Lawrence W.
Independent Director &
Auditing Committee
Ø Mr. Leighton has had an extensive 40 year international investment banking
career. His previous positions include Co-Head of the Corporate Finance
Department at Clark, Dodge & Co., LP of Bear Stern, Managing Director of
JPMorgan Chase Bank and CEO of the U.S. investment bank of Credit Agricole
Ø Mr. Leighton received his BSE degree in engineering from Princeton University
and an MBA degree from Harvard Business School
Yong Jin
Ø Mr. Jin is a professor at Tsinghua University and an executive member of the
Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China and Chinese society of
Ø He is a Lectureship Award recipient in fluidization by the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Cosimo J. Patti
Independent Director &
Ø Mr. Patti’s previous positions include roles as Senior Director of Strategy
Management, Director of Business Strategy, and SVP of Lehman Brothers
Ø He is an Arbitrator of SEC and National Association of Securities
Ø Mr. Patti has been an Independent Director of American Oriental Bioengineering
Linyuan Zhai
Independent Director &
Chairman of
Nominating Committee
Experienced Board of Directors
Experienced Board of Directors
Ø Mr. Zhai worked for China FAW Group Corporation for 37 years with abundant
experience in terms of technology, production and business management
Ø He is a Senior Expert in the auto industry. Mr. Zhai served as GM of automobile
manufacturing and successfully led Four Ring Company, a subsidiary of FAW
group, to go public in China