Parking — due to the terms of dissolving of noxious substances to the permissible concentration in the air of operating zones. Inflow air is pumped into the upper room zone along the driving way and exhaust air is pumped out in equal parts from the upper and lower zones.
Ramps — due to the terms of dissolving of noxious substances to the permissible concentration;
Offices — due to the term of supplying of the minimum consumption of outside air, 60 m/hour per person.
The amount of inflow and exhaust systems is determined by the functional purpose of the rooms to be services and by the space design solutions.
For the higher sections of the Building two independent heating systems were designed. System # 1 services office premises in floors 1-13, system # 2 services office premises in floors 14-26. Systems # 1 and # 2 are double piped with horizontal blind lines on every floor. The vertical standpipes are laid in the communication shaft. The floor horizontal pipelines are laid in the flooring construction.
For dining rooms, the restaurant, shopping zones, the bank and car washer independent horizontal double-piped heating systems were designed. Heating system # 3 services dining-rooms and their premises (-1 floor), heating system # 4 services the restaurant (1 floor), heating system # 5 services shopping zones (1 floor), heating system # 6 services the bank, heating system # 7 services car washer chambers.
The main horizontal pipelines of the systems ## 3-6 are laid in the flooring construction of the premises to be serviced. In the car washer chambers the main pipelines are laid at the flooring. All heating systems have separate independent heat control records.
During business hours air heating is designed in the parkings. The air heating is combined with inflow ventilation. Air heating units operate in the car washer chambers under decrease of the inside air temperature during idle hours.
For café premises — depending on their purposes.
The heating system keeps the air temperature at about 10-12ºC during idle hours in the office premises, the air temperature goes up to 20ºC to the beginning of the business day. The heating system keeps air temperature at 20ºC round the clock 7 days a week, 365 days a year in the rented or leased premises. Vertical standpipes of the heating system and pipelines of the heat supply
system in the inflow units are made of steel water-gas-pipes according to GOST 3262-75, pipe diameter up to 57 mm, and of steel electro-welded pipes according to GOST 10704-91, pipe diameter above 57 mm.
The main horizontal pipelines on the floors to be laid in the flooring construction are maid of metal-layer pipes.
Kermi radiators with lower connection are accepted as heating units. Smooth pipe registers are installed in the car washer.
To provide heat comfort in the premises and to endure heat saving, the heating units are equipped with separate independent thermo-regulators of the leading European companies and isolated with pipe isolation material.
Main pipelines, vertical standpipes of the heating system and heat supply pipelines are isolated with pipe isolation material.
The air from the heating system is removed through air valves installed in the upper plug of the heating unit and through automatic air outlet ports.
The air removal from the heat supply system is carried out through air collectors and automatic air outlet ports.
Some branch pipelines of the heating system and the heat supply system are provided with closing-regulating (balancing) valves with connections for measuring device.
Drainage lines were designed for draining the heating system, that go to into the IHP (ИТП) drainage pit. Installation of drainage valves with hose composition is stipulated in the heat supply system. Closing-regulating valves of the leading producers are used for both systems.
Installation of water-air heat screens is planned at the entrances into garage-parking and the Building.
The complete net of the pipelines with connections to the heating units, necessary closing-regulating valves and heating units will be presented at the disposal of a lessee.
Central heating system is a horizontal two-pipe system with pumped circulation and passing movement of the heat carrier. The heating system ois connected to the outside heating nets through plate heat exchangers according to the independent connection scheme. Heat carrier parameters in the heating system — 95-70.
Preparation of the heat carrier is executed in the individual heat point (IHP) located in the technical zone on floor — 1. the heat control unit is installed in the heat point.
Separate branch pipelines are stipulated for perimeter heating of each group of premises divided according to their functional purposes.
Each branch pipeline will have closing-regulating valves and a discharge outlet valve.
Heating system equipment

 |  |  |  |
Equipment |  |  | Potential producers |
Convectors |  |  | Kermi |
Under-flooring convectors |  |  | Kermi |
Closing-regulating valves and accessories |  |  | Danfoss, Oventrop |
 |  |
10. | Fire-fighting system |
fire preventing treatment of the ventilation and heating systems is stipulated according to SNIP (СНИП—set of norms and rules (translator’s note)) 2.04.05-91*, SNIP 21-02-99, MGSN (МГСН) 5.01.54, MGSN4.04-94.
The principle solutions and calculations were made by the specialists of FGU VNIIPO of the Ministry for extraordinary situations of Russia (ФГУ ВНИИПО МЧС России).
Antismoke ventilation was designed for people’s evacuation from the Building premises at the first stage of fire.
The smoke removal is stipulated from:
– parking
– isolated ramps space
– main entrance hall
– corridors of floors — 1 and 1 without natural lighting
– dining hall, without natural lighting
– corridors of the office sections of the Building (floors 2-26)
A separate smoke removal system is stipulated for each fire section.
Gases and smoke removal after fire from the premises protected by gas fire fighting units is also stipulated. Fire setback valves with refractoriness limit of not less than 0.5 hours are installed in the crossing points of air ducts and premises railing.
Inflow antismoke ventilation is stipulated. Outside air supply is designed:
– to air locks separating parking from technical premises not belonging to the parking;
– to elevator shafts;
– to air locks in front of elevators in the basement floors;
– to smoke-proof staircases;
– to ari screens above fire gates of the 1st type at the entrance to the parking (according to .2.26 of MGSN 5.01-01.
Ventilators of the leading producers are installed in the smoke removal systems. Their working capacity under temperature of 600ºC is not less than 1 hour and under the temperature of 400ºC is not less than 2 hours. Smoke exhaust into the atmosphere is stipulated for 2 m from the roof or from the ground.
Air ducts of the smoke removal system in the parking and ramps are made of sheet steel, thickness 1.2 mm, by welding, with fire protection coating that ensures refractoriness limit of EI 60 (1 hour) within the parking space and EI 150 (2.5 hours) in the Building constructions beyond the service floor. The smoke removal shafts servicing the corridors are made of building constructions that ensure refractoriness limit of EI 45 (0.75 hour) within the fire section and EП 50 (2.5 hours) beyond the fire section. Air ducts of the smoke removal system in the dining hall have refractoriness limit of EI 60 (1 hour). Air ducts of the systems removing gas after the fire have refractoriness limit of EI 15 (0.25 hour). Air ducts of the inflow antismoke ventilation are made of zinc coated steel, grade ‘‘П’’, with fire protection coating that ensures refractoriness limit of EI 30 (0.5 hour).
KDM-2 smoke valves installed in the smoke protection systems have refractoriness limit of EI 60 (1 hour).
Smoke ventilation system starting occurs automatically, by remote control and by pushing buttons manually on the evacuation path.
Automatic switch off of inflow and exhaust systems is also stipulated, if the fire comes up.
All ventilation equipment is grounded.
Electrically driven fire setback valves with rated refractoriness limit are installed in the crossing points of air ducts and fire protection blocks.
Each fire section has independent inflow and exhaust ventilation systems.
Space for ventilation equipment is located according to para. 4.102 of SNIP 2.04.05-91.
The gaps where air ducts and pipelines go through floors and partitions are closed by fire-proof materials.
 |  |
11. | Power supply system |
Power supply to fire-fighting systems, security systems and elevators is provided in category I. The Building maintenance systems belong to a special electroreceiver group of category I.
The system of steady power supply (3rd independent power supply source) on the basis of 2 diesel generators is anticipated in the Building.
The load of the first category consumers is 799kWA.
To the Building maintenance systems belong:
Electrical motors of the pumps for fire fighting;
Water pipelines in the Building;
Equipment for the systems of automatic fire extinguishing in the Building;
Elevators equipment;
Electro-equipment for smoke ventilation;
Equipment for fire alarm warning;
Equipment for the Building safety systems;
Equipment for dispatching systems;
Emergency lighting of the Building;
Fire setback valves;
Bank equipment;
Smoke removal valves.
Video access control sources of continuous feeding are installed for steady reliable power supply to such equipment as automatic fire alarm warning and signaling.
Power supply to the complex of other electro-receivers in the Building will be provided on category II.
 |  |
11.1. | Main distributing switchboards of the Building |
four main distributing switchboards are stipulated in the Building. Automatic devices for reserve switch on are stipulated too ensure reliable power supply of the first category.
 |  |
11.2. | Energy metering |
Metering boxes are stipulated in the premises of MDS (main distributing switchboards), where energy meters are installed. Electronic counters of active and reactive energy with digital outputs are installed on the inputs of MDS.
Separate energy metering is stipulated for all water distributing units.
 |  |
11.3. | Protective grounding and zero-wire |
TN-C-S grounding system is designed in the Building.
The main grounding bars (MGB) must be installed for each MDS. MGBVs must be installed separately in the switchboard areas and connected to each other by the conductors of the potential equalizing system. The conductor cross-section must be equal to the smaller bar cross-section from the two paired bars (Technical instructions # 6/2004 of ‘‘ROSELECTROMONTAZH’’ («РОСЭЛЕКТРОМОНТАЖ»).
 |  |
11.4. | Information grounding |
Functional grounding for the equipment of information technologies is planned.
 |  |
11.5. | Lighting |
There are the following kinds of lighting in the Building: ordinary working lighting and extraordinary lighting consisting of emergency lighting and evacuation lighting. Maintenance lighting through transformer feeder sockets of 220/36 V is stipulated in switchboards, ventilation chambers and pump houses.
For emergency lighting lams with built-in batteries (autonomous time — 1 hour) are used.
The control of lighting in the public zones is centralized and being executed from the dispatcher post. The lighting control for technical and office premises is local through switches. The feeding of emergency lighting is independent of ordinary working lighting and carried out from different sections of the main distributing switchboard.
The calculation of the required capacity for lighting switchboards is exercised taking into account ensuring of the following illumination levels in the premises:
The following minimal levels of illumination intensity are stipulated:
Offices and conference halls 500 lux on the working surface (0.8 m from the floor)
Information and computation units 500 lux on the working surface
Corridors in the office section 200 lux on the floor
Technical premises with mechanical equipment 200 lux on the floor
Switchboards 300 lux on the floor
Service corridors 150 lux on the floor
Toilets150-250 lux on the floor
Cloak-rooms 150 lux on the floor
In the office (administrative) premises it is supposed to use luminescent lamps (600x600) with a mirror screening grid of category 2, fixed into the hanging ceiling.
In the floor corridors the lighting is provided with fixed luminescent compact lamps 2x18 Watt.
Lamps for technical and storage premises, service corridors and other services sections are supposed to be of ceiling type with prismatic or opalescent diffuser. Linear luminescent lamps and glow lamps can be used.
Illumination in the remaining premises corresponds to standards СП 31-110-2003 and MGSN 2.06-99.
Power for outside lighting of the Building is stipulated in the Project.
 |  |
11.6. | Equipment producers |
 |  |  |
| Equipment | Potential producers |
 |  |  |
| Distribution switchboards | Schneider Electric |
 |  |  |
| Switching equipment | Schneider Electric |
 |  |  |
| Lighting device | Sonlux (Germany) |
 |  |  |
| Cable conduits | VVGng LS (ВВГнг LS) |
Redesign of this section is possible to transfer some of the energy consumers (floors) into category I with installation of the 5th main distributing switchboard in case of receiving of the Technical task (T3) from the Lessee and financing of certain project, construction-erection works.
 |  |
12. | Security technical system |
Complex technical system of security is used in the Building. It consists of guard signaling system (COC = GSS) and video access control system (СКУД =VACS) combined in the joint-program-instrument complex.
GSS is designed to detect a break through into the premises of the object or an attempt thereof and transfer of the warring signal to the round the clock guard post with further translation to the centralized control panel.
Video system is designed to control the situation on the object and along the perimeter thereof and to keep the coming information on the digital record unit.
VACS allows controlling the moving of employees and visitors through the guarded territory and to restrict the access to the premises of higher security.
The following is installed at the guard room: guard panel, VACS computer, equipment for video control and record, telephone.
At the reception desk the following is installed: GSS emergency button, warming system microphone panel, telephone.
 |  |
12.1. | Main principles of protection of the Building from the unauthorized access: |
 |  |  |
| • | during daytime the unauthorized access into the Building is permitted till tourniquets on the first floor; |
 |  |  |
| • | for a single access to lessees’ premises a visitor can get a guest card upon request of the inviting party; |
 |  |  |
| • | access into office and service premises is impossible; |
 |  |  |
| • | during the night the unauthorized access into the Building is impossible; |
 |  |  |
| • | all access paths into the Building are controlled with video cameras. |
 |  |
12.2. | Guard signaling system |
 |  |  |
| • | Guard signaling system consists of the following elements: |
 |  |  |
| • | Guard signaling panel with control unit. |
The following is equipped with the guard signaling system:
 |  |  |
| • | Entrances into the Building; |
 |  |  |
| • | The Building first floor perimeter; |
 |  |  |
| • | Entrance doors of the office premises from the elevator halls are equipped with the video access control system. |
Doors to the fire non-operated staircases and from the staircases outside are provided with ‘‘anti-panic’’ locks ensuring free exit of the staff outside in any emergency situation.
Alarm warning buttons are installed into reception desk and in the guard desks.
Server room is a space of higher security and protected by a magnetocontact indicator.
Guard indicators are combines to the guard panel integrated with other engineering systems through the interface line.
The main guard signaling panel is located in the guard room and connected to the system of the guard video control in such a way that the picture from the nearest video camera goes to a monitor in the guard room simultaneously through indicator impulse.
 |  |
12.3. | Video access control system |
The following is equipped with the video access control system:
 |  |  |
| • | Elevator hall and the first floor (either control system or access managing system is installed); |
 |  |  |
| • | Main premises with technological units and equipment for the Building maintenance (main distributing switchboards, transformer substation, UPS room, diesel generator, pump houses ventilation chambers, central heating desk, etc.). |
One-level VACS is designed in the Building, identification is exercised upon one feature — electronic key-card.
Car entrances into the Building are equipped with lifting gates or barriers and contactless card readers.
Both entrance and exit is controlled in the elevators.
 |  |
12.4. | Guard television system |
The following is equipped with the guard television system:
 |  |  |
| • | Perimeter of the Building; |
 |  |  |
| • | Entrances into the Building; |
 |  |  |
| • | Car entrances into the Building; |
Guard television system ensures round the clock control over key desks and recording of video information to magnetic carriers from all video cameras. If necessary, any camera can be shown to the guard monitor without recording breaking. Control monitors and recording units are located in the guard room. The cameras of main entrances into the Building are shown in the guard monitors for permanent control.
 |  |
13. | Communication system |
The Building is provided with the modern telecommunication facilities. The main feeder consists of two independent opto-fiber cables. Telecommunication services in the Building are provided by three operators.
 |  |
13.1. | Structured cable system |
Laying out of the structured cable system (СКС = SCS) is planned for providing the whole complex with the general telecommunication system including telephone communication, data transfer system (local computer net, connection to Internet). User net is executed as SCS.
Central communication room is set for installation of active and passive equipment.
 |  |
13.2. | Access to Internet |
Structural cable system of the Building is used for distribution of access to Internet. Active equipment of the commutation center is installed in the central commutation room.
 |  |
13.3. | Telephone communication system |
Telephone communication system includes the following elements:
 |  |  |
| • | Short-distance and long-distance telephone communication. |
 |  |
14. | Air TV receiving system |
MW and DMW (МВ и ДМВ) antennas are installed to provide receiving of air TV programs.
 |  |
15. | Authomatization and dispatcher system of the Building |
Authomatization and dispatcher system of the Building is based on the programmed logic controllers. Operation of the Building engineering systems and regulation of the technological processes is managed by means of controllers.
The system ensures control, regulation, management, blocking and protection from emergency regimes of the following technical equipment in the Building:
 |  |  |
| • | Inflow-exhaust ventilation and air conditioning; |
 |  |  |
| • | Power supply and lighting; |
Automatic systems operate independently, in case one of them breaks down.
 |  |
16. | Water supply and sewerage lines |
 |  |
16.1. | Industrial and drinking water supply |
Water supply source is the city water pipeline. There is a separate system of industrial and drinking water pipeline and that of fire-fighting water pipeline. Branch pipelines to automatic fire fighting are stipulated from the water pipeline inlet to the water gage unit.
 |  |
16.2. | Waste sewerage line |
Standpipes and main pipelines for waste water drainage from the planned sanitary zones for lessees are installed in the Building. Sanitary blocks and allocation of sanitary equipment therein ensures connection of sewerage line over the floor.
The net is a self-flowing system with outlets for the connection to the outside nets.
 |  |
16.3. | Rain sewerage line |
To the system of rain sewerage line belong:
 |  |  |
| • | Rain and thawed waters from the roof through heated drain cone-shaped pipe heads; |
 |  |  |
| • | Drainage waters from ventilation chambers and pump-houses with installation of drainage pumps in the pit-wells. |
 |  |
16.4. | Drainage sewerage line in the parking |
The system is designed for collection and drainage of water from the floor of the 4-level underground parking by switching on of the automatic fire fighting system.

 |  |  |  |
The Lessor: |  |  | The Lessee: |
|  |  | |
Name: Nikolay Nikolayevitch Rasskazov Position: General Director SS |  |  | Name: Alexandr Efimovich Rodnyansky Position: General Director SS |
Schedule No. 5
, (‘‘Lessor’’) and (‘‘Lessee) hereby confirm that the authorized representatives of the Lessee were granted access to the Premises for conduction of the Lessee’s Works on the basis of the Preliminary Contract on concluding agreements # dated , 2006 as of the date of signing of the present Act by the Lessor and the Lessee.
The Premises are transferred in the conditions described in Appendix 1 hereto.
The Parties agree on the following Defects, that the Lessor is obliged to recover.
[Defects] [to be filled upon signing]

 |  |  |  |
Lessor: |  |  | Lessor: |
Name: Position: SS |  |  | Name: Position: SS |
 | I agree with the above stated in the Act of Access. General Contractor |
 | [ ] |
 | Name: Position: Date: |
Schedule No. 6
 |  |
1. | Utility Services |
 |  |
1.1. | Power supply: |
 |  |  |
| – | power sypply system on temporary scheme; |
 |  |  |
| – | lighting system on temporary scheme. |
 |  |
1.2. | Water sypply: |
 |  |  |
| – | cold water supply system. |
 |  |
1.3. | Sewerage and waterpipe in full. |
 |  |
1.4. | Heating in full. |
 |  |
2. | Maintenance services: |
 |  |
2.1. | Elevator / elevating machine servicing. |
 |  |
2.2. | Removal of containers with construction waste from the territory ajourning the building. |
 |  |
2.3. | Security of the building for the construction period, direct ensuring of control–passing and inner–object regime is imposed to the security division exercising the following tasks: |
 |  |  |
| – | to accept under control in the idle time the construction site with the existing material values and property, |
 |  |  |
| – | to control the entrance and exit of persons, bringing-in and bringing-out of the material values and property to and from the construction site territory; |
 |  |  |
| – | to control the entrance and exit of vehicles, bringing-in and bringing-out of the material values and property to and from the construction site territory. |
Official rights and duties of the security division employees regarding the building and the territory protection shall be determied by the job istructions approved by the management of the security agency and agreed upon by the Profico business-center management. Responsibility for organization and quality of conducting service at the object shall be imposed to the security chief, to whom the division personnel is reporting.
 |  |
2.4. | Control-passing regime during construction and conduction of finishing works shall be the integral part of the genreal security and is introduced with the aim to: |
 |  |  |
| – | ensure sanctioned passage of construction companies’ employees, bringing–in (bringing–out) of the material values and property , systematic operation of the organization; |
 |  |  |
| – | prevent the uncontrolled passage of strangers and outside vehicles to the protected territory and to the building; |
 |  |  |
| – | duly reveal of threats to the organizations’ interests, as well as of potentially dangerous consitions facilitating material or moral damage; |
 |  |  |
| – | establish good guarantees of maintening the organizational stability if outer and inner relations of the organization, practice of the operational reaction meachanism to the threats and negative trends; |
 |  |  |
| – | suppresion of infridgements to the legal interests of the organizations. |

 |  |  |  |
The Lessor: |  |  | The Lessee: |
Name: Nikolay Nikolayevitch Rasskazov Position: General Director SS |  |  | Name: Alexandr Efimovich Rodnyansky Position: General Director SS |
Schedule No. 7
Schedule No. 8
COMPOSITION OF THE WORKING PROJECT accordance with the requirements of the Resolution of the major # 378-PM dated April 11, 2000, Regulations on the unified procedure of pre-project and project preparation of the construction in the city of Moscow, SNIP 11-01-95, MPP- approved by the Decree of the major of the city of Moscow # 294-PM dated 05.04.00 (in the 3rd edition), including:
1. Task for making project of initial materials for the project.
2. General explanatory note.
3. Architecture and construction solutions.
Explanatory note.
Main drawings (in variants):
 |  |  |
| – | floor plans of non-repeated floors M 1:100 (M 1:50, M 1:200); |
 |  |  |
| – | facades and sections M 1:100; |
 |  |  |
| – | constructive schemes (units-for non-traditional constructive solutions); |
 |  |  |
| – | main drawings of frameworks (as a part of the approved working documents). |
4. Working documents on engineering equipments and systems.
4.1. Cold water supply and air conditioning;
4.2. Ventilation;
4.3. Anti-smoke inflow ventilation;
4.4. Smoke removal;
4.5. Heat supply;
 |  |
4.6. | Heating; |
 |  |
4.7. | Water-pipeline and sewerage; |
 |  |
4.8. | Automatic sprinkler installations of water fire-extinguishing; |
 |  |
4.9. | Fire-fighting water pipeline; |
 |  |
4.10. | Electric power equipment; |
 |  |
4.11. | Electric lighting; |
 |  |
4.12. | Dispatching and engineering systems management (to the extent of Technical task); |
 |  |
4.13. | Automatic installing of foam extinguishing (Automatic system of gas fire extinguishing in accordance with a separate technical task); |
 |  |
4.14. | Signaling system and system of notifying of people upon fire; |
 |  |
4.15. | Automatic installing of fire alarm and automatics of fire-fighting measures; |
 |  |
4.16. | TV monitoring system; |
 |  |
4.17. | Telephone communication net and local computer net; |
 |  |
4.18. | City radio-transmission communication net; |
 |  |
4.19. | Broadcasting TV; |
 |  |
4.20. | Lower-voltage sewerage; |
5. Technological solutions.
 |  |
5.1. | Explanatory note. |
 |  |
5.2. | Floor plans with locations and specifications of technological equipment. |
 |  |
6. | Organization of the construction (Works Conduction Project). |
 |  |
7. | Joint estimated calculation of the construction cost. |
Paragraphs 2-7 shall be worked out and delivered to the Lessor to the extent as it is stipulated in Appendix 13 to # 378-PM dated April 11, 2000.

 |  |  |  |
The Lessor: |  |  | The Lessee: |
Name: Nikolay Nikolayevitch Rasskazov Position: General Director SS |  |  | Name: Alexandr Efimovich Rodnyansky Position: General Director SS |