The SandRidge Scandal
January 22, 2013
Video – Dinakar Singh, founder and CEO of hedge fund TPG-AXON Capital, talks about the prospects of forcing change at SandRidge Energy.
Source: http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000142797&play=1
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Stock Picking With TPG-Axon's Dinakar Singh
Bloomberg TV
January 17, 2013
Video – TPG-Axon Capital CEO Dinakar Singh talks about where he's investing. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Market Makers." (Source: Bloomberg)
Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/video/stock-picking-with-tpg-axon-s-dinikar-singh-hGBMKlGfQSazqSi_LivfFA.html
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Hedge fund not satisfied with SandRidge's explanation of CEO Ward's dealings
The Oklahoman
By: Jay F. Marks
January 28, 2013
A dissident SandRidge Energy Inc. shareholder isn't satisfied with the company's explanation of its dealings with entities associated with CEO Tom Ward.
Source: http://newsok.com/hedge-fund-not-satisfied-with-sandridges-explanation-of-ceo-wards-dealings/article/3749847?custom_click=pod_headline_national-finance-news
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No peace offering
Reuters BreakingViews
By: Christopher Swann
January 25, 2013
SandRidge boss Tom Ward no-surrender strategy against some of his biggest shareholders looks wrong-headed. They have been calling for the oil chief's head over his financial excesses and conflicts of interest. Rather than trying compromise, Ward resorted to new rules making it harder to remove him. And on Friday the board announced it found no problem with SandRidge buying assets from a company run by the chief's son. Offering governance concessions - as fellow bad boy Aubrey McClendon did at Chesapeake Energy - would be a surer way of surviving.
Source: http://www.breakingviews.com/no-retreat-strategy-may-backfire-on-sandridge-ceo/21065416.article
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SandRidge chief in payment allegations
Financial Times
By: Ed Crooks
January 24, 2013
SandRidge, the Oklahoma-based oil and gas producer, has paid $9.5m over five years to companies linked to Tom Ward, chief executive, and his family, according to one of its largest shareholders.
Source: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/1f3150da-65ae-11e2-a3db-00144feab49a.html?ftcamp=published_links%2Frss%2Fcompanies_energy%2Ffeed%2F%2Fproduct#axzz2Iqi1UvgX
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SandRidge shareholder presents allegations against CEO Tom Ward
The Oklahoman
By: Jay F. Marks
January 23, 2013
Activist SandRidge Energy Inc. shareholder TPG-Axon Capital on Wednesday revealed some details behind its accusations of self-dealing against CEO Tom Ward.
Source: http://newsok.com/sandridge-shareholder-presents-allegations-against-ceo-ward/article/3748420
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SandRidge investor asks board to investigate CEO Ward
By: Michael Erman
January 17, 2013
A top SandRidge Energy Inc (SD) investor called on the company's board to investigate allegations that Chief Executive Tom Ward and a company run by his son engaged in "persistent front running of the company."
Source: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/sandridge-investor-asks-board-investigate-154349031.html
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