In your response to prior comment 4 you indicate that the company's prior knowledge in internet based marketing will allow the company to successfully compete for customers via the internet immediately. Considering the company's nominal revenues generated since inception, please explain to us more fully the company's objective factual evidence that prior knowledge in internet based marketing will allow the company to successfully compete for licensing arrangements with content providers and other media companies.
Response: In our prior response comment 4, we indicated that the Company's knowledge in internet based marketing would allow the Company to successfully compete for customers via the internet immediately. By saying that, we were referring to the knowledge of the Company's management in not only internet marketing, but also in having the ability to bring emerging technologies to market, and not necessarily the operating history of the Company. We acknowledge the fact the Company has generated nominal revenue in the past. However, Company's management has a history of success with many different organizations within a wide range of backgrounds. We ask that you look at pages 16 and 17 of the Form 10-k for the year ended December 31, 2010 for further details.
For example, Mr. Halpern, from the period 2002 to 2007, was the CEO and majority shareholder of a Company whose main focus was bringing emerging technologies to the commercialized market. As the CEO of this past company, he was able to take a technology (converting corn hulls into fat replacement) that was deemed unable to be commercialized by one of the largest international food companies and successfully commercialize the technology to the point that the technology gained international recognition and won an award for being the "Most Innovative Food Ingredient" at the International Food Technology Show in 2004. In 2004, the Company built its first ever plant to mass produce product (using the technology) that was then sold to food manufactures in the US and internationally. The Company that Mr. Halpern left in 2007 is still in operation today and the initial technology is still being used by this Company. In addition, there are currently 21 pending derivative patents from this same technology that bears Mr. Halpern's name as one of two inventors.
Upon our evaluation of the prior work experience of Company management, we determined that not only do they possess the experience to bring emerging technologies to market, but they have proven track records of helping to build successful companies.
When the technology was purchased, the initial market to reach consumers was via the internet. The technology was then to be marketed to other markets including content providers and other media companies. It was the intention of management at the time of purchase to develop an internet based demand for their technology while at the same time exposing the technology to the best of the best in the music, film, and technology industry. The Company's plans included having demos for top executives (musicians, actors, technology experts) in the music, film, and technology industry in order for them to experience the difference made by their technology. In addition, the Company planned on appointing some of these same top people to their advisory board in order to assist them in making an impact in front of content providers and media companies.