Net pension cost $390,458 $471,815 $373,784 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $6,113 ($448,532) $483,653 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (188,683) (334,124) (358,473) Settlement charge (230,389) (205,878) (36,946) Total ($412,959) ($988,534) $88,234 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($22,501) ($516,719) $462,018 The Registrant Subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $25,210 $33,520 $8,043 $2,745 $5,999 $7,746 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Expected return on assets (75,820) (82,478) (20,168) (9,920) (18,317) (18,173) Recognized net loss 43,597 41,711 12,594 4,787 9,013 10,938 Settlement charges 36,409 58,550 15,786 6,676 22,411 9,905 Net pension cost $74,774 $100,633 $29,234 $9,779 $29,835 $21,702 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $28,365 ($15,604) ($4,743) $525 $13,363 ($7,063) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (43,597) (41,711) (12,594) (4,787) (9,013) (10,938) Settlement charge (36,409) (58,550) (15,786) (6,676) (22,411) (9,905) Total ($51,641) ($115,865) ($33,123) ($10,938) ($18,061) ($27,906) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $23,133 ($15,232) ($3,889) ($1,159) $11,774 ($6,204) 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $28,632 $38,271 $9,070 $3,038 $6,921 $8,851 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Expected return on assets (78,368) (89,821) (22,407) (10,598) (21,158) (19,254) Recognized net loss 69,290 67,015 20,007 7,596 12,676 18,404 Settlement charges 37,682 61,945 16,710 5,431 11,797 12,260 Net pension cost $92,919 $117,150 $33,826 $9,859 $18,617 $29,348 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net gain ($96,066) ($89,534) ($29,675) ($16,159) ($18,217) ($27,617) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,290) (67,015) (20,007) (7,596) (12,676) (18,404) Settlement charge (37,682) (61,945) (16,710) (5,431) (11,797) (12,260) Total ($203,038) ($218,494) ($66,392) ($29,186) ($42,690) ($58,281) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($110,119) ($101,344) ($32,566) ($19,327) ($24,073) ($28,933) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $26,329 $35,158 $8,060 $2,654 $6,116 $7,883 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 44,165 50,432 12,922 5,825 10,731 11,006 Expected return on assets (78,187) (89,691) (23,147) (10,509) (21,951) (18,757) Recognized net loss 68,338 66,640 18,983 8,018 13,173 17,104 Settlement charges 21,078 8,109 3,366 — 4,289 105 Net pension cost $81,723 $70,648 $20,184 $5,988 $12,358 $17,341 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net loss $106,178 $90,064 $36,899 $8,148 $13,379 $35,403 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,713) (68,248) (19,393) (8,213) (13,564) (17,434) Settlement charge (21,078) (8,109) (3,366) — (4,289) (105) Total $15,387 $13,707 $14,140 ($65) ($4,474) $17,864 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $97,110 $84,355 $34,324 $5,923 $7,884 $35,205 Qualified Pension Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, Amounts Recognized in the Balance Sheet Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $8,409,620 $9,143,652 Service cost 138,085 165,278 Interest cost 235,805 191,107 Actuarial gain (1,660,463) (158,276) Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Balance at December 31 $6,166,106 $8,409,620 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $6,993,110 $6,854,426 Actual return on plan assets (1,264,071) 714,827 Employer contributions 470,000 355,998 Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Fair value of assets at December 31 $5,242,098 $6,993,110 Funded status ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized as a regulatory asset Net loss $1,842,348 $2,214,390 Amount recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $408,839 $449,756 Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Balance Sheets for the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Service cost 25,210 33,520 8,043 2,745 5,999 7,746 Interest cost 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Actuarial gain (280,691) (357,572) (88,303) (40,462) (65,795) (81,504) Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Balance at December 31 $1,168,098 $1,256,422 $320,994 $140,436 $265,565 $288,302 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Actual return on plan assets (233,236) (259,490) (63,392) (31,067) (60,841) (56,267) Employer contributions 92,971 53,658 33,287 1,129 2,513 28,619 Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Fair value of assets at December 31 $961,178 $1,035,574 $265,736 $119,710 $226,417 $240,392 Funded status ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $561,323 $445,116 $140,389 $51,868 $95,729 $125,876 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $18,546 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($96) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($146.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($48) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($16.2) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($48.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($23.5) million at System Energy. 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,739,382 $1,927,271 $510,109 $220,287 $410,664 $441,148 Service cost 28,632 38,271 9,070 3,038 6,921 8,851 Interest cost 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Actuarial gain (41,227) (28,439) (14,831) (9,118) (3,971) (14,746) Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Balance at December 31 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,285,856 $1,476,306 $371,394 $172,551 $349,748 $310,818 Actual return on plan assets 133,207 150,917 37,251 17,639 35,405 32,125 Employer contributions 66,649 59,882 13,715 5,395 6,955 18,663 Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Fair value of assets at December 31 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Funded status ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $612,963 $556,345 $173,511 $62,805 $113,790 $153,782 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $23,181 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($104.4) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($166.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($45.7) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($14.3) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($31.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($33) million at System Energy. The qualified pension plans incurred a small actuarial loss during 2022 primarily due to asset losses resulting from an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets, substantially offset by liability gains due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. The qualified pension plans incurred actuarial gains during 2021 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations and an actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021. Accumulated Pension Benefit Obligation The accumulated benefit obligation for Entergy’s qualified pension plans was $5.7 billion and $7.8 billion at December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The qualified pension accumulated benefit obligation for each of the Registrant Subsidiaries for their employees as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 was as follows: December 31, 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Entergy Arkansas $1,008,152 $1,463,966 Entergy Louisiana $1,146,561 $1,574,273 Entergy Mississippi $292,596 $407,851 Entergy New Orleans $128,499 $178,010 Entergy Texas $245,428 $342,441 System Energy $269,583 $366,920 Other Postretirement Benefits Entergy also currently offers retiree medical, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits (other postretirement benefits) for eligible retired employees. Employees who commenced employment before July 1, 2014 and who satisfy certain eligibility requirements (including retiring from Entergy after a certain age and/or years of service with Entergy and immediately commencing their Entergy pension benefit), may become eligible for other postretirement benefits. In March 2020, Entergy announced changes to its other postretirement benefits. Effective January 1, 2021, certain retired, former non-bargaining employees age 65 and older who are eligible for Entergy-sponsored retiree welfare benefits, and their eligible spouses who are age 65 and older (collectively, Medicare-eligible participants), are eligible to participate in an Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, and are no longer eligible for retiree coverage under the Entergy Corporation Companies’ Benefits Plus Medical, Dental and Vision Plans. Under the Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, Medicare-eligible participants are eligible to participate in a health reimbursement arrangement which they may use towards the purchase of various types of qualified insurance offered through a Medicare exchange provider and for other qualified medical expenses. In accordance with accounting standards, the effects of this change are reflected in the December 31, 2020 other postretirement obligation. The changes affecting active bargaining unit employees will be negotiated with the unions prior to implementation, where necessary, and to the extent required by law. Effective January 1, 1993, Entergy adopted an accounting standard requiring a change from a cash method to an accrual method of accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions. Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and Entergy Texas have received regulatory approval to recover accrued other postretirement benefit costs through rates. The LPSC ordered Entergy Louisiana to continue the use of the pay-as-you-go method for ratemaking purposes for postretirement benefits other than pensions. However, the LPSC retains the flexibility to examine individual companies’ accounting for other postretirement benefits to determine if special exceptions to this order are warranted. Pursuant to regulatory directives, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy contribute the other postretirement benefit costs collected in rates into external trusts. System Energy is funding, on behalf of Entergy Operations, other postretirement benefits associated with Grand Gulf. Trust assets contributed by participating Registrant Subsidiaries are in master trusts, established by Entergy Corporation and maintained by a trustee. Each participating Registrant Subsidiary holds a beneficial interest in the trusts’ assets. The assets in the master trusts are commingled for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets are commingled, supporting records are maintained for the purpose of allocating the beneficial interest in net earnings/(losses) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts to the various participating plans and participating Registrant Subsidiaries. Beneficial interest in an investment account’s net income/(loss) is comprised of interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses, and expenses. Beneficial interest from these investments is allocated to the plans and participating Registrant Subsidiary based on their portion of net assets in the pooled accounts. Components of Net Other Postretirement Benefit Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or AOCI Entergy Corporation’s and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs, including amounts capitalized and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $24,734 $26,578 $24,500 Interest cost on accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (APBO) 27,306 21,278 28,597 Expected return on assets (43,420) (43,220) (40,880) Amortization of prior service credit (25,550) (33,069) (32,882) Recognized net loss 4,333 2,853 3,481 Net other postretirement benefit income ($12,597) ($25,580) ($17,184) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service credit for the period ($858) ($3,168) ($128,837) Net (gain)/loss (131,524) 6,210 41,031 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 25,550 33,069 32,882 Amortization of net loss (4,333) (2,853) (3,481) Total ($111,165) $33,258 ($58,405) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($123,762) $7,678 ($75,589) Total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs of the Registrant Subsidiaries, including amounts capitalized and deferred, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,457 $5,633 $1,354 $397 $1,322 $1,239 Interest cost on APBO 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Expected return on assets (17,930) — (5,575) (5,997) (10,273) (3,162) Amortization of prior service cost/(credit) 1,885 (4,630) (1,772) (916) (4,371) (319) Recognized net (gain)/ loss 873 (744) 222 (898) 648 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($5,665) $6,029 ($4,370) ($6,720) ($11,078) ($1,005) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $273 $323 ($1,300) $— $— $141 Net (gain)/loss 12,894 (65,501) 6,629 17,334 22,323 1,208 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit/(cost) (1,885) 4,630 1,772 916 4,371 319 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (873) 744 (222) 898 (648) (121) Total $10,409 ($59,804) $6,879 $19,148 $26,046 $1,547 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $4,744 ($53,775) $2,509 $12,428 $14,968 $542 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,135 $6,174 $1,448 $437 $1,384 $1,340 Interest cost on APBO 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Expected return on assets (18,020) — (5,536) (5,750) (10,192) (3,156) Amortization of prior service credit (1,121) (4,920) (1,775) (916) (3,742) (436) Recognized net (gain)/loss 196 (364) 76 (712) 398 61 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($11,084) $5,410 ($4,677) ($6,420) ($10,883) ($1,313) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period ($85) $357 $— $— ($3,776) $69 Net (gain)/loss 9,956 (2,367) (2,823) (3,330) 939 210 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,121 4,920 1,775 916 3,742 436 Amortization of net (gain)/ loss (196) 364 (76) 712 (398) (61) Total $10,796 $3,274 ($1,124) ($1,702) $507 $654 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($288) $8,684 ($5,801) ($8,122) ($10,376) ($659) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $3,626 $5,993 $1,468 $445 $1,219 $1,254 Interest cost on APBO 4,712 6,216 1,536 784 2,008 1,130 Expected return on assets (17,104) — (5,167) (5,382) (9,643) (2,958) Amortization of prior service credit (1,849) (6,179) (1,652) (763) (3,364) (1,065) Recognized net (gain)/loss 540 (447) 171 (13) 907 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($10,075) $5,583 ($3,644) ($4,929) ($8,873) ($1,518) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $12,320 ($23,508) ($4,428) ($5,493) ($22,441) ($1,963) Net (gain)/loss 2,245 8,744 (4,456) (5,351) (3,266) 58 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,849 6,179 1,652 763 3,364 1,065 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (540) 447 (171) 13 (907) (121) Total $15,874 ($8,138) ($7,403) ($10,068) ($23,250) ($961) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $5,799 ($2,555) ($11,047) ($14,997) ($32,123) ($2,479) Other Postretirement Benefit Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, and Amounts Not Yet Recognized and Recognized in the Balance Sheet Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets of Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $1,189,682 $1,181,075 Service cost 24,734 26,578 Interest cost 27,306 21,278 Plan amendments (858) (3,168) Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Actuarial (gain)/loss (297,128) 20,955 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Medicare Part D subsidy received 264 249 Balance at December 31 $865,854 $1,189,682 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $771,319 $737,866 Actual return on plan assets (122,184) 57,965 Employer contributions 52,835 32,773 Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Fair value of assets at December 31 $623,824 $771,319 Funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities ($42,484) ($42,000) Non-current liabilities (199,546) (376,363) Total funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized as a regulatory asset Prior service credit ($29,323) ($37,693) Net (gain)/loss 16,956 (7,981) ($12,367) ($45,674) Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit ($45,167) ($61,488) Net (gain)/loss (133,656) 27,138 ($178,823) ($34,350) Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Balance Sheets of the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Service cost 4,457 5,633 1,354 397 1,322 1,239 Interest cost 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Plan amendments 273 323 (1,300) — — 141 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Actuarial gain (54,923) (65,501) (14,465) (6,867) (16,291) (10,679) Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Medicare Part D subsidy received 42 57 6 7 16 17 Balance at December 31 $164,018 $183,126 $44,365 $23,971 $53,482 $35,274 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Actual return on plan assets (49,887) — (15,519) (18,204) (28,341) (8,725) Employer contributions 1,573 16,187 759 333 (23) 944 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Fair value of assets at December 31 $255,117 $— $79,496 $91,140 $148,799 $42,434 Funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,356) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 91,099 (167,770) 35,131 67,169 95,317 7,160 Total funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $7,079 $— ($3,637) ($2,898) ($16,161) ($789) Net loss 5,224 — 2,153 2,229 24,246 4,054 $12,303 $— ($1,484) ($669) $8,085 $3,265 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($12,015) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (82,308) — — — — $— ($94,323) $— $— $— $— 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $209,369 $255,571 $61,990 $31,707 $74,233 $47,701 Service cost 4,135 6,174 1,448 437 1,384 1,340 Interest cost 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Plan amendments (85) 357 — — (3,776) 69 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Actuarial (gain)/loss 14,323 (2,367) (1,335) 988 4,270 1,289 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Medicare Part D subsidy received 32 50 6 4 13 14 Balance at December 31 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $304,192 $— $93,475 $102,734 $174,096 $52,619 Actual return on plan assets 22,387 — 7,024 10,068 13,523 4,235 Employer contributions (767) 11,274 (393) 126 98 1,212 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Fair value of assets at December 31 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,839) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 94,312 (237,192) 36,887 79,271 110,324 6,775 Total funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $8,691 $— ($4,109) ($3,814) ($20,532) ($1,249) Net (gain)/loss (6,797) — (4,254) (16,003) 2,571 2,967 $1,894 $— ($8,363) ($19,817) ($17,961) $1,718 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($16,967) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (17,551) — — — — $— ($34,518) $— $— $— $— The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial gains during 2022 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations, partially offset by asset losses due to an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets during 2022. The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial losses during 2021 primarily due to a reduction in the projected Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) revenue and updated census data. These losses were partially offset by gains resulting from the actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021 and a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. Non-Qualified Pension Plans Entergy also sponsors non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans that provide benefits to certain key employees. Entergy recognized net periodic pension cost related to these plans of $30.9 million in 2022, $28.6 million in 2021, and $18.1 million in 2020. In 2022 and 2021, Entergy recognized $12.2 million and $10.9 million, respectively, in settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan that is included in the non-qualified pension plan cost above. In 2020 there were no settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan. The projected benefit obligation was $152.4 million as of December 31, 2022 of which $62.4 million was a current liability and $90 million was a non-current liability. The projected benefit obligation was $181.6 million as of December 31, 2021 of which $26.3 million was a current liability and $155.3 million was a non-current liability. The accumulated benefit obligation was $140 million and $165.5 million as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The unamortized prior service cost and net loss are recognized in regulatory assets ($56.8 million at December 31, 2022 and $74.9 million at December 31, 2021) and accumulated other comprehensive income before taxes ($8.7 million at December 31, 2022 and $17 million at December 31, 2021). A Rabbi Trust has been established for the benefit of certain participants in Entergy’s non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans. The Rabbi Trust assets are invested in money-ma |
Entergy New Orleans [Member] | |
Retirement And Other Postretirement Benefits | RETIREMENT, OTHER POSTRETIREMENT BENEFITS, AND DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy) Qualified Pension Plans Entergy has seven defined benefit qualified pension plans, including the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Non-Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan III (Plan III), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan IV for Bargaining Employees, and the Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Cash Balance Plan). The Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan) was merged with and into Non-Bargaining Plan I effective January 1, 2022. The Registrant Subsidiaries participate in these four plans: Non-Bargaining Plan I, Bargaining Plan I, Plan III, and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire was prior to June 30, 2014 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) participate in a noncontributory final average pay formula that provides pension benefits based on the employee’s credited service and compensation during employment. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire is after June 30, 2014 and before January 1, 2021 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) do not participate in a final average pay formula, but instead participate in a cash balance formula. Effective January 1, 2021, the Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan were amended to close participation in the plan to those employees whose most recent hire date is after December 31, 2020 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement). Employees hired after this date instead may be eligible to participate in and receive a discretionary employer contribution under an Entergy sponsored tax-qualified defined contribution plan that includes a 401(k) feature. The assets of the seven defined benefit qualified pension plans are held in a master trust established by Entergy. Each pension plan has an undivided beneficial interest in each of the investment accounts in the master trust that is maintained by a trustee. Use of the master trust permits the commingling of the trust assets of the pension plans of Entergy Corporation and its Registrant Subsidiaries for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets in the master trust are commingled, the trustee maintains supporting records for the purpose of allocating the trust level equity in net earnings (loss) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts in the trust to the various participating pension plans in the trust. The fair value of the trust’s assets is determined by the trustee and certain investment managers. The trustee calculates a daily earnings factor, including realized and unrealized gains or losses, collected and accrued income, and administrative expenses, and allocates earnings to each plan in the master trust on a pro rata basis. Within each pension plan, the record of each Registrant Subsidiary’s beneficial interest in the plan assets is maintained by the plan’s actuary and is updated quarterly. Assets for each Registrant Subsidiary are increased for investment net income and contributions and are decreased for benefit payments. A plan’s investment net income/loss (i.e., interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses and expenses) is allocated to the Registrant Subsidiaries participating in that plan based on the value of assets for each Registrant Subsidiary at the beginning of the quarter adjusted for contributions and benefit payments made during the quarter. Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries fund pension plans in an amount not less than the minimum required contribution under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The assets of the plans include common and preferred stocks, fixed-income securities, interest in a money market fund, and insurance contracts. The Registrant Subsidiaries’ pension costs are recovered from customers as a component of cost of service in each of their respective jurisdictions. Components of Qualified Net Pension Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (AOCI) Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $138,085 $165,278 $161,487 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 235,805 191,107 239,614 Expected return on assets (402,504) (424,572) (414,273) Recognized net loss 188,683 334,124 350,010 Settlement charges 230,389 205,878 36,946 Net pension cost $390,458 $471,815 $373,784 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $6,113 ($448,532) $483,653 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (188,683) (334,124) (358,473) Settlement charge (230,389) (205,878) (36,946) Total ($412,959) ($988,534) $88,234 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($22,501) ($516,719) $462,018 The Registrant Subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $25,210 $33,520 $8,043 $2,745 $5,999 $7,746 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Expected return on assets (75,820) (82,478) (20,168) (9,920) (18,317) (18,173) Recognized net loss 43,597 41,711 12,594 4,787 9,013 10,938 Settlement charges 36,409 58,550 15,786 6,676 22,411 9,905 Net pension cost $74,774 $100,633 $29,234 $9,779 $29,835 $21,702 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $28,365 ($15,604) ($4,743) $525 $13,363 ($7,063) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (43,597) (41,711) (12,594) (4,787) (9,013) (10,938) Settlement charge (36,409) (58,550) (15,786) (6,676) (22,411) (9,905) Total ($51,641) ($115,865) ($33,123) ($10,938) ($18,061) ($27,906) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $23,133 ($15,232) ($3,889) ($1,159) $11,774 ($6,204) 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $28,632 $38,271 $9,070 $3,038 $6,921 $8,851 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Expected return on assets (78,368) (89,821) (22,407) (10,598) (21,158) (19,254) Recognized net loss 69,290 67,015 20,007 7,596 12,676 18,404 Settlement charges 37,682 61,945 16,710 5,431 11,797 12,260 Net pension cost $92,919 $117,150 $33,826 $9,859 $18,617 $29,348 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net gain ($96,066) ($89,534) ($29,675) ($16,159) ($18,217) ($27,617) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,290) (67,015) (20,007) (7,596) (12,676) (18,404) Settlement charge (37,682) (61,945) (16,710) (5,431) (11,797) (12,260) Total ($203,038) ($218,494) ($66,392) ($29,186) ($42,690) ($58,281) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($110,119) ($101,344) ($32,566) ($19,327) ($24,073) ($28,933) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $26,329 $35,158 $8,060 $2,654 $6,116 $7,883 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 44,165 50,432 12,922 5,825 10,731 11,006 Expected return on assets (78,187) (89,691) (23,147) (10,509) (21,951) (18,757) Recognized net loss 68,338 66,640 18,983 8,018 13,173 17,104 Settlement charges 21,078 8,109 3,366 — 4,289 105 Net pension cost $81,723 $70,648 $20,184 $5,988 $12,358 $17,341 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net loss $106,178 $90,064 $36,899 $8,148 $13,379 $35,403 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,713) (68,248) (19,393) (8,213) (13,564) (17,434) Settlement charge (21,078) (8,109) (3,366) — (4,289) (105) Total $15,387 $13,707 $14,140 ($65) ($4,474) $17,864 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $97,110 $84,355 $34,324 $5,923 $7,884 $35,205 Qualified Pension Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, Amounts Recognized in the Balance Sheet Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $8,409,620 $9,143,652 Service cost 138,085 165,278 Interest cost 235,805 191,107 Actuarial gain (1,660,463) (158,276) Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Balance at December 31 $6,166,106 $8,409,620 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $6,993,110 $6,854,426 Actual return on plan assets (1,264,071) 714,827 Employer contributions 470,000 355,998 Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Fair value of assets at December 31 $5,242,098 $6,993,110 Funded status ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized as a regulatory asset Net loss $1,842,348 $2,214,390 Amount recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $408,839 $449,756 Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Balance Sheets for the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Service cost 25,210 33,520 8,043 2,745 5,999 7,746 Interest cost 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Actuarial gain (280,691) (357,572) (88,303) (40,462) (65,795) (81,504) Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Balance at December 31 $1,168,098 $1,256,422 $320,994 $140,436 $265,565 $288,302 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Actual return on plan assets (233,236) (259,490) (63,392) (31,067) (60,841) (56,267) Employer contributions 92,971 53,658 33,287 1,129 2,513 28,619 Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Fair value of assets at December 31 $961,178 $1,035,574 $265,736 $119,710 $226,417 $240,392 Funded status ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $561,323 $445,116 $140,389 $51,868 $95,729 $125,876 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $18,546 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($96) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($146.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($48) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($16.2) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($48.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($23.5) million at System Energy. 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,739,382 $1,927,271 $510,109 $220,287 $410,664 $441,148 Service cost 28,632 38,271 9,070 3,038 6,921 8,851 Interest cost 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Actuarial gain (41,227) (28,439) (14,831) (9,118) (3,971) (14,746) Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Balance at December 31 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,285,856 $1,476,306 $371,394 $172,551 $349,748 $310,818 Actual return on plan assets 133,207 150,917 37,251 17,639 35,405 32,125 Employer contributions 66,649 59,882 13,715 5,395 6,955 18,663 Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Fair value of assets at December 31 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Funded status ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $612,963 $556,345 $173,511 $62,805 $113,790 $153,782 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $23,181 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($104.4) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($166.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($45.7) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($14.3) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($31.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($33) million at System Energy. The qualified pension plans incurred a small actuarial loss during 2022 primarily due to asset losses resulting from an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets, substantially offset by liability gains due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. The qualified pension plans incurred actuarial gains during 2021 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations and an actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021. Accumulated Pension Benefit Obligation The accumulated benefit obligation for Entergy’s qualified pension plans was $5.7 billion and $7.8 billion at December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The qualified pension accumulated benefit obligation for each of the Registrant Subsidiaries for their employees as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 was as follows: December 31, 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Entergy Arkansas $1,008,152 $1,463,966 Entergy Louisiana $1,146,561 $1,574,273 Entergy Mississippi $292,596 $407,851 Entergy New Orleans $128,499 $178,010 Entergy Texas $245,428 $342,441 System Energy $269,583 $366,920 Other Postretirement Benefits Entergy also currently offers retiree medical, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits (other postretirement benefits) for eligible retired employees. Employees who commenced employment before July 1, 2014 and who satisfy certain eligibility requirements (including retiring from Entergy after a certain age and/or years of service with Entergy and immediately commencing their Entergy pension benefit), may become eligible for other postretirement benefits. In March 2020, Entergy announced changes to its other postretirement benefits. Effective January 1, 2021, certain retired, former non-bargaining employees age 65 and older who are eligible for Entergy-sponsored retiree welfare benefits, and their eligible spouses who are age 65 and older (collectively, Medicare-eligible participants), are eligible to participate in an Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, and are no longer eligible for retiree coverage under the Entergy Corporation Companies’ Benefits Plus Medical, Dental and Vision Plans. Under the Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, Medicare-eligible participants are eligible to participate in a health reimbursement arrangement which they may use towards the purchase of various types of qualified insurance offered through a Medicare exchange provider and for other qualified medical expenses. In accordance with accounting standards, the effects of this change are reflected in the December 31, 2020 other postretirement obligation. The changes affecting active bargaining unit employees will be negotiated with the unions prior to implementation, where necessary, and to the extent required by law. Effective January 1, 1993, Entergy adopted an accounting standard requiring a change from a cash method to an accrual method of accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions. Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and Entergy Texas have received regulatory approval to recover accrued other postretirement benefit costs through rates. The LPSC ordered Entergy Louisiana to continue the use of the pay-as-you-go method for ratemaking purposes for postretirement benefits other than pensions. However, the LPSC retains the flexibility to examine individual companies’ accounting for other postretirement benefits to determine if special exceptions to this order are warranted. Pursuant to regulatory directives, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy contribute the other postretirement benefit costs collected in rates into external trusts. System Energy is funding, on behalf of Entergy Operations, other postretirement benefits associated with Grand Gulf. Trust assets contributed by participating Registrant Subsidiaries are in master trusts, established by Entergy Corporation and maintained by a trustee. Each participating Registrant Subsidiary holds a beneficial interest in the trusts’ assets. The assets in the master trusts are commingled for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets are commingled, supporting records are maintained for the purpose of allocating the beneficial interest in net earnings/(losses) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts to the various participating plans and participating Registrant Subsidiaries. Beneficial interest in an investment account’s net income/(loss) is comprised of interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses, and expenses. Beneficial interest from these investments is allocated to the plans and participating Registrant Subsidiary based on their portion of net assets in the pooled accounts. Components of Net Other Postretirement Benefit Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or AOCI Entergy Corporation’s and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs, including amounts capitalized and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $24,734 $26,578 $24,500 Interest cost on accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (APBO) 27,306 21,278 28,597 Expected return on assets (43,420) (43,220) (40,880) Amortization of prior service credit (25,550) (33,069) (32,882) Recognized net loss 4,333 2,853 3,481 Net other postretirement benefit income ($12,597) ($25,580) ($17,184) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service credit for the period ($858) ($3,168) ($128,837) Net (gain)/loss (131,524) 6,210 41,031 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 25,550 33,069 32,882 Amortization of net loss (4,333) (2,853) (3,481) Total ($111,165) $33,258 ($58,405) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($123,762) $7,678 ($75,589) Total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs of the Registrant Subsidiaries, including amounts capitalized and deferred, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,457 $5,633 $1,354 $397 $1,322 $1,239 Interest cost on APBO 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Expected return on assets (17,930) — (5,575) (5,997) (10,273) (3,162) Amortization of prior service cost/(credit) 1,885 (4,630) (1,772) (916) (4,371) (319) Recognized net (gain)/ loss 873 (744) 222 (898) 648 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($5,665) $6,029 ($4,370) ($6,720) ($11,078) ($1,005) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $273 $323 ($1,300) $— $— $141 Net (gain)/loss 12,894 (65,501) 6,629 17,334 22,323 1,208 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit/(cost) (1,885) 4,630 1,772 916 4,371 319 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (873) 744 (222) 898 (648) (121) Total $10,409 ($59,804) $6,879 $19,148 $26,046 $1,547 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $4,744 ($53,775) $2,509 $12,428 $14,968 $542 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,135 $6,174 $1,448 $437 $1,384 $1,340 Interest cost on APBO 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Expected return on assets (18,020) — (5,536) (5,750) (10,192) (3,156) Amortization of prior service credit (1,121) (4,920) (1,775) (916) (3,742) (436) Recognized net (gain)/loss 196 (364) 76 (712) 398 61 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($11,084) $5,410 ($4,677) ($6,420) ($10,883) ($1,313) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period ($85) $357 $— $— ($3,776) $69 Net (gain)/loss 9,956 (2,367) (2,823) (3,330) 939 210 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,121 4,920 1,775 916 3,742 436 Amortization of net (gain)/ loss (196) 364 (76) 712 (398) (61) Total $10,796 $3,274 ($1,124) ($1,702) $507 $654 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($288) $8,684 ($5,801) ($8,122) ($10,376) ($659) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $3,626 $5,993 $1,468 $445 $1,219 $1,254 Interest cost on APBO 4,712 6,216 1,536 784 2,008 1,130 Expected return on assets (17,104) — (5,167) (5,382) (9,643) (2,958) Amortization of prior service credit (1,849) (6,179) (1,652) (763) (3,364) (1,065) Recognized net (gain)/loss 540 (447) 171 (13) 907 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($10,075) $5,583 ($3,644) ($4,929) ($8,873) ($1,518) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $12,320 ($23,508) ($4,428) ($5,493) ($22,441) ($1,963) Net (gain)/loss 2,245 8,744 (4,456) (5,351) (3,266) 58 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,849 6,179 1,652 763 3,364 1,065 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (540) 447 (171) 13 (907) (121) Total $15,874 ($8,138) ($7,403) ($10,068) ($23,250) ($961) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $5,799 ($2,555) ($11,047) ($14,997) ($32,123) ($2,479) Other Postretirement Benefit Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, and Amounts Not Yet Recognized and Recognized in the Balance Sheet Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets of Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $1,189,682 $1,181,075 Service cost 24,734 26,578 Interest cost 27,306 21,278 Plan amendments (858) (3,168) Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Actuarial (gain)/loss (297,128) 20,955 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Medicare Part D subsidy received 264 249 Balance at December 31 $865,854 $1,189,682 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $771,319 $737,866 Actual return on plan assets (122,184) 57,965 Employer contributions 52,835 32,773 Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Fair value of assets at December 31 $623,824 $771,319 Funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities ($42,484) ($42,000) Non-current liabilities (199,546) (376,363) Total funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized as a regulatory asset Prior service credit ($29,323) ($37,693) Net (gain)/loss 16,956 (7,981) ($12,367) ($45,674) Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit ($45,167) ($61,488) Net (gain)/loss (133,656) 27,138 ($178,823) ($34,350) Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Balance Sheets of the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Service cost 4,457 5,633 1,354 397 1,322 1,239 Interest cost 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Plan amendments 273 323 (1,300) — — 141 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Actuarial gain (54,923) (65,501) (14,465) (6,867) (16,291) (10,679) Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Medicare Part D subsidy received 42 57 6 7 16 17 Balance at December 31 $164,018 $183,126 $44,365 $23,971 $53,482 $35,274 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Actual return on plan assets (49,887) — (15,519) (18,204) (28,341) (8,725) Employer contributions 1,573 16,187 759 333 (23) 944 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Fair value of assets at December 31 $255,117 $— $79,496 $91,140 $148,799 $42,434 Funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,356) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 91,099 (167,770) 35,131 67,169 95,317 7,160 Total funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $7,079 $— ($3,637) ($2,898) ($16,161) ($789) Net loss 5,224 — 2,153 2,229 24,246 4,054 $12,303 $— ($1,484) ($669) $8,085 $3,265 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($12,015) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (82,308) — — — — $— ($94,323) $— $— $— $— 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $209,369 $255,571 $61,990 $31,707 $74,233 $47,701 Service cost 4,135 6,174 1,448 437 1,384 1,340 Interest cost 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Plan amendments (85) 357 — — (3,776) 69 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Actuarial (gain)/loss 14,323 (2,367) (1,335) 988 4,270 1,289 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Medicare Part D subsidy received 32 50 6 4 13 14 Balance at December 31 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $304,192 $— $93,475 $102,734 $174,096 $52,619 Actual return on plan assets 22,387 — 7,024 10,068 13,523 4,235 Employer contributions (767) 11,274 (393) 126 98 1,212 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Fair value of assets at December 31 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,839) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 94,312 (237,192) 36,887 79,271 110,324 6,775 Total funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $8,691 $— ($4,109) ($3,814) ($20,532) ($1,249) Net (gain)/loss (6,797) — (4,254) (16,003) 2,571 2,967 $1,894 $— ($8,363) ($19,817) ($17,961) $1,718 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($16,967) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (17,551) — — — — $— ($34,518) $— $— $— $— The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial gains during 2022 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations, partially offset by asset losses due to an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets during 2022. The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial losses during 2021 primarily due to a reduction in the projected Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) revenue and updated census data. These losses were partially offset by gains resulting from the actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021 and a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. Non-Qualified Pension Plans Entergy also sponsors non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans that provide benefits to certain key employees. Entergy recognized net periodic pension cost related to these plans of $30.9 million in 2022, $28.6 million in 2021, and $18.1 million in 2020. In 2022 and 2021, Entergy recognized $12.2 million and $10.9 million, respectively, in settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan that is included in the non-qualified pension plan cost above. In 2020 there were no settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan. The projected benefit obligation was $152.4 million as of December 31, 2022 of which $62.4 million was a current liability and $90 million was a non-current liability. The projected benefit obligation was $181.6 million as of December 31, 2021 of which $26.3 million was a current liability and $155.3 million was a non-current liability. The accumulated benefit obligation was $140 million and $165.5 million as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The unamortized prior service cost and net loss are recognized in regulatory assets ($56.8 million at December 31, 2022 and $74.9 million at December 31, 2021) and accumulated other comprehensive income before taxes ($8.7 million at December 31, 2022 and $17 million at December 31, 2021). A Rabbi Trust has been established for the benefit of certain participants in Entergy’s non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans. The Rabbi Trust assets are invested in money-ma |
Entergy Texas [Member] | |
Retirement And Other Postretirement Benefits | RETIREMENT, OTHER POSTRETIREMENT BENEFITS, AND DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy) Qualified Pension Plans Entergy has seven defined benefit qualified pension plans, including the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Non-Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan III (Plan III), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan IV for Bargaining Employees, and the Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Cash Balance Plan). The Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan) was merged with and into Non-Bargaining Plan I effective January 1, 2022. The Registrant Subsidiaries participate in these four plans: Non-Bargaining Plan I, Bargaining Plan I, Plan III, and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire was prior to June 30, 2014 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) participate in a noncontributory final average pay formula that provides pension benefits based on the employee’s credited service and compensation during employment. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire is after June 30, 2014 and before January 1, 2021 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) do not participate in a final average pay formula, but instead participate in a cash balance formula. Effective January 1, 2021, the Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan were amended to close participation in the plan to those employees whose most recent hire date is after December 31, 2020 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement). Employees hired after this date instead may be eligible to participate in and receive a discretionary employer contribution under an Entergy sponsored tax-qualified defined contribution plan that includes a 401(k) feature. The assets of the seven defined benefit qualified pension plans are held in a master trust established by Entergy. Each pension plan has an undivided beneficial interest in each of the investment accounts in the master trust that is maintained by a trustee. Use of the master trust permits the commingling of the trust assets of the pension plans of Entergy Corporation and its Registrant Subsidiaries for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets in the master trust are commingled, the trustee maintains supporting records for the purpose of allocating the trust level equity in net earnings (loss) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts in the trust to the various participating pension plans in the trust. The fair value of the trust’s assets is determined by the trustee and certain investment managers. The trustee calculates a daily earnings factor, including realized and unrealized gains or losses, collected and accrued income, and administrative expenses, and allocates earnings to each plan in the master trust on a pro rata basis. Within each pension plan, the record of each Registrant Subsidiary’s beneficial interest in the plan assets is maintained by the plan’s actuary and is updated quarterly. Assets for each Registrant Subsidiary are increased for investment net income and contributions and are decreased for benefit payments. A plan’s investment net income/loss (i.e., interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses and expenses) is allocated to the Registrant Subsidiaries participating in that plan based on the value of assets for each Registrant Subsidiary at the beginning of the quarter adjusted for contributions and benefit payments made during the quarter. Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries fund pension plans in an amount not less than the minimum required contribution under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The assets of the plans include common and preferred stocks, fixed-income securities, interest in a money market fund, and insurance contracts. The Registrant Subsidiaries’ pension costs are recovered from customers as a component of cost of service in each of their respective jurisdictions. Components of Qualified Net Pension Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (AOCI) Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $138,085 $165,278 $161,487 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 235,805 191,107 239,614 Expected return on assets (402,504) (424,572) (414,273) Recognized net loss 188,683 334,124 350,010 Settlement charges 230,389 205,878 36,946 Net pension cost $390,458 $471,815 $373,784 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $6,113 ($448,532) $483,653 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (188,683) (334,124) (358,473) Settlement charge (230,389) (205,878) (36,946) Total ($412,959) ($988,534) $88,234 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($22,501) ($516,719) $462,018 The Registrant Subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $25,210 $33,520 $8,043 $2,745 $5,999 $7,746 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Expected return on assets (75,820) (82,478) (20,168) (9,920) (18,317) (18,173) Recognized net loss 43,597 41,711 12,594 4,787 9,013 10,938 Settlement charges 36,409 58,550 15,786 6,676 22,411 9,905 Net pension cost $74,774 $100,633 $29,234 $9,779 $29,835 $21,702 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $28,365 ($15,604) ($4,743) $525 $13,363 ($7,063) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (43,597) (41,711) (12,594) (4,787) (9,013) (10,938) Settlement charge (36,409) (58,550) (15,786) (6,676) (22,411) (9,905) Total ($51,641) ($115,865) ($33,123) ($10,938) ($18,061) ($27,906) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $23,133 ($15,232) ($3,889) ($1,159) $11,774 ($6,204) 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $28,632 $38,271 $9,070 $3,038 $6,921 $8,851 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Expected return on assets (78,368) (89,821) (22,407) (10,598) (21,158) (19,254) Recognized net loss 69,290 67,015 20,007 7,596 12,676 18,404 Settlement charges 37,682 61,945 16,710 5,431 11,797 12,260 Net pension cost $92,919 $117,150 $33,826 $9,859 $18,617 $29,348 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net gain ($96,066) ($89,534) ($29,675) ($16,159) ($18,217) ($27,617) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,290) (67,015) (20,007) (7,596) (12,676) (18,404) Settlement charge (37,682) (61,945) (16,710) (5,431) (11,797) (12,260) Total ($203,038) ($218,494) ($66,392) ($29,186) ($42,690) ($58,281) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($110,119) ($101,344) ($32,566) ($19,327) ($24,073) ($28,933) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $26,329 $35,158 $8,060 $2,654 $6,116 $7,883 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 44,165 50,432 12,922 5,825 10,731 11,006 Expected return on assets (78,187) (89,691) (23,147) (10,509) (21,951) (18,757) Recognized net loss 68,338 66,640 18,983 8,018 13,173 17,104 Settlement charges 21,078 8,109 3,366 — 4,289 105 Net pension cost $81,723 $70,648 $20,184 $5,988 $12,358 $17,341 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net loss $106,178 $90,064 $36,899 $8,148 $13,379 $35,403 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,713) (68,248) (19,393) (8,213) (13,564) (17,434) Settlement charge (21,078) (8,109) (3,366) — (4,289) (105) Total $15,387 $13,707 $14,140 ($65) ($4,474) $17,864 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $97,110 $84,355 $34,324 $5,923 $7,884 $35,205 Qualified Pension Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, Amounts Recognized in the Balance Sheet Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $8,409,620 $9,143,652 Service cost 138,085 165,278 Interest cost 235,805 191,107 Actuarial gain (1,660,463) (158,276) Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Balance at December 31 $6,166,106 $8,409,620 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $6,993,110 $6,854,426 Actual return on plan assets (1,264,071) 714,827 Employer contributions 470,000 355,998 Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Fair value of assets at December 31 $5,242,098 $6,993,110 Funded status ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized as a regulatory asset Net loss $1,842,348 $2,214,390 Amount recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $408,839 $449,756 Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Balance Sheets for the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Service cost 25,210 33,520 8,043 2,745 5,999 7,746 Interest cost 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Actuarial gain (280,691) (357,572) (88,303) (40,462) (65,795) (81,504) Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Balance at December 31 $1,168,098 $1,256,422 $320,994 $140,436 $265,565 $288,302 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Actual return on plan assets (233,236) (259,490) (63,392) (31,067) (60,841) (56,267) Employer contributions 92,971 53,658 33,287 1,129 2,513 28,619 Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Fair value of assets at December 31 $961,178 $1,035,574 $265,736 $119,710 $226,417 $240,392 Funded status ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $561,323 $445,116 $140,389 $51,868 $95,729 $125,876 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $18,546 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($96) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($146.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($48) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($16.2) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($48.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($23.5) million at System Energy. 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,739,382 $1,927,271 $510,109 $220,287 $410,664 $441,148 Service cost 28,632 38,271 9,070 3,038 6,921 8,851 Interest cost 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Actuarial gain (41,227) (28,439) (14,831) (9,118) (3,971) (14,746) Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Balance at December 31 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,285,856 $1,476,306 $371,394 $172,551 $349,748 $310,818 Actual return on plan assets 133,207 150,917 37,251 17,639 35,405 32,125 Employer contributions 66,649 59,882 13,715 5,395 6,955 18,663 Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Fair value of assets at December 31 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Funded status ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $612,963 $556,345 $173,511 $62,805 $113,790 $153,782 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $23,181 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($104.4) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($166.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($45.7) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($14.3) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($31.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($33) million at System Energy. The qualified pension plans incurred a small actuarial loss during 2022 primarily due to asset losses resulting from an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets, substantially offset by liability gains due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. The qualified pension plans incurred actuarial gains during 2021 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations and an actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021. Accumulated Pension Benefit Obligation The accumulated benefit obligation for Entergy’s qualified pension plans was $5.7 billion and $7.8 billion at December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The qualified pension accumulated benefit obligation for each of the Registrant Subsidiaries for their employees as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 was as follows: December 31, 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Entergy Arkansas $1,008,152 $1,463,966 Entergy Louisiana $1,146,561 $1,574,273 Entergy Mississippi $292,596 $407,851 Entergy New Orleans $128,499 $178,010 Entergy Texas $245,428 $342,441 System Energy $269,583 $366,920 Other Postretirement Benefits Entergy also currently offers retiree medical, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits (other postretirement benefits) for eligible retired employees. Employees who commenced employment before July 1, 2014 and who satisfy certain eligibility requirements (including retiring from Entergy after a certain age and/or years of service with Entergy and immediately commencing their Entergy pension benefit), may become eligible for other postretirement benefits. In March 2020, Entergy announced changes to its other postretirement benefits. Effective January 1, 2021, certain retired, former non-bargaining employees age 65 and older who are eligible for Entergy-sponsored retiree welfare benefits, and their eligible spouses who are age 65 and older (collectively, Medicare-eligible participants), are eligible to participate in an Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, and are no longer eligible for retiree coverage under the Entergy Corporation Companies’ Benefits Plus Medical, Dental and Vision Plans. Under the Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, Medicare-eligible participants are eligible to participate in a health reimbursement arrangement which they may use towards the purchase of various types of qualified insurance offered through a Medicare exchange provider and for other qualified medical expenses. In accordance with accounting standards, the effects of this change are reflected in the December 31, 2020 other postretirement obligation. The changes affecting active bargaining unit employees will be negotiated with the unions prior to implementation, where necessary, and to the extent required by law. Effective January 1, 1993, Entergy adopted an accounting standard requiring a change from a cash method to an accrual method of accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions. Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and Entergy Texas have received regulatory approval to recover accrued other postretirement benefit costs through rates. The LPSC ordered Entergy Louisiana to continue the use of the pay-as-you-go method for ratemaking purposes for postretirement benefits other than pensions. However, the LPSC retains the flexibility to examine individual companies’ accounting for other postretirement benefits to determine if special exceptions to this order are warranted. Pursuant to regulatory directives, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy contribute the other postretirement benefit costs collected in rates into external trusts. System Energy is funding, on behalf of Entergy Operations, other postretirement benefits associated with Grand Gulf. Trust assets contributed by participating Registrant Subsidiaries are in master trusts, established by Entergy Corporation and maintained by a trustee. Each participating Registrant Subsidiary holds a beneficial interest in the trusts’ assets. The assets in the master trusts are commingled for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets are commingled, supporting records are maintained for the purpose of allocating the beneficial interest in net earnings/(losses) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts to the various participating plans and participating Registrant Subsidiaries. Beneficial interest in an investment account’s net income/(loss) is comprised of interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses, and expenses. Beneficial interest from these investments is allocated to the plans and participating Registrant Subsidiary based on their portion of net assets in the pooled accounts. Components of Net Other Postretirement Benefit Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or AOCI Entergy Corporation’s and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs, including amounts capitalized and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $24,734 $26,578 $24,500 Interest cost on accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (APBO) 27,306 21,278 28,597 Expected return on assets (43,420) (43,220) (40,880) Amortization of prior service credit (25,550) (33,069) (32,882) Recognized net loss 4,333 2,853 3,481 Net other postretirement benefit income ($12,597) ($25,580) ($17,184) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service credit for the period ($858) ($3,168) ($128,837) Net (gain)/loss (131,524) 6,210 41,031 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 25,550 33,069 32,882 Amortization of net loss (4,333) (2,853) (3,481) Total ($111,165) $33,258 ($58,405) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($123,762) $7,678 ($75,589) Total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs of the Registrant Subsidiaries, including amounts capitalized and deferred, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,457 $5,633 $1,354 $397 $1,322 $1,239 Interest cost on APBO 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Expected return on assets (17,930) — (5,575) (5,997) (10,273) (3,162) Amortization of prior service cost/(credit) 1,885 (4,630) (1,772) (916) (4,371) (319) Recognized net (gain)/ loss 873 (744) 222 (898) 648 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($5,665) $6,029 ($4,370) ($6,720) ($11,078) ($1,005) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $273 $323 ($1,300) $— $— $141 Net (gain)/loss 12,894 (65,501) 6,629 17,334 22,323 1,208 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit/(cost) (1,885) 4,630 1,772 916 4,371 319 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (873) 744 (222) 898 (648) (121) Total $10,409 ($59,804) $6,879 $19,148 $26,046 $1,547 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $4,744 ($53,775) $2,509 $12,428 $14,968 $542 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,135 $6,174 $1,448 $437 $1,384 $1,340 Interest cost on APBO 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Expected return on assets (18,020) — (5,536) (5,750) (10,192) (3,156) Amortization of prior service credit (1,121) (4,920) (1,775) (916) (3,742) (436) Recognized net (gain)/loss 196 (364) 76 (712) 398 61 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($11,084) $5,410 ($4,677) ($6,420) ($10,883) ($1,313) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period ($85) $357 $— $— ($3,776) $69 Net (gain)/loss 9,956 (2,367) (2,823) (3,330) 939 210 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,121 4,920 1,775 916 3,742 436 Amortization of net (gain)/ loss (196) 364 (76) 712 (398) (61) Total $10,796 $3,274 ($1,124) ($1,702) $507 $654 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($288) $8,684 ($5,801) ($8,122) ($10,376) ($659) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $3,626 $5,993 $1,468 $445 $1,219 $1,254 Interest cost on APBO 4,712 6,216 1,536 784 2,008 1,130 Expected return on assets (17,104) — (5,167) (5,382) (9,643) (2,958) Amortization of prior service credit (1,849) (6,179) (1,652) (763) (3,364) (1,065) Recognized net (gain)/loss 540 (447) 171 (13) 907 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($10,075) $5,583 ($3,644) ($4,929) ($8,873) ($1,518) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $12,320 ($23,508) ($4,428) ($5,493) ($22,441) ($1,963) Net (gain)/loss 2,245 8,744 (4,456) (5,351) (3,266) 58 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,849 6,179 1,652 763 3,364 1,065 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (540) 447 (171) 13 (907) (121) Total $15,874 ($8,138) ($7,403) ($10,068) ($23,250) ($961) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $5,799 ($2,555) ($11,047) ($14,997) ($32,123) ($2,479) Other Postretirement Benefit Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, and Amounts Not Yet Recognized and Recognized in the Balance Sheet Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets of Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $1,189,682 $1,181,075 Service cost 24,734 26,578 Interest cost 27,306 21,278 Plan amendments (858) (3,168) Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Actuarial (gain)/loss (297,128) 20,955 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Medicare Part D subsidy received 264 249 Balance at December 31 $865,854 $1,189,682 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $771,319 $737,866 Actual return on plan assets (122,184) 57,965 Employer contributions 52,835 32,773 Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Fair value of assets at December 31 $623,824 $771,319 Funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities ($42,484) ($42,000) Non-current liabilities (199,546) (376,363) Total funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized as a regulatory asset Prior service credit ($29,323) ($37,693) Net (gain)/loss 16,956 (7,981) ($12,367) ($45,674) Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit ($45,167) ($61,488) Net (gain)/loss (133,656) 27,138 ($178,823) ($34,350) Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Balance Sheets of the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Service cost 4,457 5,633 1,354 397 1,322 1,239 Interest cost 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Plan amendments 273 323 (1,300) — — 141 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Actuarial gain (54,923) (65,501) (14,465) (6,867) (16,291) (10,679) Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Medicare Part D subsidy received 42 57 6 7 16 17 Balance at December 31 $164,018 $183,126 $44,365 $23,971 $53,482 $35,274 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Actual return on plan assets (49,887) — (15,519) (18,204) (28,341) (8,725) Employer contributions 1,573 16,187 759 333 (23) 944 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Fair value of assets at December 31 $255,117 $— $79,496 $91,140 $148,799 $42,434 Funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,356) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 91,099 (167,770) 35,131 67,169 95,317 7,160 Total funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $7,079 $— ($3,637) ($2,898) ($16,161) ($789) Net loss 5,224 — 2,153 2,229 24,246 4,054 $12,303 $— ($1,484) ($669) $8,085 $3,265 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($12,015) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (82,308) — — — — $— ($94,323) $— $— $— $— 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $209,369 $255,571 $61,990 $31,707 $74,233 $47,701 Service cost 4,135 6,174 1,448 437 1,384 1,340 Interest cost 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Plan amendments (85) 357 — — (3,776) 69 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Actuarial (gain)/loss 14,323 (2,367) (1,335) 988 4,270 1,289 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Medicare Part D subsidy received 32 50 6 4 13 14 Balance at December 31 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $304,192 $— $93,475 $102,734 $174,096 $52,619 Actual return on plan assets 22,387 — 7,024 10,068 13,523 4,235 Employer contributions (767) 11,274 (393) 126 98 1,212 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Fair value of assets at December 31 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,839) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 94,312 (237,192) 36,887 79,271 110,324 6,775 Total funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $8,691 $— ($4,109) ($3,814) ($20,532) ($1,249) Net (gain)/loss (6,797) — (4,254) (16,003) 2,571 2,967 $1,894 $— ($8,363) ($19,817) ($17,961) $1,718 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($16,967) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (17,551) — — — — $— ($34,518) $— $— $— $— The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial gains during 2022 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations, partially offset by asset losses due to an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets during 2022. The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial losses during 2021 primarily due to a reduction in the projected Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) revenue and updated census data. These losses were partially offset by gains resulting from the actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021 and a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. Non-Qualified Pension Plans Entergy also sponsors non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans that provide benefits to certain key employees. Entergy recognized net periodic pension cost related to these plans of $30.9 million in 2022, $28.6 million in 2021, and $18.1 million in 2020. In 2022 and 2021, Entergy recognized $12.2 million and $10.9 million, respectively, in settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan that is included in the non-qualified pension plan cost above. In 2020 there were no settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan. The projected benefit obligation was $152.4 million as of December 31, 2022 of which $62.4 million was a current liability and $90 million was a non-current liability. The projected benefit obligation was $181.6 million as of December 31, 2021 of which $26.3 million was a current liability and $155.3 million was a non-current liability. The accumulated benefit obligation was $140 million and $165.5 million as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The unamortized prior service cost and net loss are recognized in regulatory assets ($56.8 million at December 31, 2022 and $74.9 million at December 31, 2021) and accumulated other comprehensive income before taxes ($8.7 million at December 31, 2022 and $17 million at December 31, 2021). A Rabbi Trust has been established for the benefit of certain participants in Entergy’s non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans. The Rabbi Trust assets are invested in money-ma |
System Energy [Member] | |
Retirement And Other Postretirement Benefits | RETIREMENT, OTHER POSTRETIREMENT BENEFITS, AND DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS (Entergy Corporation, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Louisiana, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy) Qualified Pension Plans Entergy has seven defined benefit qualified pension plans, including the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Plan I), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Non-Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan II for Bargaining Employees, the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan III (Plan III), the Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan IV for Bargaining Employees, and the Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Bargaining Employees (Bargaining Cash Balance Plan). The Entergy Corporation Cash Balance Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees (Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan) was merged with and into Non-Bargaining Plan I effective January 1, 2022. The Registrant Subsidiaries participate in these four plans: Non-Bargaining Plan I, Bargaining Plan I, Plan III, and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire was prior to June 30, 2014 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) participate in a noncontributory final average pay formula that provides pension benefits based on the employee’s credited service and compensation during employment. Non-bargaining and bargaining employees whose most recent date of hire is after June 30, 2014 and before January 1, 2021 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement) do not participate in a final average pay formula, but instead participate in a cash balance formula. Effective January 1, 2021, the Non-Bargaining Cash Balance Plan and Bargaining Cash Balance Plan were amended to close participation in the plan to those employees whose most recent hire date is after December 31, 2020 (or such later date provided for in their applicable collective bargaining agreement). Employees hired after this date instead may be eligible to participate in and receive a discretionary employer contribution under an Entergy sponsored tax-qualified defined contribution plan that includes a 401(k) feature. The assets of the seven defined benefit qualified pension plans are held in a master trust established by Entergy. Each pension plan has an undivided beneficial interest in each of the investment accounts in the master trust that is maintained by a trustee. Use of the master trust permits the commingling of the trust assets of the pension plans of Entergy Corporation and its Registrant Subsidiaries for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets in the master trust are commingled, the trustee maintains supporting records for the purpose of allocating the trust level equity in net earnings (loss) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts in the trust to the various participating pension plans in the trust. The fair value of the trust’s assets is determined by the trustee and certain investment managers. The trustee calculates a daily earnings factor, including realized and unrealized gains or losses, collected and accrued income, and administrative expenses, and allocates earnings to each plan in the master trust on a pro rata basis. Within each pension plan, the record of each Registrant Subsidiary’s beneficial interest in the plan assets is maintained by the plan’s actuary and is updated quarterly. Assets for each Registrant Subsidiary are increased for investment net income and contributions and are decreased for benefit payments. A plan’s investment net income/loss (i.e., interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses and expenses) is allocated to the Registrant Subsidiaries participating in that plan based on the value of assets for each Registrant Subsidiary at the beginning of the quarter adjusted for contributions and benefit payments made during the quarter. Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries fund pension plans in an amount not less than the minimum required contribution under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The assets of the plans include common and preferred stocks, fixed-income securities, interest in a money market fund, and insurance contracts. The Registrant Subsidiaries’ pension costs are recovered from customers as a component of cost of service in each of their respective jurisdictions. Components of Qualified Net Pension Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (AOCI) Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $138,085 $165,278 $161,487 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 235,805 191,107 239,614 Expected return on assets (402,504) (424,572) (414,273) Recognized net loss 188,683 334,124 350,010 Settlement charges 230,389 205,878 36,946 Net pension cost $390,458 $471,815 $373,784 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $6,113 ($448,532) $483,653 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (188,683) (334,124) (358,473) Settlement charge (230,389) (205,878) (36,946) Total ($412,959) ($988,534) $88,234 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($22,501) ($516,719) $462,018 The Registrant Subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 qualified pension costs and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, including amounts capitalized, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $25,210 $33,520 $8,043 $2,745 $5,999 $7,746 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Expected return on assets (75,820) (82,478) (20,168) (9,920) (18,317) (18,173) Recognized net loss 43,597 41,711 12,594 4,787 9,013 10,938 Settlement charges 36,409 58,550 15,786 6,676 22,411 9,905 Net pension cost $74,774 $100,633 $29,234 $9,779 $29,835 $21,702 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net (gain)/loss $28,365 ($15,604) ($4,743) $525 $13,363 ($7,063) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (43,597) (41,711) (12,594) (4,787) (9,013) (10,938) Settlement charge (36,409) (58,550) (15,786) (6,676) (22,411) (9,905) Total ($51,641) ($115,865) ($33,123) ($10,938) ($18,061) ($27,906) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $23,133 ($15,232) ($3,889) ($1,159) $11,774 ($6,204) 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $28,632 $38,271 $9,070 $3,038 $6,921 $8,851 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Expected return on assets (78,368) (89,821) (22,407) (10,598) (21,158) (19,254) Recognized net loss 69,290 67,015 20,007 7,596 12,676 18,404 Settlement charges 37,682 61,945 16,710 5,431 11,797 12,260 Net pension cost $92,919 $117,150 $33,826 $9,859 $18,617 $29,348 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net gain ($96,066) ($89,534) ($29,675) ($16,159) ($18,217) ($27,617) Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,290) (67,015) (20,007) (7,596) (12,676) (18,404) Settlement charge (37,682) (61,945) (16,710) (5,431) (11,797) (12,260) Total ($203,038) ($218,494) ($66,392) ($29,186) ($42,690) ($58,281) Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($110,119) ($101,344) ($32,566) ($19,327) ($24,073) ($28,933) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Net periodic pension cost: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $26,329 $35,158 $8,060 $2,654 $6,116 $7,883 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 44,165 50,432 12,922 5,825 10,731 11,006 Expected return on assets (78,187) (89,691) (23,147) (10,509) (21,951) (18,757) Recognized net loss 68,338 66,640 18,983 8,018 13,173 17,104 Settlement charges 21,078 8,109 3,366 — 4,289 105 Net pension cost $81,723 $70,648 $20,184 $5,988 $12,358 $17,341 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Net loss $106,178 $90,064 $36,899 $8,148 $13,379 $35,403 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic pension cost in the current year: Amortization of net loss (69,713) (68,248) (19,393) (8,213) (13,564) (17,434) Settlement charge (21,078) (8,109) (3,366) — (4,289) (105) Total $15,387 $13,707 $14,140 ($65) ($4,474) $17,864 Total recognized as net periodic pension cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $97,110 $84,355 $34,324 $5,923 $7,884 $35,205 Qualified Pension Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, Amounts Recognized in the Balance Sheet Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $8,409,620 $9,143,652 Service cost 138,085 165,278 Interest cost 235,805 191,107 Actuarial gain (1,660,463) (158,276) Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Balance at December 31 $6,166,106 $8,409,620 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $6,993,110 $6,854,426 Actual return on plan assets (1,264,071) 714,827 Employer contributions 470,000 355,998 Benefits paid (including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($604,753) in 2022 and ($553,576) in 2021) (956,941) (932,141) Fair value of assets at December 31 $5,242,098 $6,993,110 Funded status ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($924,008) ($1,416,510) Amount recognized as a regulatory asset Net loss $1,842,348 $2,214,390 Amount recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $408,839 $449,756 Qualified pension obligations, plan assets, funded status, amounts recognized in the Balance Sheets for the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Service cost 25,210 33,520 8,043 2,745 5,999 7,746 Interest cost 45,378 49,330 12,979 5,491 10,729 11,286 Actuarial gain (280,691) (357,572) (88,303) (40,462) (65,795) (81,504) Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Balance at December 31 $1,168,098 $1,256,422 $320,994 $140,436 $265,565 $288,302 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Actual return on plan assets (233,236) (259,490) (63,392) (31,067) (60,841) (56,267) Employer contributions 92,971 53,658 33,287 1,129 2,513 28,619 Benefits paid (a) (201,145) (205,252) (60,583) (22,718) (57,170) (44,020) Fair value of assets at December 31 $961,178 $1,035,574 $265,736 $119,710 $226,417 $240,392 Funded status ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($206,920) ($220,848) ($55,258) ($20,726) ($39,148) ($47,910) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $561,323 $445,116 $140,389 $51,868 $95,729 $125,876 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $18,546 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($96) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($146.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($48) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($16.2) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($48.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($23.5) million at System Energy. 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Balance at January 1 $1,739,382 $1,927,271 $510,109 $220,287 $410,664 $441,148 Service cost 28,632 38,271 9,070 3,038 6,921 8,851 Interest cost 35,683 39,740 10,446 4,392 8,381 9,087 Actuarial gain (41,227) (28,439) (14,831) (9,118) (3,971) (14,746) Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Balance at December 31 $1,579,346 $1,736,396 $448,858 $195,380 $371,802 $394,794 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $1,285,856 $1,476,306 $371,394 $172,551 $349,748 $310,818 Actual return on plan assets 133,207 150,917 37,251 17,639 35,405 32,125 Employer contributions 66,649 59,882 13,715 5,395 6,955 18,663 Benefits paid (a) (183,124) (240,447) (65,936) (23,219) (50,193) (49,546) Fair value of assets at December 31 $1,302,588 $1,446,658 $356,424 $172,366 $341,915 $312,060 Funded status ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet (funded status) Non-current liabilities ($276,758) ($289,738) ($92,434) ($23,014) ($29,887) ($82,734) Amounts recognized as regulatory asset Net loss $612,963 $556,345 $173,511 $62,805 $113,790 $153,782 Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Net loss $— $23,181 $— $— $— $— (a) Including settlement lump sum benefit payments of ($104.4) million at Entergy Arkansas, ($166.6) million at Entergy Louisiana, ($45.7) million at Entergy Mississippi, ($14.3) million at Entergy New Orleans, ($31.9) million at Entergy Texas, and ($33) million at System Energy. The qualified pension plans incurred a small actuarial loss during 2022 primarily due to asset losses resulting from an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets, substantially offset by liability gains due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. The qualified pension plans incurred actuarial gains during 2021 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations and an actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021. Accumulated Pension Benefit Obligation The accumulated benefit obligation for Entergy’s qualified pension plans was $5.7 billion and $7.8 billion at December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The qualified pension accumulated benefit obligation for each of the Registrant Subsidiaries for their employees as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 was as follows: December 31, 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Entergy Arkansas $1,008,152 $1,463,966 Entergy Louisiana $1,146,561 $1,574,273 Entergy Mississippi $292,596 $407,851 Entergy New Orleans $128,499 $178,010 Entergy Texas $245,428 $342,441 System Energy $269,583 $366,920 Other Postretirement Benefits Entergy also currently offers retiree medical, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits (other postretirement benefits) for eligible retired employees. Employees who commenced employment before July 1, 2014 and who satisfy certain eligibility requirements (including retiring from Entergy after a certain age and/or years of service with Entergy and immediately commencing their Entergy pension benefit), may become eligible for other postretirement benefits. In March 2020, Entergy announced changes to its other postretirement benefits. Effective January 1, 2021, certain retired, former non-bargaining employees age 65 and older who are eligible for Entergy-sponsored retiree welfare benefits, and their eligible spouses who are age 65 and older (collectively, Medicare-eligible participants), are eligible to participate in an Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, and are no longer eligible for retiree coverage under the Entergy Corporation Companies’ Benefits Plus Medical, Dental and Vision Plans. Under the Entergy-sponsored retiree health plan, Medicare-eligible participants are eligible to participate in a health reimbursement arrangement which they may use towards the purchase of various types of qualified insurance offered through a Medicare exchange provider and for other qualified medical expenses. In accordance with accounting standards, the effects of this change are reflected in the December 31, 2020 other postretirement obligation. The changes affecting active bargaining unit employees will be negotiated with the unions prior to implementation, where necessary, and to the extent required by law. Effective January 1, 1993, Entergy adopted an accounting standard requiring a change from a cash method to an accrual method of accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions. Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, and Entergy Texas have received regulatory approval to recover accrued other postretirement benefit costs through rates. The LPSC ordered Entergy Louisiana to continue the use of the pay-as-you-go method for ratemaking purposes for postretirement benefits other than pensions. However, the LPSC retains the flexibility to examine individual companies’ accounting for other postretirement benefits to determine if special exceptions to this order are warranted. Pursuant to regulatory directives, Entergy Arkansas, Entergy Mississippi, Entergy New Orleans, Entergy Texas, and System Energy contribute the other postretirement benefit costs collected in rates into external trusts. System Energy is funding, on behalf of Entergy Operations, other postretirement benefits associated with Grand Gulf. Trust assets contributed by participating Registrant Subsidiaries are in master trusts, established by Entergy Corporation and maintained by a trustee. Each participating Registrant Subsidiary holds a beneficial interest in the trusts’ assets. The assets in the master trusts are commingled for investment and administrative purposes. Although assets are commingled, supporting records are maintained for the purpose of allocating the beneficial interest in net earnings/(losses) and the administrative expenses of the investment accounts to the various participating plans and participating Registrant Subsidiaries. Beneficial interest in an investment account’s net income/(loss) is comprised of interest and dividends, realized and unrealized gains and losses, and expenses. Beneficial interest from these investments is allocated to the plans and participating Registrant Subsidiary based on their portion of net assets in the pooled accounts. Components of Net Other Postretirement Benefit Cost and Other Amounts Recognized as a Regulatory Asset and/or AOCI Entergy Corporation’s and its subsidiaries’ total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs, including amounts capitalized and amounts recognized as a regulatory asset and/or other comprehensive income, included the following components: 2022 2021 2020 (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $24,734 $26,578 $24,500 Interest cost on accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (APBO) 27,306 21,278 28,597 Expected return on assets (43,420) (43,220) (40,880) Amortization of prior service credit (25,550) (33,069) (32,882) Recognized net loss 4,333 2,853 3,481 Net other postretirement benefit income ($12,597) ($25,580) ($17,184) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service credit for the period ($858) ($3,168) ($128,837) Net (gain)/loss (131,524) 6,210 41,031 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 25,550 33,069 32,882 Amortization of net loss (4,333) (2,853) (3,481) Total ($111,165) $33,258 ($58,405) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($123,762) $7,678 ($75,589) Total 2022, 2021, and 2020 other postretirement benefit costs of the Registrant Subsidiaries, including amounts capitalized and deferred, for their employees included the following components: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,457 $5,633 $1,354 $397 $1,322 $1,239 Interest cost on APBO 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Expected return on assets (17,930) — (5,575) (5,997) (10,273) (3,162) Amortization of prior service cost/(credit) 1,885 (4,630) (1,772) (916) (4,371) (319) Recognized net (gain)/ loss 873 (744) 222 (898) 648 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($5,665) $6,029 ($4,370) ($6,720) ($11,078) ($1,005) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $273 $323 ($1,300) $— $— $141 Net (gain)/loss 12,894 (65,501) 6,629 17,334 22,323 1,208 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit/(cost) (1,885) 4,630 1,772 916 4,371 319 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (873) 744 (222) 898 (648) (121) Total $10,409 ($59,804) $6,879 $19,148 $26,046 $1,547 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $4,744 ($53,775) $2,509 $12,428 $14,968 $542 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $4,135 $6,174 $1,448 $437 $1,384 $1,340 Interest cost on APBO 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Expected return on assets (18,020) — (5,536) (5,750) (10,192) (3,156) Amortization of prior service credit (1,121) (4,920) (1,775) (916) (3,742) (436) Recognized net (gain)/loss 196 (364) 76 (712) 398 61 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($11,084) $5,410 ($4,677) ($6,420) ($10,883) ($1,313) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period ($85) $357 $— $— ($3,776) $69 Net (gain)/loss 9,956 (2,367) (2,823) (3,330) 939 210 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,121 4,920 1,775 916 3,742 436 Amortization of net (gain)/ loss (196) 364 (76) 712 (398) (61) Total $10,796 $3,274 ($1,124) ($1,702) $507 $654 Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) ($288) $8,684 ($5,801) ($8,122) ($10,376) ($659) 2020 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Other postretirement costs: Service cost - benefits earned during the period $3,626 $5,993 $1,468 $445 $1,219 $1,254 Interest cost on APBO 4,712 6,216 1,536 784 2,008 1,130 Expected return on assets (17,104) — (5,167) (5,382) (9,643) (2,958) Amortization of prior service credit (1,849) (6,179) (1,652) (763) (3,364) (1,065) Recognized net (gain)/loss 540 (447) 171 (13) 907 121 Net other postretirement benefit (income)/cost ($10,075) $5,583 ($3,644) ($4,929) ($8,873) ($1,518) Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognized as a regulatory asset and/or AOCI (before tax) Arising this period: Prior service cost/(credit) for the period $12,320 ($23,508) ($4,428) ($5,493) ($22,441) ($1,963) Net (gain)/loss 2,245 8,744 (4,456) (5,351) (3,266) 58 Amounts reclassified from regulatory asset and/or AOCI to net periodic benefit cost in the current year: Amortization of prior service credit 1,849 6,179 1,652 763 3,364 1,065 Amortization of net (gain)/loss (540) 447 (171) 13 (907) (121) Total $15,874 ($8,138) ($7,403) ($10,068) ($23,250) ($961) Total recognized as net periodic other postretirement (income)/cost, regulatory asset, and/or AOCI (before tax) $5,799 ($2,555) ($11,047) ($14,997) ($32,123) ($2,479) Other Postretirement Benefit Obligations, Plan Assets, Funded Status, and Amounts Not Yet Recognized and Recognized in the Balance Sheet Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets of Entergy Corporation and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 2021 (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $1,189,682 $1,181,075 Service cost 24,734 26,578 Interest cost 27,306 21,278 Plan amendments (858) (3,168) Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Actuarial (gain)/loss (297,128) 20,955 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Medicare Part D subsidy received 264 249 Balance at December 31 $865,854 $1,189,682 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $771,319 $737,866 Actual return on plan assets (122,184) 57,965 Employer contributions 52,835 32,773 Plan participant contributions 22,486 22,023 Benefits paid (100,632) (79,308) Fair value of assets at December 31 $623,824 $771,319 Funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities ($42,484) ($42,000) Non-current liabilities (199,546) (376,363) Total funded status ($242,030) ($418,363) Amounts recognized as a regulatory asset Prior service credit ($29,323) ($37,693) Net (gain)/loss 16,956 (7,981) ($12,367) ($45,674) Amounts recognized as AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit ($45,167) ($61,488) Net (gain)/loss (133,656) 27,138 ($178,823) ($34,350) Other postretirement benefit obligations, plan assets, funded status, and amounts not yet recognized and recognized in the Balance Sheets of the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows: 2022 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Service cost 4,457 5,633 1,354 397 1,322 1,239 Interest cost 5,050 5,770 1,401 694 1,596 1,116 Plan amendments 273 323 (1,300) — — 141 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Actuarial gain (54,923) (65,501) (14,465) (6,867) (16,291) (10,679) Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Medicare Part D subsidy received 42 57 6 7 16 17 Balance at December 31 $164,018 $183,126 $44,365 $23,971 $53,482 $35,274 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Actual return on plan assets (49,887) — (15,519) (18,204) (28,341) (8,725) Employer contributions 1,573 16,187 759 333 (23) 944 Plan participant contributions 5,521 5,081 1,443 440 924 1,222 Benefits paid (17,585) (21,268) (5,075) (2,566) (6,046) (5,657) Fair value of assets at December 31 $255,117 $— $79,496 $91,140 $148,799 $42,434 Funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,356) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 91,099 (167,770) 35,131 67,169 95,317 7,160 Total funded status $91,099 ($183,126) $35,131 $67,169 $95,317 $7,160 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $7,079 $— ($3,637) ($2,898) ($16,161) ($789) Net loss 5,224 — 2,153 2,229 24,246 4,054 $12,303 $— ($1,484) ($669) $8,085 $3,265 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($12,015) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (82,308) — — — — $— ($94,323) $— $— $— $— 2021 Entergy Arkansas Entergy Louisiana Entergy Mississippi Entergy New Orleans Entergy Texas System Energy (In Thousands) Change in APBO Balance at January 1 $209,369 $255,571 $61,990 $31,707 $74,233 $47,701 Service cost 4,135 6,174 1,448 437 1,384 1,340 Interest cost 3,726 4,520 1,110 521 1,269 878 Plan amendments (85) 357 — — (3,776) 69 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Actuarial (gain)/loss 14,323 (2,367) (1,335) 988 4,270 1,289 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Medicare Part D subsidy received 32 50 6 4 13 14 Balance at December 31 $221,183 $253,031 $61,001 $31,866 $71,961 $47,875 Change in Plan Assets Fair value of assets at January 1 $304,192 $— $93,475 $102,734 $174,096 $52,619 Actual return on plan assets 22,387 — 7,024 10,068 13,523 4,235 Employer contributions (767) 11,274 (393) 126 98 1,212 Plan participant contributions 5,637 5,186 1,386 403 1,491 1,353 Benefits paid (15,954) (16,460) (3,604) (2,194) (6,923) (4,769) Fair value of assets at December 31 $315,495 $— $97,888 $111,137 $182,285 $54,650 Funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Current liabilities $— ($15,839) $— $— $— $— Non-current liabilities 94,312 (237,192) 36,887 79,271 110,324 6,775 Total funded status $94,312 ($253,031) $36,887 $79,271 $110,324 $6,775 Amounts recognized in regulatory asset Prior service cost/(credit) $8,691 $— ($4,109) ($3,814) ($20,532) ($1,249) Net (gain)/loss (6,797) — (4,254) (16,003) 2,571 2,967 $1,894 $— ($8,363) ($19,817) ($17,961) $1,718 Amounts recognized in AOCI (before tax) Prior service credit $— ($16,967) $— $— $— $— Net gain — (17,551) — — — — $— ($34,518) $— $— $— $— The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial gains during 2022 primarily due to a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations, partially offset by asset losses due to an actual return on assets much lower than the expected return on assets during 2022. The other postretirement plans incurred actuarial losses during 2021 primarily due to a reduction in the projected Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) revenue and updated census data. These losses were partially offset by gains resulting from the actual return on assets exceeding the expected return on assets for 2021 and a rise in bond yields that resulted in increases to the discount rates used to develop the benefit obligations. Non-Qualified Pension Plans Entergy also sponsors non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans that provide benefits to certain key employees. Entergy recognized net periodic pension cost related to these plans of $30.9 million in 2022, $28.6 million in 2021, and $18.1 million in 2020. In 2022 and 2021, Entergy recognized $12.2 million and $10.9 million, respectively, in settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan that is included in the non-qualified pension plan cost above. In 2020 there were no settlement charges related to the payment of lump sum benefits out of the plan. The projected benefit obligation was $152.4 million as of December 31, 2022 of which $62.4 million was a current liability and $90 million was a non-current liability. The projected benefit obligation was $181.6 million as of December 31, 2021 of which $26.3 million was a current liability and $155.3 million was a non-current liability. The accumulated benefit obligation was $140 million and $165.5 million as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The unamortized prior service cost and net loss are recognized in regulatory assets ($56.8 million at December 31, 2022 and $74.9 million at December 31, 2021) and accumulated other comprehensive income before taxes ($8.7 million at December 31, 2022 and $17 million at December 31, 2021). A Rabbi Trust has been established for the benefit of certain participants in Entergy’s non-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plans. The Rabbi Trust assets are invested in money-ma |