Filed by Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. pursuant to Rule14a-12
Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Subject Company: Mellanox Technologies, Ltd.
Commission File No. of Subject Company:001-33299
On June 12, 2019, Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. published a notice regarding its Annual General Meeting as an advertisement in newspapers in Israel, an English translation of which follows.
(the “Company”)
Notice is hereby given that an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company will be held onThursday, July 25, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. (Israel time) (10:00 a.m. Eastern Time), at the Company’s office at 8B HaBarzel Street,Tel-Aviv, Israel6971012 (the “Annual General Meeting”). If within half an hour from the time appointed for the Annual General Meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting will stand adjourned for one week, at the same hour and place, without any notification to shareholders.
We are holding the Annual General Meeting for the following purposes:
1. | To elect the 10 directors named in the Proxy Statement (as defined below) to hold office until the Company’s 2020 annual general meeting, or until their respective successors have been elected and have qualified, or until their earlier death, resignation or removal; |
2. | To conduct an advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company’s named executive officers; |
3. | To approve the Fourth Amended and Restated Global Share Incentive Plan (2006), which amends and restates the Third Amended and Restated Global Share Incentive Plan (2006) to increase the number of ordinary shares reserved for issuance under such plan by an additional 1,960,000 shares to 6,427,000 shares and make certain other changes; |
4. | To approve certain changes to the annual retainer fees and equity awards to the Company’snon-employee directors; |
5. | To approve the Company’s revised compensation philosophy; |
6. | To appoint Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer, the Israel-based member of Ernst & Young Global, as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019 and to authorize the Company’s audit committee to determine the Company’s accounting firm’s fiscal 2019 remuneration in accordance with the volume and nature of their services; and |
7. | To transact any other business as may properly come before the meeting, including providing management’s report on the Company’s business for the year ended December 31, 2018 (including discussion regarding the Company’s 2018 consolidated financial statements), or any adjournment or postponement of the meeting; |
Pursuant to Section 182 of the Israeli CompaniesLaw-1999 and Regulation 7 of the Israeli Companies Regulations (Relief for Companies whose Securities are Listed on a Stock Exchange Outside of Israel), 5760-2000, the record date for the entitlement of a shareholder to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting is the close business day of June 17, 2019.
The items of business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting are fully described in the preliminary proxy statement relating to the Annual General Meeting filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on June 11, 2019, a copy of which is available free of charge on the SEC’s website at or at (the “Proxy Statement”). The definitive proxy statement with respect to the Annual General Meeting and any solicitation materials will be filed with the SEC and will be available free of charge in the SEC’s website at or at
It should be clarified that the provisions of the Israeli Companies Regulations (Notice and Announcement of a General Meeting and a Class Meeting in Public Companies and Adding Subjects to the Agenda), 5760-2000, with respect to the publication of notices in Israeli newspapers are not applicable to the Company.
Mellanox Technologies, Ltd.